Case Study No. 1 Crash Severity for Lane Departures Crashes Q. “What is the crash severity for lane departure crashes in the City of.

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Transcript Case Study No. 1 Crash Severity for Lane Departures Crashes Q. “What is the crash severity for lane departure crashes in the City of.

Case Study No. 1
Crash Severity for Lane Departures Crashes
Q. “What is the crash severity
for lane departure crashes in
the City of Faribault between
Steps Needed for Case 1
1. Select Crash Data (circle with red, blue and yellow
graphic), then select Crash Filters.
2. Select City under Location Filters, then check Faribault.
3. Select Crash Year under Attribute Filters, then check
years 2009-2013.
4. Select Crash Diagram and select crash codes pertaining
to lane departure crashes. (sideswipe passing/opposing,
Ran off Road-Left/Right and head on)
5. Click OK.
6. Select Charts, then select Crash Severity under the
dropdown menu, then select Add Chart
Lane Departure Crashes by Severity
Lane Departure Crashes by
The previous slide illustrates that most
crashes between 2009-2013 involved
property damage followed by possible
injury crashes.
There was a total of 321 crashes during
this time frame.
Case Study No. 2
Q. “What are the most
dominant crash diagram types
resulting from chemical
impairment as the 1st
contributing factor in the City of
Steps Needed for Case 2
1. Select Crash Data, then select Crash Filters.
2. Select City under Location Filters and then check
3. Select Contributing Factor 1 under Attribute
Filters and then check Chemical Impairment.
4. Click OK.
5. Select Charts, then select Diagram under the
dropdown menu, then select Add Chart
Crash Diagram resulting from Chemical
Impairment in Faribault
Crash Diagram resulting from Chemical
Impairment in Faribault
The bar chart on the previous slide
illustrates that the three most occurring
crashes as a result of chemical
impairment are rear end, ran off the road
(right side) and ran off road (left side)
There was a total of 53 crashes.
Case Study No. 3
Q. “What number of reported
crashes involve younger (under 21)
inexperienced drivers as the 1st
contributing factor that ran off the
road in Faribault?”
Steps Needed for Case 3
1. Select Crash Data, then select Crash Filters.
2. Select City, and then check Faribault.
3. Select Driver Age, then check appropriate boxes for
Drivers under 21.
4. Select Contributing Factor 1, then check Inexperience.
5. Select Crash Diagram and select crash codes pertaining to
lane departure crashes. (sideswipe passing/opposing, Ran
off Road-Left/Right and head on), then click Ok.
6. Select Charts, then select Diagram under the dropdown
menu, then select Add Chart.
Distracted Young Drivers
Online MnCMAT Tool
Inexperienced Young Drivers
The crash reports indicate that there was
one head on, two ran off road right side,
and one ran off road left side crashes.
Case Study No. 4
Q. “How many young drivers
(<21) were involved in K & A
crashes that was a result of
disregarding a traffic device as
the 1st contributing factor
within the Metro District ?”
Steps Needed for Case 4
1. Select Create New Project, then select the Metro District
and click OK.
2. Select Crash Data, then select Crash Filters, then select
Crash Severity and select the appropriate codes for K & A
3. Select Driver Age and select the appropriate ages for
drivers under 21.
4. Select Contributing Factor 1 and select Disregard Traffic
Device, and click OK.
5. Select Charts, then select Crash Severity under the
dropdown menu, and then select Add Chart.
Young (<21) Drivers involved in K & A crashes by Disregarding
Traffic Devices in Metro District
Young (<21) Drivers involved in K & A crashes by
Disregarding Traffic Devices in Metro District
The graphs on the previous slide show
that there were a total of 115 K & A
crashes involving young drivers
disregarding traffic devices
Of the 115 crashes, 94 crashes (over
80%) were incapacitating accidents
The proceeding case studies are very basic examples
of use of MnCMAT.
More complicated reports may be run. Even more
complicated reports that require information on data
not contained in MnCMAT (for example, seat belt use
of non-drivers) would require special reports.