OARE Short Course Short Course Table of Contents • • • • • • • • Introduction to OARE including background, registration & copyright Searching Strategies Using OARE homepage Searching for articles in.

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Transcript OARE Short Course Short Course Table of Contents • • • • • • • • Introduction to OARE including background, registration & copyright Searching Strategies Using OARE homepage Searching for articles in.

OARE Short Course
Short Course Table of Contents
Introduction to OARE including background,
registration & copyright
Searching Strategies
Using OARE homepage
Searching for articles in OARE - Environment Index
Searching for articles in OARE - Scopus
Searching for articles in OARE -Environmental Science
and Pollution Management – CSA
OARE Training material
Appendix: Access problems and solutions for
full-text articles
Introduction to OARE
Programme Objectives
• Increase access to high-quality, relevant
literature in environmental sciences
• Improve research in environmental sciences
and related disciplines
• Improve the quality and effectiveness of
education and training
• Increase environment-related policy for the
benefit of the population
What is OARE?
• OARE =
Online Access to Research in the Environment
OARE is an Internet based portal
Provides free or low cost access to major scientific and
peer reviewed journals, e-books, databases, and other
scientific materials in environmental sciences .
Launched in October, 2006.
Several thousand institutions are registered from over
one hundred countries
Has 3900 journals from more than 150 of the world’s
leading academic publishers
Full-text coverage from 1997 onward in most cases
Eligible Countries
Partners – R4L Programs
• Major Publisher Partners - Blackwell Publishing,
CABI, Elsevier, Kluwer Academic Publishing,
Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, Oxford University
Press, Nature Publishing Group, Springer Verlag,
John Wiley & Sons
• United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
• Yale University & Cornell University
• World Health Organization (WHO) & Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
• Microsoft
Eligibility Overview
• 109 countries qualify
• Institutions in the public sector or with a notfor-profit status qualify for free access to the
full-text articles in OARE’s online collection.
• Institutions must register (just once) to receive
a username and password
• Check with your information or communication
officer to receive the username and password
that gives you full access to OARE and full-text
Country Eligibility Overview
• Country eligibility is based on GNI per capita (as of
01 January 2011).
• Free access is available to institutions in countries with
a GNI per capita of $1600 or less
• Access to those with GNI of between $1601 and $4700
is at a yearly subscription of $1000 for each institution
• 70 countries are currently eligible under the Band 1
countries (those with GNI of $1600 or less)
• 37 countries are currently eligible under the Band 2
countries (those with GNI of between $1601 and
Institution Eligibility Overview
• All OARE users may browse collection and journal
abstracts without log in. (You may still have fulltext access through the OARE website if your
institutions subscribe to the journals.)
• To view, download and print the full-text articles,
users must be registered and must login first
• Login may only be done by registered institutions
• Students, faculty and staff at eligible, registered
institutions can access full-text articles and other
OARE resources.
OARE: User Agreement
• All registered institutions will sign a User
Agreement covering:
–Use of the OARE password
–Copyright and Fair Use
• Agreement shall be available in your
Use of the OARE Password
• Do Please Share OARE username and
password with colleagues, students,
faculties in your institution
• Do not Share with those from outside
the institution
• Do not Use outside the country
Copyright and Fair Use
• Same as typical copyright and fair use
principles: It is OK, for example, to:
– Download or print up to 15% of a journal issue
or book
– Use material for educational purposes (course
packs or reserves)
– Make copies for institution members or
• Always credit sources
• Be cautious but sensible
Abuse of Publisher Privileges
• It is NOT OK to:
– Charge for documents, except for cost recovery for
teaching materials
– Post content to websites or blogs that are publically
– Change content
– Download all articles from a single issue
• Violations result in the INSTITUTION or ENTIRE
country denied access until the problem is
Complete exercises #1 in the
accompanying OARE Short Course
Exercises (Word) document
Planning a Search Strategy
Example (Steps 1-4) – health problems
AND water pollution
Ask: What health problems are associated with water pollution?
Need: scholarly primary research
Main Concepts: health, water, pollution
Select terms:
– Broader terms: ‘health’, environmental degradation’,
‘agricultural management’,
– Synonyms:
health, illness, disease, etc.
water, rivers, lakes, sea, domestic water, etc.
pollution, ‘oil spills’, chemical, biological, toxicity, etc
– Alternative spellings: none
– Plurals: river(s), lake(s), disease(s)
– Capitals: e.g. name of a specific lake, disease, region
5. Select a Source
6. Search: construct a search using the appropriate
commands and best practices
Question: What health problems are associated with water pollution?
Concept 1
Concept 2
Concept 3
Concept 4
1. health
2. wellbeing
3. problems
4. complications
5. water
6. H2O
7. pollution
8. contamination
9 = 1 OR 2
10 = 3 OR 4
11 = 5 OR 6
12 = 7 OR 8
13 = 9 AND 10 AND 11 AND 12
7. Revise
Review and refine you search
• be prepared to review/revise your search
• keep your search terms in concept
sets/zones but remember to explore subtopics
• try new sources of information
• save the search and citations for future use
• promote use of high-quality resources
8. Manage Results
• Download, print, save, e-mail results & search history
• Cite using a biomedical citation style
• Save search, set up alerts
9. Evaluate-Who? What? When? Where? Why?
10. Apply –Answer the question.
Boolean Operators
AND Operator
(to combine two concepts)
(heavy metals)
the AND operator is used to combine two concepts
e.g. groundwater AND heavy metals – results are in
the combined area of the two circles
Note: the parentheses are used to limit the results
to the exact phrase – in this case (heavy metals)
AND Operator
(to combine three concepts)
(heavy metals)
the AND operator is used to combine three
concepts e.g. groundwater AND (heavy
metals) AND pollution - in the combined area
of the three circles
OR Operator
(info containing one or other term)
the OR is a means of combining terms e.g.
mercury OR lead - in each circle’s area with the
overlap in the middle having both search terms
NOT Operator
(in one term or the other)
the mercury NOT lead option limits the search to one
term (mercury) – only in the left area; it eliminates
items in 2nd term (lead) or both terms (center)
Other search engine functions
• Phrase or proximity searching: “…” or (…)
– allows you to search for an exact phrase, e.g. diseases
AND (water pollution) or groundwater AND (heavy
• Truncation/wildcards: *
– allow you to search alternative spellings and plurals
river* for river OR rivers
pesticide* for pesticide OR pesticides
program* for programme OR program
• Alternate spellings: ?
– can be used to substitute for characters anywhere in a
wom?n for woman or women
Africa AND (mercury OR lead)
Africa AND (mercury OR lead) – in the shaded area
The OR operator retains items in each term and the
AND operator is used to combine two concepts
More Search Techniques
• Field Specific Searching
– author, title, journal, date, url, etc.
• Language Restrictions, Humans or Animals and other
(to be discussed in SCOPUS)
• Relevancy Ranking
– a grading that gives extra weight to a document
when the search terms appear in the headline or
are capitalized
– every found document is calculated as 100%
multiply by the angle formed by weights vector for
request and weights vector for document found
Evaluating Web Information
Criteria for Evaluation
- Accuracy
- Authority
- Currency
- Coverage
- Objectivity
The Google search engine
This is the Google search
engines. Queries are
typed into the Search box.
Google Scholar provides a
simple way to broadly search
for scholarly literature.
Complete exercises #2 in the
accompanying OARE Short Course
Exercises (Word) document
How to Register for OARE
Step 1
Start your web browser
(Internet Explorer or
Step 2
in the “Address” box
Step 3
Press “Enter” on the keyboard
or GO
To register your institution,
click on the Register hyperlink.
To register, fill in the form.
You only need to fill this in
once as an institution.
Fill in the six character
registration code and click on
the ‘Send Registration’ box.
• Trouble registering or logging on? Technical
issues? Questions about policy or use?
Training inquiries?
– For support in Africa, contact ITOCA
[email protected]
– For support elsewhere, email
[email protected]
Step 1
Start your web browser
(Internet Explorer or
Step 2
in the “Address” box
Step 3
Press “Enter” on the keyboard
or GO
Accessing the Collection
From this page, you can login
and also view this information
in multiple languages.
From the initial page’s menu, you can find
the link to journals and databases,
information about OARE plus eligibility,
how to register, training material, etc.
Logging In
• For full-text journal articles:
– Users’ institutions must be registered
– Users must log in using institutional user
name and password.
NOTE: OARE log in does not give access to all
services offered on publishers’ websites.
Type in user name and password exactly as provided
by your institution. Passwords are case-sensitive.
Click Login
Note the ‘You are logged in’ message. You also can confirm login by
viewing the url (web address) at the top of the page that will read:
The initial OARE page includes
links to Databases and Article
Searching, Reference Sources
and Other Free Collections.
If you do not properly login, this message
on the Full-text journals, databases and
other resources page will remind you!
Navigating OARE to Find What You
In the next few slides you will learn to:
• Browse by journal titles and publishers
• Explore journals by subject lists
• Locate journals by language
• Download full-text articles (PDF and
HTML versions)
Once you have logged-in, you will be taken to the Full
text journals, databases, and other resources page.
Searching by Title
Journals can be accessed by title from the Find journals by
title alphabetical list. For example, to find Perspectives in
Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, click on P.
A page appears containing
all the journal titles
beginning with P.
Click on a title in the list to
select a journal.
Another window will open at
the journal publisher’s site
with the full list of Volumes,
issues and articles.
This is the PDF display of the article. Most
publishers also supply the HTML (with
hyperlinks) and summary options.
Click on this link to get a complete list of the journals.
Searching by Subject
Journals also can be found
via the Find journals by
subject category listing.
Choose the subject that you are
interested in. e.g. ‘Environmental
Law, Policy & Planning’.
An alphabetical list of Environmental Law,
Policy & Planning journals now is displayed
with links to the journals’ websites.
Click on a journal title to open
the journal in a new window (the
publisher’s page).
The Environment and Urbanization
journal now opens in the publisher’s
website. Note the links to the
Current and Recent Issues.
Again, we have opened the PDF
format of an article. Note that
there are save and print options.
Searching by Language
Click on the link to Find journals by
language of publication and choose
the language you prefer. e.g. French.
An alphabetical list of French
language journals is displayed.
Select a journal title from the
list e.g. Biochimica et
Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics.
A new window will open at the publisher’s
site - with access to the current and
previous volumes and issues.
Searching by Publisher
From the initial Journals page, click
on the drop down menu for Find
journals by publisher and choose
the publisher that you want.
e.g. ‘Nature Publishing Group’.
The list of OARE journals available
from the Nature Publishing Group
will be displayed.
Choose the specific journal
that you want.
e.g. Nature Cell Biology
The initial page of the journal is
displayed. Choose the volume, issue
and article that you are interested in
e.g. ‘March Issue 3’.
This is the display for the HTML version of the
article that includes hypertext links. You have
the option of printing or downloading/saving
the full text article in HTML.
This full text article is in
HTML and must be read
with a web-browser.
Now displayed is the PDF
version of the article. To
print or save click here.
OR you can choose to
download/view in PDF.
Let’s Review What We Learned
You should now know how to:
LOGIN to and register for OARE
Browse by journal titles and publishers
Explore journals by subject lists
Locate journals by language
Download full-text articles (PDF and HTML)
Complete exercises #3 – 9 in the
accompanying OARE Short Course
Exercises (Word) document
Note: Also see Appendix - Access
Problems and Solutions for Full-text
• Environmental Index (EBSCO)
• Scopus (Elsevier)
• Environmental Science and Pollution
Management (CSA)
Environmental Index (EBSCO)
To open Environmental Index,
click on the Databases and Article
searching drop down menu. Once
open, click on Environmental
Index (EBSCO).
EBSCO Host notes that OARE is
the client. This means there will
be access to full-text articles.
The default page is the Basic Search display.
We will enter the pesticides AND water
pollution in the search box and click on Search.
Note the other options – Advanced Search,
Visual Search and Search History.
There are 1192 Results for this search.
To view the first article, we will click on
the FullTextSFX icon. Another
important option is the Add to folder.
After clicking on the FullTextSFX icon, there are two
options for viewing the full text article and we will
click on Elsevier ScienceDirect Complete.
Note that Ebsco recognizes that you are logged into
OARE and therefore have access to the articles.
Via ScienceDirect, you have
access to the article in both
HTML and PDF format.
We have returned to the Search results and
added the first citation to the Folder. Note
the option to Remove from folder.
Once you add the citations you are
interested in, there are numerous options
in the Folder. We will click on Folder view.
In the right column, you now
have the options to Print, EEmail, Save as File and Export the
citations in the Folder.
We have opened the Print Manager page and
retained the Detailed Citation and Abstract
option. To receive a copy of the 1 item that
was saved, we would click on the Print button.
Now displayed is the E-mail manager option.
You could send the citation(s) to a colleague
or yourself in either Rich or Plain Text. Note
the 3 options for the Standard Field Format.
The final option displayed is the
Save Manager. Note that, from
the Citation Format drop down
menu, you have various choices
for the bibliographic citations.
We now will re-open the results of the
pesticides AND water pollution search. This
can be done by clicking on the Search
History link or using the web browser’s
back button several times. To Refine the
search, we will click on and move the
Publication Date bar.
We have moved the Publication Date
bar to limit the search to 2000 – 2011
publications and also checked the
Linked Full Text box. We now will
click on the Update icon.
Again from the search results page, we
have opened the Source Type box,
checked on Academic Journals and
clicked the Update button. Both ‘limits’
will appear in the refined search.
This refined search has 731 Results
for the pesticides AND water
pollution search with the publication
date Limiters and Academic Journals
Source Types that we added.
This is the Search History page. Note that the
initial and refined searches are listed. For each
search, you can View Results, View Details or
Edit. You have the options complete a Search
with AND or Search with OR or Delete Searches.
We have opened the Advanced
Search page which gives you
numerous options - to make your
search more precise. Note the
options from the drop down menu
for the initial keyword entry. There
also are various Search modes and
Limit your results options.
The Sign In to My EBSCOhost page has been
opened. You will need this personal account to
use some of the Environmental Index options
including viewing previously saved searches.
Click on Create a new Account.
You can access this page by clicking on the Sign
In option that is on the top of the search page.
Complete exercises # 10 - 11 in the
accompanying OARE Short Course
Exercises (Word) document
Scopus (Elsevier)
To open Scopus, click on the
Databases and Article searching
drop down menu. Once open,
click on Scopus (Elsevier).
This is the default Scopus
(Document search) page.
Note that Scopus is Brought
to you by OARE.
From the top navigational bar on the Search page,
there is access to the SCOPUS options. There are
available at the top of the SCOPUS website,
regardless of the page that is open. At the bottom
of the page, there are links on the navigation bar,
and a brief description of the pages to which you
are transferred.
On the Advanced Search page, you
can conduct an advanced search
using a large number of field
names and other advanced search
On the Document Search
page, you can conduct both
simple and more advanced
searches using common search
On the Author Search page, you can find
articles written by a specific person when
the author’s name is cited in many different
ways. For example, an author can be cited
as Smith, J in one article, but as Smith, John
in another. SCOPUS helps you find the right
author by grouping together articles written
by specific authors.
In the Search for section, we will enter a
search for ‘ground water AND heavy metals
AND mining’ and keep the ‘Article Title,
Abstract Keywords’ option. In the Limit to
section, we will retain the default Date
Range, Document Type and Subject Areas
options. Finally, click on Search.
The Scopus search resulted in 159 citations for
journal articles and conferences. For each
citation, you can View at Publisher, Show
Abstract and open Related documents.
For the search results, you have the following
options: Download, PDF, Export, Print, Email,
Create Bibliography – plus the Sort by options.
Note also the Web and Patents Search options
(explained below).
The SCOPUS database allows
you to search about 75% of
the scientific titles in OARE.
Scopus has the options to refine the search by Year,
Author Name, Subject Area, Document Type and
other options. Once you refine your search (or
complete another search), you can view your
various searches by clicking on View search history.
The Show abstract icon has been activated for
one of the citations. There also is a View at
publisher option. Note that you also can Edit
and Save the search plus Set (an) alert.
In the SpringerLink portal, The Studies
on uranium… article has been opened.
Note that you have the options to
Download PDF or View HTML.
We have opened the PDF version of this article
that you can download or print.
Note that the url (web address) has the
‘oaresciences.org/whalecommwww…’ address.
This is because you opened Scopus from OARE
and the publisher recognizes you as being
properly logged in.
As previously mentioned… from the search
results page, you have the following options:
Download, PDF, Export, Print, Email, Create
Bibliography – plus the Sort by options.
In this slide, we initially will Refine results by
checking the 2011 and 2010 year boxes and
clicking on Limit to. In the following slides, we
will review some of the other options.
The Document results for this revised search
is 15. We have checked the boxes for All the
articles and will click on the Print option.
Note that the specific query and the applied
limits are listed in the turquoise box.
For the 15 selected documents, we have opened the
Export, Print, E-mail or Create a Bibliography page.
We have clicked on Print and, from the drop down
menu, selected the Citations only option.
We now have selected the E-mail option - to
send an email. This time we have selected
the Abstract format with References from the
drop down menu. The message in the Body
Text describes the search.
For features such as the previously mentioned
Save a Search or to use MY Alerts, My List and
My Settings and other features, you will need to
set up a personal ScienceDirect account.
Using a Scopus list of citations, you can access the full-text articles
from the journals A-Z title list. (Not all articles can be accessed
directly from the Scopus search results page.)
Complete exercises # 12 - 14 in the
accompanying OARE Short Course
Exercises (Word) document
Environmental Science and Pollution
Management (CSA)
From the Databases and Articles searching drop
down menu, we will open the Environmental
Science and Pollution Management database.
We have opened the Quick Search (default) page of
CSA. Enter pesticides AND coral reefs in the Search
box and click on Search. Note the Date Ranges
option and the selection of Earliest to Current.
Displayed are the results for this search –
All Publication Types (74) with lower
numbers for Journals (42), Peer-Reviewed
Journals (24), Conferences (20) and Books
(4). Note the option for FullTextSFX. For
the 1st article we will click on View Record.
The citation (author, title, source, etc.),
abstract and other information is
displayed. You also can create a New
Search using AND/OR or add the search
terms to a Current Search. We will look
at the Save, Print and Email options.
The Save, Print and Email
page has all three options –
for this citation. We will
Save this article for a PC.
For this record , we have chosen to save all
the records, use the Short Format display
chosen the APA 6th edition citation style
and Text document format. At the top of
the page is a Return to Results link.
We have returned to the search
Results page and now will click
on the FullTextSFX link.
From the ExLibris SFX page, we now will
click on Elsevier ScienceDirect Complete –
to view this full-text article.
Note that the url (web address) confirms
that you are properly logged into OARE
and should have access to this article.
The full-text article from ScienceDirect has been
displayed. Besides this HTML version, a PDF file is
available for downloading and also the option to Email the article. Note that ScienceDirect displays the
OARE symbol – to confirm that you have access.
We have displayed the Advanced
Search page. Similarly to the other
databases, this is a tool to create a
more precise or limited search. Note
that you Browse by Author, Journal
Name or Publication Type.
Another useful option is the
Search History page. We have
displayed the details of the
pesticides and coral reefs search.
Complete exercises # 15 - 16 in the
accompanying OARE Short Course
Exercises (Word) document
Training Material
The OARE Training page has
detailed information that can
be used for training courses
and further learning.
There are links to PDF documents
PowerPoint presentations that are
an in-depth discussion of many of
OARE’s features.
Note that the Basic Training Packages
contains modules on using the OARE
website and searching for articles in
two of the databases.
The IMARK project has a number of
courses on the effective management of
agricultural information (but would apply
to other disciplines).
Material is available online or via CD-ROM.
INASP has developed a
series of courses on the use
of electronic resources in
low-income countries.
AuthorAID is an invaluable resource for
publishing including a library with 150+
documents and a mentor service.
Authorship Skills Web-bibliography
Contains annotated links to 30+ WWW based/
full-text information on how to:
Conduct ethical research
This web-bibliography has
annotated links to 30+
Write a scientific paper
scientific publishing related
Internet sites.
Write a structured abstract
Prepare manuscripts for submission
Write footnotes and bibliographies
Avoid plagiarism
Appendix : Access Problems and Solutions for
Full-text Articles
Via OARE, the Journal of Forest
Research has been opened.
When attempting to open a
full-text article, the publisher
(Springer) has requested a fee
to purchase the article. .
Possible Problems
Access problems can be caused by:
1)failure to properly LOGIN with the institution's
User Name/Password
2) technical problems at the Publisher's website
3) Problems with local systems (configuration of
user institution’s firewall, configuration of
browser) or
4) The publisher has not authorized access –
mostly for Band 2 countries
Institutional Firewall Problems
***need IP address(es) for OARE
In this situation, a proxy server is blocked by the
institution’s firewall. Please check with your
computer department to make sure the
institution’s firewall does not block proxy servers.
The computer system must be able to access
AGORA’s proxy server. Insure that you are
permitted access to AGORA’s IP addresses (portal) and
(authentication system) through your institution’s
firewall. Otherwise, you will not be able to login
properly and access AGORA’s full-text articles.
In OARE, the Journal of Forest
Research is in the J section of the
Find journals by title A-Z list. We
have confirmed that you should
have access to this journal.
This is a sample email – to send
to [email protected]
Screen Captures
To create ‘screen captures’:
– display the screen you want (from the Internet)
– click on the ‘print screen’ key
– open the ‘paint’ program and paste the image
– edit the image (use the ‘select’ icon to limit
– copy again (control/c) and paste in document or
Note: you can skip the ‘paint’ program step and paste
the screen capture directly into the document.
You have completed all the
components of the OARE Short
updated 2011 09