Jeffrey Godbout HWP Coordinator [email protected] Questions to be Answered  What is Humanitarian Work Psychology (HWP)?  What is the Global Task Force and.

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Transcript Jeffrey Godbout HWP Coordinator [email protected] Questions to be Answered  What is Humanitarian Work Psychology (HWP)?  What is the Global Task Force and.

Jeffrey Godbout
HWP Coordinator
[email protected]
Questions to be Answered
 What is Humanitarian Work Psychology (HWP)?
 What is the Global Task Force and Network for HWP?
 Who is doing what and what is being done?
 How YOU can get involved?
 What books/articles are available to learn more?
 The Why is up to You!
HWP - Background
Community of
I/O Psy
working on
Call for Global
Task Force
HWP Defined
(sort of!) New
(June 2009)
(Aug 2009)
Millennium Development Goals
Millennium Development Goals
Paris Declaration on Aid
(1) Eradicate extreme poverty & hunger
(2) Achieve universal primary education
(3) Promote gender equality and empower
(4) Reduce child mortality
(5) Improve maternal health
(6) Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria & other
(7) Ensure environmental sustainability
(8) Develop a global partnership for
– E.g., open trade, governance, private sector
 Ownership
– Source: Annan (2000)
– The “MDGs” are not without critics, e.g.,
Easterly (2006)
– Easterly focuses a lot on ‘bottom-up’
 Managing for Results
 Mutual Accountability
 Alignment
 Harmonization
HWP - Background
Community of
I/O Psy
working on
Call for Global
Task Force
HWP Defined
(sort of!) New
(June 2009)
(Aug 2009)
Key Questions
• How can I/O psychology impact the outcomes of the
MDG and other Human Rights based policies?
• Where is I/O’s presence?
• How do we get I/O perspectives to be taken more
serious in this context?
• How do we become more responsive, and socially
responsive - as a Discipline, and as a Profession?
Poverty reduction and international development cooperation present enormous challenges and
opportunities to those who seek to improve people's lives through work psychology. A major international
response is required to address these challenges. The nternational community of
work/industrial/organisational psychologists wish to work in partnership with others who have similar
interests to develop a global initiative which can b a powerful mechanism to identify how, where and when
psychology can contribute t poverty alleviation, particularly as it affects the lives of those in low income
We call for the establishment of a global initiative to bring the potential benefits
work/industrial/organisational psychology to bear on the reduction of human poverty. These areas of
psychology should play a key role in the consultation, design, delivery and evaluation of international aid; in
the partnerships on which capacity development depends; and in the provision of essential human services to
health, education and industry. While some important work has already been done in these areas the
potential contribution of work/industrial/organisational psychology is greatly underdeveloped. A Global
Taskforce is needed to identify how to step up the scale, impact and funding of such activities, and to do so in
an integrated fashion. The Global Taskforce should have broad representation from low, middle and highincome countries, and ensure that efforts to address poverty do not reproduce the injustices that often give
rise to it. The Task Force should be non-aligned to interests arsing from national or professional society
affiliations, and should use the human rights values espoused by the UN as its touchstone.
Millions of people the world over are working in organizations that have a positive influence on poverty
reduction. We call for a Global Taskforce that will help to align work psychology initiatives for poverty
reduction and to harmonise them with efforts towards realising the MDGs.
We ask the UN to mandate a Global Task Force on Organisational Psychology for Development.
HWP - Background
Community of
I/O Psy
working on
Call for Global
Task Force
HWP Defined
(sort of!) New
(June 2009)
(Aug 2009)
Global Task Force
London Summit June 2009, UCL
• The meeting was convened in order to facilitate an
exchange of current research between Task Force
members, to develop a research agenda for the future,
and to plan a forthcoming book on the Organizational
Psychology of the future.
• Outcomes
– Humanitarian Work Psychology
– Global Task Force For HWP
– Network For HWP
– Future agenda for HWP future
– Book Outline
HWP - Background
Community of
I/O Psy
working on
Call for Global
Task Force
HWP Defined
(sort of!) New
(June 2009)
(Aug 2009)
Humanitarian Work Psychology
(Humanistic Application of I/O Psychology)
Humanitarian Work Psychology (HWP) is the
application of Organizational Psychology to the
humanitarian arena, especially poverty
reduction and the promotion of decent work,
aligned with local stakeholders' needs, and in
partnership with global aid/development
Humanitarian Arena
Foreign & Local
(Expat, Vol, Intern,
Multilateral, NGO,
National, Gov, Conslt,
Commercial, etc.
Policies, Aid Delivery,
Objectives, etc.
Impact on Local Community
•Environment (e.g.
Resource Depletion)
•General Presence
•Employee treatment
•Dependence &
Global Task Force for HWP
Network for HWP
 The Network for HWP is an
The GTF is a steering committee of I/O
practitioners, academics and students
with a broad representation of low to
high income countries ushering in a
new era of greater practical application
of I/O expertise in global development.
Practice, promote, and advance HWP
and its socially responsible agenda,
promote a role for work psychology in
improving: the design, delivery and
evaluation of international aid; the
partnerships on which capacity
development depends; and the provision
of essential human services to health,
education and industry.
GTF Co-Chairs
Stuart Carr
Mary O’Neill Berry
Leo Marai
international, non-partisan
organization for anyone interested in
practicing, promoting, developing, or
learning more about HWP.
 To foster the practice, promotion and
development of HWP by unifying an
international community focused on
aligning prosocial agendas and decent work
with local needs.
HWP’s Levels
Network for
Global Impact
HWP – Research and Practical Application Examples
Practical Application
 Project AddUp (Carr, et al 2005; Carr, et al.
 Smart Aid (Adkins & Thompson 2009)
in press)
Explores the effects of aid salary
discrepancies in the health, education and
business sectors of six countries – landlocked
economies of Malawi and Uganda; transition
economies of India and China; island
economies of the Solomon Islands and Papua
New Guinea.
 Motivation in Educational
 The Centre for Socio-Eco-
Nomic Development
 Centre for Global Health
Setting (McLachlan & Tumwebaze, 2009)
Teacher motivation in developing setting
and the systematic changes that need to
take place.
 Less brain drain.
 Attribution
(McWha, & Carr, 2009)
Positive vs. Negative Images of poverty
and attributions for poverty.
 UN and ILO Ambassadors
(Workshops, Training, Consulting (Stuart Carr,
Mary O'Neill Berry, Walter Reichman, others)
 Teaching (Carr, NZ; Foster-Thompson, Spain
Getting Involved…
 Take time to understand HWP
 Express interest in research/practice HWP
 Use multimedia avenues to get involved and share your thoughts
Join the Network for HWP through - Facebook group ‘HWP Network’; Povio, the intranet for HWP; and
the website (
 READ - books/articles/journals
 Attend conferences (I/O discipline, Humanitarian arena)
 Pursue professors and practitioners working in HWP
 Identify journals calling for HWP topics
 Look to public sector for opportunities
Take a job at a business with CSR as a high priority or other prosocial agendas and join those groups;
Use the organizations reputation to start projects grounded in HWP principles
 Start your own projects - look for funding from family/friends/businesses/rotary clubs/etc.
 Volunteer and/or Intern
 Travel
 Always be thinking of ways to apply what you learn to your career as a Humanitarian Work
 UN, ILO, and other intergovernmental organizations
 NGO internal and external consulting, management
 Government (public policy, development sector, etc)
 Public and Private sector (socially responsible agendas and projects, etc.)
 Internships with the above mentioned organizations
 Internships with HWP or similar organizations (PsySR, SPSSI, etc.)
 Universities (TA, RA, exchange w/ low-high income countries, courses,
 Dissertation & thesis
 Research and projects…be creative! (Journals are looking for HWP papers)
 Collaborate with I/O psychologists and universities from low-, middle-,
and high-income countries
Personal Projects
 Teaching, Research, Consulting (Papua New Guinea,
other developing country)
 Grant (12 in 12)
 SIOP Symposium (Atlanta, 2010)
 Organizing and developing Network for HWP
 HWP Rep – Presentation series (Univ., Orgs, Other)
 Paper submissions (Psychology international and
Case Examples
• #1 Example Scenario (Imagine you are a HWP Consultant) – A large
donor for an aid organization demanded that the expertise of a
Humanitarian Work Psychologist be used to help select Indonesian
academics for aid scholarships that allow them to complete their
undergraduate - PhDs at American Universities. You have been
selected, but the donors last minute demands mean that you will be
flying out in 5 days to remote islands in the Eastern provinces of the
Indonesian Archipelago. The aid organisation who has selected you (a
big honour, a potential major client for the future) has done this for
years, but amazingly there is no documentation of the process, and no
archives to access, no organizational memories of past selection
processes. You have no expertise in selection for educational
scholarships. You do not know who you will be working with on the
selection panel. What do you do?
• #2 Review work of Dr. Morris in Afghanistan – see “Good Work” in
Landy, 2009.
Contacts and Media Channels
 Website (
 Povio-intranet for HWP (email
[email protected] with the subject of your
email “Subscribe Povio”
 Facebook - group HWP Network
 HWP Rep: 301-300-7463, [email protected]
Questions Answered!
 What is Humanitarian Work Psychology (HWP)? (slide 8,
9, 11)
What is the Global Task Force and Network for HWP?
(slide 10)
What is currently being done and by who? (slide 12, 16)
Opportunities & how YOU can get involved? (slide 13, 14,
What publications are available to learn more? (slide 12,
 The Why is still up to You!
References…more on website
Carr, S. C., McAuliffe, E., & MacLachlan, M. (1998).
Psychology of aid. New York: Routledge.
Carr, S.C., Shumaker J.F. (eds) (1996). Psychology and the
Developing World. Conn: Praeger
Carr, S.C., & T.S. Sloan (eds) (2003) Poverty & Psychology:
From Global Perspective to Local Practice. New York:
Furnham, A. & Lewis, A. (1986). The Economic Mind: The
Social Psychology of Economic Behavior. St Martins Press,
New York.
MacLachlan, M., Carr, S. C., & McAuliffe. E. (2010). The
Aid Triangle: Human Dynamics of Dominance, Justice and
Identity. London: Zed Books.
Owusu-Bempah, K. & Howitt, D. (2000). Psychology
Beyond Western Perspectives. Leicester: BPS.
Yiu, L., & Saner, R. (2005). Decent work and poverty
reduction strategies (PRS): An ILO advocacy guidebook.
Geneva: ILO.
Carr S. C. (2007) I/O Psychology and Poverty Reduction:
Past Present and Future. The Industrial-Organizational
Psychologist, 41, 1, 43-50.
Carr, S. C., Hodgson, M. R., Vent, D. H., & Purcell, I.P.
(2005). Pay diversity across work teams: Doubly demotivating influences? Journal of Managerial Psychology,
20(5), 417-39.
Carr, S. C., MacLachlan, M., Reichman, W., Klobas, J.,
O’Neill Berry, M., & Furnham, A. (2008). Organizational
Psychology and Poverty Reduction: Where Supply Meets
Demand. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 29, 843-851.
Lefkowitz, J. (2008). Expand the values of organizational
psychology to match the quality of its ethics. Journal of
Organizational Behavior, 29, 439–453.
Furnham, A. (1982). 'Why are the poor always with us?
Explanations for poverty in Britain', British Journal of
Social Psychology, 21, 311-322.
Furnham, A. & Procter, E. (1989). 'Belief in a just world:
review and critique of the individual difference literature',
British Journal of Social Psychology, 28, 365-384
MacLachlan, M., & Carr, S. C. (2005). The human dynamics
of aid. OECD Policy Insights,10,