Adobe Creative Cloud Who’s Cloud is it? Michael Toepfer NH Adobe Users Group Aug.

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Transcript Adobe Creative Cloud Who’s Cloud is it? Michael Toepfer NH Adobe Users Group Aug.

Adobe Creative Cloud
Who’s Cloud is it?
Michael Toepfer
NH Adobe Users Group
Aug. 13, 2013
What is “The Cloud!”
• Using someone else’s server to host, process
or store data!
What is the Creative Cloud!
• Subscription services for purchasing Adobe
• More/Better integration with the web
 Central dashboard to keep your ideas, files, fonts, settings,
notifications, desktop applications, and team members in
 Web based with team Integration
 Integration with Adobe products
 Web based applications
 Access to fonts/sharing fonts
 Web based file sharing
What is the Creative Cloud!
Types of Adobe Clouds
• Individual
• Teams
• Small Businesses
• Enterprises (such as large companies, government
agencies, and educational institutions)
What does it cost?
The way of the world?
• Other software companies are exploring, or
have similar subscription services
 Autodesk – CAD software
 Microsoft 365
 Windows?
What is in it!
• Cloud contains basically all the Components
of the Master Collection +
 Photoshop
 InDesign
 Acrobat Pro
 Flash
 Fireworks
 Plus additional web content and programs
What is not in it!
• Current stand alone Adobe applications
Photoshop Elements
Acrobat Pro (can be purchased separately)
Cloud Pros!
• Monthly fee lowers up-front cost
• You can withdraw at any point in time!
• Access to full suite of applications on an as
needed basis
• Always using the most up to date software
• All members of your team can use the same
version of software
• Can switch seats among individuals
Cloud Cons!
• If you withdraw you lose your current
software (Note if you drop out you would still have access
to old software that you purchased! Not unlike not
• Could be more expensive in the long term
especially if you only use a few applications
• Have to download and install the software –
No hard copies!
• Cost!!!!
How does it work?
• Centralize web site for you/team containing
all the software
• Download and install software as needed
• No need for internet access all the time!
• Central web site for administrating seats
Does it make sense to enroll!
• It depends!
 Each person/group will need to look at the numbers and
decide for yourself. There is no easy or right answer.
• Individuals
 If you tend to use a look of adobe products, keep them
upgraded and do not have access to cheap licenses than
this may be a great deal.
 If you work with a group of individuals especially from
different locations
Creative Cloud and UNH!
• UNH currently evaluating the implications of
the Adobe Cloud
• Use CS6 for next year or so!
• UNH custom Agreement? - Group by group
Creative Cloud NOTES!
• IT can set up cloud package! IT can set up a set
of applications for staff
• Mac and Windows version are treated the
same – Can install mac and pc software on
different computers under same membership
– Yes, you can install it on 2 computers!
• Storage cloud – Store files in cloud –
nonmembers can access the files
More Information
• Cloud information:
• Pricing:
• FAQ’s:
• Adobe TV:
What is the Creative Cloud!
• Subscription services for purchasing Adobe
• More/Better integration with the web
 Central dashboard to keep your ideas, files, fonts, settings,
notifications, desktop applications, and team members in
 Web based with team Integration
 Integration with Adobe products
 Web based applications
 Access to fonts/sharing fonts
 Web based file sharing