Information Technology Improvement Plan J. Brice Bible Chief Information Officer Ohio University June 28, 2007

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Transcript Information Technology Improvement Plan J. Brice Bible Chief Information Officer Ohio University June 28, 2007

Information Technology
Improvement Plan
J. Brice Bible
Chief Information Officer
Ohio University
June 28, 2007
Where Do We Go From Here?
75 Day Plan (April 15 to July 1)
• Organizational Review and Realignment
• Budget Review and Plan (FY08)
• Governance Model (ITAC and Advisory Groups)
• Gartner Infrastructure and Staffing Plan
• Prepare for FY08 (OHIO IT Strategic Plan)
FY08 Key Activities
• Create Vision Ohio IT Plan
• Implement Gartner Recommendations (Year 1)
• Align Central-Distributed IT Responsibilities for
Improved Efficiencies and Services
• Allocate New Funds Toward Top Priorities
• Create and Implement IT Security Framework
June 28, 2007
Office of Information Technology
Gartner Findings
• OIT is significantly
• OIT is significantly
• Performance not
sustainable without
• Outsourcing currently
not cost effective
June 28, 2007
Office of Information Technology
OHIO IT Spending vs. Peers
$7.4M Annually
Below Bottom
25% of University
17.2 FTEs Below
Bottom 25% of
University Peers
All Organizations
All Organizations
University Peers
University Peers
University (Bottom
University (bottom
60% Below Organization Average for
Comparable Workload
42% Below University Average
56.7 FTEs
Below Average
of University
$15.4M Annually
Below Average
of University
All Organizations
All Organizations
University Peers
University Peers
University (bottom
University (Bottom
60% Below Organization Average for
Comparable Workload
42% Below University Average
Office of Information Technology
November 6, 2015
Establish a New Identity
Office of Information Technology (OIT)
The Office of Information Technology (OIT)
Mission Statement
To ensure modern, reliable, secure, and customer-oriented
information technology services and solutions are available to
advance the academic mission and objectives of Ohio
• Provide a robust and secure information infrastructure
• Provide customer-oriented and integrated applications and
• Provide transparent and measurable management practices
June 28, 2007
Office of Information Technology
OIT Organization
Chief Information
June 28, 2007
Customer Support
Application and
Business Services
and Special
IT Recruiting,
Retention, and
Systems and
Office of Information Technology
Establish Governance Model and
Customer Involvement
IT Advisory Council (ITAC) - The ITAC is a Presidentially-approved committee
whose primary charge is to support the CIO in upholding the principles of Vision Ohio
Functional Support Committees – Customer-oriented support committees focused
on specific IT issues.
• Student Advisory Group
• Technology Architecture Council
• Faculty Senate IT Committee
• Administrative Technology Advisory Group
June 28, 2007
Office of Information Technology
Anecdotal Customer Observations by CIO
(First 2 Months)
Blackboard account for continuing education courses
Email assignment for admitted students
Web hosting service
Server hosting service
Server security standardization policy
URL acquisition and management (org, etc)
Grad student printing quota
Increase email quota
Ensure the unlikelyhood of an outage similar to last Fall
Simple mapped storage drive for all
Identity management
AD enhancement plan between central and distributed IT
Telephone cost model improvements – don’t charge too much for handsets
Eliminate desktop service call charge
Provide easy support for DNS entry changes
Eliminate charge for static IPs
Improve wireless connections in the dorms
Simplify software distribution
Assist Baker Center with scheduling system
Enable Blackberries to work seamlessly with email
Integrate email and calendar
Provide better grant expense reporting
Integrate email system compatible with data phones and office products
Centrally-support online course evaluation
Faculty CV management system
Etc, etc, etc…
June 28, 2007
Customer Input
Into IT
Office of Information Technology
IT Priority Areas
Key Priority Areas:
• Infrastructure Modernization and Stability
• Service Enhancements and Improvements
Priorities and policies are subject to
review and governance by the
Information Technology Advisory
Council (ITAC).
June 28, 2007
Office of Information Technology
IT Priority #1: Infrastructure
Modernization and Stability (1 of 3)
• Network Infrastructure
LAN Robustness, Redundancy, Flexibility, Capacity, and Security
10Gb Core, 10Gb to Buildings, 100Mb to users, Redundant Routing
Continuation of Rewiring Plan
Network Access Control and Security
New Resources: Staffing (firewall and network engineers),
Routers, Switches and Training
• Computer Systems
Storage and Server Standardization and Modernization
Create Enterprise Storage Architecture
Replace Aging Servers with Unix and Linux Architecture Solutions
Seamless and Secure Identity Management Architecture
New Resources: Staffing (system engineers and administrators)
and Systems
June 28, 2007
Office of Information Technology
IT Priority #1: Infrastructure
Modernization and Stability (2 of 3)
• Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
Develop IT Business Continuity Plan (Risk Acceptance)
Define and Execute Backup and Disaster Recovery Plan (OSU, Second
Data Center)
Update Data Center Environmental Reliability (UPS, Cooling, etc)
Complete Business Impact Analysis (BIA) for OIT provided services
New Resources: Facilities and Systems
• Information Technology Security
Regulatory and Legal Compliance (HIPAA, GLB, CALEA, Audit, etc)
IT Staff Training and Certifications
Campus Awareness and Training Programs
Forensics, Monitoring, Copyright, and Analysis Tools
IT Security Framework and Policies
New Resources: Staffing, Training, Marketing, and Systems
June 28, 2007
Office of Information Technology
IT Priority #1: Infrastructure
Modernization and Stability (3 of 3)
• Customer Support Services
Single Point of Contact (ITIL Service Model)
Problem Resolution and Tracking System
Campus Zone Support
Managed Desktop Support Environment (academic-friendly model)
Campus-Wide “Go Mobile” (laptop program) Support Infrastructure
New Resources: Staffing, Systems, and Training
Program Management
• Program Management Office (PMO) to Track Projects, Progress, and
• Process Management Coordination to Ensure Service Reliability and
• New Resources: Staffing and Training
June 28, 2007
Office of Information Technology
IT Priority #2: Service and Application
Improvements (1 of 2)
Financial and HR Administrative Systems
• Implement Solutions from BPR Study
• Create Position Management Solution
• Enhance Oracle e-Business Suite of Products (Based on Customer Survey
• New Resources: Staffing (Oracle DBA, etc)
Data Warehousing and Reporting
• Provide Decision Support Tools in Coordination with RCB and Institutional
• New Resources: Staffing and Analytical Tools
Student Information System (SIS)
• Acquire and Implement Fully-Integrated and Web-Based SIS
• Conduct Campus Readiness Assessment
• Develop State Institution Partnerships
• New Resources: Staffing (contract), Software, Systems, Integration Partner,
Facilities, and Training
June 28, 2007
Office of Information Technology
IT Priority #2: Service and Application
Improvements (2 of 2)
Departmental Solutions
Support College and Departmental Applications Needs (ex: Faculty CV System, Student
Course Evaluation, etc)
New Resources: Staffing, Software, and Systems
Academic and Instructional Technologies
Upgrade and Enhance Blackboard Releases
Facilitate Faculty Evaluation and Selection of Additional Instructional Services (e-Portfolio,
Assessment, etc)
Support Asynchronous and Synchronous Classroom Tools
Reallocate Current Resources to Instructional Design and Technology Support
Provide Web Services for Campus
Provide Lab Consolidation Services
New Resources: Hardware, Software, and Staffing
Collaboration Tools
Survey Faculty, Staff, and Students on Collaboration and Communication Capability Needs
Email, calendaring, shared storage (mapped drives), IM, etc
Procure and Implement Selected Solutions
New Resources: Hardware, Software, Staffing, and Training
June 28, 2007
Office of Information Technology
Student Information System Update
Board Approved $4M Start-up Phase Last FY
Software Selection Committee Evaluation Complete (June 2007)
PeopleSoft Software Recommendation
IT Infrastructure NOT Ready to Begin Implementation
Recommended Next Phase – Readiness Assessment
Pursue and Develop Possible State Alliances
Determine Project Team Staffing Requirements (Technical and Functional)
Appoint Project Management Team
Develop Detailed Project Costing
Ensure IT Improvement Plan Requirements Underway
Determine Sources and Availability of Funding for Entire Project
Four State Universities Using Same SIS Solution
All at Approximately Same Step in Implementation Process
Provide Detailed Proposal for Board of Trustees in Fall 2007
June 28, 2007
Office of Information Technology
Proposed IT Improvement Funding Strategy
• Based on the Gartner Report and OU assessment, Central IT needs $7-$10M in
additional funding to provide stable, reliable, and secure IT services
• Board of Trustees require rapid improvements
• President and Campus demand better IT service and enhanced information security
• Set target goal of $8M in additional base IT funding over five years
• Ramp-up with $5M over first three years (Phase 1)
• Establish progress measurement criteria and conduct quarterly reviews
• Conduct program evaluation after Year 1 and create/revise into “rolling” two year plan
June 28, 2007
Office of Information Technology
Allocation of New Funding
3 Year Ramp-up Plan to $5M Annually
Initiative (In Priority Order)
Critical Staffing and Training
Computer Systems Modernization
Network Infrastructure Upgrade
Disaster Recovery and Security
Faculty Computer Refresh Program
Academic Technology Solutions
Data Warehousing and Reporting Tools
Collaboration Tools (email, etc)
Year 1
Annual Baseline Increase
Finance and HR System Enhancements
Student Information System (SIS)
June 28, 2007
Year 2
Year 3
11 Positions
8 Positions
5 Positions
Office of Information Technology
Twenty-Four (24) Critical IT Staff Additions
(Over Three Years)
Director, Systems & Operations
Lead DBA
Director, Customer Support Services
DBAs (2)
Director, Infrastructure
Network Administrator (2)
Director, Information Tech Security
Service Administrator (2)
Program Mgmt Officer
Network Engineer
Infrastructure & Storage Administrator
Security Analyst
Unix Administrator (2)
OS Programmer (2)
Windows Administrator (Departmental
applications, etc)
Data Warehouse Architect
Applications Analyst
Blackboard System Administrator
Blackboard Applications Administrator
24 Positions (Base + Benefits)
Training & Development
Market Adjustments
Total Recurring Funding
June 28, 2007
Increases Infrastructure Staffing to 92 FTE
• Within 2.5 FTE of Bottom 25% of
Peers (Gartner Report)
• Still 42 FTE Below Peer Average
Office of Information Technology
Improvement Plan Hardware/Systems (3 Years)
Network Upgrade
Fiber Plant Upgrade and Dual Core Installation - Years 1 and 2
Central Buildings Cutover – Year 3
Remaining Building Connections to New Network - Years 4-7
Computer Systems Improvements
Enterprise Storage – Years 1 and 2 (Distributed Storage Centralization)
Server Replacement – Year 2 (Distributed Computer Systems Centralization and Security)
Identity Management – Years 2 and 3
Backup/Recovery (DR) and Security Enhancements – Years 1 and 2
Critical Staffing (as defined earlier) – Years 1, 2, and 3
Faculty Computer Refresh Program – Year 2
Academic Technologies
Blackboard Software Upgrade – Year 1
Software and Service Enhancements (Asynchronous, Open Source) – Years 2 and 3
Data Warehousing
Decision Support Tools – Year 2
Collaboration Tool Improvements
Exchange Email/Calendar Pilot Project – Year 1
Email/Calendar Production System – Year 2
June 28, 2007
Office of Information Technology
Proposed Accomplishments for First Year
(Metrics and Measurements)
Network Infrastructure Upgrade
Complete New Network Design and Detailed Budget Plan
Begin Core Hardware Procurement Effort
Computer Systems Improvements
Design, Procure, and Implement Enterprise Storage Architecture
Design Enterprise Server Architecture
IT Security Improvements
Develop Security Framework Plan and Create Data Classification Policy
Conduct Identity Management Assessment
Implement Disaster Recovery Service for SIS
Critical Staffing
Recruit and Hire First Round of Critical Staff Positions
Ensure Performance Reviews are Conducted for all OIT Employees
Academic Technologies
Complete Upgrade to Current Version of Blackboard
Provide Faculty Assessment Opportunity of New Blackboard Modules
Collaboration Tool Improvements
Conduct Exchange Email/Calendar Pilot Project with OU-COM
June 28, 2007
Office of Information Technology
IT Infrastructure Life-Cycle Refresh Plan
Establish TCO (Life-Cycle) Models for Core Infrastructure Services:
Computer Systems:
Networks and Telephone Systems
Computer Systems
Enterprise Applications
Desktop and Lab Computers
Components: Storage, Servers, IdM, Backup, DR, Email, Middleware, etc
Value: $5M
Replacement Cycle: 5 Years (Typ)
Replacement Annual Fund Base - $1M ($500k in existing budget)
Network Infrastructure:
Components: Routers, Switches, Network Security, etc
Value: $10M
Replacement Cycle: 6 Years
Ramp up to $1.6M Annually ($600k available)
June 28, 2007
6, 2015
Office of Information Technology
Progress on Original 20 Point Plan
1. Implementing a perimeter firewall
2. Monitoring network activity to identify attempted intrusions.
3. Conducting an IT risk assessment
4. Classifying data by the level of security required
5. Completing the installation of Active Directory (Authentication System)
6. Developing an enterprise-wide security architecture
Strategy and Process
7. Developing policies and procedures for enterprise-wide IT
8. Implementing practices designed to prevent security problems, including
network segmentation, virus and spyware detection.
9. Reducing the use of Social Security numbers and encrypting those that
are required
10. Implementing processes to monitor security and assure compliance
11. Developing a strategic plan for Information Technology
12. Assuring "business continuity" for network and systems operations
13. Creating a security administration framework
14. Inventorying IT applications and information assets across the University
Organization and Governance
15. Restructuring the central IT organization in order to establish clear roles
16. Hiring additional security staff
17. Conduct an IT skills assessment to identify IT training and development
18. Establishing a project management team within the central IT office
19. Improving communications with stakeholders
20. Restructure the IT Leadership Council
June 28, 2007
Office of Information Technology
Central-Distributed IT Alliance
• Focus on Four Areas of Joint Support:
Server Administration
Application Management
Desktop Support
Computer Lab Management
• Verify Approach Through Pilot Projects
• Finance and Administration
• College of Arts and Sciences
• College of Engineering
• Use Central IT Stabilization Approach
June 28, 2007
Office of Information Technology
• Continued Focus on Stability and Security
• Established Scalable Organization (OIT)
• $8M Annually Needed to Stabilize IT Operations
$5M Annually Over Three Years Provides Rapid Improvement Ramp-Up
Detailed First Year Plan Includes Metrics to Monitor Performance
• New Governance Model In Place (ITAC)
• Central-Distributed IT Alliance Underway
• SIS Selection Completed
Infrastructure Stabilization First
Readiness Assessment Underway
June 28, 2007
Office of Information Technology