PowerPoint Template navy 2 - E-learning Innovations Projects

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Transcript PowerPoint Template navy 2 - E-learning Innovations Projects

Slide 1

Embedding Online Cultural Awareness
Training Across Metro & Rural Health
Services in WA to Improve Service
Delivery to Aboriginal Clients.
Ref No: WA11BP03
Registered Training Organisation: Metropolitan
Health Services

Who are we?
This e-learning project has been developed
through a collaboration of Indigenous and nonIndigenous staff working across:
• Western Australia Country Health Service
• North Metropolitan Area Health Service

What are we doing?
‘The Project’
• Build one e-learning module within a larger framework

Module 1 introduction for all staff in health
Module 2 advanced knowledge for everyone
Module 3 additional knowledge for clinical staff
Module 4 additional knowledge for admin/clerical staff

• Design content based on existing learning material

• Engage Aboriginal staff
– for regionally appropriate cultural guidelines
– for their own professional development

Why are we doing this ?
We know…
• Many causes of Aboriginal ill-health and death are
• Aboriginal life expectancy is 19-20 years below that of
other Australians
• Aboriginal patients less likely to seek treatment early
• Less able to follow medication/rehab regimes
Resulting in…
• Poor health outcomes
• Increased re-admission

What are we aiming for?
• Enhanced health worker behaviours to improve
patient outcomes
• Improved workplace cultural security to retain
Aboriginal employees
• Increased access to cultural awareness training via
online e-learning material
• Increased educator confidence in the use of
blended learning to support e-learners.

What have we done?
• Engaged Aboriginal employees as education designers
– Conducted focus groups with Aboriginal staff working in
NMAHS and regional centres across WACHS to identify
Top 20 essential topics for inclusion
• Reviewed existing publications and research addressing
Aboriginal culture and health
• Designed and developed e-learning package
– Addressed the national unit of competence HLTAHW201A
‘Work with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander clients’
– Material created using Metamorphosis software
– Additional interactive activities generated using Raptivity
and Marvin software.

Where are we at?
• Currently at testing stage (March)
– Regional Learning and Development Coordinators
will be running sessions in the first weeks of March
2011 to evaluate the e-learning package
– Blended learning will be used to test package

– Feedback to be incorporated into package
• Future (April)
– The package will be updated and then released for
wider review (via the WACHS/NMAHS intranet) in
the first week of April.

Have we had any issues?
• Timeframes – very tight especially for multiple
community collaborations across WA
• Technology – difficult to select what will work
and what is most appropriate for target group
e.g. access to audio at workstation
• Scope of project – embedding technology not
just creating cultural awareness e-learning

What lessons have we learnt?
• Effective communication – importance of regular
communication between project team members

• Technology – use of new software
• Inter-agency networking – stakeholder
identification and management

• Human resource allocation – accurately
calculating ‘man hours’ needed for tasks
• Personal growth – project management skills,
increased cultural competence etc.

Slide 2

Embedding Online Cultural Awareness
Training Across Metro & Rural Health
Services in WA to Improve Service
Delivery to Aboriginal Clients.
Ref No: WA11BP03
Registered Training Organisation: Metropolitan
Health Services

Who are we?
This e-learning project has been developed
through a collaboration of Indigenous and nonIndigenous staff working across:
• Western Australia Country Health Service
• North Metropolitan Area Health Service

What are we doing?
‘The Project’
• Build one e-learning module within a larger framework

Module 1 introduction for all staff in health
Module 2 advanced knowledge for everyone
Module 3 additional knowledge for clinical staff
Module 4 additional knowledge for admin/clerical staff

• Design content based on existing learning material

• Engage Aboriginal staff
– for regionally appropriate cultural guidelines
– for their own professional development

Why are we doing this ?
We know…
• Many causes of Aboriginal ill-health and death are
• Aboriginal life expectancy is 19-20 years below that of
other Australians
• Aboriginal patients less likely to seek treatment early
• Less able to follow medication/rehab regimes
Resulting in…
• Poor health outcomes
• Increased re-admission

What are we aiming for?
• Enhanced health worker behaviours to improve
patient outcomes
• Improved workplace cultural security to retain
Aboriginal employees
• Increased access to cultural awareness training via
online e-learning material
• Increased educator confidence in the use of
blended learning to support e-learners.

What have we done?
• Engaged Aboriginal employees as education designers
– Conducted focus groups with Aboriginal staff working in
NMAHS and regional centres across WACHS to identify
Top 20 essential topics for inclusion
• Reviewed existing publications and research addressing
Aboriginal culture and health
• Designed and developed e-learning package
– Addressed the national unit of competence HLTAHW201A
‘Work with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander clients’
– Material created using Metamorphosis software
– Additional interactive activities generated using Raptivity
and Marvin software.

Where are we at?
• Currently at testing stage (March)
– Regional Learning and Development Coordinators
will be running sessions in the first weeks of March
2011 to evaluate the e-learning package
– Blended learning will be used to test package

– Feedback to be incorporated into package
• Future (April)
– The package will be updated and then released for
wider review (via the WACHS/NMAHS intranet) in
the first week of April.

Have we had any issues?
• Timeframes – very tight especially for multiple
community collaborations across WA
• Technology – difficult to select what will work
and what is most appropriate for target group
e.g. access to audio at workstation
• Scope of project – embedding technology not
just creating cultural awareness e-learning

What lessons have we learnt?
• Effective communication – importance of regular
communication between project team members

• Technology – use of new software
• Inter-agency networking – stakeholder
identification and management

• Human resource allocation – accurately
calculating ‘man hours’ needed for tasks
• Personal growth – project management skills,
increased cultural competence etc.

Slide 3

Embedding Online Cultural Awareness
Training Across Metro & Rural Health
Services in WA to Improve Service
Delivery to Aboriginal Clients.
Ref No: WA11BP03
Registered Training Organisation: Metropolitan
Health Services

Who are we?
This e-learning project has been developed
through a collaboration of Indigenous and nonIndigenous staff working across:
• Western Australia Country Health Service
• North Metropolitan Area Health Service

What are we doing?
‘The Project’
• Build one e-learning module within a larger framework

Module 1 introduction for all staff in health
Module 2 advanced knowledge for everyone
Module 3 additional knowledge for clinical staff
Module 4 additional knowledge for admin/clerical staff

• Design content based on existing learning material

• Engage Aboriginal staff
– for regionally appropriate cultural guidelines
– for their own professional development

Why are we doing this ?
We know…
• Many causes of Aboriginal ill-health and death are
• Aboriginal life expectancy is 19-20 years below that of
other Australians
• Aboriginal patients less likely to seek treatment early
• Less able to follow medication/rehab regimes
Resulting in…
• Poor health outcomes
• Increased re-admission

What are we aiming for?
• Enhanced health worker behaviours to improve
patient outcomes
• Improved workplace cultural security to retain
Aboriginal employees
• Increased access to cultural awareness training via
online e-learning material
• Increased educator confidence in the use of
blended learning to support e-learners.

What have we done?
• Engaged Aboriginal employees as education designers
– Conducted focus groups with Aboriginal staff working in
NMAHS and regional centres across WACHS to identify
Top 20 essential topics for inclusion
• Reviewed existing publications and research addressing
Aboriginal culture and health
• Designed and developed e-learning package
– Addressed the national unit of competence HLTAHW201A
‘Work with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander clients’
– Material created using Metamorphosis software
– Additional interactive activities generated using Raptivity
and Marvin software.

Where are we at?
• Currently at testing stage (March)
– Regional Learning and Development Coordinators
will be running sessions in the first weeks of March
2011 to evaluate the e-learning package
– Blended learning will be used to test package

– Feedback to be incorporated into package
• Future (April)
– The package will be updated and then released for
wider review (via the WACHS/NMAHS intranet) in
the first week of April.

Have we had any issues?
• Timeframes – very tight especially for multiple
community collaborations across WA
• Technology – difficult to select what will work
and what is most appropriate for target group
e.g. access to audio at workstation
• Scope of project – embedding technology not
just creating cultural awareness e-learning

What lessons have we learnt?
• Effective communication – importance of regular
communication between project team members

• Technology – use of new software
• Inter-agency networking – stakeholder
identification and management

• Human resource allocation – accurately
calculating ‘man hours’ needed for tasks
• Personal growth – project management skills,
increased cultural competence etc.

Slide 4

Embedding Online Cultural Awareness
Training Across Metro & Rural Health
Services in WA to Improve Service
Delivery to Aboriginal Clients.
Ref No: WA11BP03
Registered Training Organisation: Metropolitan
Health Services

Who are we?
This e-learning project has been developed
through a collaboration of Indigenous and nonIndigenous staff working across:
• Western Australia Country Health Service
• North Metropolitan Area Health Service

What are we doing?
‘The Project’
• Build one e-learning module within a larger framework

Module 1 introduction for all staff in health
Module 2 advanced knowledge for everyone
Module 3 additional knowledge for clinical staff
Module 4 additional knowledge for admin/clerical staff

• Design content based on existing learning material

• Engage Aboriginal staff
– for regionally appropriate cultural guidelines
– for their own professional development

Why are we doing this ?
We know…
• Many causes of Aboriginal ill-health and death are
• Aboriginal life expectancy is 19-20 years below that of
other Australians
• Aboriginal patients less likely to seek treatment early
• Less able to follow medication/rehab regimes
Resulting in…
• Poor health outcomes
• Increased re-admission

What are we aiming for?
• Enhanced health worker behaviours to improve
patient outcomes
• Improved workplace cultural security to retain
Aboriginal employees
• Increased access to cultural awareness training via
online e-learning material
• Increased educator confidence in the use of
blended learning to support e-learners.

What have we done?
• Engaged Aboriginal employees as education designers
– Conducted focus groups with Aboriginal staff working in
NMAHS and regional centres across WACHS to identify
Top 20 essential topics for inclusion
• Reviewed existing publications and research addressing
Aboriginal culture and health
• Designed and developed e-learning package
– Addressed the national unit of competence HLTAHW201A
‘Work with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander clients’
– Material created using Metamorphosis software
– Additional interactive activities generated using Raptivity
and Marvin software.

Where are we at?
• Currently at testing stage (March)
– Regional Learning and Development Coordinators
will be running sessions in the first weeks of March
2011 to evaluate the e-learning package
– Blended learning will be used to test package

– Feedback to be incorporated into package
• Future (April)
– The package will be updated and then released for
wider review (via the WACHS/NMAHS intranet) in
the first week of April.

Have we had any issues?
• Timeframes – very tight especially for multiple
community collaborations across WA
• Technology – difficult to select what will work
and what is most appropriate for target group
e.g. access to audio at workstation
• Scope of project – embedding technology not
just creating cultural awareness e-learning

What lessons have we learnt?
• Effective communication – importance of regular
communication between project team members

• Technology – use of new software
• Inter-agency networking – stakeholder
identification and management

• Human resource allocation – accurately
calculating ‘man hours’ needed for tasks
• Personal growth – project management skills,
increased cultural competence etc.

Slide 5

Embedding Online Cultural Awareness
Training Across Metro & Rural Health
Services in WA to Improve Service
Delivery to Aboriginal Clients.
Ref No: WA11BP03
Registered Training Organisation: Metropolitan
Health Services

Who are we?
This e-learning project has been developed
through a collaboration of Indigenous and nonIndigenous staff working across:
• Western Australia Country Health Service
• North Metropolitan Area Health Service

What are we doing?
‘The Project’
• Build one e-learning module within a larger framework

Module 1 introduction for all staff in health
Module 2 advanced knowledge for everyone
Module 3 additional knowledge for clinical staff
Module 4 additional knowledge for admin/clerical staff

• Design content based on existing learning material

• Engage Aboriginal staff
– for regionally appropriate cultural guidelines
– for their own professional development

Why are we doing this ?
We know…
• Many causes of Aboriginal ill-health and death are
• Aboriginal life expectancy is 19-20 years below that of
other Australians
• Aboriginal patients less likely to seek treatment early
• Less able to follow medication/rehab regimes
Resulting in…
• Poor health outcomes
• Increased re-admission

What are we aiming for?
• Enhanced health worker behaviours to improve
patient outcomes
• Improved workplace cultural security to retain
Aboriginal employees
• Increased access to cultural awareness training via
online e-learning material
• Increased educator confidence in the use of
blended learning to support e-learners.

What have we done?
• Engaged Aboriginal employees as education designers
– Conducted focus groups with Aboriginal staff working in
NMAHS and regional centres across WACHS to identify
Top 20 essential topics for inclusion
• Reviewed existing publications and research addressing
Aboriginal culture and health
• Designed and developed e-learning package
– Addressed the national unit of competence HLTAHW201A
‘Work with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander clients’
– Material created using Metamorphosis software
– Additional interactive activities generated using Raptivity
and Marvin software.

Where are we at?
• Currently at testing stage (March)
– Regional Learning and Development Coordinators
will be running sessions in the first weeks of March
2011 to evaluate the e-learning package
– Blended learning will be used to test package

– Feedback to be incorporated into package
• Future (April)
– The package will be updated and then released for
wider review (via the WACHS/NMAHS intranet) in
the first week of April.

Have we had any issues?
• Timeframes – very tight especially for multiple
community collaborations across WA
• Technology – difficult to select what will work
and what is most appropriate for target group
e.g. access to audio at workstation
• Scope of project – embedding technology not
just creating cultural awareness e-learning

What lessons have we learnt?
• Effective communication – importance of regular
communication between project team members

• Technology – use of new software
• Inter-agency networking – stakeholder
identification and management

• Human resource allocation – accurately
calculating ‘man hours’ needed for tasks
• Personal growth – project management skills,
increased cultural competence etc.

Slide 6

Embedding Online Cultural Awareness
Training Across Metro & Rural Health
Services in WA to Improve Service
Delivery to Aboriginal Clients.
Ref No: WA11BP03
Registered Training Organisation: Metropolitan
Health Services

Who are we?
This e-learning project has been developed
through a collaboration of Indigenous and nonIndigenous staff working across:
• Western Australia Country Health Service
• North Metropolitan Area Health Service

What are we doing?
‘The Project’
• Build one e-learning module within a larger framework

Module 1 introduction for all staff in health
Module 2 advanced knowledge for everyone
Module 3 additional knowledge for clinical staff
Module 4 additional knowledge for admin/clerical staff

• Design content based on existing learning material

• Engage Aboriginal staff
– for regionally appropriate cultural guidelines
– for their own professional development

Why are we doing this ?
We know…
• Many causes of Aboriginal ill-health and death are
• Aboriginal life expectancy is 19-20 years below that of
other Australians
• Aboriginal patients less likely to seek treatment early
• Less able to follow medication/rehab regimes
Resulting in…
• Poor health outcomes
• Increased re-admission

What are we aiming for?
• Enhanced health worker behaviours to improve
patient outcomes
• Improved workplace cultural security to retain
Aboriginal employees
• Increased access to cultural awareness training via
online e-learning material
• Increased educator confidence in the use of
blended learning to support e-learners.

What have we done?
• Engaged Aboriginal employees as education designers
– Conducted focus groups with Aboriginal staff working in
NMAHS and regional centres across WACHS to identify
Top 20 essential topics for inclusion
• Reviewed existing publications and research addressing
Aboriginal culture and health
• Designed and developed e-learning package
– Addressed the national unit of competence HLTAHW201A
‘Work with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander clients’
– Material created using Metamorphosis software
– Additional interactive activities generated using Raptivity
and Marvin software.

Where are we at?
• Currently at testing stage (March)
– Regional Learning and Development Coordinators
will be running sessions in the first weeks of March
2011 to evaluate the e-learning package
– Blended learning will be used to test package

– Feedback to be incorporated into package
• Future (April)
– The package will be updated and then released for
wider review (via the WACHS/NMAHS intranet) in
the first week of April.

Have we had any issues?
• Timeframes – very tight especially for multiple
community collaborations across WA
• Technology – difficult to select what will work
and what is most appropriate for target group
e.g. access to audio at workstation
• Scope of project – embedding technology not
just creating cultural awareness e-learning

What lessons have we learnt?
• Effective communication – importance of regular
communication between project team members

• Technology – use of new software
• Inter-agency networking – stakeholder
identification and management

• Human resource allocation – accurately
calculating ‘man hours’ needed for tasks
• Personal growth – project management skills,
increased cultural competence etc.

Slide 7

Embedding Online Cultural Awareness
Training Across Metro & Rural Health
Services in WA to Improve Service
Delivery to Aboriginal Clients.
Ref No: WA11BP03
Registered Training Organisation: Metropolitan
Health Services

Who are we?
This e-learning project has been developed
through a collaboration of Indigenous and nonIndigenous staff working across:
• Western Australia Country Health Service
• North Metropolitan Area Health Service

What are we doing?
‘The Project’
• Build one e-learning module within a larger framework

Module 1 introduction for all staff in health
Module 2 advanced knowledge for everyone
Module 3 additional knowledge for clinical staff
Module 4 additional knowledge for admin/clerical staff

• Design content based on existing learning material

• Engage Aboriginal staff
– for regionally appropriate cultural guidelines
– for their own professional development

Why are we doing this ?
We know…
• Many causes of Aboriginal ill-health and death are
• Aboriginal life expectancy is 19-20 years below that of
other Australians
• Aboriginal patients less likely to seek treatment early
• Less able to follow medication/rehab regimes
Resulting in…
• Poor health outcomes
• Increased re-admission

What are we aiming for?
• Enhanced health worker behaviours to improve
patient outcomes
• Improved workplace cultural security to retain
Aboriginal employees
• Increased access to cultural awareness training via
online e-learning material
• Increased educator confidence in the use of
blended learning to support e-learners.

What have we done?
• Engaged Aboriginal employees as education designers
– Conducted focus groups with Aboriginal staff working in
NMAHS and regional centres across WACHS to identify
Top 20 essential topics for inclusion
• Reviewed existing publications and research addressing
Aboriginal culture and health
• Designed and developed e-learning package
– Addressed the national unit of competence HLTAHW201A
‘Work with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander clients’
– Material created using Metamorphosis software
– Additional interactive activities generated using Raptivity
and Marvin software.

Where are we at?
• Currently at testing stage (March)
– Regional Learning and Development Coordinators
will be running sessions in the first weeks of March
2011 to evaluate the e-learning package
– Blended learning will be used to test package

– Feedback to be incorporated into package
• Future (April)
– The package will be updated and then released for
wider review (via the WACHS/NMAHS intranet) in
the first week of April.

Have we had any issues?
• Timeframes – very tight especially for multiple
community collaborations across WA
• Technology – difficult to select what will work
and what is most appropriate for target group
e.g. access to audio at workstation
• Scope of project – embedding technology not
just creating cultural awareness e-learning

What lessons have we learnt?
• Effective communication – importance of regular
communication between project team members

• Technology – use of new software
• Inter-agency networking – stakeholder
identification and management

• Human resource allocation – accurately
calculating ‘man hours’ needed for tasks
• Personal growth – project management skills,
increased cultural competence etc.

Slide 8

Embedding Online Cultural Awareness
Training Across Metro & Rural Health
Services in WA to Improve Service
Delivery to Aboriginal Clients.
Ref No: WA11BP03
Registered Training Organisation: Metropolitan
Health Services

Who are we?
This e-learning project has been developed
through a collaboration of Indigenous and nonIndigenous staff working across:
• Western Australia Country Health Service
• North Metropolitan Area Health Service

What are we doing?
‘The Project’
• Build one e-learning module within a larger framework

Module 1 introduction for all staff in health
Module 2 advanced knowledge for everyone
Module 3 additional knowledge for clinical staff
Module 4 additional knowledge for admin/clerical staff

• Design content based on existing learning material

• Engage Aboriginal staff
– for regionally appropriate cultural guidelines
– for their own professional development

Why are we doing this ?
We know…
• Many causes of Aboriginal ill-health and death are
• Aboriginal life expectancy is 19-20 years below that of
other Australians
• Aboriginal patients less likely to seek treatment early
• Less able to follow medication/rehab regimes
Resulting in…
• Poor health outcomes
• Increased re-admission

What are we aiming for?
• Enhanced health worker behaviours to improve
patient outcomes
• Improved workplace cultural security to retain
Aboriginal employees
• Increased access to cultural awareness training via
online e-learning material
• Increased educator confidence in the use of
blended learning to support e-learners.

What have we done?
• Engaged Aboriginal employees as education designers
– Conducted focus groups with Aboriginal staff working in
NMAHS and regional centres across WACHS to identify
Top 20 essential topics for inclusion
• Reviewed existing publications and research addressing
Aboriginal culture and health
• Designed and developed e-learning package
– Addressed the national unit of competence HLTAHW201A
‘Work with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander clients’
– Material created using Metamorphosis software
– Additional interactive activities generated using Raptivity
and Marvin software.

Where are we at?
• Currently at testing stage (March)
– Regional Learning and Development Coordinators
will be running sessions in the first weeks of March
2011 to evaluate the e-learning package
– Blended learning will be used to test package

– Feedback to be incorporated into package
• Future (April)
– The package will be updated and then released for
wider review (via the WACHS/NMAHS intranet) in
the first week of April.

Have we had any issues?
• Timeframes – very tight especially for multiple
community collaborations across WA
• Technology – difficult to select what will work
and what is most appropriate for target group
e.g. access to audio at workstation
• Scope of project – embedding technology not
just creating cultural awareness e-learning

What lessons have we learnt?
• Effective communication – importance of regular
communication between project team members

• Technology – use of new software
• Inter-agency networking – stakeholder
identification and management

• Human resource allocation – accurately
calculating ‘man hours’ needed for tasks
• Personal growth – project management skills,
increased cultural competence etc.

Slide 9

Embedding Online Cultural Awareness
Training Across Metro & Rural Health
Services in WA to Improve Service
Delivery to Aboriginal Clients.
Ref No: WA11BP03
Registered Training Organisation: Metropolitan
Health Services

Who are we?
This e-learning project has been developed
through a collaboration of Indigenous and nonIndigenous staff working across:
• Western Australia Country Health Service
• North Metropolitan Area Health Service

What are we doing?
‘The Project’
• Build one e-learning module within a larger framework

Module 1 introduction for all staff in health
Module 2 advanced knowledge for everyone
Module 3 additional knowledge for clinical staff
Module 4 additional knowledge for admin/clerical staff

• Design content based on existing learning material

• Engage Aboriginal staff
– for regionally appropriate cultural guidelines
– for their own professional development

Why are we doing this ?
We know…
• Many causes of Aboriginal ill-health and death are
• Aboriginal life expectancy is 19-20 years below that of
other Australians
• Aboriginal patients less likely to seek treatment early
• Less able to follow medication/rehab regimes
Resulting in…
• Poor health outcomes
• Increased re-admission

What are we aiming for?
• Enhanced health worker behaviours to improve
patient outcomes
• Improved workplace cultural security to retain
Aboriginal employees
• Increased access to cultural awareness training via
online e-learning material
• Increased educator confidence in the use of
blended learning to support e-learners.

What have we done?
• Engaged Aboriginal employees as education designers
– Conducted focus groups with Aboriginal staff working in
NMAHS and regional centres across WACHS to identify
Top 20 essential topics for inclusion
• Reviewed existing publications and research addressing
Aboriginal culture and health
• Designed and developed e-learning package
– Addressed the national unit of competence HLTAHW201A
‘Work with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander clients’
– Material created using Metamorphosis software
– Additional interactive activities generated using Raptivity
and Marvin software.

Where are we at?
• Currently at testing stage (March)
– Regional Learning and Development Coordinators
will be running sessions in the first weeks of March
2011 to evaluate the e-learning package
– Blended learning will be used to test package

– Feedback to be incorporated into package
• Future (April)
– The package will be updated and then released for
wider review (via the WACHS/NMAHS intranet) in
the first week of April.

Have we had any issues?
• Timeframes – very tight especially for multiple
community collaborations across WA
• Technology – difficult to select what will work
and what is most appropriate for target group
e.g. access to audio at workstation
• Scope of project – embedding technology not
just creating cultural awareness e-learning

What lessons have we learnt?
• Effective communication – importance of regular
communication between project team members

• Technology – use of new software
• Inter-agency networking – stakeholder
identification and management

• Human resource allocation – accurately
calculating ‘man hours’ needed for tasks
• Personal growth – project management skills,
increased cultural competence etc.