Professional Science Master’s Degree: Background and Overview Employer Perspective Council of Graduate Schools Professional Science Master’s (PSM) Degree An innovative degree that:  Prepares graduates for science.

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Transcript Professional Science Master’s Degree: Background and Overview Employer Perspective Council of Graduate Schools Professional Science Master’s (PSM) Degree An innovative degree that:  Prepares graduates for science.

Professional Science Master’s
Degree: Background and
Employer Perspective
Council of Graduate Schools
Professional Science
Master’s (PSM) Degree
An innovative degree that:
 Prepares graduates for science careers in
business, government, or non-profit sectors.
 Combines rigorous study in science or
mathematics with employer-oriented coursework
in business, management, policy,
communications, law, or other fields - “Science
Why the PSM?
 Employers want personnel with advanced science skills
but not necessarily a PhD.
 PLUS, PSMs provide unique skills that employers need:
Interdisciplinary teamwork, flexibility, and leadership
Project management
Computational skills
Communication ability
Basic business skills
Legal and Regulatory issues
How is the PSM Different?
 Emphasizes the written and verbal communication
skills, leadership, and team-building required in
professional settings.
 More science (and math) than MBA; more professional
skills than a traditional science master’s degree.
 Includes project or team experience vs. thesis: real
world experience.
 Provides connections to potential employers through
internships and employer/industry advisory boards.
Program Examples
PSM programs are interdisciplinary in fields such as:
Forensic Science
Financial Mathematics
Environmental Science
Analytical Chemistry
Applied Systematics
Science Entrepreneurship
Genetic Counseling
PSM students:
Seek interdisciplinary careers.
Thrive in team-oriented environments.
Seek career advancement.
Desire to work in emerging areas of science and
scientific discovery.
 Find excitement in bringing scientific discovery
to commercial reality.
What Can PSMs Provide
 Productive employees on day one.
 Cross-disciplinary education
• Science, Math, Computation, and Business
• Project Management
• Team Building.
 Flexibility to changing industry demands.
 Career advancement for existing workforce.
 Technically trained cadre of workers for local and
regional industry.
Who are the Students
 About half are women.
 More than two-thirds are U.S. citizens and/or
permanent residents.
 About 10% are underrepresented minorities
(African American, Hispanics, Native
 Increasingly include working professionals.
Connections with Industry
 Unusually nimble in adjusting to shifting
workforce demands and to rapidly changing
research strategies and technologies.
 With input from advisory committees of local
and regional employers, curricula are designed to
be responsive to workforce needs.
PSM Statistics
The first PSM program launched in 1999.
Currently there are:
 ~130 PSM programs
 65+ institutions with PSM programs
 Programs in 25 states plus the District of
 ~2,700 graduates as of 2007
Where are the PSM programs?
National Academies Report
Supports PSM
A National Academies report recommends “concerted
action to accelerate the development nationally” of
PSM education among all stakeholders.
Recommendations geared toward employers include:
 Higher education should support development of
PSMs and seek employer partners.
 Employers should partner with higher education
institutions to create and sustain PSM programs.
Why Consider Supporting PSM
 Industry has the opportunity to shape
curriculum to meet specific and immediate
workforce needs.
 Graduates contribute to workforce development
through their ability to manage and grow science
and technology based industries.
 Vital for U.S. competitiveness.
How Can Employers Help
PSM Programs?
Serve as Advisory Board Members.
Help in curriculum development.
Serve as Guest Lecturers, Adjunct Faculty.
Provide feedback for continually improving
PSM programs.
 Become champions re. regional economic
How Can Employers Help
PSM Students?
 Mentor PSM students.
 Provide Internships and Subsequent Jobs.
 Provide Financial Support, e.g. scholarships
and/or tuition reimbursement for employees.
For further information: Contact
the CGS PSM Project Staff
 Carol B. Lynch, Senior Scholar in Residence and Project Director
([email protected])
 Eleanor Babco, Senior Consultant and Co-Project Director
([email protected])
 Nancy Vincent, Program Manager, Best Practices
([email protected])
 Josh Mahler, Program and Operations Assistant
([email protected]) and