Thriving Youth: Connected Community Asset Survey BOARD OF SELECTMEN – JUNE 4, 2012

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Transcript Thriving Youth: Connected Community Asset Survey BOARD OF SELECTMEN – JUNE 4, 2012

Thriving Youth: Connected Community
Asset Survey
Background Information: What Is A Developmental Asset?
The Developmental Assets® are 40 common sense, positive experiences and qualities
that help influence choices young people make and help them become caring,
responsible, successful adults.” Source: Search Institute
External assets: Positive developmental experiences that surround youth with:
Boundaries and Expectations
Opportunities for constructive use of time
Internal assets: Young person’s own commitments, values, and competencies. Include
the following categories:
Commitment to learning
Positive values
Social competencies
Positive identity
Survey Says……
Last November, 1830 students in grades 7 through 12, anonymously filled out the
Asset Development survey. The results contain important insights about the young
people in our community regarding the challenges they face and the internal
strengths and the external supports to overcome those challenges.
 Do students feel they are pushed too hard?
 Do they have adults they look up to?
 Do students feel they have boundaries at home? In school?
 Do they participate in risky behaviors (alcohol, tobacco, marijuana,
truancy, eating disorders)? How does that change from 7th to 12th grade?
 Do the students feel they can restrain themselves from those behaviors?
How does that change from 7th to 12th grade?
The Power to Protect: The Power to Promote:
Correlation Between Assets and Risky
Correlation Between Assets and Thriving
Success in School in Blue
Good Health in Red
Community Values Youth
How much do you agree or disagree with the following?
 Adults in my town make me feel important
 Adults in my town listen to what I have to say
 Adults in my town don’t care about people my age. In my town, I feel like I matter
to people
Adult Role Models
How much do you agree or disagree with the following?
 My parents spend a lot of time helping other people
How many adults have you known for two or more years who...?
 Spend a lot of time helping other people
 Do things that are wrong or dangerous
How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following?
 It is against my values to drink alcohol while I am a teenager
 It is against my values to have sex while I am a teenager
Planning and Decision Making
Think about the people who know you well. How do you think they would rate
you on each of these?
 Thinking through the possible good and bad results of different choices
before I make decisions
 Being good at planning ahead
Heavier Use of Substances
In Past 30 Days
Largest increases
Between grades
8-9 and 11-12.
11th grade is low.
Rx use increasing.
In the past 30 days, have used the following 6 days or more:
Tobacco, Alcohol, Marijuana, Prescription drug w/o own Rx
Past 30-Day Use of Substances
Connecticut towns compared (7,369 youth, 2009-2011):
Westport, Wilton, Glastonbury, Cheshire, Lyme-Old Lyme,
Newtown, Madison
Associations Between Substance Use
And Perceptions of Personal Harm
& Parental Disapproval
As kids get older, their disapproval and their perception of their parents’
disapproval of substance use decreases and usage increases.