بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم Ministry of Ministers Central Bureau of Statistics CBS The Base of a Sound Decision.

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Transcript بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم Ministry of Ministers Central Bureau of Statistics CBS The Base of a Sound Decision.

ميحرلا نمحرلا الله مسب

Ministry of Ministers

Central Bureau of Statistics


The Base of a Sound Decision

Gender Statistics and Millennium Goals

Presented by: Somaia Khalid Elkhair Director of Field work Operation Fifth Population Census


Population Density


Largest Country in Africa Population Average population density Density: Krt State Northern State 2.5 mio km² 25 mio person 9.8 person/km² 169 person/km² 3 person/km² Area of Sudan Agricultural Land Non- Agricultural Land Forests Population density (respect to Agricultural Land) 600 mio Feddan 200 mio Feddan 180 mio Feddan 220 mio Feddan 26.5 person/km²

Age distribution of Population

3 Age groups: 1. Childhood 2. Youth (0 – 14 years) (15 – 60 years) 3. Elderly Significant increase in the % of population 1. Childhood: 41.5% ( out of total population ) (> 60 years) [ Total Fertility Rate 5.6] Needs specific strategies for: Health & Education 2. Youth: 3. Elderly: 54.4% (out of total population) 4.06 % (out of total population) Life expectancy: male: 52.5 years females: 55.5 years

Occupational Distribution 4 th Census 1993 60.7% of Labor force from the Northern States: Agriculture Hunting Forestry Urban population are working in Agriculture Rural Area population are working in Agriculture 12.4% 81.5%

Normal for 1993

Agriculture: 41.3% from GDP Economically active working in Agriculture: Service Sector 2 nd : 13.8% males 53.5% females 79.7%



Millenium Development Goals

Sudan NDGs Report 2004 The Report covered the 8 Goals of the Millenium 6 Goals were directly concerning the status of women Sudan signed the Millenium declaration among 189 countries (2000)

Goal 1 Eradication of extreme Poverty & Hunger

According to MoH Malnutrition: Sudan 26% North 19.5% South 32.4% Ministry of Social Affairs supports certain population sectors: Women Orphans Students Through: El Zakka Productive Family Programm Supervised by: Savings & Social Development Bank National Programm for Graduates Self Employment


Goal 1 Eradication of extreme Poverty & Hunger

Information about Poverty in Sudan Knowledge of poverty level in Household Survey Study [Conducted in Northern States] Household Budget Survey 1978 Poverty line survey 1992 Poverty Line Detailed Knowledge of Income & Expeditor Poverty Indicators (Food, Drinking, Housing, Clothing, Transportation, Education, Health)

Family Sector: Cont.

Goal 1 Eradication of extreme Poverty & Hunger

Sectors that need special Attention

12% are female Headed Household Widows & Divorced: Widows : Widowers 14 : 1 Divorced Women : Divorced Men 2.5 : 1 Women constitute: Labor Force: Admin. & Managerial Jobs Clergical Jobs 36% 5% 70%

Goal 2 Achieve Universal Primary Education

Ensuring completion of basic education for both sexes [2015]

Education (10 years): 1956: Males: 23% Females: 4% 1993: Males: 66% Females: 42% Increase in Education for both sexes: 57% (1998) 59.6% (2004) Difference between sexes decreased

Goal 3

Promoting Gender Equality & Empowering Women

Eleminating Gender Disparity in Education at all levels

Women in Parliament: 4.9% (1980) 9.7% (2004) Most important Recommendations: Enhanced Women Education Strengthening Women’s economic capacity Enhance & provide women Health Services

Goal 4

Reducing Child Mortality

Reduced by 2/3 from 1990 - 2015

Decrease in Infant Mortality (10 years): 77 Deaths/1000 Life Births (1989North) Decrease in < 5 year Mortality: Attention should be paid to: 68 Deaths/1000 Life Births (1999 North) 150 Deaths/1000 Life Births (2001 South) 134 Deaths/1000 Life Births (1989 North) 105 Deaths/1000 Life Births (1999 North) 250 Deaths/1000 Life Births (2001 South) Primary Health Care Hospital Based Care

Goal 5

Improve Maternal Health Attention should be paid to 3 Indicators: Maternal Mortality Family Planning Increase in Professionally Assisted Labor

Goal 5

Improve Maternal Health

First Indicator: Maternal Mortality

↓ Maternal Mortality (10 years): 537 Deaths/100,000 Life Births (1989 North) 509 Deaths/100,000 Life Births (1990 North) A Study estimated Another Study estimated Millenium Goals for 2015 ↓ to: 400 800 Deaths/100,000 Life Births (south) 1,700 Deaths/100,000 Life Births (south) 140 Deaths/100,000 Life Births (2015) Actual Expectations in Sudan: 250 Deaths/100,000 Life Births (2015)

Goal 5

Improve Maternal Health

Family Planning 1999

Women at reproductive age (15 – 49) using contraceptive methods: North: South: 7% Current users 21% ever users < 1% Reduced use of contraceptive methods High Total Fertility rate (5.9)

Goal 5

Improve Maternal Health

Increase in Professionally Assisted Labor

Save Motherhood survey 1999 (North) Place of delivery: Public Hosp. & Primary Healthcare Centers Private Hospitals & Clinics Home 12.2% 1.3% 86% Delivery Facilitator: Untrained Midwives Trained Midwives Relatives Traditional Birth Atendants Doctors 44% 31% 20% 6.8% 5.8%

Goal 6

Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria & Other Diseases


SMS 1999: Ever heard of HIV/AIDS (W.15-49) Females (15 – 19) ever heard of AIDS 30% Rural Population heard about AIDS 28% Urban Areas heard about AIDS Women in Krt heard about AIDS West Darfur heard about AIDS 71% 82.7% 13% 43%

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Availability of treatment: Pts treated per year: 47 Teaching Hospitals 36,000 patients

Goal 6

Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria & Other Diseases


Patients with malaria Deathes due to Malaria 7.5 mio 35,000 No problems in treating malaria pts in Hospitals Treatment in private sector needs improvement

Goal 6

Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria & Other Diseases

Tuberculosis (TB)

Sudan 3 rd after Pakistan & Afghanistan TB pts: North: 180 / 100,000 population South: 325 / 100,000 population TB constitutes: 12% of Hospital Pts TB pts that have AIDS: 6%

Goal 7

Ensuring Environmental Sustainability

Preservation & Management of Forests & Wildlife Resources

By ensuring: Fertile Agricultural Land Securing Drinking Water Proper Removal of Manufacturing Wastes Sanitation Facilities Recommendations: 50% ↓ of population without acess to safe drinking water (2015) Water pipes inside Houses 23.3% Water supply outside Houses Water from Wells 10.7% 44.8% 1993 Improvement of living conditions of people living on illegal grounds

Goal 8

Global Partnership in Development We Have to: Deal with the Dept Problem Adapt new Technologies Provide acess to affordable essential Drugs (Local production of 75% of essential Drugs[5 years] Encouraging Medicinal Plant Research

Source of Data

Final Report 4 th Census 1993 (CBS) Population Projection 2005 (CBS) Sudan Report for Millenium Goals (Dec. 2004) Save Motherhood survey 1999 Poverty Line survey 1992 (CBS) (CBS)