Readiness Matters Members: • Robert Crawford, WVDE • Sallie Dalton, Superintendent Greenbrier County • Cathy Shank, RESA 3 Adult Basic Education Coordinator.

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Transcript Readiness Matters Members: • Robert Crawford, WVDE • Sallie Dalton, Superintendent Greenbrier County • Cathy Shank, RESA 3 Adult Basic Education Coordinator.

Readiness Matters
• Robert Crawford, WVDE
• Sallie Dalton, Superintendent Greenbrier
• Cathy Shank, RESA 3 Adult Basic Education
• Kenji Hakuta, Co-chair of Understanding Language, Stanford University
• Kati Haycock, President Education Trust, James Johnson, Director of
Urban Investment Strategies Center, UNC
• Madga Chia, Director of Support for Under-Represented Students,
Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium
• David Coleman President, College Board
• Chief academic officers from various public school systems including
New York, Denver, Nashville, Texas, and Georgia
• Other National investors including SREB National Council of LaRaza and
the Hunt Institute
Work Session One
What are the EL demographics for our state? What do we have in
common with other states and what makes our context unique?
What facts or numbers are important to include in goals for
Are key stakeholders in our state aware of EL demographics and
achievement levels and what is needed to address challenges we
have in or state as we do this?
How are we working to make EL achievement a priority at the state
and local levels? What are some advantages and challenges we have
in our state as we do this?
Do leadership teams and decision making bodies at the state and
local level include representation from those with expertise in this
area? Which organizations, officials and stakeholders have been or
need to be involved?
Work Session 2
1. How is our state ensuring that assessment
systems are accessible to ELs?
2. What initiatives are underway in our state,
districts, schools and communities to ensure that
educators and leaders have the tools they need
to serve ELs well?
3. How are we collaborating with parents and
communities in promoting CCR reform? In
promoting the value of students’ home
languages and cultures?
Work Session 3
1. How has our state coordinated work on our
CCR content standards and assessments with
work on our ELP standards and assessments?
2. What have been our efforts at the state and
local levels to communicate information
about our new standards and assessments
with parents and the public?