Microsoft Project Presentation By Corey Johnson 10/11/00 What is a Gantt Chart? • A Gantt Chart is a visual tool to help Plan, Manage,

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Transcript Microsoft Project Presentation By Corey Johnson 10/11/00 What is a Gantt Chart? • A Gantt Chart is a visual tool to help Plan, Manage,

Microsoft Project Presentation
By Corey Johnson
What is a Gantt Chart?
• A Gantt Chart is a visual tool to help Plan,
Manage, and Track a project or projects.
Sample Gantt Chart
Planning a Project
Define Goals
Develop Tasks
Establish Timeframes
Resource Availability?
Managing and Tracking a Project
• Track Progress
– Are the tasks being completed on time?
– Is one task holding up the whole project?
• Manage Finances
– Is the project going to stay within the budget?
Using MS Project
• Define the Project
• Build the Plan
Set a start date
Enter tasks/durations
Assign resources
Link tasks
Fine tune the plan
Using MS Project (cont’d)
• Track and Manage
– Set a baseline
– Enter actuals
– Adjust plan
• Close Project
Defining the Project
• The objective of the project should be
defined by the person/group that is going to
manage the project.
• Tasks, start times, and deadlines should be
clearly established.
Setting a Start Date
• When opening a new Microsoft Project file,
the user is automatically prompted for a
start date. Setting an accurate start date will
make future entries more convenient.
Entering Tasks and Durations
• Tasks are entered in the “Task Name”
• Subtasks are created by indenting a task.
• Durations may be entered in number of
working days or start and finish dates may
be used
Standard Markers
• Normal Task
– designates ordinary task duration
• Summary Bar
– designates the duration of a group of sub-tasks
Special Markers
• Milestones
– A reference point marking a major event in a
project and used to monitor the project's
– To create a milestone, Enter “0” in the duration
Changing Marker Styles
• Double-click on the Marker you want to change
and format accordingly
Assigning Resources
• A resource can be a single person, a piece of
equipment, or it can represent a group, such
as Plumbers
• Information on resources include
Availability, Costs, and Working Time
• Resources are very important in accurate
Assigning Resources
• To Assign a Resource:
– Select the task to which you want to assign the
– Click the Assign Resources button on the
Assigning Resources
• If resources are not already set up, double
click on the name box
Assigning Resources
• Enter pertinent information and click OK.
Assigning Resources
• When a resource has been selected, click
Linking Tasks
• Some tasks require that another task be
completed before it can begin. These tasks
must be linked.
• Tasks and subtasks are linked by assigning
Linking Tasks
• Predecessor
– A task that must start or finish before another
task can start or finish
• Successor
– A task that cannot start or finish until another
task starts or finishes
– A task becomes a successor when a row
number is entered in the predecessor column
Linking Tasks
Fine Tune the Plan
• When all resources have been assigned and
appropriate tasks are linked, the original
Gantt chart will be complete
• Check to make sure tasks have been linked
correctly and task durations are correct
• The project is now ready to begin
Set a Baseline
• A baseline compares your original plan for
the project with the actual course of the
• You can see which tasks started earlier or
later than planned, exceeded their original
budget, took longer than planned, and so on.
Set a Baseline
• Create a baseline after you've polished it
and just before you actually start work on
the project
• To track costs, be sure to enter cost
information before you create the baseline
• Updates can easily be made to the baseline
if information is missing
Set a Baseline
• The Baseline plan includes:
– Tasks (start and finish dates, duration, work,
cost, splits, timephased work, and timephased
– Resources (work, cost, timephased work, and
timephased cost)
– Assignments (start and finish dates, work, cost,
timephased work, and timephased cost)
Set a Baseline
• To set a baseline:
– Point to Tracking on the Tools menu
– Click Save Baseline
Entering Progress
• Update actual start and finish dates for a task.
– On the Tools menu, point to Tracking and then click
Update Task
– Under Actual, type Start and Finish dates
Entering Progress
• Update progress on a task
– Double-click on the task to be updated
– Enter a percentage
– On the Gantt chart, a progress bar appears in the task
Tracking Gantt Chart
• Tracks the progress of the project
• Shows what tasks are overdue and what has
been completed on time
• Click on the Tracking Gantt icon to view
Tracking Gantt Chart
Tracking Progress
• Determining if tasks are starting and
finishing according to plan:
– In the Tracking Gantt, point to Table (View
menu) and click Variance
– Drag the Divider bar to the right to view
– Variance is shown in Days
Tracking Progress
• Determine if tasks cost more or less than
– In the Tracking Gantt, point to Table (View
menu) and click Cost
– Drag the Divider bar to the right to view Total
Cost and Baseline fields
PERT Chart
• Shows a flowchart of
the project.
• Each box represents a
task in the project.
• Connecting arrows
show dependencies
between tasks.
• To view, click the
PERT chart icon
Calendar View
• Keeps tabs on when
tasks occur.
• Quickly see how long
tasks take, when they
start and finish, and
how they occur in
relation to other tasks.
• To view, click the
Calendar icon
Task Usage View
• Work with task and
resource information
side by side.
• Easily create useful
reports about when a
resource is scheduled
to work on a task.
• To view, click the Task
Usage icon
Resource Graph View
• See whether resources
are overallocated,
what capacity they're
working at, and how
much they cost in a
timescale graph
• To view, click the
Resource Graph icon
More Views
• Resource Sheet View
– Easy way to review, add, edit data about
• Resource Usage View
– Work with resource and task information side
by side
The Project is Now Complete !!
• MS Project is a very powerful tool if it is
used correctly
• This program can save a lot of time for
engineers who are interested in time, cost,
• Automatically keeps your project organized.
Thank you !!
Please feel free to ask any questions