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By Toni Arnold, Ashley Wilson, Isaiah Young, Marketta
Harris, Alejondra Coss
*playing: national anthem in greece
Ancient Greek History
2900-2000 BC The Bronze Age - Early Aegean cultures emerge
2500 BC - The Minoan civilization
1200 BC - The Trojan War and the destruction of Priam's city at Troy (Ilium)
1050-750 BC - The Dark Ages of Greece and the fall of the Mycenean
850 - 700 BC - Development of the Greek Alphabet
776 BC - The First Olympic Games
750 -700 BC - Homer writes the Iliad and the Odyssey
750-500 BC - The Archaic Period
730-710 BC - the First Messenian War and the Spartans conquer southwest
650 BC Rise of the tyrants
621 BC Draco's code of law
600 BC Coin currency introduced
500-323 BC - the Classical Period
505 BC Cleisthenes founds democracy in Athens
490-479 BC - the Greek / Persian Wars led by Xerxes
468 BC - Sophocles writes his first tragedy
461-446 BC - The Peloponnesian Wars begins between Sparta and Athens
Continued on next slide.....
Ancient Greek History Continued
449-432 - Construction of the Parthenon and the Acropolis in Athens
441 BC - Euripides writes his first tragedy
443 - 429 BC Pericles becomes leader of Athens
430 BC Plague in Athens
431-405 BC - Second of the Peloponnesian Wars between Sparta and Athens
420 - 410 Construction of Temple of Athena Nike
399 BC - Socrates is tried and executed for his opposition to the Thirty Tyrants
386 BC - Plato, student of Socrates, founds the Academy
384 BC - Aristotle, student of Plato, is born
359 BC - Philip II becomes the king of Macedon
356 BC - Alexander the Great, son of Philip II, is born
333 BC - Alexander the Great of Macedonia defeats the Persians at Issus and is
given Egypt by the Persian Satrap where he builds a capital at Alexandria)
323 BC - Alexander the Great dies at Babylon
323-31 BC - The Hellenistic Period
300 BC - Ptolemy I founds museum in Alexandria
224 BC - Earthquake destroys the Colossus of Rhodes
200 - 196 BC First Roman victories over Greece
More on Greek History on next slide
More Greek History
197 BC - King Philip V loses to Roman forces at Kynoskephalai
86 BC - The Roman General Sulla captures Athens
267 AD - The Goths sack Athens, Sparta, and Corinth
286 AD - The Roman Emperor Diocletian divides the Roman empire in two forming
modern Greece (the Byzantine Empire)
641 AD - The Slavs overrun Greece
The above information provides a concise background to the Ancient Greek
Parthenon-constructed in
449-432 B.C.
Aristole: born in 384 BC
What is Greek Mythology?
Greek Mythology is he body of myths and legends to the ancient Greeks concerning gods
and heroes, the nature of the world, and the origin and significance of their own cultural
practices. They were part of a religion of Ancient Greece. Below are some of the more
famous Greek gods and goddesses.
Greek Name,
Roman Name
Goddess of love and beauty
God of war
Goddess of hunting and childbirth
Goddess of wisdom
Goddess of the harvest
Protector of woman;wife of Zeus
Messanger of the gods
God of the Underworld
God of the sea
King of the gods
The Gods Family Tree (Partial)
Facts About Greece
Official Language: Greek
Population: 11,237,068
Life Expectancy: (male):76 (female);82
Dominant Religion: Orthodox Christian
Dominant Ethnicity; Greek/White
Food in Greece includes figs,grains,fruits,cakes, seafood, and wine
Holidays Celebrated: Feast of St. Basil, Epiphany, Easter, The Day
of the Panagia( the Virgin Mary), Christmas
 Sport played in Greece include: Soccer, Basketball,Mountain Sports,
and Track and Field.
The First Olympics were held in Greece.
Soccer in Greece
Greek Orthodox Church
Greek Government and Economy
Type: Parlimentary Republic
Current President: Karolos Papoulis
Pime Minister:George A. Papandreou
In Greece, the main exports are olives and olive products, wine and other
alchoholic products, and furniture
The currency in Greece changed from the Greek Drachma to the Euro on
January 1,2002.
Greek Drachma
President Karolos Papoulis
Famous Landmarks in Greece
Theatre of Dionysos
Hephaestus Temple
Sanctuary of Asklepios
Temple of Zeus
The Temple of the Winds