2015-2016 Florida's Integrated Career and Academic Preparation System (FICAPS) Webinar – June 30, 2015 Division of Career and Adult Education Rod Duckworth, Chancellor www.FLDOE.org © 2014,

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Transcript 2015-2016 Florida's Integrated Career and Academic Preparation System (FICAPS) Webinar – June 30, 2015 Division of Career and Adult Education Rod Duckworth, Chancellor www.FLDOE.org © 2014,

2015-2016 Florida's Integrated Career and
Academic Preparation System (FICAPS)
Webinar – June 30, 2015
Division of Career and Adult Education
Rod Duckworth, Chancellor
© 2014, Florida Department of Education. All Rights Reserved.
Funding Webinar
June 30, 2015
10:00 AM – 11:00 PM (EDT)
Call number: 1-888-670-3525
Conference Code: 4632608161 then #
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Welcome and Introduction
Gloria Spradley-Brown
Bureau Chief
Grants Administration and Compliance
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Please help minimize background noise during
the webinar.
Please keep your phone on mute while listening to the
webinar. This prevents background noise and in-office
discussions from disrupting the call.
If you do not have a mute button on your phone, press
*6 to mute and *6 to unmute.
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Adult Education Funding Opportunities
Webinar Agenda
Welcome and Introductions – Gloria Spradley-Brown
FICAPS Overview– Zelda Rogers
Request for Proposal Overview - Gloria Spradley-Brown
Preparing and Submitting the Proposal - Gloria SpradleyBrown
5. National Reporting System (NRS) Reporting Requirements
- Tara McLarmon
6. Online Survey and Reviewer Registration – Harriett
7. Participants Questions
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Funding Webinar Goals
To provide funding opportunities information
To provide pertinent programmatic information
To provide performance reporting requirements
To provide Request for Proposal (RFP) submission
© 2014, Florida Department of Education. All Rights Reserved.
Federal Fund Source Adult Education and
Family Literacy Act of 1998
• Workforce Investment Act of 1998
Title I - Workforce Investment Systems
Title II - Adult Education and Literacy
Title III - Workforce Investment Related Activities
Title IV - Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998
Title V - General Provisions
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Building Florida's Integrated Career and
Academic Preparation System (FICAPS)
Zelda Rogers
Adult Education
© 2014, Florida Department of Education. All Rights Reserved.
Funding Purpose and Priorities
Building FICAPS
To plan, design, and/or implement an integrated GED®
Preparation course and career and technical clock hour
certificate program within FICAPS.
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• Accelerating students’ progress and making the GED®
instruction more relevant to their interests and career goals
• Helping adult learners obtain postsecondary certificates and
achieve learning gains in GED® Preparation more quickly
than when enrolled in traditional adult education programs.
• Increasing the number of students that earn their high
school equivalency diploma and begin the pathway to earn
credentials with labor market value
• Providing a combination of academic and occupational
instruction, career guidance, and support services.
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Components of the FICAPS
• Advisory committee
• Labor market information from regional
CareerSource boards
• Combines with technical training leading to an
initial certificate
• Options for earning additional stacking certificates
• Team teaching – 50% overlap of GED® and Career
and Technical Education (CTE) instruction and CTE
• Provides comprehensive student support services
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Career Pathway Programs and Differences
• Bridge program – non-credit/certificate
Contextualized curriculum
Career awareness and development
Transition services
• Integrated education and training
• Concurrent enrollment in basic skills and technical
training leading to an initial certificate
• Comprehensive academic and student support
• Integrated contextualized curriculum
• Strong partnerships with postsecondary
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Target Population(s)
Eligible students are individuals who have attained 16 years of
age, are not enrolled or required to be enrolled in secondary
school under state law, and who fit the following guidelines:
• Lack sufficient mastery of basic educational skills to enable
the individuals to function effectively in society;
• Do not have a secondary school diploma or its recognized
equivalent, and have not achieved an equivalent level of
• Must be enrolled in the GED® Preparation program and
scored on a pre-test at a minimum of 9th grade on at least
two content areas (Reading, Language Arts, and
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Professional Development for FICAPS
• Kick off meeting for selected applicants of the
FICAPS grant
• Tallahassee, date TBA
• Career Pathways Institute
• Orlando, January 2016
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Planning for the FICAPS
• How will you recruit adult learners for this integrated
• What process will you use to select the CTE course?
• What partners are needed for this program?
• What funding will be used for the learners tuition for the
CTE course?
• What partners can you involve to provide comprehensive
student support services?
• Are you at the planning/design stage or are you ready to
• What changes will you need to make for your data system?
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Request for Proposal (RFP) Overview
Gloria Spradley-Brown
Bureau Chief
Grants Administration and Compliance
© 2014, Florida Department of Education. All Rights Reserved.
Eligible Applicants
• Local Educational Agency (LEA) • Library
• Community-Based Organization • Public Housing Authority
• Nonprofit Institution
• Volunteer Literacy Organization • Consortium of these listed
• Institution of Higher Education
• Public or Private Nonprofit
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Funding Amount and Process
• $250,000- up to 10 grants in the amount of $25,000 each
• Application due date: July 17, 2015
• Proposals will be scored using a web-based system by three
independent, volunteer reviewers
• The three scores will be averaged
• A minimum score of 70 points out of 100 is required for an
application to be considered
• Budget/Program Performance Period
Date grant application approved - June 30, 2016
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Preparing and Submitting the Proposal
Gloria Spradley-Brown
Bureau Chief
Grants Administration and Compliance
© 2014, Florida Department of Education. All Rights Reserved.
Preparing the Proposal
Choose the correct RFP from the website:
Read the entire RFP carefully and follow the instructions.
Proposals must contain a series of forms and a narrative.
Use the Checklist (last page of the RFP) to assure all required
items are included and arranged in the proper order.
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Preparing the Narrative Components
20 page maximum for addressing Narrative Components (1-7)
– excluding any required forms
Any pages exceeding the 20 page Narrative Components
maximum will not be included in the evaluation.
Follow the Narrative Component response format:
• Font - Arial / Size – 12
• Margin size - 1” – both sides and top/bottom margins
• Double spaced
• Single-sided pages
• Complete the narrative using the same sequence presented
in the Narrative Components section.
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Preparing the Narrative Components continued
1. Project Abstract or Summary
• Planning and Design
• Implementation
Project Need
Project Planning and Design (a-g)
Support for Strategic Plan
For Federal Programs – General Education Provisions Act
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Submitting the Proposal
Submit one application with the original agency head
signature and seven identical copies of the original proposal.
It is the submitting agency’s responsibility to ensure that all
seven copies are identical to the original.
Submit to:
Office of Grants Management
Florida Department of Education
325 West Gaines Street, Room 332, Unit B
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400
Attention: Sue Wilkinson
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Conditions for Acceptance
Substantially Approvable:
• Received within DOE no later than the close of business on
the due date.
• Includes required forms:
• DOE 100A, Application Form bearing the original signature of the
Superintendent for the school district or the agency head for other
• DOE 101S, Budget Narrative Form.
• All required forms must have the assigned TAPS Number
included on the form.
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Budget Narrative Form
DOE 101S
DOE 101S form is in addition to the required Budget Narrative
Component #7
• Expenditures must be:
• Directly tied to program goals
• Reasonable, allocable and allowable
• See Example Budget in RFP
• Line item descriptors – must indicate: for whom, what, why,
where, quantity and when
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Budget Narrative Form
DOE 101S - continued
• Examples of budget items are:
• Salaries
• Professional/Technical Services
• Contractual Services (signed contractual agreements
• Equipment (must also provide Projected Equipment
Purchases Form)
• Materials and supplies
• Administrative costs
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Budget Narrative Form
DOE 101S - continued
Function Codes are only required for school districts.
Object Codes (only one per line item) are for:
• School Districts
• Community Colleges
• Private Agencies: Agency Chart of Accounts
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Budget Narrative Form
DOE 101S - continued
Administrative Costs including Indirect Costs: In accordance
with AEFLA, Section 233 (a-b):
(a)(1) 95 percent or more expended for carrying out adult
education and literacy activities
(2) Five percent for planning, administration, personnel
development, and interagency coordination.
(b) Special Rule. -- In cases where the cost limits described in
subsection (a) are too restrictive, eligible provider shall
negotiate with the state eligible agency in order to
determine an adequate level of funds to be used for noninstructional purposes.
Agencies interested in pursuing the Special Rule Provision
must use the required form at:
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Contractual Service Agreements
The RFP contains a Contractual Service Agreements section
for subcontracting services to another entity (sub-recipient).
The applicant is solely responsible for all programmatic,
reporting and fiscal management of the project and ensuring
that sub-recipients who provide instructional services
accurately report all required data for the NRS.
Additional resource information: State of Florida Contract and
Grant User Guide (pages 11 and 12 for a checklist).
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“NEW” Federal Uniform Guidance
• The Uniform Guidance combines and codifies the
requirements of eight Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) Circulars: A-89, A-102 (former 34 CFR part 80), A-110
(former 34 CFR part 74), A-21, A-87, A-122, A-133, A-50. For
the Department of Education this means that the
requirements at EDGAR Parts 74 and 80 have also been
subsumed under the Uniform Guidance.
• The final rule implementing the Uniform Guidance was
published in the Federal Register on December 19, 2014,
and becomes effective for new and continuation awards
issued on or after December 26, 2014.
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Risk Analysis
• Every agency must complete a Risk Analysis form effective
July 1, 2015. The appropriate DOE 610 or DOE 620 form will
be required and approval must be gained prior to a project
award being issued.
School Districts, State Colleges, and State Universities
• The DOE 610, currently on file with the FDOE, shall remain
in effect indefinitely. The certification does not need to be
resubmitted with this application, unless there are
significant changes to the financial circumstances.
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Risk Analysis
Governmental and Non-Governmental Entities
• In order to complete requirements for funding, applicants of
this type must submit the DOE 620 and all required
attachments each fiscal year.
• The Grants Fiscal Management Training and Assessment
must be completed annually by the agency head and/or the
agency’s financial officer (CFO) within 60 days of the date of
execution (Block 13) on the Project Award Notification DOE
200. Training and assessment can be found here
https://app1.fldoe.org/grants/trainingMaterials/Default.aspx type in
your email address and follow the steps. Non-participation
in the training program may result in termination of
payment(s) until training is completed.
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Funded Projects
Project Award Notification, DOE 200, will outline the method
of reimbursement requirements.
Agencies will be reimbursed via one of the following methods:
1. CARDS - Cash Advance and Reporting of Disbursements
System. As of July 1, 2015 this system will be called Florida
Grants System (FLAGS).
2. Reimbursement with Performance (must invoice)
3. Other (as specified)
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Equipment Purchases
• The Uniform Guidance document provides all of the
required definitions in the following sections: 200.12 Capital
Assets, 200:13 Capital Expenditures, 200.20 Acquisition
Cost, 200.33 Equipment, 200.48 General Purpose
Equipment, 200.58 Information Technology Systems, 200.89
Special Purpose Equipment, and 200.94 Supplies. Post
Federal Award Requirements Standards for Financial and
Program Management, 200.313 and General Provisions for
Selected Items of Cost 200.439.
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Equipment Purchases
• The RFA contains a section on Equipment Purchases as well
as a Project Equipment Purchases Form.
• Any equipment purchased under this program must follow
the Uniform Guidance found at
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Funded Projects Financial Reports
• DOE 499 Adult Education: interim and final reports and
• June 30, 2016: last day to encumber funds
• August 20, 2016: final fiscal Report (DOE 499) with original
signature to DOE Comptroller’s Office
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Funded Community Based Organizations
• Upon award notification the following are required:
• List of current Board of Directors and Articles of
• Copy of current operating budget.
• Copy of current audit report-if available.
• Copy of Chart of Accounts.
• General Terms, Assurances and Conditions for
Participation in federal and state programs.
• Proof of eligibility to operate a business in Florida
(signed document from Florida Secretary of State).
• Risk Analysis Form DOE 610 or 620.
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Quality Assurance Tools and Resources
• Adult Education and Family Literacy Act of 1998
• Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014
• Federal Uniform Guidance
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Quality Assurance Tools and Resources continued
• Florida Department of Education “Green Book”
• Grant Award - Terms, Conditions, and Assurances
© 2014, Florida Department of Education. All Rights Reserved.
FICAPS Reporting Requirements
Tara McLarnon
Director of Research and Evaluation
Budget Accountability and Assessment
© 2014, Florida Department of Education. All Rights Reserved.
Accountability for FICAPS
• Only agencies who are planning to implement the
integrated course in the 2015-16 reporting year are required
to meet data reporting requirements
• Data reporting and accountability requirements for
participants in the FICAPS program are similar to data
reported by Adult Education and Family Literacy Grant
recipients who are currently reporting data for NRS
• Participants enrolled in the FICAPS program will be reported
using the current program number and with a new course
number (GED®-I Comprehensive)
• Course number is still in the process of being assigned
• Agencies will be able to begin reporting enrollment with their 2015
Fall data
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Reporting Requirements for FICAPS Recipients
• All agencies who are recipients are required to
report data for the NRS
• Additional information on the reporting
requirements and accountability will be provided in
early fall
• Please review the following slides for an overview
of NRS data reporting requirements
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Why is NRS Important?
• Statutory requirements
• Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
• Adult Education and Family Literacy Act
• Major component of accountability process
• Supports program improvement
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Who Reports NRS Data?
• All grantees receiving federal funding for:
Adult Basic Education (ABE)
Adult High School (AHS)
GED® Prep
English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
English Literacy for Career and Technical Education (ELCATE)
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NRS Report Overview
• Annual federal report used to evaluate state level adult
education program effectiveness
• Uniform reporting system with common definitions and
terminology across the nation
• Educational gain became effectiveness measure
• Tied performance to continued federal funding
• Established Educational Functioning Levels (EFLs)
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Unique Reporting Requirements
• Students must be enrolled a minimum of 12 contact hours
in the program year to be NRS reportable
• An EFL gain is calculated from the lowest EFL only
• Distance education courses must use on-site proctored
assessments to be NRS reportable
• Co-enrolled high school students excluded
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Educational Gains
• Advancing to the next Educational Functional Level (EFL) in
the program year
• Initial placement for ABE and ESL students into lowest EFL
must be based on assessment test scale scores
• Technical Assistance Paper on Adult Education Assessments:
© 2014, Florida Department of Education. All Rights Reserved.
How are NRS Data Collected?
• Using standardized records/forms/screens
• Intake staff must collect and record demographic data
Age, ethnicity, race, gender, SSN, etc.
Employment status (self-reported)
Level of schooling
U.S. based or not
• Teachers must
• Collect and report attendance
• Collect and report student progress
• Report other missing information
• Assessment staff must collect and record
• Pre- and post-test scores and all required test data elements
© 2014, Florida Department of Education. All Rights Reserved.
How are NRS Data Reported?
• Districts, Colleges, and CBO’s will send all adult education data through
the appropriate state reporting system during the year on the published
• Workforce Data Information System - for districts
• Florida College Student Database - for colleges
• For the 2015-16 reporting year, institutions receiving an Adult Education and Family
Literacy grant, that are not using the three course numbers provided in the
framework to report ABE students will be required to submit through a supplemental
process a crosswalk of the institutional course numbers linked to the curriculum
framework course numbers. In addition all institutional course numbers must be
subject specific.
• CBO - submit individual student records through web-based submission
similar to colleges.
• Personnel Data (Table 7) is submitted through a separate submission
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NRS Data Quality Improvement Processing
• Grantees must:
• Use locally-standardized student intake/processing and
achievement forms
• Collect individual student records in a relational database
• Collect data monthly, at a minimum
• Run edit checks monthly, at a minimum
• Produce required monthly reports for program improvement
• Submit data to state on a prescribed time schedule
© 2014, Florida Department of Education. All Rights Reserved.
Exit Cohorts for Measuring
• Outcome measures that students may achieve at some time
following participation in adult education
Entered Employment
Retained Employment
Receipt of a secondary school diploma or GED
Placement in postsecondary education or training
• Reported in NRS Table 5
© 2014, Florida Department of Education. All Rights Reserved.
Federal Performance Measures
The data collected for the NRS data tables are used to
calculate performance measures and set state targets, which
are negotiated annually with the Office of Career, Technical,
and Adult Education (OCTAE).
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Florida Performance Measures
Approved Performance Measures and State Targets (located
in the Attachments section of the RFPs)
• State targets for Florida’s performance measures provide a frame of
reference to encourage higher performance for Florida student
• Recipients are expected to meet the targets or demonstrate
• Achieving Florida’s Adult Education State Targets will be based on each
recipient’s accurate data submission of EFLs for enrolled students as
reported in the NRS Table 4, Column D.
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Local Performance Targets
• Local targets are based on the state performance targets
that are negotiated and approved annually by OCTAE
• Performance is based on the percentage of students
enrolled who are completers
• Agencies are expected to meet or exceed the state target, or
show improvement
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Local Performance Form
• As part of their application, agencies are expected to
complete the local performance form found here:
• Agencies are encouraged to use local data to estimate a
proposed enrollment target for 2015-16 for each
functioning level.
• Once an enrollment target has been developed, a
completion target should be identified that allows an
agency to meet or exceed the state target.
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Reporting Requirements and Data Elements
Tara McLarnon, Program Director
(850) 245-9005, [email protected]
Elizabeth Carpenter, Program Specialist
(850) 245-0720, [email protected]
Colin Barton, Program Specialist
(850) 245-9060, [email protected]
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Online Survey and
Reviewer Registration
Harriett Abrams,
Senior Program Director
Grants Administration
© 2014, Florida Department of Education. All Rights Reserved.
Online Survey and Reviewer Registration
Survey for this webinar Please take a few minutes to give us your feedback via this
survey posted on our website:
Reviewer registration for this competition year Your opportunity to review and score grants
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Participants’ Questions
© 2014, Florida Department of Education. All Rights Reserved.
Gloria Spradley-Brown, Chief
Zelda Rogers, Director
Bureau of Grants Administration Adult Education
and Compliance
[email protected]
[email protected]
Tara McLarnon, Director
Budget Accountability
and Assessment
[email protected]
© 2014, Florida Department of Education. All Rights Reserved.
Harriett Abrams, Director
Grants Administration
[email protected]