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Welcome to
Leo Hayes High School
Graduating Class of 2014!!
Agendas and Timetables
•Hand out timetables
•Hand out Agendas & Forms
•PLEASE take the time to read over the
first number of pages as there is
important information in it.
- Attendance Policy
- Exemption Policy
- P. 33 Parent/Guardian must sign the Education Act
- Tardiness
- Acceptable absences
Student Fee
• $40.00 / person
• $65.00 for a family (two or more)
• Due ASAP
Fire Drill Procedure
Behaviour leaving the classroom
Where to exit the school
Where to meet
Coming back to class after the drill
Find out in each class you have
FORMS and such…
YELLOW Data sheet to be completed
Plagiarism Policy signed
Acceptable Use of Technology signed
Exemption Policy
Education Act signed
School Calendar
Letter from Mr. Pottle
Signing IN and OUT
• Must Must Must be done!!!!
• Late in the A.M., you must go to the office
• You must let your homeroom teacher
know if you sign out during the day –
• Always bring a note from parent /
guardian for any absence.
• An e-mail from home helps too letting me
know you are not going to be in school.
Where to Eat?
Sandwich bar on 2nd floor
Not in balcony over gym
Some teachers leave their classroom door
open at noon and you might be able to eat
there. Look for LION’S DEN SIGNS.
• No book bags in the Cafetorium! They will
be taken to the Office.
Identification Card
• You will not receive your I.D. until you
have paid your student fee
• You must have your I.D. to attend school
functions/sports, etc…
• $5.00 replacement fee if ID is lost and you
have to get it yourself at Harvey’s
• School pictures September 13st and 14nd
• Still need picture taken for an I.D. even if
you do not order pictures.
No Scent Policy at LHHS
• It’s easy, no perfume/cologne or any
heavily scented product allowed!!
• Some people have serious chemical
Washroom Breaks
• During 5 or 10 minute break
• If you need to go during class time, you
MUST have your AGENDA SIGNED by your
Before school in the morning???
• You can sit in the cafeteria or in your
homeroom, if open.
• You must be in Homeroom at 8:33, all
book bags must be in your locker.
• At the end of the day, go to your locker
and to your bus. Some busses leave the
school very soon after the final bell.
During announcements
• National anthem –this is a solemn moment
and you are expected to be quiet and
• PLEASE…NO TALKING during morning
Computer Access
• At noon, in the Media Center (upstairs of
library) or possibly a BBT Lab if open.
• Not in classrooms, without teacher
• REMEMBER! The Acceptable Use of
Technology Policy
– Get it signed and return ASAP
Pay Phone Use ~ Cell Phone Use
• Not during class time! This applies to cell
phones as well.
• There is a pay phone by the Office.
before A.M. bell, at lunch & after school.
Advisory Time !
Mondays & Tuesdays
• Every Monday & Tuesday for 30 minutes
between periods 4 & 5. It’s Mandatory!
• There are two different Bell Schedules.
Please give a copy to your parents so they
know for appointment purposes.
Open House/Meet the Teacher
• Thursday September 23rd , 7 p.m.
• Give your parents / guardian your
timetable for them to follow.
• First Parent Teacher Interviews
– Thursday evening November 25th
– Friday morning November 26th (no school for
students this day)
Locks and Lockers
Keep locked at all times
No sharing lockers
Keep combination private
You are responsible for any items taken
from your locker, INDLUDING
• You must use LHHS locks
Passing Grade
• 60% for all levels / courses for grades 9
through 12
• Exemptions available in certain courses—
See Policy in Agenda.
Exam Exemption PolicyIt’s in your Agenda
Go over it with your parents.
– Make sure you understand how it works so
there are no surprises at exam time.
– 85% (up to 12 excused absences)
– 75% (up to 4 excuses absences)
– Be in class on time and complete all necessary
course work.
– No suspensions, referrals to Office, etc.
Class changes/transition time
Stay to the right in the hallways
Stay to the right going down stairs
No sitting on the stairs!!
No clogging in the hallways. Step to the
side if you wish to chat.
Other matters/reminders
• No book bags - these are to be in lockers
• NO CELL PHONES during instructional time,
i-pods, personal entertainment devices,
personal computers, etc. They will be taken;
sent to the office.
• Carry your AGENDA all the time and use
it for organizing!
Displays of affection… because
some need the reminder!!
– Holding hands
– Brief kiss
– Hug
Making out
Sitting/lying on each other
Lip locked
Hands all over each other
Bullying / Harassment
• ZERO tolerance ~ Tell me!! I want to
know. I WILL listen and act upon it!!
• Everyone should feel safe at LHHS.
• PLEASE tell an adult in the building if you
or someone you know is being bullied. It’s
Garbage ~ Pile up!
Pick up after yourself ALWAYS!
Clean up your garbage and recycle.
Leave cafetorium/classrooms looking neat.
Check around you and pick it up. If
everybody picks up one thing, the floor
will be clean for others.
Detention Halls
• Usually Noon hour.
• Your homeroom teacher will assign detention for
truancy. Any ONE unexcused absence and you
get TWO detentions.
• If you don’t show up, you will deal with your VicePrincipal who will give you Admin. Detentions or
In-School Suspension. Saturday detention is also a
• This year we have a LEARNING LAB where you
may be sent as well.
Reminder: Bring work with you to Detention.
If you are detained by your teacher
and late for your next class…
• PLEASE ask your teacher to write a quick
note in your agenda.
• Bring this note to your next class to avoid
a detention.
• Take care of your textbooks, they are
expensive to replace.
• You need materials for your classes / don’t
show up empty-handed.
• Example
– Binders, pens and pencils, looseleaf,
highlighters, coloring material, glue stick,
scissors, etc. Keep them on hand.
Guidance Info. – see Agenda
• You can make appointments, but do it OUTSIDE
of class time.
• You must have your appointment slip to leave
class… and return.
• Emergencies are different. On rare occasions, you
may need guidance right away.
• A-F ~ Mr. Rutter
• G-P ~ Mrs. Morrison
• Mc/Mac Q-Z ~ Mrs. Smith
• First Nations ~ Mrs. Polches
Yes! We have a DRESS CODE…
• There are posters in each classroom
outlining what’s appropriate attire for our
• If you are wearing something offensive or
inappropriate, you will be asked to
Administration ~ The OFFICE!
• Each of you has an administrator for
discipline issues or other issues that may
• A-D—Mrs. Capson-Daniels
• E-L—Mr. Wilton
• M-P—Ms. Waddell
• Q-Z—Mr. Sturgeon
• FRONT DESK – Carol ☻and Tammy
Review of things to get signed
Agenda, page 33, Education Act (or paper copy)
YELLOW Data Information Sheet
Acceptable Use of Technology/Plagiarism Policy
Late work policies/outlines from different departmentsyou will get these from subject teachers in each course.
• Other Information…
Read your Agenda!!
Bring your $40 student fee / $65 for two or more
School Photos-September 13st & 14nd
Open House on September 23rd at 7:00 p.m.
There will be more to come!!
• Get involved! Make it a great
• SMILE, it’s only Day One!
• Questions???