MULTIPLE CAMPUS MASTER PLAN   LEADERS  John Barrett  Dave Morlock GOALS  Put together a team & process to develop a University Facilities.

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Transcript MULTIPLE CAMPUS MASTER PLAN   LEADERS  John Barrett  Dave Morlock GOALS  Put together a team & process to develop a University Facilities.

 John Barrett
 Dave Morlock
 Put together a team & process to develop a University Facilities Master Plan that
aligns with the University’s mission of being a nationally prominent public
metropolitan research university.
 Identify consultants to help develop the plan to better utilize space, with end goal of
reducing space footprint by at least 15%
 Gather room/space/building utilization data to inform decisions
 Consider changes since last BOT approved Master Plan, involving all of UT’s
 Develop student housing strategy
 Prepare plan for athletics space needs and its use of space at the Scott Park Campus
 Develop Multiple Campus Master Parking Plan
 University of Toledo Long Range Facilities Master Plan March 2005
 MUO 5yr Tactical Ambulatory Space Plan October 2005
 MUO 5yr Tactical Laboratory & Core Lab Space Plan March 2006
 Last Facilities Condition Analysis completed in March 2012
1. Internal strategy/goals meetings
2. Issue RFQ for Master Planning Consultant
3. Update Facilities Condition Analysis
4. Shortlist/interview/select Master Planning Consultant
5. Conduct Master Planning Initiative
6. Initiate work on Master Plan Implementation
 Determination on how inclusive the process should be.
o Top-down vs. Bottom-up
o Internal vs. External stakeholders
 Formalize assumptions guiding master plan
 Follow-up discussions (with President Nagi/John Barrett/Dave Morlock prior to
issuing RFQ)
 Review/update SLT
 Present to Board of Trustees Officers
1. Assume planning is comprehensive (all campuses, academic, clinical, research,
student life, athletics).
2. Assume planning horizon is 10 years.
3. Assume plan must be flexible to accommodate UT staying agile in responding to
dynamic higher education environment, challenging health care marketplace, and
changing economic conditions (including reality of declining state support).
4. Assume increased space utilization (i.e. place higher priority on space utilization vs.
preference on time/day for course offerings.)
5. Assume up to 15% reduction in space which represents 1.2M SF
6. Assume an average 2% enrollment increase annually for next 5-10yrs
7. Assume increasing percentage of credits will be earned via on-line or blended
8. Assume no new construction that produces additional square footage (*unless funded
thru grants, philanthropy or elsewhere)
9. Assume at least one Res Life facility will be closed and possibly demolished.
10. Assume UT remains in the Res Life business at least to the point where facilities
need to be maintained.
11. Assume patient care activities continue at Health Science Campus to the point where
facilities need to be maintained.
12. Assume on-campus parking plan will not include new elevated parking structures
within the time frame of this plan.
13. Assume available funding will limit extent and schedule of capital projects UT will
be able to undertake, so prioritization based on strategic impact will be important.
 F&C develops draft RFQ
o Include description of process and those involved for providing input and those
who will be decision-makers.
o Include basic campus data
o Include planning assumptions
o Include timeline for project
o Include scoring matrix for short-listing
 D. Morlock and J. Barrett approve RFQ
 F&C issues RFQ and responds to questions
 F&C receive responses within 4 to 6 weeks of issuance of RFQ
 Engage Sightlines, LLC for…
o ROPA + (Return-On-Physical-Assets)
 Operational Effectiveness
 Annual Stewardship
 Asset Reinvestment
 Benchmarking with peer institutions
o Building Portfolio Solutions - Identify facilities deferred maintenance and lifecycle needs
 Review RFQ responses in order to shortlist firms to interview – 3wks
o F&C coordinates short-listing process
o D. Morlock and J. Barrett review results and approve short-list (typically 3 firms)
 Announce shortlisted firms
o F&C sends additional info on UT to short-listed firms
 Site plans
 Space data
 Latest facilities condition analysis
 ADA survey (being completed for Main Campus)
 Allow shortlisted firms to prepare for interviews – 2wks
 Interview shortlisted firms
o Interview Team
 D. Morlock or designee(s)
 J. Barrett or designee(s)
 Matt Schroeder - UT Foundation
 J. Toth
 D. Klett
 N. Hogrefe
 Select and negotiate contract with Master Planning Consultant
 Hire Master Planning Consultant
 Expect 15 + months to complete. Duration depends on how inclusive the process is,
coordination with academic calendar, and providing timely information to the
 Activities during this time period:
o Orientation/Goal Setting (1 mo)
o Data Collection & Review (4-6 mo)
 Space, Site, Infrastructure
o Data Analysis/Target Space Needs (2-3 mo)
o Alternate Master Plan Concepts (3-4 mo)
o Recommended Master Plan Concept (2-3 mo)
o Implementation Strategy (3-4 mo)
 Sequencing, Scheduling, Funding
 Review/Gather Input
UT Foundation
Faculty Senate
Graduate Council
Student Government
Working Groups
 Academics (Office of Enrollment, Colleges, Deans)
 Athletics
 Clinical
 Facilities
 IT
 Research
 Student Life
 Decision Makers
CEO UTMC/Exec VP UT (D. Morlock)
Provost (J. Barrett)
 Complete Final Master Plan for BOT Approval
 Walker Parking Consultants hired in September 2014 to complete a campus wide
parking study.
 Walker Parking Consultants to provide final report prior by end of January 2015.
Report to be organized into three major components as follows:
o Parking Operations
o Physical Parking Conditions & Future Expectations
o Privatization of Parking (P3 Model or Public Private Partnership)
 Phase 1 Operational Implementation Plan ($0 capital expenditure)
o Current Plan for dealing with Fall 2015 parking needs
 Students in new Honors Academic Village to fall under current policy Freshman to park at Scott Park Campus, Upper Classman in lots 25 & 26
 Phase 2 Operational Implementation Plan (Capital expenditure will be required)
o UT to consider defining a zoned parking plan with tiered payment options with plan
to implement by Fall 2016
 Series of Engagements over 4 year period
 Estimated cost for Master Planning Consultant $750K to $1M