Bonsai Trees By: Stephanie Husak Introduction Lets start by saying that bonsai trees are not genetically dwarfed plants, they are full size trees and.

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Transcript Bonsai Trees By: Stephanie Husak Introduction Lets start by saying that bonsai trees are not genetically dwarfed plants, they are full size trees and.

Bonsai Trees
By: Stephanie Husak
Lets start by saying that bonsai trees are not
genetically dwarfed plants, they are full size trees
and are kept small by planting them in small
planting pots. Given the proper care they can live
for hundreds of years being passed on from
generation to generation. Overall bonsai trees are
something that are quite personalized and there are
no strict rules to abide by. Only if you undertake
it merely as a hobby which to gain enjoyment out
of it.
They are developed from seeds or cuttings,
from young trees or naturally occurring
stunted trees transplanted into containers.
Bonsai are kept small by pruning branches
and roots, by periodic repotting, by
pinching off new growth, and by wiring
branches and trunks so that they grow into
the desired shape.
The bonsai first appeared
in China over a thousand
years ago on a very basic
scale, known as the
practice of growing single
specimens. They
displayed sparse foliage
and rugged, gnarled trunks
which often looked like
animals, dragons and
In an ancient Japanese scroll
written in Japan around the
Kamakura period, it is
translated to say: “To
appreciate and find pleasure
in curiously curved potted
trees is to love deformity.”
Whether this was intended
as a positive or negative
statement, it leaves us to
believe that growing
dwarfed and twisted trees in
containers was an accepted
Tips to Remember
• Bonsai is an Outdoor activity. Putting trees in
pots doesn’t transform them into indoor plants. If
you keep them inside they will die.
• You will make mistakes, everyone does, learning
and experience is the best teacher.
• You will kill trees. That is the sad part of the
activity, especially starting out. Learn from your
mistakes and do your best to prevent them in the
• Learn to care for different types of plants and
grow your collection from their.
More bonsai are lost due to
improper watering than from
any other causes. The length
of time between watering can
vary quite a bit depending on
conditions such as humidity,
soil moisture, and size of the
pot. Bonsai should be watered
every day or two. The best
time is in the morning or late
A bonsai must periodically be repotted
to supply a pot-bound root system with
fresh soil. It is also necessary to keep
the root system balanced with the top
growth. Most require repotting every
two to three years and should be
placed in specialized pots. This should
be done in early spring. Do not let
root system dry out while repotting
and do not place in direct sun light for
at least on week.
Feedings vary from plant to plant, A watersoluble fertilizer is usually applied every two
to four weeks. Miracle grow and Mir-acid are
commonly used, but check label directions for
your tree. Do not feed right after repotting
(wait 3-4 weeks). Don’t feed if the tree is in a
sicken condition. Pre-moisten the plant soil
first. Never fertilizer a very dry bonsai you’ll
burn it’s roots and any decorative moss.
Trimming Pruning and Training
Trimming and pruning are the
means by which a bonsai is
kept small. You should trim
the tree when the new growth
comes in the spring. It is
important however never to
remove all of the new growth.
The roots are trimmed and the
tree limbs are wound with
annealed copper wire to assist
the branches to grow in the
special way you want.
The Desired Looks
The tree and the pot from a single harmonious unit
where the shape, texture and color of one
complements the other. Then the tree must be
shaped. Every branch and twig of a bonsai is
shaped or eliminated until your shape is desired.
Formal Upright
A tree with a style such
as formal upright only
occurs when it has
grown in the open
under perfect
conditions. The most
important requirement
for this style is keeping
the trunk perfectly
Informal Upright
In nature, these trees bend
or alter their direction
away from wind or shade.
An informal upright
bonsai the trunk should
slightly bend to the left or
right, but never towards
the viewer. Neither the
trunk or branches should
be pointing towards the
Slanting Style
Trees that slant naturally
occur a result of really
strong winds or deep
shade during early
development. Whether
curved or straight, the
whole trunk leans at a
definite angle. The
stronger roots grow out on
the side, away from the
angle of the trunk lean, to
support the weight.
The growing tip of a
cascade bonsai reaches
below the base of a
container. The trunk has a
natural taper and gives the
impression of the forces of
gravity. Branches appear
to be seeking the light.
All that is needed to
require this shape is a tall
narrow pot which will
enhance the style.
Like the cascade projects
over the rim of the
container, but does not
drop below the base. The
style occurs in nature
when trees grow on cliffs
or overhang water. The
angle of the trunk in this
bonsai is not precise, as
long as the effect is
strongly horizontal, even
if the pant grows well
below the level of the pot
Fukien Tea
Chinese Elm
Flowering Quince
Jasmine Orange
Fukien Tea
Serissa Foetida
Yew Podocarp
Maple clinging to rock
Fukien Tea
Japanese Maple
Prunus Mume
Japanese Juneberry
Crepe Myrtle