70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment Chapter 3: Creating and Managing User Accounts.

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Transcript 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment Chapter 3: Creating and Managing User Accounts.

70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment

Chapter 3: Creating and Managing User Accounts


• • • • • Understand the purpose of user accounts Understand the user authentication process Understand and configure local, roaming, and mandatory user profiles Configure and modify user accounts using different methods Troubleshoot user account and authentication problems 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 2

Introduction to User Accounts

• • • • • A user account is an Active Directory object Represents information that defines a user with access to network (first name, last name, password, etc.) Required for anyone using resources on network Assists in administration and security Must follow organizational standards 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 3

User Account Properties

• • • Primary tool for creating and managing accounts is Active Directory Users and Computers Active Directory is extensible so additional tabs may be added to property pages Major account properties that can be set include: • General • • • • Address Account Profile Sessions 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 4

Activity 3-1: Reviewing User Account Properties

• • • Objective is to review properties of user accounts through main tabs of Active Directory Users and Computers Start  Administrative Tools  Users and Computers  Users Active Directory  AdminXX account  Properties Explore tabs and values as directed 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 5

The Account Tab of Properties

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User Authentication

• • • • • The process by which a user’s identity is validated Used to grant or deny access to network resources From a client operating system • Name, password, resource required In Active Directory environment • Domain controller authenticates In a workgroup • Local SAM database authenticates 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 7

Authentication Methods

• Two main processes • Interactive authentication • User account information is supplied at log on • Network authentication • User’s credentials are confirmed for network access 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 8

Interactive Authentication

• • • • The process by which a user provides a user name and password for authentication For domain logon, credentials compared to centralized Active Directory database For local logon, credentials compared to local SAM database In domain environments, users normally don’t have local accounts 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 9

Network Authentication

• • • The process by which a network service confirms the identify of a user For a user who logs on to domain, network authentication is transparent • Credentials from interactive authentication valid for network resources A user who logs on to local computer will be prompted to log on to network resource separately 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 10

Authentication Protocols

• • • Windows Server 2003 supports two main authentication protocols: • Kerberos version 5 (Kerberos v5) • NT LAN Manager (NTLM) Kerberos v5 is primary protocol for Active Directory environments but is not supported on all client systems NTLM is primary protocol for older Microsoft operating systems 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 11

Kerberos v5

• • • Primary authentication protocol used in Active Directory domain environments Supported by Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 Protocol followed: • Log on request passed to

Key Distribution Center

(KDC), a Windows Server 2003 domain controller • KDC authenticates user and, if valid, issues a

ticket granting ticket

(TGT) to client system 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 12

Kerberos v5 (continued)

• • • • • When client requests a network resource, it presents the TGT to KDC KDC issues a

service ticket

to client Client presents service ticket to host server for network resource Every domain controller in Active Directory environment holds role of KDC Not all clients follow this protocol 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 13


• • • A challenge-response protocol Used with operating systems running Windows NT 4.0 or earlier or with Windows 2000 or Server 2003 when necessary Protocol followed: • User logs in, client calculates cryptographic hash of password • Client sends user name to domain controller 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 14

NTLM (continued)

• • • • Domain controller generates random challenge and sends it to client Client encrypts challenge with hash of password and sends to domain controller Domain controller calculates expected value to be returned from client and compares to actual value After successful authentication, domain controller generates a token for user for network access 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 15

User Profiles

• • • • A collection of settings specific to a particular user Stored locally by default • Do not follow user logging on to different computers Can create a roaming profile • Does follow user logging on to different computers Administrator can create a mandatory profile • User cannot alter it 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 16

User Profile Folders and Contents

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Local Profiles

• • • New profiles are created from Default User profile folder User can change local profile and changes are stored uniquely to that user Administrator can manage various elements of profile • • • Change Type Delete Copy To 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 18

Activity 3-2: Testing Local Profile Settings

• • • • • Objective is to configure and test a local user profile Start  Administrative Tools  Users and Computers  Users Active Directory  New  User Follow directions to create a new user profile Explore and configure properties Test by logging in as new user 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 19

Roaming Profiles

• • • Roaming profiles • Allow a profile to be stored on a central server and follow the user • Provide advantage of a single centralized location (helpful for backup) Configured from Profiles page of Active Directory Users and Computers Changing a profile from local to roaming requires care – should copy first 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 20

Activity 3-3: Configuring and Testing a Roaming Profile

• • • Objective: To configure and test a roaming user profile Create a shared folder, copy a local profile to folder, and configure properties of user account to use roaming folder Follow directions in book to create, configure, and test the new roaming profile 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 21

Mandatory Profiles

• • • Local and roaming profiles allow users to make permanent changes Mandatory profiles allow changes only for a single session Local and roaming profiles can both be configured as mandatory • ntuser.dat  ntuser.man

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Activity 3-4: Configuring a Mandatory Profile

• • • • Objective: To configure and test a mandatory user profile Start  My Computer Follow directions to make previously created test profile mandatory by renaming file Test that no permanent changes can be made by user 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 23

Creating and Managing User Accounts

• • Standard tool is Active Directory Users and Computers Also a number of command line tools and utilities 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 24

Active Directory Users and Computers

• • • • • Available from Administrative Tools menu Can be added to a Microsoft Management Console Can be run from command line (dsa.msc) Graphical tool • Can add, modify, move, delete, search for user accounts Can configure multiple objects simultaneously 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 25

Activity 3-5: Creating User Accounts Using Active Directory Users and Computers

• • • Objective: Use Active Directory Users and Computers to create user accounts Start  Administrative Tools  Active Directory Users and Computers Follow directions to create a number of new user accounts 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 26

User Account Templates

• • • A user account that is pre-configured with common settings Can be copied to create new user accounts with pre-defined settings New account is then configured with detailed individual settings 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 27

Activity 3-6: Creating a User Account Template

• • • • • Objective: Create a user account template and use the template to create a new user account Start  Administrative Tools  Users and Computers Active Directory Create a new user account template Use a variable that will automatically populate the profile path with the name of user account Follow directions to create and explore a new user account from template 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 28

Command Line Utilities

• • Some administrators prefer working from command line Can be used to automate creation or management of accounts more flexibly 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 29


• • • Allows object types to be added to directory • Computer accounts, contacts, quotas, OUs, users, etc.

Syntax for user account is • DSADD USER

distinguished-name switches

Switches include • -pwd (password), -memberof, -email, -profile, -disabled 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 30

Activity 3-7: Creating User Accounts Using DSADD

• • • • • Objective: Use the DSADD USER command to create new user accounts Start  Run Follow directions to enter DSADD command Check using Active Directory Computers and Users Enter new DSADD command and again check results 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 31


• • • Allows object types to be modified from the command line • Computer accounts, users, quotas, OUs, servers, etc.

Syntax for modifying user account is • DSMOD USER

distinguished-name + switches +

Can modify multiple accounts simultaneously 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 32

Activity 3-8: Modifying User Accounts Using DSMOD

• • • • • • Objective is to modify existing user account properties using the DSMOD USER command Start  Run Follow directions to enter DSMOD command for a single user Check using Active Directory Comp. and Users Enter new DSMOD command for multiple users Check results using Active Directory 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 33


• • • • Allows various object types to be queried from command line Supports wildcard (*) Output can be redirected to another command (piped) Example: return all user accounts that have not changed passwords in 14 days • dsquery user domainroot –name * -stalepwd 14 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 34


• • • • Allows various object types to be moved from current location to a new location Allows various object types to be renamed Only moves within the same domain (otherwise use MOVETREE) Example: to move a user account into a marketing OU • dsmove "cn=Paul Kohut,cn=users,dc=domain01, dc=dovercorp,dc=net" –newparent "ou=marketing, dc=domain01,dc=dovercorp,dc=net" 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 35


• • • • Allows objects to be deleted from directory Can delete single object or entire subtree Has a confirm option that can be overridden Example: to delete the Marketing OU and all its contained objects without a confirm prompt: • dsrm –subtree –noprompt –c "ou=marketing, dc=domain01,dc=dovercorp,dc=net " 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 36

Bulk Import and Export

• • • Allows an organization to import existing stores of data rather than recreating from scratch Allows an organization to export data that is already structured in Active Directory to secondary databases Two command line utilities for import and export • CSVDE • LDIFDE 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 37


• • • Command-line tool to bulk export and import Active Directory data to and from comma separated value (CSV) files CSV files can be created/edited using text-based editors Example: • csvde –f output.csv

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• • • Command-line tool to bulk export and import Active Directory data to and from LDIF files • LDAP Interchange Format • • Industry standard for information in LDAP directories Each attribute/value on a separate line with blank lines between objects Can be read in text-based editors Common uses: extending AD schemas, importing bulk data to populate AD, manipulating user and group objects 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 39

Activity 3-9: Exporting Active Directory Users Using LDIFDE

• • • • Objective is to export Active Directory user accounts using LDIFDE Start  Run Follow directions to enter LDIFDE command Check exported results using Notepad editor 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 40

Troubleshooting User Account and Authentication Issues

• • Normally creating and configuring user accounts is straightforward Issues do arise related to • • Configuration of account Policy settings 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 41

Account Policies

• • Authentication-related policy settings • Configured in Account Policies node of Group Policy objects at domain level • Account lockout, passwords, Kerberos Default Domain Policy • • Accessed from Active Directory Computers and Users Configures policies for all domain users 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 42

Password Policy

• Configuration settings • • • • • • Password history and reuse Maximum password age Minimum password age Minimum password length Complexity requirements Encryption policy 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 43

Account Lockout Settings

• Configuration settings • • • Account lockout duration Account lockout threshold Reset account lockout counter after 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 44

Kerberos Policy

• Configuration settings • • • • • Enforce user logon restrictions Maximum lifetime for service ticket Maximum lifetime for user ticket Maximum lifetime for user ticket renewal Maximum tolerance for computer clock synchronization 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 45

Auditing Authentication

• • • • Audit account logon event • Configured in Group Policy object linked to Domain Controllers OU (Default Domain Controllers Policy) Default is to log only successful logons Event viewable in Security log (use Event Viewer) Can choose to edit failed logons • • May be helpful for troubleshooting Codes provide information about type of failure 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 46

Resolving Logon Issues

• Some common logon issues (and fixes) • • • • • • • Incorrect user name or password (administrative reset) Account lockout (manual unlock) Account disabled (administrative enable) Logon hour restrictions (check account restrictions) Workstation restrictions (check account restrictions) Domain controllers (check configured DNS settings) Client time settings (check client clock synchronization) 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 47

Resolving Logon Issues (continued)

• • • • • Down-level client issues (install Active Directory Client Extensions) UPN logon issues (check Global Catalog server) Unable to log on locally (set policy on local server) Remote access logon issues (check access on Dial up properties) Terminal services logon issues (check allow logon to terminal server permission) 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 48


• • • A user account is an object stored in Active Directory • Information that defines user and access to network Primary tools to create and manage user accounts • • Active Directory Users and Computers Command line utilities (DSADD, DSMOD, DSQUERY, DSMOVE, DSRM) Two main authentication processes • • Interactive authentication Network authentication 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 49

Summary (continued)

• • • Two main authentication protocols • Kerberos v5, NTLM User profiles used to configure and customize desktop environment • Local, roaming, mandatory Utilities for bulk importing and exporting user data to and from Active Directory • LDIFDE and CSVDE 70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 50