Diversity College Empowering students to succeed Facebook: The evolving social community Robert Herron Viviana Kabbabe Christina Mosteller Tyler Pede University of South Florida.

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Transcript Diversity College Empowering students to succeed Facebook: The evolving social community Robert Herron Viviana Kabbabe Christina Mosteller Tyler Pede University of South Florida.

Diversity College
Empowering students to succeed
Facebook: The evolving social community
Robert Herron
Viviana Kabbabe
Christina Mosteller
Tyler Pede
University of South Florida
Our Objectives
• Educate students on pertinent safety issues
regarding social network communities,
specifically Facebook
• Encourage appropriate community
standards online
• Make students aware of the impression
made by their online persona to faculty,
staff, future employers and each other
• Develop an orientation information session
for students
• Create an online tutorial for students to
complete prior to logging into the college’s
associated computer networks for the first
• Provide means for assessing the
effectiveness of the above programs
Why is this program necessary?
• To Promote Safety
– Students may be unaware of
the dangers of releasing
their personal information
• To Build Community
– Ensure students hold
themselves accountable for
their behavior online
• To Promote
Institutional Loyalty
– Take proactive measures to
allow students to feel
comfortable identifying
themselves as members of
Diversity College’s online
• To Build Awareness
– Students may not know that
faculty, staff and future
employers may be able to view
their Facebook information
Why do we need to reach out to our students?
Research Conducted at the University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill
More and more students are joining Facebook
More and more students are joining Facebook
As of October 27, 2005:
• 45% of US colleges were listed on Facebook
• It was the 10th most visited site on the internet
• It signed up an average of 20,000 new users daily
• 93% of registered users come back monthly
• 70% of registered users come back daily
Why do we need to reach out to our students?
Research Conducted at the University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill
**According to other wide ranging studies, up to 30% of Facebook users list their cell phone numbers!**
Students are sharing a lot of information on Facebook…
Why do we need to reach out to our students?
Research Conducted at the University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill
…Including pictures
Diversity College
The following slides will be part of the
presentation to be given to
students at summer orientation
Online Social Network Community
What is Facebook?
• An online directory that
connects people through social
networks at schools
• It was launched to the public
on Wednesday, February 4th,
Why do students use Facebook?
• Meet new people from school and classes
• Keep in touch with friends
• Post pictures of the college life
• To identify with specific groups
What are the different aspects of Facebook?
• Profile picture
• Additional pictures
• A descriptive
• Contact information
• Personal
• Professional
What are the different aspects of Facebook?
• Photo albums
• Groups
• Message Wall
• List of friends from
• List of friends from
other schools
• Message Wall
What kind of face do you present?
• What type of pictures are posted for your profile and albums?
• What type of groups do you identify with?
• How much personal information have you provided?
• How much contact information have you made available?
• Is your class schedule posted?
Album 1
At Disney
I don’t smoke pot group
Campus Activities Group
Album 2
Alpha Kappa Psi Group
Album 3
How safe is your face?
• Identity theft – keep passwords safe and to self
• Personal information falling into the wrong hands may lead to stalking
• Set privacy levels so only those you approve may see your profile
• Do not accept people to be your friends if you do not know them
• Incriminating pictures posted may lead to embarrassment, or worst
school sanctions if picture depicts an illegal action
• EXAMPLE: Students posted pictures of themselves online rushing the field after
a game and were discovered by university police (Chronicle of higher ed-pg 38 vol. 52 no 20)
• EXAMPLE: Georgia college campus police officers browse Facebook daily
(Chronicle of higher ed-pg 38 vol. 52 no 20)
•If inappropriate pictures are posted, remove the tag from the picture
so it is not visible through your profile, and ask who posted the
picture to remove it
Removing a tag from a picture
Simply click here
Setting Privacy Level
Safety First!
Facebook is YOUR Responsibility
• Your safety while on Facebook is ultimately your responsibility
• Take the advice presented today to keep yourself save while
enjoying the many benefits of Facebook
Diversity College
The following slides will be part of tutorial
students must complete, along with an
assessment of skills, in order to access
the school’s computer system.
Face the Tutorial
Our tutorial will consist of a mock Facebook. Our students will be given a
problem and a number of solutions. They will be asked to solve each of
the problems with any of the given solutions.
This learning technique encompasses Kolb’s theory on Experiential
Learning. Many of our students have gained knowledge through reflective
observation (RO) in the orientation session on Facebook. The tutorial will
assist students in the active experimentation (AE) process of incorporating
these ideas into action. Using this model students will gain the concrete
experience (CE) to be successful in actively participating in these online
(Evans et al., 1998)
Dear Students,
You are responsible for your online safety as well as your responsibility to
respect all online communities while you are a student at Diversity College.
In order to use internet access on campus, please take the below tutorial
which will be of much help to you as you enter the world wide web.
Problem: You’re receiving unwanted wall postings.
Solution: Block any person using their login e-mail address on the My Privacy Page or
Limit the people who can find you in searches to friends only
The Problem: You find an explicit, hateful or otherwise objectionable profile on Facebook.
The Solution: You can anonymously report offensive profile pictures and content by clicking on
the "Report this Person" button (located under the profile's picture). You will be asked to specify
the offensive content. Facebook will review your complaint and act accordingly.
The Problem: Someone has posted an objectionable photo on Facebook.
The Solution: You can anonymously report photos that violate our terms of service (i.e.
pornography or copyrighted images) by clicking on the "Report This Photo" button below the
picture. Facebook will monitor these complaints and take down photos as necessary. It is not a
violation of Facebook terms of service to post a photo that is unflattering .
After Mock Facebook
Students must take a final quiz to redeem their e-certificate of
Questions will be a computation of the orientation session as well
as information given in the tutorial.
Format of the test will be 10 multiple choice question in which a
student must receive a minimum of 80% to begin using
internet access on campus.
These questions will address the following areas:
1. What to do in case a student is harassed/ threaten online
2. How to keep a student’s information secure from hackers
3. Who is on Facebook and what does that mean to the student
Facebook tutorial question
What can you do if you are a victim of online harassment?
What level of privacy is your profile automatically set at when the
profile is first created?
Where can you post messages on Facebook?
True of false: You should put complete contact information in your
True of false: Identity theft should be a concern for you.
True or false: University officials do not look at Facebook profiles.
If a picture of you is tagged, what can you do to take the picture off
from your profile?
True or False: Once you create an account, you cannot deactivate
the account.
Who cannot create a profile on Facebook?
10. True or false: No matter the privacy level set, only your friends can
view your profile.
Assessment of our Practices
A vital part of our work will be continually revisiting the effectiveness of our
program. We recognize that technology is constantly changing and that new
issues may arise. Though Facebook is currently a favorite social network
community among our students, new communities may emerge on the web.
To achieve this goal we will:
Have students assess the online tutorial with a few questions about its
effectiveness posted at the end.
Conduct an email survey at mid-semester in the fall.
Gather focus groups to obtain supportive qualitative information on first year
students’ experiences with online communities.
As student affairs professionals…it is our duty, as well as our
pleasure, to assist our students in their development. This
development includes responsible social development. Facebook
is a great tool for students to use for their social development.
Therefore, we must prepare our students for this tool so that they
may be empowered to succeed while at Diversity College and
Bugeja, M. J. (2006). Facing the facebook. Chronicle Careers, 52(21),
1 - 38.
Evans, N., Forney, D., & Guido-DiBrito, F. (1998). Student
development in college. San Fancisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Read, B. (2006). Think before you share. Chronicles of Higher
Educations, 52(20), 38- 43.
Stutzman, F. (2006). Retrieved Feb. 19, 2006, from Unit Structures
Web site: http://chimprawk.blogspot.com/2006/01/student-lifeon-facebook.html