Updates on the PDFDecentralization and Local Governments (PDF-DLG) 2013-2016 Work Plan 2ND Meeting of PDF-DLG 28/F One Global Place, 5TH Ave., Corner 25TH St., Bonifacio.

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Transcript Updates on the PDFDecentralization and Local Governments (PDF-DLG) 2013-2016 Work Plan 2ND Meeting of PDF-DLG 28/F One Global Place, 5TH Ave., Corner 25TH St., Bonifacio.

Updates on the PDF Decentralization and Local Governments (PDF-DLG) 2013-2016 Work Plan

2 ND Meeting of PDF-DLG 28/F One Global Place, 5 TH Ave., Corner 25 TH St., Bonifacio Global City July 09, 2015

PDF WG-DLG 2013-16 Work Plan

   In line with the 2011-2016 Philippine Development Plan’s (PDP) encompassing goal to achieve inclusive growth that is rapid and sustainable, that creates employment opportunities and reduces poverty Identifies 3 Development Agenda to guide projects and activities:  (1) Improving Local Fiscal Autonomy for Inclusive Growth and Development;  (2) Promoting Good Local Governance as an Enabling Environment for Sustained Growth; and,  (3) Accelerating Local Economic and Sustainable Development for Increased Employment Opportunities and Reduced Poverty. Includes a Results framework  have outcomes and outcome indicators identified for each of the Development Agenda  envisioned to play a vital role in monitoring the progress of PDF WG-DLG projects and activities and, more importantly, reaching the goal of inclusive growth.

Development Agenda1:

Improving Local Fiscal Autonomy for Inclusive Growth and Development


Improved local fiscal policies, procedures and capacity 

No. of policies/programs/systems adopted on improving local fiscal autonomy (including timeliness/accuracy/integrity of data )

Percentage of local government units (LGUs) adopting programs/systems to improve efficiency in fiscal policies and procedures:  

Synchronization of planning (DBM)

Timely release and direct remittance of national wealth (DILG)

Electronic Statement of Receipts and Expenditures (e-SRE) Version2.1 (BLGF)

Electronic Field Appraisal and Assessment Sheet (e-FAAS) (BLGF) No. of LGUs adopting performance standards for Local Finance Officers

Assessor’s (2013)

Treasurer (2014)

Local Budget Officer (2015)

Development Agenda1:

Improving Local Fiscal Autonomy for Inclusive Growth and Development



Improved revenue generation capacity 

Percentage of LGUs classified by LGFPMS as good revenue generators by LGU type and income class

No. of LGUs with ordinances on updated SMVs following the Philippine Valuation Standards.

No. of LGUs with ordinances on updated Local Revenue Codes

No. of LGUs imposing and collecting Idle Land tax

  Real Property Tax Accomplishment Rate (RPTAR): Actual RPT collections to targeted RPT collections

Percentage of own-source revenues for all LGUs (i.e. Provinces, Cities and Municipalities)

Increased access of LGUs to debt financing 

No. of LGUs accessing credit financing

No. of syndicated LGU loans processed

No. of LGUs adopting performance standards for Local Finance Officers 2013 Baseline

Assessors (2013) Treasurer (2014)

2014 Actual 2016 Target

P - 38 C - 39 M – 69 100% Asst. Treasurers



Percentage of LGUs classified by LGFPMS as good revenue generators by LGU type and income class 2013 Baseline


2014 Actual


2016 Target




No. of LGUs with ordinances on updated SMVs following the Philippine Valuation Standards.

2013 Baseline

30 cities 18 provinces

2014 Actual


2016 Target




No. of LGUs (e.g. Provinces, Cities and Municipalities) with ordinances on updated Local Revenue Codes

2013 Baseline

30 cities, 18 provinces

2014 Actual 2016 Target

P - 1 C - 1 M - 22 Barangay - 26 (10 Market Code)



No. of LGUs (e.g. Provinces, Cities and Municipalities) imposing and collecting Idle Land tax 2013 Baseline

9 cities 2 provinces

2014 Actual

9 cities 2 provinces

2016 Target

40 cities 15 provinces



Real Property Tax Accomplishment Rate (RPTAR):

Actual RPT collections to targeted RPT collections

2013 Baseline


2014 Actual


2016 Target




Percentage of own-source revenues for all LGUs

2013 Baseline

32.59% P = 35 C = 71 M = 453 Total 559

2014 Actual

33.81% P = 31 C = 80 M = 469 Total 580

2016 Target

5% increase from the preceding year

Development Agenda 2:

Promoting Good Local Governance as an Enabling Environment for Sustained Growth




Increased engagement of citizens and Civil Society organizations (CSO) in local governance 

Percentage of LGUs with functional Local Development Council and Local Special Bodies

citizens’ participation (functionality criteria based on Local Government Code provisions and related guidelines issued by DILG) Improved transparency and accountability in local operations  Percentage of LGUs passing the Seal of Good Housekeeping (compliance to FDP, unqualified/qualified opinion) 

Percentage of LGUs meeting benchmarks under the Public Financial Management Assessment Tool (PFMAT)

Improved LGU performance and frontline service delivery 

Improvement in the Governance Assessment Reports (LGPMS Improvement in Performance based on LGPMS Governance Assessment Report)

 

Percentage of LGUs passing the Seal of Good Local Governance Number of LGUs (provinces, cities and municipalities) adopting a “Citizen Satisfaction Index System”

Percentage of LGUs passing the Seal of Good

Housekeeping (compliance to FDP, adherence to audit policies

2013 Baseline

77% (2011)

2014 Actual


2016 Target




Percentage of LGUs passing the Seal of Good Local Governance 2013 Baseline

Starting 2014

2014 Actual


2016 Target




No. of LGUs adopting a “Citizen Satisfaction Index System”

2013 Baseline

52 cities

2014 Actual

-36 cities conducted CSIS -20 cities with CSIS reports -12 cities conducted CSIS utilization conferences

2016 Target




Development Agenda 3:

and Reduced Poverty Accelerating Local Economic and Sustainable Development for Increased Employment Opportunities


Improved LGU competitiveness that encourages business activity 

Percentage of total LGUs with streamlined BPLS



No. of LGUs adopting standards for the streamlining of construction and inspection for business permits

Increased inter-local government cooperation for local economic development activities 

Increased no. of functioning inter-local cooperation/ alliances established

 

Adoption of a financing framework for inter-local alliances No. of Inter-Local Alliances accessing the MDF-SGF Financing Facility

Increased LGU capacity for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation 

Percentage of LGUs (of the 18 National Government -identified vulnerable major river basins systems) that have integrated Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and/or Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) into their local plans

No. of LGUs adopting standards for the streamlining business permits

2013 Baseline

1, 516 CMs

2014 Actual

1, 286 (85%)

2016 Target




Percentage of LGUs that have integrated Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and/or Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) into their

LCCAP Formulation

2013 Baseline

Mainstreaming in DRR/CCA in CLUP/CDP/LPD (2011 baseline) P = 30 C = 3 M = 22 C = 5 M = 55 P = 76 (Ros initiated training) P = 20 C = 49 M = 582

2014 Actual

P = 75 C = 86 M = 689

2016 Target

P = 81 C = 75 M = 571 1,592 All LGUs (P/C/M) excluding ARMM)


DILG-BLGD / Planning Service DILG Planning Service