Report - Stanford University

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Transcript Report - Stanford University

Slide 1

Stanford University
General Health & Safety Training
Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
Emergency Preparedness & Response
General Safety

Why Are We Here?
To learn about the university’s injury and
illness prevention program (IIPP).
Receive general safety guidelines.
Explain what your responsibilities are for

Stanford works hard to prevent accidents, but
people do get injured at work:
Workplace injuries cost Stanford
~ $5.8 million each year
 Total lost work days due to injuries
~1600 each year

Supervisor’s Responsibilities
Know the TRICK of a good safety program.
Train employees on correct safety practices.
Report Unsafe Conditions and Incidents.
Inspect for work place safety and compliance.
Correct any problems found.
Keep records of training.
Enforce health and safety rules.

Staff Responsibilities
Keep informed of safety conditions.
Participate in training programs.
Adhere to healthy and safe practices.
Report problems and hazards to Supervisors.

EH&S Responsibilities
(Environmental Health + Safety)
Assist supervisors with evaluation of workplace
Provide training and technical resource assistance.
Review departments’ safety programs.
Evaluating training in departments.
Serve as a campus resource for safety.

There are 3 levels of training:
Tier I University
Tier II Department
Tier III Local Work Unit
Employees must receive training on all workplace
Training benefits employees by: improving
understanding, empowering people, reducing
injuries and improving the bottom line.

Reporting Hazards
University Policy on Anti-reprisal
“Stanford university encourages employees and
students to report health and safety hazards to their
supervisor, manager, or EH&S.”
“Employees and students shall not be discharged or
discriminated against in any manner for bona fide
reporting of health and safety hazards to Stanford
or to appropriate governmental agencies.”
(Reports may always be made anonymously)

Reporting an Injury, Incident,
or Exposure
Discuss health and safety concerns with your
Fill out and sign Stanford SU-17 form.

Get forms from Risk Management.

Report “near misses.”
Seek medical attention for injuries.

Medical Attention for Workplace Injuries
If an injury is work related, it will be covered by
Workman’s Compensation Insurance

Sequoia occupational Health, Redwood City

Minor injury (sprained ankle, a few stitches)

Stanford Hospital Emergency Room

Serious Injury (severe laceration requiring
surgery, chemical burns, head trauma,
compound fractures)

Identification of Hazards by
Inspecting the Workplace
EH&S has checklists (see booklet).
Departments “self inspect.”
Management ensures implementation
Keep records for 1 year.
Correct the hazards identified.

Correcting Hazards
Correct it as soon as possible.
If you can’t correct it, ask a supervisor or
Are you still concerned?... call your Department
Safety Representative or EH&S.
Facilities can fix things and fund it if it is part of
their maintenance responsibilities.

Keeping Records
When you get training, make sure it gets
When you inspect for or correct hazards;
document that as well.
Keep Records for 1 year.

Part II Emergency Preparedness
(See Blue Brochure and Emergency Card)

When Reporting - Is it Serious?

Health threatening vs. non-health threatening

Know the Emergency Numbers to call
(stay on the line until the operator hangs up)
 5-9999 EH&S urgent assistance (day or night)

Know the location of:
fire extinguisher, alarm box, exit route
 Emergency Assembly Point (EAP)

Every campus building has an
EAP. Look for this sign on grey
wooden posts.

S tan fo rd U n iv ersity M ain E n tran ce - A p ril 1 7 , 1 9 0 6

Prepare for an Earthquake
Store large or heavy objects on lower shelves.
Plan so your door will not be blocked if
something falls.
Where do you go in an earthquake?

under a desk, away from windows.

Make an Emergency Kit for your desk area.
Department management should secure
bookcases, cabinets, over 4 feet tall.

How to Respond to an Earthquake
In the event of an earthquake:
STAY CALM!!! Think!
 Stay where you are.
 Take cover:

under desk
 away from glass, tall objects, etc.

Wait until the shaking stops and evacuate the
building cautiously by stairway, take essentials.
 Go to your EAP.

UC Santa Cruz 1989 Loma Prieta

Stanford Emergency Hotlines
SU Emergency Information Hotline


Student Information Hotline


To call from another city or state


To call from abroad


* Tell your family about these numbers !

Go to the Stanford emergency website

Listen to KZSU (90.1FM)
Listen to community Emergency Alert System (*) radio

740 AM


810 AM

(*) formerly known as the Emergency Broadcast System

Follow televised news reports

Emergency Wallet Card
Add Your Department Emergency Hotline

Prepare for a Fire
Know where your pull boxes, exits, and fire
extinguishers are located.
EH&S offers Fire Extinguisher Training.
Do not prop open fire doors.
Turn off space heaters when you are not
Participate in fire drills.

How to Respond to a Fire
Evacuate the fire area. Close doors.
Report the fire by pulling the alarm and
calling 9-911 from a safe location.
Upon hearing the alarm, stop work, close
doors and proceed to the nearest exit. Use
the stairs, drop & crawl if smoke is present.
Go to your EAP.

General Workplace Safety
Personal Safety and Security
Electrical Safety
Computer Workstation Ergonomics
Violence in the Workplace

Personal Safety
Keep emergency information by telephones
(see guide).
Use a buddy system when working late.
Personal security tips (See Stanford Safety &
Security Almanac).

Electrical Safety
Properly maintain electrical equipment.
Only use extension cords for temporary fixes.
Don’t overload electrical outlets.
Use plug strips, not Cube-taps.
Keep workplace dry.
Turn off space heaters when un-attended.

Computer Workstation Ergonomics
If work on a computer more than 1 hour per day:
Must complete training:
CD ROM: get from HR Officer or EH&S
Classroom : EHS.116 is offered every quarter
On-Site for groups of 10 or more employees
Learn good posture for working at your computer.
Alternate activities to break up repetitive motions.
Seek medical attention promptly for any symptoms
of injuries.

Violence in the Workplace
Stanford University will not tolerate violence or
threats of violence.
Anyone experiencing or observing imminent
violence should call 9-911.
Report any acts or threats of violence to your
Review Administrative Guide Policy 23.9

Other Safety Training
Back Safety
Hazard Communication
Fire Extinguisher
Laboratory Safety:

Chemical Hygiene
Electrical Safety
Compressed Gas Safety
Hazardous waste management
Radiological Safety
Laser Safety
Biological Safety

Safety Resources
EH&S/General Safety
EH&S Training
EH&S Emergency Preparedness
EH&S Ergonomics
Stanford Risk Management
Stanford Police Information
Palo Alto Medical Clinic
EH&S Web Site:
Risk Management:

Slide 2

Stanford University
General Health & Safety Training
Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
Emergency Preparedness & Response
General Safety

Why Are We Here?
To learn about the university’s injury and
illness prevention program (IIPP).
Receive general safety guidelines.
Explain what your responsibilities are for

Stanford works hard to prevent accidents, but
people do get injured at work:
Workplace injuries cost Stanford
~ $5.8 million each year
 Total lost work days due to injuries
~1600 each year

Supervisor’s Responsibilities
Know the TRICK of a good safety program.
Train employees on correct safety practices.
Report Unsafe Conditions and Incidents.
Inspect for work place safety and compliance.
Correct any problems found.
Keep records of training.
Enforce health and safety rules.

Staff Responsibilities
Keep informed of safety conditions.
Participate in training programs.
Adhere to healthy and safe practices.
Report problems and hazards to Supervisors.

EH&S Responsibilities
(Environmental Health + Safety)
Assist supervisors with evaluation of workplace
Provide training and technical resource assistance.
Review departments’ safety programs.
Evaluating training in departments.
Serve as a campus resource for safety.

There are 3 levels of training:
Tier I University
Tier II Department
Tier III Local Work Unit
Employees must receive training on all workplace
Training benefits employees by: improving
understanding, empowering people, reducing
injuries and improving the bottom line.

Reporting Hazards
University Policy on Anti-reprisal
“Stanford university encourages employees and
students to report health and safety hazards to their
supervisor, manager, or EH&S.”
“Employees and students shall not be discharged or
discriminated against in any manner for bona fide
reporting of health and safety hazards to Stanford
or to appropriate governmental agencies.”
(Reports may always be made anonymously)

Reporting an Injury, Incident,
or Exposure
Discuss health and safety concerns with your
Fill out and sign Stanford SU-17 form.

Get forms from Risk Management.

Report “near misses.”
Seek medical attention for injuries.

Medical Attention for Workplace Injuries
If an injury is work related, it will be covered by
Workman’s Compensation Insurance

Sequoia occupational Health, Redwood City

Minor injury (sprained ankle, a few stitches)

Stanford Hospital Emergency Room

Serious Injury (severe laceration requiring
surgery, chemical burns, head trauma,
compound fractures)

Identification of Hazards by
Inspecting the Workplace
EH&S has checklists (see booklet).
Departments “self inspect.”
Management ensures implementation
Keep records for 1 year.
Correct the hazards identified.

Correcting Hazards
Correct it as soon as possible.
If you can’t correct it, ask a supervisor or
Are you still concerned?... call your Department
Safety Representative or EH&S.
Facilities can fix things and fund it if it is part of
their maintenance responsibilities.

Keeping Records
When you get training, make sure it gets
When you inspect for or correct hazards;
document that as well.
Keep Records for 1 year.

Part II Emergency Preparedness
(See Blue Brochure and Emergency Card)

When Reporting - Is it Serious?

Health threatening vs. non-health threatening

Know the Emergency Numbers to call
(stay on the line until the operator hangs up)
 5-9999 EH&S urgent assistance (day or night)

Know the location of:
fire extinguisher, alarm box, exit route
 Emergency Assembly Point (EAP)

Every campus building has an
EAP. Look for this sign on grey
wooden posts.

S tan fo rd U n iv ersity M ain E n tran ce - A p ril 1 7 , 1 9 0 6

Prepare for an Earthquake
Store large or heavy objects on lower shelves.
Plan so your door will not be blocked if
something falls.
Where do you go in an earthquake?

under a desk, away from windows.

Make an Emergency Kit for your desk area.
Department management should secure
bookcases, cabinets, over 4 feet tall.

How to Respond to an Earthquake
In the event of an earthquake:
STAY CALM!!! Think!
 Stay where you are.
 Take cover:

under desk
 away from glass, tall objects, etc.

Wait until the shaking stops and evacuate the
building cautiously by stairway, take essentials.
 Go to your EAP.

UC Santa Cruz 1989 Loma Prieta

Stanford Emergency Hotlines
SU Emergency Information Hotline


Student Information Hotline


To call from another city or state


To call from abroad


* Tell your family about these numbers !

Go to the Stanford emergency website

Listen to KZSU (90.1FM)
Listen to community Emergency Alert System (*) radio

740 AM


810 AM

(*) formerly known as the Emergency Broadcast System

Follow televised news reports

Emergency Wallet Card
Add Your Department Emergency Hotline

Prepare for a Fire
Know where your pull boxes, exits, and fire
extinguishers are located.
EH&S offers Fire Extinguisher Training.
Do not prop open fire doors.
Turn off space heaters when you are not
Participate in fire drills.

How to Respond to a Fire
Evacuate the fire area. Close doors.
Report the fire by pulling the alarm and
calling 9-911 from a safe location.
Upon hearing the alarm, stop work, close
doors and proceed to the nearest exit. Use
the stairs, drop & crawl if smoke is present.
Go to your EAP.

General Workplace Safety
Personal Safety and Security
Electrical Safety
Computer Workstation Ergonomics
Violence in the Workplace

Personal Safety
Keep emergency information by telephones
(see guide).
Use a buddy system when working late.
Personal security tips (See Stanford Safety &
Security Almanac).

Electrical Safety
Properly maintain electrical equipment.
Only use extension cords for temporary fixes.
Don’t overload electrical outlets.
Use plug strips, not Cube-taps.
Keep workplace dry.
Turn off space heaters when un-attended.

Computer Workstation Ergonomics
If work on a computer more than 1 hour per day:
Must complete training:
CD ROM: get from HR Officer or EH&S
Classroom : EHS.116 is offered every quarter
On-Site for groups of 10 or more employees
Learn good posture for working at your computer.
Alternate activities to break up repetitive motions.
Seek medical attention promptly for any symptoms
of injuries.

Violence in the Workplace
Stanford University will not tolerate violence or
threats of violence.
Anyone experiencing or observing imminent
violence should call 9-911.
Report any acts or threats of violence to your
Review Administrative Guide Policy 23.9

Other Safety Training
Back Safety
Hazard Communication
Fire Extinguisher
Laboratory Safety:

Chemical Hygiene
Electrical Safety
Compressed Gas Safety
Hazardous waste management
Radiological Safety
Laser Safety
Biological Safety

Safety Resources
EH&S/General Safety
EH&S Training
EH&S Emergency Preparedness
EH&S Ergonomics
Stanford Risk Management
Stanford Police Information
Palo Alto Medical Clinic
EH&S Web Site:
Risk Management:

Slide 3

Stanford University
General Health & Safety Training
Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
Emergency Preparedness & Response
General Safety

Why Are We Here?
To learn about the university’s injury and
illness prevention program (IIPP).
Receive general safety guidelines.
Explain what your responsibilities are for

Stanford works hard to prevent accidents, but
people do get injured at work:
Workplace injuries cost Stanford
~ $5.8 million each year
 Total lost work days due to injuries
~1600 each year

Supervisor’s Responsibilities
Know the TRICK of a good safety program.
Train employees on correct safety practices.
Report Unsafe Conditions and Incidents.
Inspect for work place safety and compliance.
Correct any problems found.
Keep records of training.
Enforce health and safety rules.

Staff Responsibilities
Keep informed of safety conditions.
Participate in training programs.
Adhere to healthy and safe practices.
Report problems and hazards to Supervisors.

EH&S Responsibilities
(Environmental Health + Safety)
Assist supervisors with evaluation of workplace
Provide training and technical resource assistance.
Review departments’ safety programs.
Evaluating training in departments.
Serve as a campus resource for safety.

There are 3 levels of training:
Tier I University
Tier II Department
Tier III Local Work Unit
Employees must receive training on all workplace
Training benefits employees by: improving
understanding, empowering people, reducing
injuries and improving the bottom line.

Reporting Hazards
University Policy on Anti-reprisal
“Stanford university encourages employees and
students to report health and safety hazards to their
supervisor, manager, or EH&S.”
“Employees and students shall not be discharged or
discriminated against in any manner for bona fide
reporting of health and safety hazards to Stanford
or to appropriate governmental agencies.”
(Reports may always be made anonymously)

Reporting an Injury, Incident,
or Exposure
Discuss health and safety concerns with your
Fill out and sign Stanford SU-17 form.

Get forms from Risk Management.

Report “near misses.”
Seek medical attention for injuries.

Medical Attention for Workplace Injuries
If an injury is work related, it will be covered by
Workman’s Compensation Insurance

Sequoia occupational Health, Redwood City

Minor injury (sprained ankle, a few stitches)

Stanford Hospital Emergency Room

Serious Injury (severe laceration requiring
surgery, chemical burns, head trauma,
compound fractures)

Identification of Hazards by
Inspecting the Workplace
EH&S has checklists (see booklet).
Departments “self inspect.”
Management ensures implementation
Keep records for 1 year.
Correct the hazards identified.

Correcting Hazards
Correct it as soon as possible.
If you can’t correct it, ask a supervisor or
Are you still concerned?... call your Department
Safety Representative or EH&S.
Facilities can fix things and fund it if it is part of
their maintenance responsibilities.

Keeping Records
When you get training, make sure it gets
When you inspect for or correct hazards;
document that as well.
Keep Records for 1 year.

Part II Emergency Preparedness
(See Blue Brochure and Emergency Card)

When Reporting - Is it Serious?

Health threatening vs. non-health threatening

Know the Emergency Numbers to call
(stay on the line until the operator hangs up)
 5-9999 EH&S urgent assistance (day or night)

Know the location of:
fire extinguisher, alarm box, exit route
 Emergency Assembly Point (EAP)

Every campus building has an
EAP. Look for this sign on grey
wooden posts.

S tan fo rd U n iv ersity M ain E n tran ce - A p ril 1 7 , 1 9 0 6

Prepare for an Earthquake
Store large or heavy objects on lower shelves.
Plan so your door will not be blocked if
something falls.
Where do you go in an earthquake?

under a desk, away from windows.

Make an Emergency Kit for your desk area.
Department management should secure
bookcases, cabinets, over 4 feet tall.

How to Respond to an Earthquake
In the event of an earthquake:
STAY CALM!!! Think!
 Stay where you are.
 Take cover:

under desk
 away from glass, tall objects, etc.

Wait until the shaking stops and evacuate the
building cautiously by stairway, take essentials.
 Go to your EAP.

UC Santa Cruz 1989 Loma Prieta

Stanford Emergency Hotlines
SU Emergency Information Hotline


Student Information Hotline


To call from another city or state


To call from abroad


* Tell your family about these numbers !

Go to the Stanford emergency website

Listen to KZSU (90.1FM)
Listen to community Emergency Alert System (*) radio

740 AM


810 AM

(*) formerly known as the Emergency Broadcast System

Follow televised news reports

Emergency Wallet Card
Add Your Department Emergency Hotline

Prepare for a Fire
Know where your pull boxes, exits, and fire
extinguishers are located.
EH&S offers Fire Extinguisher Training.
Do not prop open fire doors.
Turn off space heaters when you are not
Participate in fire drills.

How to Respond to a Fire
Evacuate the fire area. Close doors.
Report the fire by pulling the alarm and
calling 9-911 from a safe location.
Upon hearing the alarm, stop work, close
doors and proceed to the nearest exit. Use
the stairs, drop & crawl if smoke is present.
Go to your EAP.

General Workplace Safety
Personal Safety and Security
Electrical Safety
Computer Workstation Ergonomics
Violence in the Workplace

Personal Safety
Keep emergency information by telephones
(see guide).
Use a buddy system when working late.
Personal security tips (See Stanford Safety &
Security Almanac).

Electrical Safety
Properly maintain electrical equipment.
Only use extension cords for temporary fixes.
Don’t overload electrical outlets.
Use plug strips, not Cube-taps.
Keep workplace dry.
Turn off space heaters when un-attended.

Computer Workstation Ergonomics
If work on a computer more than 1 hour per day:
Must complete training:
CD ROM: get from HR Officer or EH&S
Classroom : EHS.116 is offered every quarter
On-Site for groups of 10 or more employees
Learn good posture for working at your computer.
Alternate activities to break up repetitive motions.
Seek medical attention promptly for any symptoms
of injuries.

Violence in the Workplace
Stanford University will not tolerate violence or
threats of violence.
Anyone experiencing or observing imminent
violence should call 9-911.
Report any acts or threats of violence to your
Review Administrative Guide Policy 23.9

Other Safety Training
Back Safety
Hazard Communication
Fire Extinguisher
Laboratory Safety:

Chemical Hygiene
Electrical Safety
Compressed Gas Safety
Hazardous waste management
Radiological Safety
Laser Safety
Biological Safety

Safety Resources
EH&S/General Safety
EH&S Training
EH&S Emergency Preparedness
EH&S Ergonomics
Stanford Risk Management
Stanford Police Information
Palo Alto Medical Clinic
EH&S Web Site:
Risk Management:

Slide 4

Stanford University
General Health & Safety Training
Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
Emergency Preparedness & Response
General Safety

Why Are We Here?
To learn about the university’s injury and
illness prevention program (IIPP).
Receive general safety guidelines.
Explain what your responsibilities are for

Stanford works hard to prevent accidents, but
people do get injured at work:
Workplace injuries cost Stanford
~ $5.8 million each year
 Total lost work days due to injuries
~1600 each year

Supervisor’s Responsibilities
Know the TRICK of a good safety program.
Train employees on correct safety practices.
Report Unsafe Conditions and Incidents.
Inspect for work place safety and compliance.
Correct any problems found.
Keep records of training.
Enforce health and safety rules.

Staff Responsibilities
Keep informed of safety conditions.
Participate in training programs.
Adhere to healthy and safe practices.
Report problems and hazards to Supervisors.

EH&S Responsibilities
(Environmental Health + Safety)
Assist supervisors with evaluation of workplace
Provide training and technical resource assistance.
Review departments’ safety programs.
Evaluating training in departments.
Serve as a campus resource for safety.

There are 3 levels of training:
Tier I University
Tier II Department
Tier III Local Work Unit
Employees must receive training on all workplace
Training benefits employees by: improving
understanding, empowering people, reducing
injuries and improving the bottom line.

Reporting Hazards
University Policy on Anti-reprisal
“Stanford university encourages employees and
students to report health and safety hazards to their
supervisor, manager, or EH&S.”
“Employees and students shall not be discharged or
discriminated against in any manner for bona fide
reporting of health and safety hazards to Stanford
or to appropriate governmental agencies.”
(Reports may always be made anonymously)

Reporting an Injury, Incident,
or Exposure
Discuss health and safety concerns with your
Fill out and sign Stanford SU-17 form.

Get forms from Risk Management.

Report “near misses.”
Seek medical attention for injuries.

Medical Attention for Workplace Injuries
If an injury is work related, it will be covered by
Workman’s Compensation Insurance

Sequoia occupational Health, Redwood City

Minor injury (sprained ankle, a few stitches)

Stanford Hospital Emergency Room

Serious Injury (severe laceration requiring
surgery, chemical burns, head trauma,
compound fractures)

Identification of Hazards by
Inspecting the Workplace
EH&S has checklists (see booklet).
Departments “self inspect.”
Management ensures implementation
Keep records for 1 year.
Correct the hazards identified.

Correcting Hazards
Correct it as soon as possible.
If you can’t correct it, ask a supervisor or
Are you still concerned?... call your Department
Safety Representative or EH&S.
Facilities can fix things and fund it if it is part of
their maintenance responsibilities.

Keeping Records
When you get training, make sure it gets
When you inspect for or correct hazards;
document that as well.
Keep Records for 1 year.

Part II Emergency Preparedness
(See Blue Brochure and Emergency Card)

When Reporting - Is it Serious?

Health threatening vs. non-health threatening

Know the Emergency Numbers to call
(stay on the line until the operator hangs up)
 5-9999 EH&S urgent assistance (day or night)

Know the location of:
fire extinguisher, alarm box, exit route
 Emergency Assembly Point (EAP)

Every campus building has an
EAP. Look for this sign on grey
wooden posts.

S tan fo rd U n iv ersity M ain E n tran ce - A p ril 1 7 , 1 9 0 6

Prepare for an Earthquake
Store large or heavy objects on lower shelves.
Plan so your door will not be blocked if
something falls.
Where do you go in an earthquake?

under a desk, away from windows.

Make an Emergency Kit for your desk area.
Department management should secure
bookcases, cabinets, over 4 feet tall.

How to Respond to an Earthquake
In the event of an earthquake:
STAY CALM!!! Think!
 Stay where you are.
 Take cover:

under desk
 away from glass, tall objects, etc.

Wait until the shaking stops and evacuate the
building cautiously by stairway, take essentials.
 Go to your EAP.

UC Santa Cruz 1989 Loma Prieta

Stanford Emergency Hotlines
SU Emergency Information Hotline


Student Information Hotline


To call from another city or state


To call from abroad


* Tell your family about these numbers !

Go to the Stanford emergency website

Listen to KZSU (90.1FM)
Listen to community Emergency Alert System (*) radio

740 AM


810 AM

(*) formerly known as the Emergency Broadcast System

Follow televised news reports

Emergency Wallet Card
Add Your Department Emergency Hotline

Prepare for a Fire
Know where your pull boxes, exits, and fire
extinguishers are located.
EH&S offers Fire Extinguisher Training.
Do not prop open fire doors.
Turn off space heaters when you are not
Participate in fire drills.

How to Respond to a Fire
Evacuate the fire area. Close doors.
Report the fire by pulling the alarm and
calling 9-911 from a safe location.
Upon hearing the alarm, stop work, close
doors and proceed to the nearest exit. Use
the stairs, drop & crawl if smoke is present.
Go to your EAP.

General Workplace Safety
Personal Safety and Security
Electrical Safety
Computer Workstation Ergonomics
Violence in the Workplace

Personal Safety
Keep emergency information by telephones
(see guide).
Use a buddy system when working late.
Personal security tips (See Stanford Safety &
Security Almanac).

Electrical Safety
Properly maintain electrical equipment.
Only use extension cords for temporary fixes.
Don’t overload electrical outlets.
Use plug strips, not Cube-taps.
Keep workplace dry.
Turn off space heaters when un-attended.

Computer Workstation Ergonomics
If work on a computer more than 1 hour per day:
Must complete training:
CD ROM: get from HR Officer or EH&S
Classroom : EHS.116 is offered every quarter
On-Site for groups of 10 or more employees
Learn good posture for working at your computer.
Alternate activities to break up repetitive motions.
Seek medical attention promptly for any symptoms
of injuries.

Violence in the Workplace
Stanford University will not tolerate violence or
threats of violence.
Anyone experiencing or observing imminent
violence should call 9-911.
Report any acts or threats of violence to your
Review Administrative Guide Policy 23.9

Other Safety Training
Back Safety
Hazard Communication
Fire Extinguisher
Laboratory Safety:

Chemical Hygiene
Electrical Safety
Compressed Gas Safety
Hazardous waste management
Radiological Safety
Laser Safety
Biological Safety

Safety Resources
EH&S/General Safety
EH&S Training
EH&S Emergency Preparedness
EH&S Ergonomics
Stanford Risk Management
Stanford Police Information
Palo Alto Medical Clinic
EH&S Web Site:
Risk Management:

Slide 5

Stanford University
General Health & Safety Training
Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
Emergency Preparedness & Response
General Safety

Why Are We Here?
To learn about the university’s injury and
illness prevention program (IIPP).
Receive general safety guidelines.
Explain what your responsibilities are for

Stanford works hard to prevent accidents, but
people do get injured at work:
Workplace injuries cost Stanford
~ $5.8 million each year
 Total lost work days due to injuries
~1600 each year

Supervisor’s Responsibilities
Know the TRICK of a good safety program.
Train employees on correct safety practices.
Report Unsafe Conditions and Incidents.
Inspect for work place safety and compliance.
Correct any problems found.
Keep records of training.
Enforce health and safety rules.

Staff Responsibilities
Keep informed of safety conditions.
Participate in training programs.
Adhere to healthy and safe practices.
Report problems and hazards to Supervisors.

EH&S Responsibilities
(Environmental Health + Safety)
Assist supervisors with evaluation of workplace
Provide training and technical resource assistance.
Review departments’ safety programs.
Evaluating training in departments.
Serve as a campus resource for safety.

There are 3 levels of training:
Tier I University
Tier II Department
Tier III Local Work Unit
Employees must receive training on all workplace
Training benefits employees by: improving
understanding, empowering people, reducing
injuries and improving the bottom line.

Reporting Hazards
University Policy on Anti-reprisal
“Stanford university encourages employees and
students to report health and safety hazards to their
supervisor, manager, or EH&S.”
“Employees and students shall not be discharged or
discriminated against in any manner for bona fide
reporting of health and safety hazards to Stanford
or to appropriate governmental agencies.”
(Reports may always be made anonymously)

Reporting an Injury, Incident,
or Exposure
Discuss health and safety concerns with your
Fill out and sign Stanford SU-17 form.

Get forms from Risk Management.

Report “near misses.”
Seek medical attention for injuries.

Medical Attention for Workplace Injuries
If an injury is work related, it will be covered by
Workman’s Compensation Insurance

Sequoia occupational Health, Redwood City

Minor injury (sprained ankle, a few stitches)

Stanford Hospital Emergency Room

Serious Injury (severe laceration requiring
surgery, chemical burns, head trauma,
compound fractures)

Identification of Hazards by
Inspecting the Workplace
EH&S has checklists (see booklet).
Departments “self inspect.”
Management ensures implementation
Keep records for 1 year.
Correct the hazards identified.

Correcting Hazards
Correct it as soon as possible.
If you can’t correct it, ask a supervisor or
Are you still concerned?... call your Department
Safety Representative or EH&S.
Facilities can fix things and fund it if it is part of
their maintenance responsibilities.

Keeping Records
When you get training, make sure it gets
When you inspect for or correct hazards;
document that as well.
Keep Records for 1 year.

Part II Emergency Preparedness
(See Blue Brochure and Emergency Card)

When Reporting - Is it Serious?

Health threatening vs. non-health threatening

Know the Emergency Numbers to call
(stay on the line until the operator hangs up)
 5-9999 EH&S urgent assistance (day or night)

Know the location of:
fire extinguisher, alarm box, exit route
 Emergency Assembly Point (EAP)

Every campus building has an
EAP. Look for this sign on grey
wooden posts.

S tan fo rd U n iv ersity M ain E n tran ce - A p ril 1 7 , 1 9 0 6

Prepare for an Earthquake
Store large or heavy objects on lower shelves.
Plan so your door will not be blocked if
something falls.
Where do you go in an earthquake?

under a desk, away from windows.

Make an Emergency Kit for your desk area.
Department management should secure
bookcases, cabinets, over 4 feet tall.

How to Respond to an Earthquake
In the event of an earthquake:
STAY CALM!!! Think!
 Stay where you are.
 Take cover:

under desk
 away from glass, tall objects, etc.

Wait until the shaking stops and evacuate the
building cautiously by stairway, take essentials.
 Go to your EAP.

UC Santa Cruz 1989 Loma Prieta

Stanford Emergency Hotlines
SU Emergency Information Hotline


Student Information Hotline


To call from another city or state


To call from abroad


* Tell your family about these numbers !

Go to the Stanford emergency website

Listen to KZSU (90.1FM)
Listen to community Emergency Alert System (*) radio

740 AM


810 AM

(*) formerly known as the Emergency Broadcast System

Follow televised news reports

Emergency Wallet Card
Add Your Department Emergency Hotline

Prepare for a Fire
Know where your pull boxes, exits, and fire
extinguishers are located.
EH&S offers Fire Extinguisher Training.
Do not prop open fire doors.
Turn off space heaters when you are not
Participate in fire drills.

How to Respond to a Fire
Evacuate the fire area. Close doors.
Report the fire by pulling the alarm and
calling 9-911 from a safe location.
Upon hearing the alarm, stop work, close
doors and proceed to the nearest exit. Use
the stairs, drop & crawl if smoke is present.
Go to your EAP.

General Workplace Safety
Personal Safety and Security
Electrical Safety
Computer Workstation Ergonomics
Violence in the Workplace

Personal Safety
Keep emergency information by telephones
(see guide).
Use a buddy system when working late.
Personal security tips (See Stanford Safety &
Security Almanac).

Electrical Safety
Properly maintain electrical equipment.
Only use extension cords for temporary fixes.
Don’t overload electrical outlets.
Use plug strips, not Cube-taps.
Keep workplace dry.
Turn off space heaters when un-attended.

Computer Workstation Ergonomics
If work on a computer more than 1 hour per day:
Must complete training:
CD ROM: get from HR Officer or EH&S
Classroom : EHS.116 is offered every quarter
On-Site for groups of 10 or more employees
Learn good posture for working at your computer.
Alternate activities to break up repetitive motions.
Seek medical attention promptly for any symptoms
of injuries.

Violence in the Workplace
Stanford University will not tolerate violence or
threats of violence.
Anyone experiencing or observing imminent
violence should call 9-911.
Report any acts or threats of violence to your
Review Administrative Guide Policy 23.9

Other Safety Training
Back Safety
Hazard Communication
Fire Extinguisher
Laboratory Safety:

Chemical Hygiene
Electrical Safety
Compressed Gas Safety
Hazardous waste management
Radiological Safety
Laser Safety
Biological Safety

Safety Resources
EH&S/General Safety
EH&S Training
EH&S Emergency Preparedness
EH&S Ergonomics
Stanford Risk Management
Stanford Police Information
Palo Alto Medical Clinic
EH&S Web Site:
Risk Management:

Slide 6

Stanford University
General Health & Safety Training
Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
Emergency Preparedness & Response
General Safety

Why Are We Here?
To learn about the university’s injury and
illness prevention program (IIPP).
Receive general safety guidelines.
Explain what your responsibilities are for

Stanford works hard to prevent accidents, but
people do get injured at work:
Workplace injuries cost Stanford
~ $5.8 million each year
 Total lost work days due to injuries
~1600 each year

Supervisor’s Responsibilities
Know the TRICK of a good safety program.
Train employees on correct safety practices.
Report Unsafe Conditions and Incidents.
Inspect for work place safety and compliance.
Correct any problems found.
Keep records of training.
Enforce health and safety rules.

Staff Responsibilities
Keep informed of safety conditions.
Participate in training programs.
Adhere to healthy and safe practices.
Report problems and hazards to Supervisors.

EH&S Responsibilities
(Environmental Health + Safety)
Assist supervisors with evaluation of workplace
Provide training and technical resource assistance.
Review departments’ safety programs.
Evaluating training in departments.
Serve as a campus resource for safety.

There are 3 levels of training:
Tier I University
Tier II Department
Tier III Local Work Unit
Employees must receive training on all workplace
Training benefits employees by: improving
understanding, empowering people, reducing
injuries and improving the bottom line.

Reporting Hazards
University Policy on Anti-reprisal
“Stanford university encourages employees and
students to report health and safety hazards to their
supervisor, manager, or EH&S.”
“Employees and students shall not be discharged or
discriminated against in any manner for bona fide
reporting of health and safety hazards to Stanford
or to appropriate governmental agencies.”
(Reports may always be made anonymously)

Reporting an Injury, Incident,
or Exposure
Discuss health and safety concerns with your
Fill out and sign Stanford SU-17 form.

Get forms from Risk Management.

Report “near misses.”
Seek medical attention for injuries.

Medical Attention for Workplace Injuries
If an injury is work related, it will be covered by
Workman’s Compensation Insurance

Sequoia occupational Health, Redwood City

Minor injury (sprained ankle, a few stitches)

Stanford Hospital Emergency Room

Serious Injury (severe laceration requiring
surgery, chemical burns, head trauma,
compound fractures)

Identification of Hazards by
Inspecting the Workplace
EH&S has checklists (see booklet).
Departments “self inspect.”
Management ensures implementation
Keep records for 1 year.
Correct the hazards identified.

Correcting Hazards
Correct it as soon as possible.
If you can’t correct it, ask a supervisor or
Are you still concerned?... call your Department
Safety Representative or EH&S.
Facilities can fix things and fund it if it is part of
their maintenance responsibilities.

Keeping Records
When you get training, make sure it gets
When you inspect for or correct hazards;
document that as well.
Keep Records for 1 year.

Part II Emergency Preparedness
(See Blue Brochure and Emergency Card)

When Reporting - Is it Serious?

Health threatening vs. non-health threatening

Know the Emergency Numbers to call
(stay on the line until the operator hangs up)
 5-9999 EH&S urgent assistance (day or night)

Know the location of:
fire extinguisher, alarm box, exit route
 Emergency Assembly Point (EAP)

Every campus building has an
EAP. Look for this sign on grey
wooden posts.

S tan fo rd U n iv ersity M ain E n tran ce - A p ril 1 7 , 1 9 0 6

Prepare for an Earthquake
Store large or heavy objects on lower shelves.
Plan so your door will not be blocked if
something falls.
Where do you go in an earthquake?

under a desk, away from windows.

Make an Emergency Kit for your desk area.
Department management should secure
bookcases, cabinets, over 4 feet tall.

How to Respond to an Earthquake
In the event of an earthquake:
STAY CALM!!! Think!
 Stay where you are.
 Take cover:

under desk
 away from glass, tall objects, etc.

Wait until the shaking stops and evacuate the
building cautiously by stairway, take essentials.
 Go to your EAP.

UC Santa Cruz 1989 Loma Prieta

Stanford Emergency Hotlines
SU Emergency Information Hotline


Student Information Hotline


To call from another city or state


To call from abroad


* Tell your family about these numbers !

Go to the Stanford emergency website

Listen to KZSU (90.1FM)
Listen to community Emergency Alert System (*) radio

740 AM


810 AM

(*) formerly known as the Emergency Broadcast System

Follow televised news reports

Emergency Wallet Card
Add Your Department Emergency Hotline

Prepare for a Fire
Know where your pull boxes, exits, and fire
extinguishers are located.
EH&S offers Fire Extinguisher Training.
Do not prop open fire doors.
Turn off space heaters when you are not
Participate in fire drills.

How to Respond to a Fire
Evacuate the fire area. Close doors.
Report the fire by pulling the alarm and
calling 9-911 from a safe location.
Upon hearing the alarm, stop work, close
doors and proceed to the nearest exit. Use
the stairs, drop & crawl if smoke is present.
Go to your EAP.

General Workplace Safety
Personal Safety and Security
Electrical Safety
Computer Workstation Ergonomics
Violence in the Workplace

Personal Safety
Keep emergency information by telephones
(see guide).
Use a buddy system when working late.
Personal security tips (See Stanford Safety &
Security Almanac).

Electrical Safety
Properly maintain electrical equipment.
Only use extension cords for temporary fixes.
Don’t overload electrical outlets.
Use plug strips, not Cube-taps.
Keep workplace dry.
Turn off space heaters when un-attended.

Computer Workstation Ergonomics
If work on a computer more than 1 hour per day:
Must complete training:
CD ROM: get from HR Officer or EH&S
Classroom : EHS.116 is offered every quarter
On-Site for groups of 10 or more employees
Learn good posture for working at your computer.
Alternate activities to break up repetitive motions.
Seek medical attention promptly for any symptoms
of injuries.

Violence in the Workplace
Stanford University will not tolerate violence or
threats of violence.
Anyone experiencing or observing imminent
violence should call 9-911.
Report any acts or threats of violence to your
Review Administrative Guide Policy 23.9

Other Safety Training
Back Safety
Hazard Communication
Fire Extinguisher
Laboratory Safety:

Chemical Hygiene
Electrical Safety
Compressed Gas Safety
Hazardous waste management
Radiological Safety
Laser Safety
Biological Safety

Safety Resources
EH&S/General Safety
EH&S Training
EH&S Emergency Preparedness
EH&S Ergonomics
Stanford Risk Management
Stanford Police Information
Palo Alto Medical Clinic
EH&S Web Site:
Risk Management:

Slide 7

Stanford University
General Health & Safety Training
Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
Emergency Preparedness & Response
General Safety

Why Are We Here?
To learn about the university’s injury and
illness prevention program (IIPP).
Receive general safety guidelines.
Explain what your responsibilities are for

Stanford works hard to prevent accidents, but
people do get injured at work:
Workplace injuries cost Stanford
~ $5.8 million each year
 Total lost work days due to injuries
~1600 each year

Supervisor’s Responsibilities
Know the TRICK of a good safety program.
Train employees on correct safety practices.
Report Unsafe Conditions and Incidents.
Inspect for work place safety and compliance.
Correct any problems found.
Keep records of training.
Enforce health and safety rules.

Staff Responsibilities
Keep informed of safety conditions.
Participate in training programs.
Adhere to healthy and safe practices.
Report problems and hazards to Supervisors.

EH&S Responsibilities
(Environmental Health + Safety)
Assist supervisors with evaluation of workplace
Provide training and technical resource assistance.
Review departments’ safety programs.
Evaluating training in departments.
Serve as a campus resource for safety.

There are 3 levels of training:
Tier I University
Tier II Department
Tier III Local Work Unit
Employees must receive training on all workplace
Training benefits employees by: improving
understanding, empowering people, reducing
injuries and improving the bottom line.

Reporting Hazards
University Policy on Anti-reprisal
“Stanford university encourages employees and
students to report health and safety hazards to their
supervisor, manager, or EH&S.”
“Employees and students shall not be discharged or
discriminated against in any manner for bona fide
reporting of health and safety hazards to Stanford
or to appropriate governmental agencies.”
(Reports may always be made anonymously)

Reporting an Injury, Incident,
or Exposure
Discuss health and safety concerns with your
Fill out and sign Stanford SU-17 form.

Get forms from Risk Management.

Report “near misses.”
Seek medical attention for injuries.

Medical Attention for Workplace Injuries
If an injury is work related, it will be covered by
Workman’s Compensation Insurance

Sequoia occupational Health, Redwood City

Minor injury (sprained ankle, a few stitches)

Stanford Hospital Emergency Room

Serious Injury (severe laceration requiring
surgery, chemical burns, head trauma,
compound fractures)

Identification of Hazards by
Inspecting the Workplace
EH&S has checklists (see booklet).
Departments “self inspect.”
Management ensures implementation
Keep records for 1 year.
Correct the hazards identified.

Correcting Hazards
Correct it as soon as possible.
If you can’t correct it, ask a supervisor or
Are you still concerned?... call your Department
Safety Representative or EH&S.
Facilities can fix things and fund it if it is part of
their maintenance responsibilities.

Keeping Records
When you get training, make sure it gets
When you inspect for or correct hazards;
document that as well.
Keep Records for 1 year.

Part II Emergency Preparedness
(See Blue Brochure and Emergency Card)

When Reporting - Is it Serious?

Health threatening vs. non-health threatening

Know the Emergency Numbers to call
(stay on the line until the operator hangs up)
 5-9999 EH&S urgent assistance (day or night)

Know the location of:
fire extinguisher, alarm box, exit route
 Emergency Assembly Point (EAP)

Every campus building has an
EAP. Look for this sign on grey
wooden posts.

S tan fo rd U n iv ersity M ain E n tran ce - A p ril 1 7 , 1 9 0 6

Prepare for an Earthquake
Store large or heavy objects on lower shelves.
Plan so your door will not be blocked if
something falls.
Where do you go in an earthquake?

under a desk, away from windows.

Make an Emergency Kit for your desk area.
Department management should secure
bookcases, cabinets, over 4 feet tall.

How to Respond to an Earthquake
In the event of an earthquake:
STAY CALM!!! Think!
 Stay where you are.
 Take cover:

under desk
 away from glass, tall objects, etc.

Wait until the shaking stops and evacuate the
building cautiously by stairway, take essentials.
 Go to your EAP.

UC Santa Cruz 1989 Loma Prieta

Stanford Emergency Hotlines
SU Emergency Information Hotline


Student Information Hotline


To call from another city or state


To call from abroad


* Tell your family about these numbers !

Go to the Stanford emergency website

Listen to KZSU (90.1FM)
Listen to community Emergency Alert System (*) radio

740 AM


810 AM

(*) formerly known as the Emergency Broadcast System

Follow televised news reports

Emergency Wallet Card
Add Your Department Emergency Hotline

Prepare for a Fire
Know where your pull boxes, exits, and fire
extinguishers are located.
EH&S offers Fire Extinguisher Training.
Do not prop open fire doors.
Turn off space heaters when you are not
Participate in fire drills.

How to Respond to a Fire
Evacuate the fire area. Close doors.
Report the fire by pulling the alarm and
calling 9-911 from a safe location.
Upon hearing the alarm, stop work, close
doors and proceed to the nearest exit. Use
the stairs, drop & crawl if smoke is present.
Go to your EAP.

General Workplace Safety
Personal Safety and Security
Electrical Safety
Computer Workstation Ergonomics
Violence in the Workplace

Personal Safety
Keep emergency information by telephones
(see guide).
Use a buddy system when working late.
Personal security tips (See Stanford Safety &
Security Almanac).

Electrical Safety
Properly maintain electrical equipment.
Only use extension cords for temporary fixes.
Don’t overload electrical outlets.
Use plug strips, not Cube-taps.
Keep workplace dry.
Turn off space heaters when un-attended.

Computer Workstation Ergonomics
If work on a computer more than 1 hour per day:
Must complete training:
CD ROM: get from HR Officer or EH&S
Classroom : EHS.116 is offered every quarter
On-Site for groups of 10 or more employees
Learn good posture for working at your computer.
Alternate activities to break up repetitive motions.
Seek medical attention promptly for any symptoms
of injuries.

Violence in the Workplace
Stanford University will not tolerate violence or
threats of violence.
Anyone experiencing or observing imminent
violence should call 9-911.
Report any acts or threats of violence to your
Review Administrative Guide Policy 23.9

Other Safety Training
Back Safety
Hazard Communication
Fire Extinguisher
Laboratory Safety:

Chemical Hygiene
Electrical Safety
Compressed Gas Safety
Hazardous waste management
Radiological Safety
Laser Safety
Biological Safety

Safety Resources
EH&S/General Safety
EH&S Training
EH&S Emergency Preparedness
EH&S Ergonomics
Stanford Risk Management
Stanford Police Information
Palo Alto Medical Clinic
EH&S Web Site:
Risk Management:

Slide 8

Stanford University
General Health & Safety Training
Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
Emergency Preparedness & Response
General Safety

Why Are We Here?
To learn about the university’s injury and
illness prevention program (IIPP).
Receive general safety guidelines.
Explain what your responsibilities are for

Stanford works hard to prevent accidents, but
people do get injured at work:
Workplace injuries cost Stanford
~ $5.8 million each year
 Total lost work days due to injuries
~1600 each year

Supervisor’s Responsibilities
Know the TRICK of a good safety program.
Train employees on correct safety practices.
Report Unsafe Conditions and Incidents.
Inspect for work place safety and compliance.
Correct any problems found.
Keep records of training.
Enforce health and safety rules.

Staff Responsibilities
Keep informed of safety conditions.
Participate in training programs.
Adhere to healthy and safe practices.
Report problems and hazards to Supervisors.

EH&S Responsibilities
(Environmental Health + Safety)
Assist supervisors with evaluation of workplace
Provide training and technical resource assistance.
Review departments’ safety programs.
Evaluating training in departments.
Serve as a campus resource for safety.

There are 3 levels of training:
Tier I University
Tier II Department
Tier III Local Work Unit
Employees must receive training on all workplace
Training benefits employees by: improving
understanding, empowering people, reducing
injuries and improving the bottom line.

Reporting Hazards
University Policy on Anti-reprisal
“Stanford university encourages employees and
students to report health and safety hazards to their
supervisor, manager, or EH&S.”
“Employees and students shall not be discharged or
discriminated against in any manner for bona fide
reporting of health and safety hazards to Stanford
or to appropriate governmental agencies.”
(Reports may always be made anonymously)

Reporting an Injury, Incident,
or Exposure
Discuss health and safety concerns with your
Fill out and sign Stanford SU-17 form.

Get forms from Risk Management.

Report “near misses.”
Seek medical attention for injuries.

Medical Attention for Workplace Injuries
If an injury is work related, it will be covered by
Workman’s Compensation Insurance

Sequoia occupational Health, Redwood City

Minor injury (sprained ankle, a few stitches)

Stanford Hospital Emergency Room

Serious Injury (severe laceration requiring
surgery, chemical burns, head trauma,
compound fractures)

Identification of Hazards by
Inspecting the Workplace
EH&S has checklists (see booklet).
Departments “self inspect.”
Management ensures implementation
Keep records for 1 year.
Correct the hazards identified.

Correcting Hazards
Correct it as soon as possible.
If you can’t correct it, ask a supervisor or
Are you still concerned?... call your Department
Safety Representative or EH&S.
Facilities can fix things and fund it if it is part of
their maintenance responsibilities.

Keeping Records
When you get training, make sure it gets
When you inspect for or correct hazards;
document that as well.
Keep Records for 1 year.

Part II Emergency Preparedness
(See Blue Brochure and Emergency Card)

When Reporting - Is it Serious?

Health threatening vs. non-health threatening

Know the Emergency Numbers to call
(stay on the line until the operator hangs up)
 5-9999 EH&S urgent assistance (day or night)

Know the location of:
fire extinguisher, alarm box, exit route
 Emergency Assembly Point (EAP)

Every campus building has an
EAP. Look for this sign on grey
wooden posts.

S tan fo rd U n iv ersity M ain E n tran ce - A p ril 1 7 , 1 9 0 6

Prepare for an Earthquake
Store large or heavy objects on lower shelves.
Plan so your door will not be blocked if
something falls.
Where do you go in an earthquake?

under a desk, away from windows.

Make an Emergency Kit for your desk area.
Department management should secure
bookcases, cabinets, over 4 feet tall.

How to Respond to an Earthquake
In the event of an earthquake:
STAY CALM!!! Think!
 Stay where you are.
 Take cover:

under desk
 away from glass, tall objects, etc.

Wait until the shaking stops and evacuate the
building cautiously by stairway, take essentials.
 Go to your EAP.

UC Santa Cruz 1989 Loma Prieta

Stanford Emergency Hotlines
SU Emergency Information Hotline


Student Information Hotline


To call from another city or state


To call from abroad


* Tell your family about these numbers !

Go to the Stanford emergency website

Listen to KZSU (90.1FM)
Listen to community Emergency Alert System (*) radio

740 AM


810 AM

(*) formerly known as the Emergency Broadcast System

Follow televised news reports

Emergency Wallet Card
Add Your Department Emergency Hotline

Prepare for a Fire
Know where your pull boxes, exits, and fire
extinguishers are located.
EH&S offers Fire Extinguisher Training.
Do not prop open fire doors.
Turn off space heaters when you are not
Participate in fire drills.

How to Respond to a Fire
Evacuate the fire area. Close doors.
Report the fire by pulling the alarm and
calling 9-911 from a safe location.
Upon hearing the alarm, stop work, close
doors and proceed to the nearest exit. Use
the stairs, drop & crawl if smoke is present.
Go to your EAP.

General Workplace Safety
Personal Safety and Security
Electrical Safety
Computer Workstation Ergonomics
Violence in the Workplace

Personal Safety
Keep emergency information by telephones
(see guide).
Use a buddy system when working late.
Personal security tips (See Stanford Safety &
Security Almanac).

Electrical Safety
Properly maintain electrical equipment.
Only use extension cords for temporary fixes.
Don’t overload electrical outlets.
Use plug strips, not Cube-taps.
Keep workplace dry.
Turn off space heaters when un-attended.

Computer Workstation Ergonomics
If work on a computer more than 1 hour per day:
Must complete training:
CD ROM: get from HR Officer or EH&S
Classroom : EHS.116 is offered every quarter
On-Site for groups of 10 or more employees
Learn good posture for working at your computer.
Alternate activities to break up repetitive motions.
Seek medical attention promptly for any symptoms
of injuries.

Violence in the Workplace
Stanford University will not tolerate violence or
threats of violence.
Anyone experiencing or observing imminent
violence should call 9-911.
Report any acts or threats of violence to your
Review Administrative Guide Policy 23.9

Other Safety Training
Back Safety
Hazard Communication
Fire Extinguisher
Laboratory Safety:

Chemical Hygiene
Electrical Safety
Compressed Gas Safety
Hazardous waste management
Radiological Safety
Laser Safety
Biological Safety

Safety Resources
EH&S/General Safety
EH&S Training
EH&S Emergency Preparedness
EH&S Ergonomics
Stanford Risk Management
Stanford Police Information
Palo Alto Medical Clinic
EH&S Web Site:
Risk Management:

Slide 9

Stanford University
General Health & Safety Training
Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
Emergency Preparedness & Response
General Safety

Why Are We Here?
To learn about the university’s injury and
illness prevention program (IIPP).
Receive general safety guidelines.
Explain what your responsibilities are for

Stanford works hard to prevent accidents, but
people do get injured at work:
Workplace injuries cost Stanford
~ $5.8 million each year
 Total lost work days due to injuries
~1600 each year

Supervisor’s Responsibilities
Know the TRICK of a good safety program.
Train employees on correct safety practices.
Report Unsafe Conditions and Incidents.
Inspect for work place safety and compliance.
Correct any problems found.
Keep records of training.
Enforce health and safety rules.

Staff Responsibilities
Keep informed of safety conditions.
Participate in training programs.
Adhere to healthy and safe practices.
Report problems and hazards to Supervisors.

EH&S Responsibilities
(Environmental Health + Safety)
Assist supervisors with evaluation of workplace
Provide training and technical resource assistance.
Review departments’ safety programs.
Evaluating training in departments.
Serve as a campus resource for safety.

There are 3 levels of training:
Tier I University
Tier II Department
Tier III Local Work Unit
Employees must receive training on all workplace
Training benefits employees by: improving
understanding, empowering people, reducing
injuries and improving the bottom line.

Reporting Hazards
University Policy on Anti-reprisal
“Stanford university encourages employees and
students to report health and safety hazards to their
supervisor, manager, or EH&S.”
“Employees and students shall not be discharged or
discriminated against in any manner for bona fide
reporting of health and safety hazards to Stanford
or to appropriate governmental agencies.”
(Reports may always be made anonymously)

Reporting an Injury, Incident,
or Exposure
Discuss health and safety concerns with your
Fill out and sign Stanford SU-17 form.

Get forms from Risk Management.

Report “near misses.”
Seek medical attention for injuries.

Medical Attention for Workplace Injuries
If an injury is work related, it will be covered by
Workman’s Compensation Insurance

Sequoia occupational Health, Redwood City

Minor injury (sprained ankle, a few stitches)

Stanford Hospital Emergency Room

Serious Injury (severe laceration requiring
surgery, chemical burns, head trauma,
compound fractures)

Identification of Hazards by
Inspecting the Workplace
EH&S has checklists (see booklet).
Departments “self inspect.”
Management ensures implementation
Keep records for 1 year.
Correct the hazards identified.

Correcting Hazards
Correct it as soon as possible.
If you can’t correct it, ask a supervisor or
Are you still concerned?... call your Department
Safety Representative or EH&S.
Facilities can fix things and fund it if it is part of
their maintenance responsibilities.

Keeping Records
When you get training, make sure it gets
When you inspect for or correct hazards;
document that as well.
Keep Records for 1 year.

Part II Emergency Preparedness
(See Blue Brochure and Emergency Card)

When Reporting - Is it Serious?

Health threatening vs. non-health threatening

Know the Emergency Numbers to call
(stay on the line until the operator hangs up)
 5-9999 EH&S urgent assistance (day or night)

Know the location of:
fire extinguisher, alarm box, exit route
 Emergency Assembly Point (EAP)

Every campus building has an
EAP. Look for this sign on grey
wooden posts.

S tan fo rd U n iv ersity M ain E n tran ce - A p ril 1 7 , 1 9 0 6

Prepare for an Earthquake
Store large or heavy objects on lower shelves.
Plan so your door will not be blocked if
something falls.
Where do you go in an earthquake?

under a desk, away from windows.

Make an Emergency Kit for your desk area.
Department management should secure
bookcases, cabinets, over 4 feet tall.

How to Respond to an Earthquake
In the event of an earthquake:
STAY CALM!!! Think!
 Stay where you are.
 Take cover:

under desk
 away from glass, tall objects, etc.

Wait until the shaking stops and evacuate the
building cautiously by stairway, take essentials.
 Go to your EAP.

UC Santa Cruz 1989 Loma Prieta

Stanford Emergency Hotlines
SU Emergency Information Hotline


Student Information Hotline


To call from another city or state


To call from abroad


* Tell your family about these numbers !

Go to the Stanford emergency website

Listen to KZSU (90.1FM)
Listen to community Emergency Alert System (*) radio

740 AM


810 AM

(*) formerly known as the Emergency Broadcast System

Follow televised news reports

Emergency Wallet Card
Add Your Department Emergency Hotline

Prepare for a Fire
Know where your pull boxes, exits, and fire
extinguishers are located.
EH&S offers Fire Extinguisher Training.
Do not prop open fire doors.
Turn off space heaters when you are not
Participate in fire drills.

How to Respond to a Fire
Evacuate the fire area. Close doors.
Report the fire by pulling the alarm and
calling 9-911 from a safe location.
Upon hearing the alarm, stop work, close
doors and proceed to the nearest exit. Use
the stairs, drop & crawl if smoke is present.
Go to your EAP.

General Workplace Safety
Personal Safety and Security
Electrical Safety
Computer Workstation Ergonomics
Violence in the Workplace

Personal Safety
Keep emergency information by telephones
(see guide).
Use a buddy system when working late.
Personal security tips (See Stanford Safety &
Security Almanac).

Electrical Safety
Properly maintain electrical equipment.
Only use extension cords for temporary fixes.
Don’t overload electrical outlets.
Use plug strips, not Cube-taps.
Keep workplace dry.
Turn off space heaters when un-attended.

Computer Workstation Ergonomics
If work on a computer more than 1 hour per day:
Must complete training:
CD ROM: get from HR Officer or EH&S
Classroom : EHS.116 is offered every quarter
On-Site for groups of 10 or more employees
Learn good posture for working at your computer.
Alternate activities to break up repetitive motions.
Seek medical attention promptly for any symptoms
of injuries.

Violence in the Workplace
Stanford University will not tolerate violence or
threats of violence.
Anyone experiencing or observing imminent
violence should call 9-911.
Report any acts or threats of violence to your
Review Administrative Guide Policy 23.9

Other Safety Training
Back Safety
Hazard Communication
Fire Extinguisher
Laboratory Safety:

Chemical Hygiene
Electrical Safety
Compressed Gas Safety
Hazardous waste management
Radiological Safety
Laser Safety
Biological Safety

Safety Resources
EH&S/General Safety
EH&S Training
EH&S Emergency Preparedness
EH&S Ergonomics
Stanford Risk Management
Stanford Police Information
Palo Alto Medical Clinic
EH&S Web Site:
Risk Management:

Slide 10

Stanford University
General Health & Safety Training
Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
Emergency Preparedness & Response
General Safety

Why Are We Here?
To learn about the university’s injury and
illness prevention program (IIPP).
Receive general safety guidelines.
Explain what your responsibilities are for

Stanford works hard to prevent accidents, but
people do get injured at work:
Workplace injuries cost Stanford
~ $5.8 million each year
 Total lost work days due to injuries
~1600 each year

Supervisor’s Responsibilities
Know the TRICK of a good safety program.
Train employees on correct safety practices.
Report Unsafe Conditions and Incidents.
Inspect for work place safety and compliance.
Correct any problems found.
Keep records of training.
Enforce health and safety rules.

Staff Responsibilities
Keep informed of safety conditions.
Participate in training programs.
Adhere to healthy and safe practices.
Report problems and hazards to Supervisors.

EH&S Responsibilities
(Environmental Health + Safety)
Assist supervisors with evaluation of workplace
Provide training and technical resource assistance.
Review departments’ safety programs.
Evaluating training in departments.
Serve as a campus resource for safety.

There are 3 levels of training:
Tier I University
Tier II Department
Tier III Local Work Unit
Employees must receive training on all workplace
Training benefits employees by: improving
understanding, empowering people, reducing
injuries and improving the bottom line.

Reporting Hazards
University Policy on Anti-reprisal
“Stanford university encourages employees and
students to report health and safety hazards to their
supervisor, manager, or EH&S.”
“Employees and students shall not be discharged or
discriminated against in any manner for bona fide
reporting of health and safety hazards to Stanford
or to appropriate governmental agencies.”
(Reports may always be made anonymously)

Reporting an Injury, Incident,
or Exposure
Discuss health and safety concerns with your
Fill out and sign Stanford SU-17 form.

Get forms from Risk Management.

Report “near misses.”
Seek medical attention for injuries.

Medical Attention for Workplace Injuries
If an injury is work related, it will be covered by
Workman’s Compensation Insurance

Sequoia occupational Health, Redwood City

Minor injury (sprained ankle, a few stitches)

Stanford Hospital Emergency Room

Serious Injury (severe laceration requiring
surgery, chemical burns, head trauma,
compound fractures)

Identification of Hazards by
Inspecting the Workplace
EH&S has checklists (see booklet).
Departments “self inspect.”
Management ensures implementation
Keep records for 1 year.
Correct the hazards identified.

Correcting Hazards
Correct it as soon as possible.
If you can’t correct it, ask a supervisor or
Are you still concerned?... call your Department
Safety Representative or EH&S.
Facilities can fix things and fund it if it is part of
their maintenance responsibilities.

Keeping Records
When you get training, make sure it gets
When you inspect for or correct hazards;
document that as well.
Keep Records for 1 year.

Part II Emergency Preparedness
(See Blue Brochure and Emergency Card)

When Reporting - Is it Serious?

Health threatening vs. non-health threatening

Know the Emergency Numbers to call
(stay on the line until the operator hangs up)
 5-9999 EH&S urgent assistance (day or night)

Know the location of:
fire extinguisher, alarm box, exit route
 Emergency Assembly Point (EAP)

Every campus building has an
EAP. Look for this sign on grey
wooden posts.

S tan fo rd U n iv ersity M ain E n tran ce - A p ril 1 7 , 1 9 0 6

Prepare for an Earthquake
Store large or heavy objects on lower shelves.
Plan so your door will not be blocked if
something falls.
Where do you go in an earthquake?

under a desk, away from windows.

Make an Emergency Kit for your desk area.
Department management should secure
bookcases, cabinets, over 4 feet tall.

How to Respond to an Earthquake
In the event of an earthquake:
STAY CALM!!! Think!
 Stay where you are.
 Take cover:

under desk
 away from glass, tall objects, etc.

Wait until the shaking stops and evacuate the
building cautiously by stairway, take essentials.
 Go to your EAP.

UC Santa Cruz 1989 Loma Prieta

Stanford Emergency Hotlines
SU Emergency Information Hotline


Student Information Hotline


To call from another city or state


To call from abroad


* Tell your family about these numbers !

Go to the Stanford emergency website

Listen to KZSU (90.1FM)
Listen to community Emergency Alert System (*) radio

740 AM


810 AM

(*) formerly known as the Emergency Broadcast System

Follow televised news reports

Emergency Wallet Card
Add Your Department Emergency Hotline

Prepare for a Fire
Know where your pull boxes, exits, and fire
extinguishers are located.
EH&S offers Fire Extinguisher Training.
Do not prop open fire doors.
Turn off space heaters when you are not
Participate in fire drills.

How to Respond to a Fire
Evacuate the fire area. Close doors.
Report the fire by pulling the alarm and
calling 9-911 from a safe location.
Upon hearing the alarm, stop work, close
doors and proceed to the nearest exit. Use
the stairs, drop & crawl if smoke is present.
Go to your EAP.

General Workplace Safety
Personal Safety and Security
Electrical Safety
Computer Workstation Ergonomics
Violence in the Workplace

Personal Safety
Keep emergency information by telephones
(see guide).
Use a buddy system when working late.
Personal security tips (See Stanford Safety &
Security Almanac).

Electrical Safety
Properly maintain electrical equipment.
Only use extension cords for temporary fixes.
Don’t overload electrical outlets.
Use plug strips, not Cube-taps.
Keep workplace dry.
Turn off space heaters when un-attended.

Computer Workstation Ergonomics
If work on a computer more than 1 hour per day:
Must complete training:
CD ROM: get from HR Officer or EH&S
Classroom : EHS.116 is offered every quarter
On-Site for groups of 10 or more employees
Learn good posture for working at your computer.
Alternate activities to break up repetitive motions.
Seek medical attention promptly for any symptoms
of injuries.

Violence in the Workplace
Stanford University will not tolerate violence or
threats of violence.
Anyone experiencing or observing imminent
violence should call 9-911.
Report any acts or threats of violence to your
Review Administrative Guide Policy 23.9

Other Safety Training
Back Safety
Hazard Communication
Fire Extinguisher
Laboratory Safety:

Chemical Hygiene
Electrical Safety
Compressed Gas Safety
Hazardous waste management
Radiological Safety
Laser Safety
Biological Safety

Safety Resources
EH&S/General Safety
EH&S Training
EH&S Emergency Preparedness
EH&S Ergonomics
Stanford Risk Management
Stanford Police Information
Palo Alto Medical Clinic
EH&S Web Site:
Risk Management:

Slide 11

Stanford University
General Health & Safety Training
Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
Emergency Preparedness & Response
General Safety

Why Are We Here?
To learn about the university’s injury and
illness prevention program (IIPP).
Receive general safety guidelines.
Explain what your responsibilities are for

Stanford works hard to prevent accidents, but
people do get injured at work:
Workplace injuries cost Stanford
~ $5.8 million each year
 Total lost work days due to injuries
~1600 each year

Supervisor’s Responsibilities
Know the TRICK of a good safety program.
Train employees on correct safety practices.
Report Unsafe Conditions and Incidents.
Inspect for work place safety and compliance.
Correct any problems found.
Keep records of training.
Enforce health and safety rules.

Staff Responsibilities
Keep informed of safety conditions.
Participate in training programs.
Adhere to healthy and safe practices.
Report problems and hazards to Supervisors.

EH&S Responsibilities
(Environmental Health + Safety)
Assist supervisors with evaluation of workplace
Provide training and technical resource assistance.
Review departments’ safety programs.
Evaluating training in departments.
Serve as a campus resource for safety.

There are 3 levels of training:
Tier I University
Tier II Department
Tier III Local Work Unit
Employees must receive training on all workplace
Training benefits employees by: improving
understanding, empowering people, reducing
injuries and improving the bottom line.

Reporting Hazards
University Policy on Anti-reprisal
“Stanford university encourages employees and
students to report health and safety hazards to their
supervisor, manager, or EH&S.”
“Employees and students shall not be discharged or
discriminated against in any manner for bona fide
reporting of health and safety hazards to Stanford
or to appropriate governmental agencies.”
(Reports may always be made anonymously)

Reporting an Injury, Incident,
or Exposure
Discuss health and safety concerns with your
Fill out and sign Stanford SU-17 form.

Get forms from Risk Management.

Report “near misses.”
Seek medical attention for injuries.

Medical Attention for Workplace Injuries
If an injury is work related, it will be covered by
Workman’s Compensation Insurance

Sequoia occupational Health, Redwood City

Minor injury (sprained ankle, a few stitches)

Stanford Hospital Emergency Room

Serious Injury (severe laceration requiring
surgery, chemical burns, head trauma,
compound fractures)

Identification of Hazards by
Inspecting the Workplace
EH&S has checklists (see booklet).
Departments “self inspect.”
Management ensures implementation
Keep records for 1 year.
Correct the hazards identified.

Correcting Hazards
Correct it as soon as possible.
If you can’t correct it, ask a supervisor or
Are you still concerned?... call your Department
Safety Representative or EH&S.
Facilities can fix things and fund it if it is part of
their maintenance responsibilities.

Keeping Records
When you get training, make sure it gets
When you inspect for or correct hazards;
document that as well.
Keep Records for 1 year.

Part II Emergency Preparedness
(See Blue Brochure and Emergency Card)

When Reporting - Is it Serious?

Health threatening vs. non-health threatening

Know the Emergency Numbers to call
(stay on the line until the operator hangs up)
 5-9999 EH&S urgent assistance (day or night)

Know the location of:
fire extinguisher, alarm box, exit route
 Emergency Assembly Point (EAP)

Every campus building has an
EAP. Look for this sign on grey
wooden posts.

S tan fo rd U n iv ersity M ain E n tran ce - A p ril 1 7 , 1 9 0 6

Prepare for an Earthquake
Store large or heavy objects on lower shelves.
Plan so your door will not be blocked if
something falls.
Where do you go in an earthquake?

under a desk, away from windows.

Make an Emergency Kit for your desk area.
Department management should secure
bookcases, cabinets, over 4 feet tall.

How to Respond to an Earthquake
In the event of an earthquake:
STAY CALM!!! Think!
 Stay where you are.
 Take cover:

under desk
 away from glass, tall objects, etc.

Wait until the shaking stops and evacuate the
building cautiously by stairway, take essentials.
 Go to your EAP.

UC Santa Cruz 1989 Loma Prieta

Stanford Emergency Hotlines
SU Emergency Information Hotline


Student Information Hotline


To call from another city or state


To call from abroad


* Tell your family about these numbers !

Go to the Stanford emergency website

Listen to KZSU (90.1FM)
Listen to community Emergency Alert System (*) radio

740 AM


810 AM

(*) formerly known as the Emergency Broadcast System

Follow televised news reports

Emergency Wallet Card
Add Your Department Emergency Hotline

Prepare for a Fire
Know where your pull boxes, exits, and fire
extinguishers are located.
EH&S offers Fire Extinguisher Training.
Do not prop open fire doors.
Turn off space heaters when you are not
Participate in fire drills.

How to Respond to a Fire
Evacuate the fire area. Close doors.
Report the fire by pulling the alarm and
calling 9-911 from a safe location.
Upon hearing the alarm, stop work, close
doors and proceed to the nearest exit. Use
the stairs, drop & crawl if smoke is present.
Go to your EAP.

General Workplace Safety
Personal Safety and Security
Electrical Safety
Computer Workstation Ergonomics
Violence in the Workplace

Personal Safety
Keep emergency information by telephones
(see guide).
Use a buddy system when working late.
Personal security tips (See Stanford Safety &
Security Almanac).

Electrical Safety
Properly maintain electrical equipment.
Only use extension cords for temporary fixes.
Don’t overload electrical outlets.
Use plug strips, not Cube-taps.
Keep workplace dry.
Turn off space heaters when un-attended.

Computer Workstation Ergonomics
If work on a computer more than 1 hour per day:
Must complete training:
CD ROM: get from HR Officer or EH&S
Classroom : EHS.116 is offered every quarter
On-Site for groups of 10 or more employees
Learn good posture for working at your computer.
Alternate activities to break up repetitive motions.
Seek medical attention promptly for any symptoms
of injuries.

Violence in the Workplace
Stanford University will not tolerate violence or
threats of violence.
Anyone experiencing or observing imminent
violence should call 9-911.
Report any acts or threats of violence to your
Review Administrative Guide Policy 23.9

Other Safety Training
Back Safety
Hazard Communication
Fire Extinguisher
Laboratory Safety:

Chemical Hygiene
Electrical Safety
Compressed Gas Safety
Hazardous waste management
Radiological Safety
Laser Safety
Biological Safety

Safety Resources
EH&S/General Safety
EH&S Training
EH&S Emergency Preparedness
EH&S Ergonomics
Stanford Risk Management
Stanford Police Information
Palo Alto Medical Clinic
EH&S Web Site:
Risk Management:

Slide 12

Stanford University
General Health & Safety Training
Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
Emergency Preparedness & Response
General Safety

Why Are We Here?
To learn about the university’s injury and
illness prevention program (IIPP).
Receive general safety guidelines.
Explain what your responsibilities are for

Stanford works hard to prevent accidents, but
people do get injured at work:
Workplace injuries cost Stanford
~ $5.8 million each year
 Total lost work days due to injuries
~1600 each year

Supervisor’s Responsibilities
Know the TRICK of a good safety program.
Train employees on correct safety practices.
Report Unsafe Conditions and Incidents.
Inspect for work place safety and compliance.
Correct any problems found.
Keep records of training.
Enforce health and safety rules.

Staff Responsibilities
Keep informed of safety conditions.
Participate in training programs.
Adhere to healthy and safe practices.
Report problems and hazards to Supervisors.

EH&S Responsibilities
(Environmental Health + Safety)
Assist supervisors with evaluation of workplace
Provide training and technical resource assistance.
Review departments’ safety programs.
Evaluating training in departments.
Serve as a campus resource for safety.

There are 3 levels of training:
Tier I University
Tier II Department
Tier III Local Work Unit
Employees must receive training on all workplace
Training benefits employees by: improving
understanding, empowering people, reducing
injuries and improving the bottom line.

Reporting Hazards
University Policy on Anti-reprisal
“Stanford university encourages employees and
students to report health and safety hazards to their
supervisor, manager, or EH&S.”
“Employees and students shall not be discharged or
discriminated against in any manner for bona fide
reporting of health and safety hazards to Stanford
or to appropriate governmental agencies.”
(Reports may always be made anonymously)

Reporting an Injury, Incident,
or Exposure
Discuss health and safety concerns with your
Fill out and sign Stanford SU-17 form.

Get forms from Risk Management.

Report “near misses.”
Seek medical attention for injuries.

Medical Attention for Workplace Injuries
If an injury is work related, it will be covered by
Workman’s Compensation Insurance

Sequoia occupational Health, Redwood City

Minor injury (sprained ankle, a few stitches)

Stanford Hospital Emergency Room

Serious Injury (severe laceration requiring
surgery, chemical burns, head trauma,
compound fractures)

Identification of Hazards by
Inspecting the Workplace
EH&S has checklists (see booklet).
Departments “self inspect.”
Management ensures implementation
Keep records for 1 year.
Correct the hazards identified.

Correcting Hazards
Correct it as soon as possible.
If you can’t correct it, ask a supervisor or
Are you still concerned?... call your Department
Safety Representative or EH&S.
Facilities can fix things and fund it if it is part of
their maintenance responsibilities.

Keeping Records
When you get training, make sure it gets
When you inspect for or correct hazards;
document that as well.
Keep Records for 1 year.

Part II Emergency Preparedness
(See Blue Brochure and Emergency Card)

When Reporting - Is it Serious?

Health threatening vs. non-health threatening

Know the Emergency Numbers to call
(stay on the line until the operator hangs up)
 5-9999 EH&S urgent assistance (day or night)

Know the location of:
fire extinguisher, alarm box, exit route
 Emergency Assembly Point (EAP)

Every campus building has an
EAP. Look for this sign on grey
wooden posts.

S tan fo rd U n iv ersity M ain E n tran ce - A p ril 1 7 , 1 9 0 6

Prepare for an Earthquake
Store large or heavy objects on lower shelves.
Plan so your door will not be blocked if
something falls.
Where do you go in an earthquake?

under a desk, away from windows.

Make an Emergency Kit for your desk area.
Department management should secure
bookcases, cabinets, over 4 feet tall.

How to Respond to an Earthquake
In the event of an earthquake:
STAY CALM!!! Think!
 Stay where you are.
 Take cover:

under desk
 away from glass, tall objects, etc.

Wait until the shaking stops and evacuate the
building cautiously by stairway, take essentials.
 Go to your EAP.

UC Santa Cruz 1989 Loma Prieta

Stanford Emergency Hotlines
SU Emergency Information Hotline


Student Information Hotline


To call from another city or state


To call from abroad


* Tell your family about these numbers !

Go to the Stanford emergency website

Listen to KZSU (90.1FM)
Listen to community Emergency Alert System (*) radio

740 AM


810 AM

(*) formerly known as the Emergency Broadcast System

Follow televised news reports

Emergency Wallet Card
Add Your Department Emergency Hotline

Prepare for a Fire
Know where your pull boxes, exits, and fire
extinguishers are located.
EH&S offers Fire Extinguisher Training.
Do not prop open fire doors.
Turn off space heaters when you are not
Participate in fire drills.

How to Respond to a Fire
Evacuate the fire area. Close doors.
Report the fire by pulling the alarm and
calling 9-911 from a safe location.
Upon hearing the alarm, stop work, close
doors and proceed to the nearest exit. Use
the stairs, drop & crawl if smoke is present.
Go to your EAP.

General Workplace Safety
Personal Safety and Security
Electrical Safety
Computer Workstation Ergonomics
Violence in the Workplace

Personal Safety
Keep emergency information by telephones
(see guide).
Use a buddy system when working late.
Personal security tips (See Stanford Safety &
Security Almanac).

Electrical Safety
Properly maintain electrical equipment.
Only use extension cords for temporary fixes.
Don’t overload electrical outlets.
Use plug strips, not Cube-taps.
Keep workplace dry.
Turn off space heaters when un-attended.

Computer Workstation Ergonomics
If work on a computer more than 1 hour per day:
Must complete training:
CD ROM: get from HR Officer or EH&S
Classroom : EHS.116 is offered every quarter
On-Site for groups of 10 or more employees
Learn good posture for working at your computer.
Alternate activities to break up repetitive motions.
Seek medical attention promptly for any symptoms
of injuries.

Violence in the Workplace
Stanford University will not tolerate violence or
threats of violence.
Anyone experiencing or observing imminent
violence should call 9-911.
Report any acts or threats of violence to your
Review Administrative Guide Policy 23.9

Other Safety Training
Back Safety
Hazard Communication
Fire Extinguisher
Laboratory Safety:

Chemical Hygiene
Electrical Safety
Compressed Gas Safety
Hazardous waste management
Radiological Safety
Laser Safety
Biological Safety

Safety Resources
EH&S/General Safety
EH&S Training
EH&S Emergency Preparedness
EH&S Ergonomics
Stanford Risk Management
Stanford Police Information
Palo Alto Medical Clinic
EH&S Web Site:
Risk Management:

Slide 13

Stanford University
General Health & Safety Training
Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
Emergency Preparedness & Response
General Safety

Why Are We Here?
To learn about the university’s injury and
illness prevention program (IIPP).
Receive general safety guidelines.
Explain what your responsibilities are for

Stanford works hard to prevent accidents, but
people do get injured at work:
Workplace injuries cost Stanford
~ $5.8 million each year
 Total lost work days due to injuries
~1600 each year

Supervisor’s Responsibilities
Know the TRICK of a good safety program.
Train employees on correct safety practices.
Report Unsafe Conditions and Incidents.
Inspect for work place safety and compliance.
Correct any problems found.
Keep records of training.
Enforce health and safety rules.

Staff Responsibilities
Keep informed of safety conditions.
Participate in training programs.
Adhere to healthy and safe practices.
Report problems and hazards to Supervisors.

EH&S Responsibilities
(Environmental Health + Safety)
Assist supervisors with evaluation of workplace
Provide training and technical resource assistance.
Review departments’ safety programs.
Evaluating training in departments.
Serve as a campus resource for safety.

There are 3 levels of training:
Tier I University
Tier II Department
Tier III Local Work Unit
Employees must receive training on all workplace
Training benefits employees by: improving
understanding, empowering people, reducing
injuries and improving the bottom line.

Reporting Hazards
University Policy on Anti-reprisal
“Stanford university encourages employees and
students to report health and safety hazards to their
supervisor, manager, or EH&S.”
“Employees and students shall not be discharged or
discriminated against in any manner for bona fide
reporting of health and safety hazards to Stanford
or to appropriate governmental agencies.”
(Reports may always be made anonymously)

Reporting an Injury, Incident,
or Exposure
Discuss health and safety concerns with your
Fill out and sign Stanford SU-17 form.

Get forms from Risk Management.

Report “near misses.”
Seek medical attention for injuries.

Medical Attention for Workplace Injuries
If an injury is work related, it will be covered by
Workman’s Compensation Insurance

Sequoia occupational Health, Redwood City

Minor injury (sprained ankle, a few stitches)

Stanford Hospital Emergency Room

Serious Injury (severe laceration requiring
surgery, chemical burns, head trauma,
compound fractures)

Identification of Hazards by
Inspecting the Workplace
EH&S has checklists (see booklet).
Departments “self inspect.”
Management ensures implementation
Keep records for 1 year.
Correct the hazards identified.

Correcting Hazards
Correct it as soon as possible.
If you can’t correct it, ask a supervisor or
Are you still concerned?... call your Department
Safety Representative or EH&S.
Facilities can fix things and fund it if it is part of
their maintenance responsibilities.

Keeping Records
When you get training, make sure it gets
When you inspect for or correct hazards;
document that as well.
Keep Records for 1 year.

Part II Emergency Preparedness
(See Blue Brochure and Emergency Card)

When Reporting - Is it Serious?

Health threatening vs. non-health threatening

Know the Emergency Numbers to call
(stay on the line until the operator hangs up)
 5-9999 EH&S urgent assistance (day or night)

Know the location of:
fire extinguisher, alarm box, exit route
 Emergency Assembly Point (EAP)

Every campus building has an
EAP. Look for this sign on grey
wooden posts.

S tan fo rd U n iv ersity M ain E n tran ce - A p ril 1 7 , 1 9 0 6

Prepare for an Earthquake
Store large or heavy objects on lower shelves.
Plan so your door will not be blocked if
something falls.
Where do you go in an earthquake?

under a desk, away from windows.

Make an Emergency Kit for your desk area.
Department management should secure
bookcases, cabinets, over 4 feet tall.

How to Respond to an Earthquake
In the event of an earthquake:
STAY CALM!!! Think!
 Stay where you are.
 Take cover:

under desk
 away from glass, tall objects, etc.

Wait until the shaking stops and evacuate the
building cautiously by stairway, take essentials.
 Go to your EAP.

UC Santa Cruz 1989 Loma Prieta

Stanford Emergency Hotlines
SU Emergency Information Hotline


Student Information Hotline


To call from another city or state


To call from abroad


* Tell your family about these numbers !

Go to the Stanford emergency website

Listen to KZSU (90.1FM)
Listen to community Emergency Alert System (*) radio

740 AM


810 AM

(*) formerly known as the Emergency Broadcast System

Follow televised news reports

Emergency Wallet Card
Add Your Department Emergency Hotline

Prepare for a Fire
Know where your pull boxes, exits, and fire
extinguishers are located.
EH&S offers Fire Extinguisher Training.
Do not prop open fire doors.
Turn off space heaters when you are not
Participate in fire drills.

How to Respond to a Fire
Evacuate the fire area. Close doors.
Report the fire by pulling the alarm and
calling 9-911 from a safe location.
Upon hearing the alarm, stop work, close
doors and proceed to the nearest exit. Use
the stairs, drop & crawl if smoke is present.
Go to your EAP.

General Workplace Safety
Personal Safety and Security
Electrical Safety
Computer Workstation Ergonomics
Violence in the Workplace

Personal Safety
Keep emergency information by telephones
(see guide).
Use a buddy system when working late.
Personal security tips (See Stanford Safety &
Security Almanac).

Electrical Safety
Properly maintain electrical equipment.
Only use extension cords for temporary fixes.
Don’t overload electrical outlets.
Use plug strips, not Cube-taps.
Keep workplace dry.
Turn off space heaters when un-attended.

Computer Workstation Ergonomics
If work on a computer more than 1 hour per day:
Must complete training:
CD ROM: get from HR Officer or EH&S
Classroom : EHS.116 is offered every quarter
On-Site for groups of 10 or more employees
Learn good posture for working at your computer.
Alternate activities to break up repetitive motions.
Seek medical attention promptly for any symptoms
of injuries.

Violence in the Workplace
Stanford University will not tolerate violence or
threats of violence.
Anyone experiencing or observing imminent
violence should call 9-911.
Report any acts or threats of violence to your
Review Administrative Guide Policy 23.9

Other Safety Training
Back Safety
Hazard Communication
Fire Extinguisher
Laboratory Safety:

Chemical Hygiene
Electrical Safety
Compressed Gas Safety
Hazardous waste management
Radiological Safety
Laser Safety
Biological Safety

Safety Resources
EH&S/General Safety
EH&S Training
EH&S Emergency Preparedness
EH&S Ergonomics
Stanford Risk Management
Stanford Police Information
Palo Alto Medical Clinic
EH&S Web Site:
Risk Management:

Slide 14

Stanford University
General Health & Safety Training
Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
Emergency Preparedness & Response
General Safety

Why Are We Here?
To learn about the university’s injury and
illness prevention program (IIPP).
Receive general safety guidelines.
Explain what your responsibilities are for

Stanford works hard to prevent accidents, but
people do get injured at work:
Workplace injuries cost Stanford
~ $5.8 million each year
 Total lost work days due to injuries
~1600 each year

Supervisor’s Responsibilities
Know the TRICK of a good safety program.
Train employees on correct safety practices.
Report Unsafe Conditions and Incidents.
Inspect for work place safety and compliance.
Correct any problems found.
Keep records of training.
Enforce health and safety rules.

Staff Responsibilities
Keep informed of safety conditions.
Participate in training programs.
Adhere to healthy and safe practices.
Report problems and hazards to Supervisors.

EH&S Responsibilities
(Environmental Health + Safety)
Assist supervisors with evaluation of workplace
Provide training and technical resource assistance.
Review departments’ safety programs.
Evaluating training in departments.
Serve as a campus resource for safety.

There are 3 levels of training:
Tier I University
Tier II Department
Tier III Local Work Unit
Employees must receive training on all workplace
Training benefits employees by: improving
understanding, empowering people, reducing
injuries and improving the bottom line.

Reporting Hazards
University Policy on Anti-reprisal
“Stanford university encourages employees and
students to report health and safety hazards to their
supervisor, manager, or EH&S.”
“Employees and students shall not be discharged or
discriminated against in any manner for bona fide
reporting of health and safety hazards to Stanford
or to appropriate governmental agencies.”
(Reports may always be made anonymously)

Reporting an Injury, Incident,
or Exposure
Discuss health and safety concerns with your
Fill out and sign Stanford SU-17 form.

Get forms from Risk Management.

Report “near misses.”
Seek medical attention for injuries.

Medical Attention for Workplace Injuries
If an injury is work related, it will be covered by
Workman’s Compensation Insurance

Sequoia occupational Health, Redwood City

Minor injury (sprained ankle, a few stitches)

Stanford Hospital Emergency Room

Serious Injury (severe laceration requiring
surgery, chemical burns, head trauma,
compound fractures)

Identification of Hazards by
Inspecting the Workplace
EH&S has checklists (see booklet).
Departments “self inspect.”
Management ensures implementation
Keep records for 1 year.
Correct the hazards identified.

Correcting Hazards
Correct it as soon as possible.
If you can’t correct it, ask a supervisor or
Are you still concerned?... call your Department
Safety Representative or EH&S.
Facilities can fix things and fund it if it is part of
their maintenance responsibilities.

Keeping Records
When you get training, make sure it gets
When you inspect for or correct hazards;
document that as well.
Keep Records for 1 year.

Part II Emergency Preparedness
(See Blue Brochure and Emergency Card)

When Reporting - Is it Serious?

Health threatening vs. non-health threatening

Know the Emergency Numbers to call
(stay on the line until the operator hangs up)
 5-9999 EH&S urgent assistance (day or night)

Know the location of:
fire extinguisher, alarm box, exit route
 Emergency Assembly Point (EAP)

Every campus building has an
EAP. Look for this sign on grey
wooden posts.

S tan fo rd U n iv ersity M ain E n tran ce - A p ril 1 7 , 1 9 0 6

Prepare for an Earthquake
Store large or heavy objects on lower shelves.
Plan so your door will not be blocked if
something falls.
Where do you go in an earthquake?

under a desk, away from windows.

Make an Emergency Kit for your desk area.
Department management should secure
bookcases, cabinets, over 4 feet tall.

How to Respond to an Earthquake
In the event of an earthquake:
STAY CALM!!! Think!
 Stay where you are.
 Take cover:

under desk
 away from glass, tall objects, etc.

Wait until the shaking stops and evacuate the
building cautiously by stairway, take essentials.
 Go to your EAP.

UC Santa Cruz 1989 Loma Prieta

Stanford Emergency Hotlines
SU Emergency Information Hotline


Student Information Hotline


To call from another city or state


To call from abroad


* Tell your family about these numbers !

Go to the Stanford emergency website

Listen to KZSU (90.1FM)
Listen to community Emergency Alert System (*) radio

740 AM


810 AM

(*) formerly known as the Emergency Broadcast System

Follow televised news reports

Emergency Wallet Card
Add Your Department Emergency Hotline

Prepare for a Fire
Know where your pull boxes, exits, and fire
extinguishers are located.
EH&S offers Fire Extinguisher Training.
Do not prop open fire doors.
Turn off space heaters when you are not
Participate in fire drills.

How to Respond to a Fire
Evacuate the fire area. Close doors.
Report the fire by pulling the alarm and
calling 9-911 from a safe location.
Upon hearing the alarm, stop work, close
doors and proceed to the nearest exit. Use
the stairs, drop & crawl if smoke is present.
Go to your EAP.

General Workplace Safety
Personal Safety and Security
Electrical Safety
Computer Workstation Ergonomics
Violence in the Workplace

Personal Safety
Keep emergency information by telephones
(see guide).
Use a buddy system when working late.
Personal security tips (See Stanford Safety &
Security Almanac).

Electrical Safety
Properly maintain electrical equipment.
Only use extension cords for temporary fixes.
Don’t overload electrical outlets.
Use plug strips, not Cube-taps.
Keep workplace dry.
Turn off space heaters when un-attended.

Computer Workstation Ergonomics
If work on a computer more than 1 hour per day:
Must complete training:
CD ROM: get from HR Officer or EH&S
Classroom : EHS.116 is offered every quarter
On-Site for groups of 10 or more employees
Learn good posture for working at your computer.
Alternate activities to break up repetitive motions.
Seek medical attention promptly for any symptoms
of injuries.

Violence in the Workplace
Stanford University will not tolerate violence or
threats of violence.
Anyone experiencing or observing imminent
violence should call 9-911.
Report any acts or threats of violence to your
Review Administrative Guide Policy 23.9

Other Safety Training
Back Safety
Hazard Communication
Fire Extinguisher
Laboratory Safety:

Chemical Hygiene
Electrical Safety
Compressed Gas Safety
Hazardous waste management
Radiological Safety
Laser Safety
Biological Safety

Safety Resources
EH&S/General Safety
EH&S Training
EH&S Emergency Preparedness
EH&S Ergonomics
Stanford Risk Management
Stanford Police Information
Palo Alto Medical Clinic
EH&S Web Site:
Risk Management:

Slide 15

Stanford University
General Health & Safety Training
Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
Emergency Preparedness & Response
General Safety

Why Are We Here?
To learn about the university’s injury and
illness prevention program (IIPP).
Receive general safety guidelines.
Explain what your responsibilities are for

Stanford works hard to prevent accidents, but
people do get injured at work:
Workplace injuries cost Stanford
~ $5.8 million each year
 Total lost work days due to injuries
~1600 each year

Supervisor’s Responsibilities
Know the TRICK of a good safety program.
Train employees on correct safety practices.
Report Unsafe Conditions and Incidents.
Inspect for work place safety and compliance.
Correct any problems found.
Keep records of training.
Enforce health and safety rules.

Staff Responsibilities
Keep informed of safety conditions.
Participate in training programs.
Adhere to healthy and safe practices.
Report problems and hazards to Supervisors.

EH&S Responsibilities
(Environmental Health + Safety)
Assist supervisors with evaluation of workplace
Provide training and technical resource assistance.
Review departments’ safety programs.
Evaluating training in departments.
Serve as a campus resource for safety.

There are 3 levels of training:
Tier I University
Tier II Department
Tier III Local Work Unit
Employees must receive training on all workplace
Training benefits employees by: improving
understanding, empowering people, reducing
injuries and improving the bottom line.

Reporting Hazards
University Policy on Anti-reprisal
“Stanford university encourages employees and
students to report health and safety hazards to their
supervisor, manager, or EH&S.”
“Employees and students shall not be discharged or
discriminated against in any manner for bona fide
reporting of health and safety hazards to Stanford
or to appropriate governmental agencies.”
(Reports may always be made anonymously)

Reporting an Injury, Incident,
or Exposure
Discuss health and safety concerns with your
Fill out and sign Stanford SU-17 form.

Get forms from Risk Management.

Report “near misses.”
Seek medical attention for injuries.

Medical Attention for Workplace Injuries
If an injury is work related, it will be covered by
Workman’s Compensation Insurance

Sequoia occupational Health, Redwood City

Minor injury (sprained ankle, a few stitches)

Stanford Hospital Emergency Room

Serious Injury (severe laceration requiring
surgery, chemical burns, head trauma,
compound fractures)

Identification of Hazards by
Inspecting the Workplace
EH&S has checklists (see booklet).
Departments “self inspect.”
Management ensures implementation
Keep records for 1 year.
Correct the hazards identified.

Correcting Hazards
Correct it as soon as possible.
If you can’t correct it, ask a supervisor or
Are you still concerned?... call your Department
Safety Representative or EH&S.
Facilities can fix things and fund it if it is part of
their maintenance responsibilities.

Keeping Records
When you get training, make sure it gets
When you inspect for or correct hazards;
document that as well.
Keep Records for 1 year.

Part II Emergency Preparedness
(See Blue Brochure and Emergency Card)

When Reporting - Is it Serious?

Health threatening vs. non-health threatening

Know the Emergency Numbers to call
(stay on the line until the operator hangs up)
 5-9999 EH&S urgent assistance (day or night)

Know the location of:
fire extinguisher, alarm box, exit route
 Emergency Assembly Point (EAP)

Every campus building has an
EAP. Look for this sign on grey
wooden posts.

S tan fo rd U n iv ersity M ain E n tran ce - A p ril 1 7 , 1 9 0 6

Prepare for an Earthquake
Store large or heavy objects on lower shelves.
Plan so your door will not be blocked if
something falls.
Where do you go in an earthquake?

under a desk, away from windows.

Make an Emergency Kit for your desk area.
Department management should secure
bookcases, cabinets, over 4 feet tall.

How to Respond to an Earthquake
In the event of an earthquake:
STAY CALM!!! Think!
 Stay where you are.
 Take cover:

under desk
 away from glass, tall objects, etc.

Wait until the shaking stops and evacuate the
building cautiously by stairway, take essentials.
 Go to your EAP.

UC Santa Cruz 1989 Loma Prieta

Stanford Emergency Hotlines
SU Emergency Information Hotline


Student Information Hotline


To call from another city or state


To call from abroad


* Tell your family about these numbers !

Go to the Stanford emergency website

Listen to KZSU (90.1FM)
Listen to community Emergency Alert System (*) radio

740 AM


810 AM

(*) formerly known as the Emergency Broadcast System

Follow televised news reports

Emergency Wallet Card
Add Your Department Emergency Hotline

Prepare for a Fire
Know where your pull boxes, exits, and fire
extinguishers are located.
EH&S offers Fire Extinguisher Training.
Do not prop open fire doors.
Turn off space heaters when you are not
Participate in fire drills.

How to Respond to a Fire
Evacuate the fire area. Close doors.
Report the fire by pulling the alarm and
calling 9-911 from a safe location.
Upon hearing the alarm, stop work, close
doors and proceed to the nearest exit. Use
the stairs, drop & crawl if smoke is present.
Go to your EAP.

General Workplace Safety
Personal Safety and Security
Electrical Safety
Computer Workstation Ergonomics
Violence in the Workplace

Personal Safety
Keep emergency information by telephones
(see guide).
Use a buddy system when working late.
Personal security tips (See Stanford Safety &
Security Almanac).

Electrical Safety
Properly maintain electrical equipment.
Only use extension cords for temporary fixes.
Don’t overload electrical outlets.
Use plug strips, not Cube-taps.
Keep workplace dry.
Turn off space heaters when un-attended.

Computer Workstation Ergonomics
If work on a computer more than 1 hour per day:
Must complete training:
CD ROM: get from HR Officer or EH&S
Classroom : EHS.116 is offered every quarter
On-Site for groups of 10 or more employees
Learn good posture for working at your computer.
Alternate activities to break up repetitive motions.
Seek medical attention promptly for any symptoms
of injuries.

Violence in the Workplace
Stanford University will not tolerate violence or
threats of violence.
Anyone experiencing or observing imminent
violence should call 9-911.
Report any acts or threats of violence to your
Review Administrative Guide Policy 23.9

Other Safety Training
Back Safety
Hazard Communication
Fire Extinguisher
Laboratory Safety:

Chemical Hygiene
Electrical Safety
Compressed Gas Safety
Hazardous waste management
Radiological Safety
Laser Safety
Biological Safety

Safety Resources
EH&S/General Safety
EH&S Training
EH&S Emergency Preparedness
EH&S Ergonomics
Stanford Risk Management
Stanford Police Information
Palo Alto Medical Clinic
EH&S Web Site:
Risk Management:

Slide 16

Stanford University
General Health & Safety Training
Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
Emergency Preparedness & Response
General Safety

Why Are We Here?
To learn about the university’s injury and
illness prevention program (IIPP).
Receive general safety guidelines.
Explain what your responsibilities are for

Stanford works hard to prevent accidents, but
people do get injured at work:
Workplace injuries cost Stanford
~ $5.8 million each year
 Total lost work days due to injuries
~1600 each year

Supervisor’s Responsibilities
Know the TRICK of a good safety program.
Train employees on correct safety practices.
Report Unsafe Conditions and Incidents.
Inspect for work place safety and compliance.
Correct any problems found.
Keep records of training.
Enforce health and safety rules.

Staff Responsibilities
Keep informed of safety conditions.
Participate in training programs.
Adhere to healthy and safe practices.
Report problems and hazards to Supervisors.

EH&S Responsibilities
(Environmental Health + Safety)
Assist supervisors with evaluation of workplace
Provide training and technical resource assistance.
Review departments’ safety programs.
Evaluating training in departments.
Serve as a campus resource for safety.

There are 3 levels of training:
Tier I University
Tier II Department
Tier III Local Work Unit
Employees must receive training on all workplace
Training benefits employees by: improving
understanding, empowering people, reducing
injuries and improving the bottom line.

Reporting Hazards
University Policy on Anti-reprisal
“Stanford university encourages employees and
students to report health and safety hazards to their
supervisor, manager, or EH&S.”
“Employees and students shall not be discharged or
discriminated against in any manner for bona fide
reporting of health and safety hazards to Stanford
or to appropriate governmental agencies.”
(Reports may always be made anonymously)

Reporting an Injury, Incident,
or Exposure
Discuss health and safety concerns with your
Fill out and sign Stanford SU-17 form.

Get forms from Risk Management.

Report “near misses.”
Seek medical attention for injuries.

Medical Attention for Workplace Injuries
If an injury is work related, it will be covered by
Workman’s Compensation Insurance

Sequoia occupational Health, Redwood City

Minor injury (sprained ankle, a few stitches)

Stanford Hospital Emergency Room

Serious Injury (severe laceration requiring
surgery, chemical burns, head trauma,
compound fractures)

Identification of Hazards by
Inspecting the Workplace
EH&S has checklists (see booklet).
Departments “self inspect.”
Management ensures implementation
Keep records for 1 year.
Correct the hazards identified.

Correcting Hazards
Correct it as soon as possible.
If you can’t correct it, ask a supervisor or
Are you still concerned?... call your Department
Safety Representative or EH&S.
Facilities can fix things and fund it if it is part of
their maintenance responsibilities.

Keeping Records
When you get training, make sure it gets
When you inspect for or correct hazards;
document that as well.
Keep Records for 1 year.

Part II Emergency Preparedness
(See Blue Brochure and Emergency Card)

When Reporting - Is it Serious?

Health threatening vs. non-health threatening

Know the Emergency Numbers to call
(stay on the line until the operator hangs up)
 5-9999 EH&S urgent assistance (day or night)

Know the location of:
fire extinguisher, alarm box, exit route
 Emergency Assembly Point (EAP)

Every campus building has an
EAP. Look for this sign on grey
wooden posts.

S tan fo rd U n iv ersity M ain E n tran ce - A p ril 1 7 , 1 9 0 6

Prepare for an Earthquake
Store large or heavy objects on lower shelves.
Plan so your door will not be blocked if
something falls.
Where do you go in an earthquake?

under a desk, away from windows.

Make an Emergency Kit for your desk area.
Department management should secure
bookcases, cabinets, over 4 feet tall.

How to Respond to an Earthquake
In the event of an earthquake:
STAY CALM!!! Think!
 Stay where you are.
 Take cover:

under desk
 away from glass, tall objects, etc.

Wait until the shaking stops and evacuate the
building cautiously by stairway, take essentials.
 Go to your EAP.

UC Santa Cruz 1989 Loma Prieta

Stanford Emergency Hotlines
SU Emergency Information Hotline


Student Information Hotline


To call from another city or state


To call from abroad


* Tell your family about these numbers !

Go to the Stanford emergency website

Listen to KZSU (90.1FM)
Listen to community Emergency Alert System (*) radio

740 AM


810 AM

(*) formerly known as the Emergency Broadcast System

Follow televised news reports

Emergency Wallet Card
Add Your Department Emergency Hotline

Prepare for a Fire
Know where your pull boxes, exits, and fire
extinguishers are located.
EH&S offers Fire Extinguisher Training.
Do not prop open fire doors.
Turn off space heaters when you are not
Participate in fire drills.

How to Respond to a Fire
Evacuate the fire area. Close doors.
Report the fire by pulling the alarm and
calling 9-911 from a safe location.
Upon hearing the alarm, stop work, close
doors and proceed to the nearest exit. Use
the stairs, drop & crawl if smoke is present.
Go to your EAP.

General Workplace Safety
Personal Safety and Security
Electrical Safety
Computer Workstation Ergonomics
Violence in the Workplace

Personal Safety
Keep emergency information by telephones
(see guide).
Use a buddy system when working late.
Personal security tips (See Stanford Safety &
Security Almanac).

Electrical Safety
Properly maintain electrical equipment.
Only use extension cords for temporary fixes.
Don’t overload electrical outlets.
Use plug strips, not Cube-taps.
Keep workplace dry.
Turn off space heaters when un-attended.

Computer Workstation Ergonomics
If work on a computer more than 1 hour per day:
Must complete training:
CD ROM: get from HR Officer or EH&S
Classroom : EHS.116 is offered every quarter
On-Site for groups of 10 or more employees
Learn good posture for working at your computer.
Alternate activities to break up repetitive motions.
Seek medical attention promptly for any symptoms
of injuries.

Violence in the Workplace
Stanford University will not tolerate violence or
threats of violence.
Anyone experiencing or observing imminent
violence should call 9-911.
Report any acts or threats of violence to your
Review Administrative Guide Policy 23.9

Other Safety Training
Back Safety
Hazard Communication
Fire Extinguisher
Laboratory Safety:

Chemical Hygiene
Electrical Safety
Compressed Gas Safety
Hazardous waste management
Radiological Safety
Laser Safety
Biological Safety

Safety Resources
EH&S/General Safety
EH&S Training
EH&S Emergency Preparedness
EH&S Ergonomics
Stanford Risk Management
Stanford Police Information
Palo Alto Medical Clinic
EH&S Web Site:
Risk Management:

Slide 17

Stanford University
General Health & Safety Training
Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
Emergency Preparedness & Response
General Safety

Why Are We Here?
To learn about the university’s injury and
illness prevention program (IIPP).
Receive general safety guidelines.
Explain what your responsibilities are for

Stanford works hard to prevent accidents, but
people do get injured at work:
Workplace injuries cost Stanford
~ $5.8 million each year
 Total lost work days due to injuries
~1600 each year

Supervisor’s Responsibilities
Know the TRICK of a good safety program.
Train employees on correct safety practices.
Report Unsafe Conditions and Incidents.
Inspect for work place safety and compliance.
Correct any problems found.
Keep records of training.
Enforce health and safety rules.

Staff Responsibilities
Keep informed of safety conditions.
Participate in training programs.
Adhere to healthy and safe practices.
Report problems and hazards to Supervisors.

EH&S Responsibilities
(Environmental Health + Safety)
Assist supervisors with evaluation of workplace
Provide training and technical resource assistance.
Review departments’ safety programs.
Evaluating training in departments.
Serve as a campus resource for safety.

There are 3 levels of training:
Tier I University
Tier II Department
Tier III Local Work Unit
Employees must receive training on all workplace
Training benefits employees by: improving
understanding, empowering people, reducing
injuries and improving the bottom line.

Reporting Hazards
University Policy on Anti-reprisal
“Stanford university encourages employees and
students to report health and safety hazards to their
supervisor, manager, or EH&S.”
“Employees and students shall not be discharged or
discriminated against in any manner for bona fide
reporting of health and safety hazards to Stanford
or to appropriate governmental agencies.”
(Reports may always be made anonymously)

Reporting an Injury, Incident,
or Exposure
Discuss health and safety concerns with your
Fill out and sign Stanford SU-17 form.

Get forms from Risk Management.

Report “near misses.”
Seek medical attention for injuries.

Medical Attention for Workplace Injuries
If an injury is work related, it will be covered by
Workman’s Compensation Insurance

Sequoia occupational Health, Redwood City

Minor injury (sprained ankle, a few stitches)

Stanford Hospital Emergency Room

Serious Injury (severe laceration requiring
surgery, chemical burns, head trauma,
compound fractures)

Identification of Hazards by
Inspecting the Workplace
EH&S has checklists (see booklet).
Departments “self inspect.”
Management ensures implementation
Keep records for 1 year.
Correct the hazards identified.

Correcting Hazards
Correct it as soon as possible.
If you can’t correct it, ask a supervisor or
Are you still concerned?... call your Department
Safety Representative or EH&S.
Facilities can fix things and fund it if it is part of
their maintenance responsibilities.

Keeping Records
When you get training, make sure it gets
When you inspect for or correct hazards;
document that as well.
Keep Records for 1 year.

Part II Emergency Preparedness
(See Blue Brochure and Emergency Card)

When Reporting - Is it Serious?

Health threatening vs. non-health threatening

Know the Emergency Numbers to call
(stay on the line until the operator hangs up)
 5-9999 EH&S urgent assistance (day or night)

Know the location of:
fire extinguisher, alarm box, exit route
 Emergency Assembly Point (EAP)

Every campus building has an
EAP. Look for this sign on grey
wooden posts.

S tan fo rd U n iv ersity M ain E n tran ce - A p ril 1 7 , 1 9 0 6

Prepare for an Earthquake
Store large or heavy objects on lower shelves.
Plan so your door will not be blocked if
something falls.
Where do you go in an earthquake?

under a desk, away from windows.

Make an Emergency Kit for your desk area.
Department management should secure
bookcases, cabinets, over 4 feet tall.

How to Respond to an Earthquake
In the event of an earthquake:
STAY CALM!!! Think!
 Stay where you are.
 Take cover:

under desk
 away from glass, tall objects, etc.

Wait until the shaking stops and evacuate the
building cautiously by stairway, take essentials.
 Go to your EAP.

UC Santa Cruz 1989 Loma Prieta

Stanford Emergency Hotlines
SU Emergency Information Hotline


Student Information Hotline


To call from another city or state


To call from abroad


* Tell your family about these numbers !

Go to the Stanford emergency website

Listen to KZSU (90.1FM)
Listen to community Emergency Alert System (*) radio

740 AM


810 AM

(*) formerly known as the Emergency Broadcast System

Follow televised news reports

Emergency Wallet Card
Add Your Department Emergency Hotline

Prepare for a Fire
Know where your pull boxes, exits, and fire
extinguishers are located.
EH&S offers Fire Extinguisher Training.
Do not prop open fire doors.
Turn off space heaters when you are not
Participate in fire drills.

How to Respond to a Fire
Evacuate the fire area. Close doors.
Report the fire by pulling the alarm and
calling 9-911 from a safe location.
Upon hearing the alarm, stop work, close
doors and proceed to the nearest exit. Use
the stairs, drop & crawl if smoke is present.
Go to your EAP.

General Workplace Safety
Personal Safety and Security
Electrical Safety
Computer Workstation Ergonomics
Violence in the Workplace

Personal Safety
Keep emergency information by telephones
(see guide).
Use a buddy system when working late.
Personal security tips (See Stanford Safety &
Security Almanac).

Electrical Safety
Properly maintain electrical equipment.
Only use extension cords for temporary fixes.
Don’t overload electrical outlets.
Use plug strips, not Cube-taps.
Keep workplace dry.
Turn off space heaters when un-attended.

Computer Workstation Ergonomics
If work on a computer more than 1 hour per day:
Must complete training:
CD ROM: get from HR Officer or EH&S
Classroom : EHS.116 is offered every quarter
On-Site for groups of 10 or more employees
Learn good posture for working at your computer.
Alternate activities to break up repetitive motions.
Seek medical attention promptly for any symptoms
of injuries.

Violence in the Workplace
Stanford University will not tolerate violence or
threats of violence.
Anyone experiencing or observing imminent
violence should call 9-911.
Report any acts or threats of violence to your
Review Administrative Guide Policy 23.9

Other Safety Training
Back Safety
Hazard Communication
Fire Extinguisher
Laboratory Safety:

Chemical Hygiene
Electrical Safety
Compressed Gas Safety
Hazardous waste management
Radiological Safety
Laser Safety
Biological Safety

Safety Resources
EH&S/General Safety
EH&S Training
EH&S Emergency Preparedness
EH&S Ergonomics
Stanford Risk Management
Stanford Police Information
Palo Alto Medical Clinic
EH&S Web Site:
Risk Management:

Slide 18

Stanford University
General Health & Safety Training
Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
Emergency Preparedness & Response
General Safety

Why Are We Here?
To learn about the university’s injury and
illness prevention program (IIPP).
Receive general safety guidelines.
Explain what your responsibilities are for

Stanford works hard to prevent accidents, but
people do get injured at work:
Workplace injuries cost Stanford
~ $5.8 million each year
 Total lost work days due to injuries
~1600 each year

Supervisor’s Responsibilities
Know the TRICK of a good safety program.
Train employees on correct safety practices.
Report Unsafe Conditions and Incidents.
Inspect for work place safety and compliance.
Correct any problems found.
Keep records of training.
Enforce health and safety rules.

Staff Responsibilities
Keep informed of safety conditions.
Participate in training programs.
Adhere to healthy and safe practices.
Report problems and hazards to Supervisors.

EH&S Responsibilities
(Environmental Health + Safety)
Assist supervisors with evaluation of workplace
Provide training and technical resource assistance.
Review departments’ safety programs.
Evaluating training in departments.
Serve as a campus resource for safety.

There are 3 levels of training:
Tier I University
Tier II Department
Tier III Local Work Unit
Employees must receive training on all workplace
Training benefits employees by: improving
understanding, empowering people, reducing
injuries and improving the bottom line.

Reporting Hazards
University Policy on Anti-reprisal
“Stanford university encourages employees and
students to report health and safety hazards to their
supervisor, manager, or EH&S.”
“Employees and students shall not be discharged or
discriminated against in any manner for bona fide
reporting of health and safety hazards to Stanford
or to appropriate governmental agencies.”
(Reports may always be made anonymously)

Reporting an Injury, Incident,
or Exposure
Discuss health and safety concerns with your
Fill out and sign Stanford SU-17 form.

Get forms from Risk Management.

Report “near misses.”
Seek medical attention for injuries.

Medical Attention for Workplace Injuries
If an injury is work related, it will be covered by
Workman’s Compensation Insurance

Sequoia occupational Health, Redwood City

Minor injury (sprained ankle, a few stitches)

Stanford Hospital Emergency Room

Serious Injury (severe laceration requiring
surgery, chemical burns, head trauma,
compound fractures)

Identification of Hazards by
Inspecting the Workplace
EH&S has checklists (see booklet).
Departments “self inspect.”
Management ensures implementation
Keep records for 1 year.
Correct the hazards identified.

Correcting Hazards
Correct it as soon as possible.
If you can’t correct it, ask a supervisor or
Are you still concerned?... call your Department
Safety Representative or EH&S.
Facilities can fix things and fund it if it is part of
their maintenance responsibilities.

Keeping Records
When you get training, make sure it gets
When you inspect for or correct hazards;
document that as well.
Keep Records for 1 year.

Part II Emergency Preparedness
(See Blue Brochure and Emergency Card)

When Reporting - Is it Serious?

Health threatening vs. non-health threatening

Know the Emergency Numbers to call
(stay on the line until the operator hangs up)
 5-9999 EH&S urgent assistance (day or night)

Know the location of:
fire extinguisher, alarm box, exit route
 Emergency Assembly Point (EAP)

Every campus building has an
EAP. Look for this sign on grey
wooden posts.

S tan fo rd U n iv ersity M ain E n tran ce - A p ril 1 7 , 1 9 0 6

Prepare for an Earthquake
Store large or heavy objects on lower shelves.
Plan so your door will not be blocked if
something falls.
Where do you go in an earthquake?

under a desk, away from windows.

Make an Emergency Kit for your desk area.
Department management should secure
bookcases, cabinets, over 4 feet tall.

How to Respond to an Earthquake
In the event of an earthquake:
STAY CALM!!! Think!
 Stay where you are.
 Take cover:

under desk
 away from glass, tall objects, etc.

Wait until the shaking stops and evacuate the
building cautiously by stairway, take essentials.
 Go to your EAP.

UC Santa Cruz 1989 Loma Prieta

Stanford Emergency Hotlines
SU Emergency Information Hotline


Student Information Hotline


To call from another city or state


To call from abroad


* Tell your family about these numbers !

Go to the Stanford emergency website

Listen to KZSU (90.1FM)
Listen to community Emergency Alert System (*) radio

740 AM


810 AM

(*) formerly known as the Emergency Broadcast System

Follow televised news reports

Emergency Wallet Card
Add Your Department Emergency Hotline

Prepare for a Fire
Know where your pull boxes, exits, and fire
extinguishers are located.
EH&S offers Fire Extinguisher Training.
Do not prop open fire doors.
Turn off space heaters when you are not
Participate in fire drills.

How to Respond to a Fire
Evacuate the fire area. Close doors.
Report the fire by pulling the alarm and
calling 9-911 from a safe location.
Upon hearing the alarm, stop work, close
doors and proceed to the nearest exit. Use
the stairs, drop & crawl if smoke is present.
Go to your EAP.

General Workplace Safety
Personal Safety and Security
Electrical Safety
Computer Workstation Ergonomics
Violence in the Workplace

Personal Safety
Keep emergency information by telephones
(see guide).
Use a buddy system when working late.
Personal security tips (See Stanford Safety &
Security Almanac).

Electrical Safety
Properly maintain electrical equipment.
Only use extension cords for temporary fixes.
Don’t overload electrical outlets.
Use plug strips, not Cube-taps.
Keep workplace dry.
Turn off space heaters when un-attended.

Computer Workstation Ergonomics
If work on a computer more than 1 hour per day:
Must complete training:
CD ROM: get from HR Officer or EH&S
Classroom : EHS.116 is offered every quarter
On-Site for groups of 10 or more employees
Learn good posture for working at your computer.
Alternate activities to break up repetitive motions.
Seek medical attention promptly for any symptoms
of injuries.

Violence in the Workplace
Stanford University will not tolerate violence or
threats of violence.
Anyone experiencing or observing imminent
violence should call 9-911.
Report any acts or threats of violence to your
Review Administrative Guide Policy 23.9

Other Safety Training
Back Safety
Hazard Communication
Fire Extinguisher
Laboratory Safety:

Chemical Hygiene
Electrical Safety
Compressed Gas Safety
Hazardous waste management
Radiological Safety
Laser Safety
Biological Safety

Safety Resources
EH&S/General Safety
EH&S Training
EH&S Emergency Preparedness
EH&S Ergonomics
Stanford Risk Management
Stanford Police Information
Palo Alto Medical Clinic
EH&S Web Site:
Risk Management:

Slide 19

Stanford University
General Health & Safety Training
Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
Emergency Preparedness & Response
General Safety

Why Are We Here?
To learn about the university’s injury and
illness prevention program (IIPP).
Receive general safety guidelines.
Explain what your responsibilities are for

Stanford works hard to prevent accidents, but
people do get injured at work:
Workplace injuries cost Stanford
~ $5.8 million each year
 Total lost work days due to injuries
~1600 each year

Supervisor’s Responsibilities
Know the TRICK of a good safety program.
Train employees on correct safety practices.
Report Unsafe Conditions and Incidents.
Inspect for work place safety and compliance.
Correct any problems found.
Keep records of training.
Enforce health and safety rules.

Staff Responsibilities
Keep informed of safety conditions.
Participate in training programs.
Adhere to healthy and safe practices.
Report problems and hazards to Supervisors.

EH&S Responsibilities
(Environmental Health + Safety)
Assist supervisors with evaluation of workplace
Provide training and technical resource assistance.
Review departments’ safety programs.
Evaluating training in departments.
Serve as a campus resource for safety.

There are 3 levels of training:
Tier I University
Tier II Department
Tier III Local Work Unit
Employees must receive training on all workplace
Training benefits employees by: improving
understanding, empowering people, reducing
injuries and improving the bottom line.

Reporting Hazards
University Policy on Anti-reprisal
“Stanford university encourages employees and
students to report health and safety hazards to their
supervisor, manager, or EH&S.”
“Employees and students shall not be discharged or
discriminated against in any manner for bona fide
reporting of health and safety hazards to Stanford
or to appropriate governmental agencies.”
(Reports may always be made anonymously)

Reporting an Injury, Incident,
or Exposure
Discuss health and safety concerns with your
Fill out and sign Stanford SU-17 form.

Get forms from Risk Management.

Report “near misses.”
Seek medical attention for injuries.

Medical Attention for Workplace Injuries
If an injury is work related, it will be covered by
Workman’s Compensation Insurance

Sequoia occupational Health, Redwood City

Minor injury (sprained ankle, a few stitches)

Stanford Hospital Emergency Room

Serious Injury (severe laceration requiring
surgery, chemical burns, head trauma,
compound fractures)

Identification of Hazards by
Inspecting the Workplace
EH&S has checklists (see booklet).
Departments “self inspect.”
Management ensures implementation
Keep records for 1 year.
Correct the hazards identified.

Correcting Hazards
Correct it as soon as possible.
If you can’t correct it, ask a supervisor or
Are you still concerned?... call your Department
Safety Representative or EH&S.
Facilities can fix things and fund it if it is part of
their maintenance responsibilities.

Keeping Records
When you get training, make sure it gets
When you inspect for or correct hazards;
document that as well.
Keep Records for 1 year.

Part II Emergency Preparedness
(See Blue Brochure and Emergency Card)

When Reporting - Is it Serious?

Health threatening vs. non-health threatening

Know the Emergency Numbers to call
(stay on the line until the operator hangs up)
 5-9999 EH&S urgent assistance (day or night)

Know the location of:
fire extinguisher, alarm box, exit route
 Emergency Assembly Point (EAP)

Every campus building has an
EAP. Look for this sign on grey
wooden posts.

S tan fo rd U n iv ersity M ain E n tran ce - A p ril 1 7 , 1 9 0 6

Prepare for an Earthquake
Store large or heavy objects on lower shelves.
Plan so your door will not be blocked if
something falls.
Where do you go in an earthquake?

under a desk, away from windows.

Make an Emergency Kit for your desk area.
Department management should secure
bookcases, cabinets, over 4 feet tall.

How to Respond to an Earthquake
In the event of an earthquake:
STAY CALM!!! Think!
 Stay where you are.
 Take cover:

under desk
 away from glass, tall objects, etc.

Wait until the shaking stops and evacuate the
building cautiously by stairway, take essentials.
 Go to your EAP.

UC Santa Cruz 1989 Loma Prieta

Stanford Emergency Hotlines
SU Emergency Information Hotline


Student Information Hotline


To call from another city or state


To call from abroad


* Tell your family about these numbers !

Go to the Stanford emergency website

Listen to KZSU (90.1FM)
Listen to community Emergency Alert System (*) radio

740 AM


810 AM

(*) formerly known as the Emergency Broadcast System

Follow televised news reports

Emergency Wallet Card
Add Your Department Emergency Hotline

Prepare for a Fire
Know where your pull boxes, exits, and fire
extinguishers are located.
EH&S offers Fire Extinguisher Training.
Do not prop open fire doors.
Turn off space heaters when you are not
Participate in fire drills.

How to Respond to a Fire
Evacuate the fire area. Close doors.
Report the fire by pulling the alarm and
calling 9-911 from a safe location.
Upon hearing the alarm, stop work, close
doors and proceed to the nearest exit. Use
the stairs, drop & crawl if smoke is present.
Go to your EAP.

General Workplace Safety
Personal Safety and Security
Electrical Safety
Computer Workstation Ergonomics
Violence in the Workplace

Personal Safety
Keep emergency information by telephones
(see guide).
Use a buddy system when working late.
Personal security tips (See Stanford Safety &
Security Almanac).

Electrical Safety
Properly maintain electrical equipment.
Only use extension cords for temporary fixes.
Don’t overload electrical outlets.
Use plug strips, not Cube-taps.
Keep workplace dry.
Turn off space heaters when un-attended.

Computer Workstation Ergonomics
If work on a computer more than 1 hour per day:
Must complete training:
CD ROM: get from HR Officer or EH&S
Classroom : EHS.116 is offered every quarter
On-Site for groups of 10 or more employees
Learn good posture for working at your computer.
Alternate activities to break up repetitive motions.
Seek medical attention promptly for any symptoms
of injuries.

Violence in the Workplace
Stanford University will not tolerate violence or
threats of violence.
Anyone experiencing or observing imminent
violence should call 9-911.
Report any acts or threats of violence to your
Review Administrative Guide Policy 23.9

Other Safety Training
Back Safety
Hazard Communication
Fire Extinguisher
Laboratory Safety:

Chemical Hygiene
Electrical Safety
Compressed Gas Safety
Hazardous waste management
Radiological Safety
Laser Safety
Biological Safety

Safety Resources
EH&S/General Safety
EH&S Training
EH&S Emergency Preparedness
EH&S Ergonomics
Stanford Risk Management
Stanford Police Information
Palo Alto Medical Clinic
EH&S Web Site:
Risk Management:

Slide 20

Stanford University
General Health & Safety Training
Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
Emergency Preparedness & Response
General Safety

Why Are We Here?
To learn about the university’s injury and
illness prevention program (IIPP).
Receive general safety guidelines.
Explain what your responsibilities are for

Stanford works hard to prevent accidents, but
people do get injured at work:
Workplace injuries cost Stanford
~ $5.8 million each year
 Total lost work days due to injuries
~1600 each year

Supervisor’s Responsibilities
Know the TRICK of a good safety program.
Train employees on correct safety practices.
Report Unsafe Conditions and Incidents.
Inspect for work place safety and compliance.
Correct any problems found.
Keep records of training.
Enforce health and safety rules.

Staff Responsibilities
Keep informed of safety conditions.
Participate in training programs.
Adhere to healthy and safe practices.
Report problems and hazards to Supervisors.

EH&S Responsibilities
(Environmental Health + Safety)
Assist supervisors with evaluation of workplace
Provide training and technical resource assistance.
Review departments’ safety programs.
Evaluating training in departments.
Serve as a campus resource for safety.

There are 3 levels of training:
Tier I University
Tier II Department
Tier III Local Work Unit
Employees must receive training on all workplace
Training benefits employees by: improving
understanding, empowering people, reducing
injuries and improving the bottom line.

Reporting Hazards
University Policy on Anti-reprisal
“Stanford university encourages employees and
students to report health and safety hazards to their
supervisor, manager, or EH&S.”
“Employees and students shall not be discharged or
discriminated against in any manner for bona fide
reporting of health and safety hazards to Stanford
or to appropriate governmental agencies.”
(Reports may always be made anonymously)

Reporting an Injury, Incident,
or Exposure
Discuss health and safety concerns with your
Fill out and sign Stanford SU-17 form.

Get forms from Risk Management.

Report “near misses.”
Seek medical attention for injuries.

Medical Attention for Workplace Injuries
If an injury is work related, it will be covered by
Workman’s Compensation Insurance

Sequoia occupational Health, Redwood City

Minor injury (sprained ankle, a few stitches)

Stanford Hospital Emergency Room

Serious Injury (severe laceration requiring
surgery, chemical burns, head trauma,
compound fractures)

Identification of Hazards by
Inspecting the Workplace
EH&S has checklists (see booklet).
Departments “self inspect.”
Management ensures implementation
Keep records for 1 year.
Correct the hazards identified.

Correcting Hazards
Correct it as soon as possible.
If you can’t correct it, ask a supervisor or
Are you still concerned?... call your Department
Safety Representative or EH&S.
Facilities can fix things and fund it if it is part of
their maintenance responsibilities.

Keeping Records
When you get training, make sure it gets
When you inspect for or correct hazards;
document that as well.
Keep Records for 1 year.

Part II Emergency Preparedness
(See Blue Brochure and Emergency Card)

When Reporting - Is it Serious?

Health threatening vs. non-health threatening

Know the Emergency Numbers to call
(stay on the line until the operator hangs up)
 5-9999 EH&S urgent assistance (day or night)

Know the location of:
fire extinguisher, alarm box, exit route
 Emergency Assembly Point (EAP)

Every campus building has an
EAP. Look for this sign on grey
wooden posts.

S tan fo rd U n iv ersity M ain E n tran ce - A p ril 1 7 , 1 9 0 6

Prepare for an Earthquake
Store large or heavy objects on lower shelves.
Plan so your door will not be blocked if
something falls.
Where do you go in an earthquake?

under a desk, away from windows.

Make an Emergency Kit for your desk area.
Department management should secure
bookcases, cabinets, over 4 feet tall.

How to Respond to an Earthquake
In the event of an earthquake:
STAY CALM!!! Think!
 Stay where you are.
 Take cover:

under desk
 away from glass, tall objects, etc.

Wait until the shaking stops and evacuate the
building cautiously by stairway, take essentials.
 Go to your EAP.

UC Santa Cruz 1989 Loma Prieta

Stanford Emergency Hotlines
SU Emergency Information Hotline


Student Information Hotline


To call from another city or state


To call from abroad


* Tell your family about these numbers !

Go to the Stanford emergency website

Listen to KZSU (90.1FM)
Listen to community Emergency Alert System (*) radio

740 AM


810 AM

(*) formerly known as the Emergency Broadcast System

Follow televised news reports

Emergency Wallet Card
Add Your Department Emergency Hotline

Prepare for a Fire
Know where your pull boxes, exits, and fire
extinguishers are located.
EH&S offers Fire Extinguisher Training.
Do not prop open fire doors.
Turn off space heaters when you are not
Participate in fire drills.

How to Respond to a Fire
Evacuate the fire area. Close doors.
Report the fire by pulling the alarm and
calling 9-911 from a safe location.
Upon hearing the alarm, stop work, close
doors and proceed to the nearest exit. Use
the stairs, drop & crawl if smoke is present.
Go to your EAP.

General Workplace Safety
Personal Safety and Security
Electrical Safety
Computer Workstation Ergonomics
Violence in the Workplace

Personal Safety
Keep emergency information by telephones
(see guide).
Use a buddy system when working late.
Personal security tips (See Stanford Safety &
Security Almanac).

Electrical Safety
Properly maintain electrical equipment.
Only use extension cords for temporary fixes.
Don’t overload electrical outlets.
Use plug strips, not Cube-taps.
Keep workplace dry.
Turn off space heaters when un-attended.

Computer Workstation Ergonomics
If work on a computer more than 1 hour per day:
Must complete training:
CD ROM: get from HR Officer or EH&S
Classroom : EHS.116 is offered every quarter
On-Site for groups of 10 or more employees
Learn good posture for working at your computer.
Alternate activities to break up repetitive motions.
Seek medical attention promptly for any symptoms
of injuries.

Violence in the Workplace
Stanford University will not tolerate violence or
threats of violence.
Anyone experiencing or observing imminent
violence should call 9-911.
Report any acts or threats of violence to your
Review Administrative Guide Policy 23.9

Other Safety Training
Back Safety
Hazard Communication
Fire Extinguisher
Laboratory Safety:

Chemical Hygiene
Electrical Safety
Compressed Gas Safety
Hazardous waste management
Radiological Safety
Laser Safety
Biological Safety

Safety Resources
EH&S/General Safety
EH&S Training
EH&S Emergency Preparedness
EH&S Ergonomics
Stanford Risk Management
Stanford Police Information
Palo Alto Medical Clinic
EH&S Web Site:
Risk Management:

Slide 21

Stanford University
General Health & Safety Training
Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
Emergency Preparedness & Response
General Safety

Why Are We Here?
To learn about the university’s injury and
illness prevention program (IIPP).
Receive general safety guidelines.
Explain what your responsibilities are for

Stanford works hard to prevent accidents, but
people do get injured at work:
Workplace injuries cost Stanford
~ $5.8 million each year
 Total lost work days due to injuries
~1600 each year

Supervisor’s Responsibilities
Know the TRICK of a good safety program.
Train employees on correct safety practices.
Report Unsafe Conditions and Incidents.
Inspect for work place safety and compliance.
Correct any problems found.
Keep records of training.
Enforce health and safety rules.

Staff Responsibilities
Keep informed of safety conditions.
Participate in training programs.
Adhere to healthy and safe practices.
Report problems and hazards to Supervisors.

EH&S Responsibilities
(Environmental Health + Safety)
Assist supervisors with evaluation of workplace
Provide training and technical resource assistance.
Review departments’ safety programs.
Evaluating training in departments.
Serve as a campus resource for safety.

There are 3 levels of training:
Tier I University
Tier II Department
Tier III Local Work Unit
Employees must receive training on all workplace
Training benefits employees by: improving
understanding, empowering people, reducing
injuries and improving the bottom line.

Reporting Hazards
University Policy on Anti-reprisal
“Stanford university encourages employees and
students to report health and safety hazards to their
supervisor, manager, or EH&S.”
“Employees and students shall not be discharged or
discriminated against in any manner for bona fide
reporting of health and safety hazards to Stanford
or to appropriate governmental agencies.”
(Reports may always be made anonymously)

Reporting an Injury, Incident,
or Exposure
Discuss health and safety concerns with your
Fill out and sign Stanford SU-17 form.

Get forms from Risk Management.

Report “near misses.”
Seek medical attention for injuries.

Medical Attention for Workplace Injuries
If an injury is work related, it will be covered by
Workman’s Compensation Insurance

Sequoia occupational Health, Redwood City

Minor injury (sprained ankle, a few stitches)

Stanford Hospital Emergency Room

Serious Injury (severe laceration requiring
surgery, chemical burns, head trauma,
compound fractures)

Identification of Hazards by
Inspecting the Workplace
EH&S has checklists (see booklet).
Departments “self inspect.”
Management ensures implementation
Keep records for 1 year.
Correct the hazards identified.

Correcting Hazards
Correct it as soon as possible.
If you can’t correct it, ask a supervisor or
Are you still concerned?... call your Department
Safety Representative or EH&S.
Facilities can fix things and fund it if it is part of
their maintenance responsibilities.

Keeping Records
When you get training, make sure it gets
When you inspect for or correct hazards;
document that as well.
Keep Records for 1 year.

Part II Emergency Preparedness
(See Blue Brochure and Emergency Card)

When Reporting - Is it Serious?

Health threatening vs. non-health threatening

Know the Emergency Numbers to call
(stay on the line until the operator hangs up)
 5-9999 EH&S urgent assistance (day or night)

Know the location of:
fire extinguisher, alarm box, exit route
 Emergency Assembly Point (EAP)

Every campus building has an
EAP. Look for this sign on grey
wooden posts.

S tan fo rd U n iv ersity M ain E n tran ce - A p ril 1 7 , 1 9 0 6

Prepare for an Earthquake
Store large or heavy objects on lower shelves.
Plan so your door will not be blocked if
something falls.
Where do you go in an earthquake?

under a desk, away from windows.

Make an Emergency Kit for your desk area.
Department management should secure
bookcases, cabinets, over 4 feet tall.

How to Respond to an Earthquake
In the event of an earthquake:
STAY CALM!!! Think!
 Stay where you are.
 Take cover:

under desk
 away from glass, tall objects, etc.

Wait until the shaking stops and evacuate the
building cautiously by stairway, take essentials.
 Go to your EAP.

UC Santa Cruz 1989 Loma Prieta

Stanford Emergency Hotlines
SU Emergency Information Hotline


Student Information Hotline


To call from another city or state


To call from abroad


* Tell your family about these numbers !

Go to the Stanford emergency website

Listen to KZSU (90.1FM)
Listen to community Emergency Alert System (*) radio

740 AM


810 AM

(*) formerly known as the Emergency Broadcast System

Follow televised news reports

Emergency Wallet Card
Add Your Department Emergency Hotline

Prepare for a Fire
Know where your pull boxes, exits, and fire
extinguishers are located.
EH&S offers Fire Extinguisher Training.
Do not prop open fire doors.
Turn off space heaters when you are not
Participate in fire drills.

How to Respond to a Fire
Evacuate the fire area. Close doors.
Report the fire by pulling the alarm and
calling 9-911 from a safe location.
Upon hearing the alarm, stop work, close
doors and proceed to the nearest exit. Use
the stairs, drop & crawl if smoke is present.
Go to your EAP.

General Workplace Safety
Personal Safety and Security
Electrical Safety
Computer Workstation Ergonomics
Violence in the Workplace

Personal Safety
Keep emergency information by telephones
(see guide).
Use a buddy system when working late.
Personal security tips (See Stanford Safety &
Security Almanac).

Electrical Safety
Properly maintain electrical equipment.
Only use extension cords for temporary fixes.
Don’t overload electrical outlets.
Use plug strips, not Cube-taps.
Keep workplace dry.
Turn off space heaters when un-attended.

Computer Workstation Ergonomics
If work on a computer more than 1 hour per day:
Must complete training:
CD ROM: get from HR Officer or EH&S
Classroom : EHS.116 is offered every quarter
On-Site for groups of 10 or more employees
Learn good posture for working at your computer.
Alternate activities to break up repetitive motions.
Seek medical attention promptly for any symptoms
of injuries.

Violence in the Workplace
Stanford University will not tolerate violence or
threats of violence.
Anyone experiencing or observing imminent
violence should call 9-911.
Report any acts or threats of violence to your
Review Administrative Guide Policy 23.9

Other Safety Training
Back Safety
Hazard Communication
Fire Extinguisher
Laboratory Safety:

Chemical Hygiene
Electrical Safety
Compressed Gas Safety
Hazardous waste management
Radiological Safety
Laser Safety
Biological Safety

Safety Resources
EH&S/General Safety
EH&S Training
EH&S Emergency Preparedness
EH&S Ergonomics
Stanford Risk Management
Stanford Police Information
Palo Alto Medical Clinic
EH&S Web Site:
Risk Management:

Slide 22

Stanford University
General Health & Safety Training
Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
Emergency Preparedness & Response
General Safety

Why Are We Here?
To learn about the university’s injury and
illness prevention program (IIPP).
Receive general safety guidelines.
Explain what your responsibilities are for

Stanford works hard to prevent accidents, but
people do get injured at work:
Workplace injuries cost Stanford
~ $5.8 million each year
 Total lost work days due to injuries
~1600 each year

Supervisor’s Responsibilities
Know the TRICK of a good safety program.
Train employees on correct safety practices.
Report Unsafe Conditions and Incidents.
Inspect for work place safety and compliance.
Correct any problems found.
Keep records of training.
Enforce health and safety rules.

Staff Responsibilities
Keep informed of safety conditions.
Participate in training programs.
Adhere to healthy and safe practices.
Report problems and hazards to Supervisors.

EH&S Responsibilities
(Environmental Health + Safety)
Assist supervisors with evaluation of workplace
Provide training and technical resource assistance.
Review departments’ safety programs.
Evaluating training in departments.
Serve as a campus resource for safety.

There are 3 levels of training:
Tier I University
Tier II Department
Tier III Local Work Unit
Employees must receive training on all workplace
Training benefits employees by: improving
understanding, empowering people, reducing
injuries and improving the bottom line.

Reporting Hazards
University Policy on Anti-reprisal
“Stanford university encourages employees and
students to report health and safety hazards to their
supervisor, manager, or EH&S.”
“Employees and students shall not be discharged or
discriminated against in any manner for bona fide
reporting of health and safety hazards to Stanford
or to appropriate governmental agencies.”
(Reports may always be made anonymously)

Reporting an Injury, Incident,
or Exposure
Discuss health and safety concerns with your
Fill out and sign Stanford SU-17 form.

Get forms from Risk Management.

Report “near misses.”
Seek medical attention for injuries.

Medical Attention for Workplace Injuries
If an injury is work related, it will be covered by
Workman’s Compensation Insurance

Sequoia occupational Health, Redwood City

Minor injury (sprained ankle, a few stitches)

Stanford Hospital Emergency Room

Serious Injury (severe laceration requiring
surgery, chemical burns, head trauma,
compound fractures)

Identification of Hazards by
Inspecting the Workplace
EH&S has checklists (see booklet).
Departments “self inspect.”
Management ensures implementation
Keep records for 1 year.
Correct the hazards identified.

Correcting Hazards
Correct it as soon as possible.
If you can’t correct it, ask a supervisor or
Are you still concerned?... call your Department
Safety Representative or EH&S.
Facilities can fix things and fund it if it is part of
their maintenance responsibilities.

Keeping Records
When you get training, make sure it gets
When you inspect for or correct hazards;
document that as well.
Keep Records for 1 year.

Part II Emergency Preparedness
(See Blue Brochure and Emergency Card)

When Reporting - Is it Serious?

Health threatening vs. non-health threatening

Know the Emergency Numbers to call
(stay on the line until the operator hangs up)
 5-9999 EH&S urgent assistance (day or night)

Know the location of:
fire extinguisher, alarm box, exit route
 Emergency Assembly Point (EAP)

Every campus building has an
EAP. Look for this sign on grey
wooden posts.

S tan fo rd U n iv ersity M ain E n tran ce - A p ril 1 7 , 1 9 0 6

Prepare for an Earthquake
Store large or heavy objects on lower shelves.
Plan so your door will not be blocked if
something falls.
Where do you go in an earthquake?

under a desk, away from windows.

Make an Emergency Kit for your desk area.
Department management should secure
bookcases, cabinets, over 4 feet tall.

How to Respond to an Earthquake
In the event of an earthquake:
STAY CALM!!! Think!
 Stay where you are.
 Take cover:

under desk
 away from glass, tall objects, etc.

Wait until the shaking stops and evacuate the
building cautiously by stairway, take essentials.
 Go to your EAP.

UC Santa Cruz 1989 Loma Prieta

Stanford Emergency Hotlines
SU Emergency Information Hotline


Student Information Hotline


To call from another city or state


To call from abroad


* Tell your family about these numbers !

Go to the Stanford emergency website

Listen to KZSU (90.1FM)
Listen to community Emergency Alert System (*) radio

740 AM


810 AM

(*) formerly known as the Emergency Broadcast System

Follow televised news reports

Emergency Wallet Card
Add Your Department Emergency Hotline

Prepare for a Fire
Know where your pull boxes, exits, and fire
extinguishers are located.
EH&S offers Fire Extinguisher Training.
Do not prop open fire doors.
Turn off space heaters when you are not
Participate in fire drills.

How to Respond to a Fire
Evacuate the fire area. Close doors.
Report the fire by pulling the alarm and
calling 9-911 from a safe location.
Upon hearing the alarm, stop work, close
doors and proceed to the nearest exit. Use
the stairs, drop & crawl if smoke is present.
Go to your EAP.

General Workplace Safety
Personal Safety and Security
Electrical Safety
Computer Workstation Ergonomics
Violence in the Workplace

Personal Safety
Keep emergency information by telephones
(see guide).
Use a buddy system when working late.
Personal security tips (See Stanford Safety &
Security Almanac).

Electrical Safety
Properly maintain electrical equipment.
Only use extension cords for temporary fixes.
Don’t overload electrical outlets.
Use plug strips, not Cube-taps.
Keep workplace dry.
Turn off space heaters when un-attended.

Computer Workstation Ergonomics
If work on a computer more than 1 hour per day:
Must complete training:
CD ROM: get from HR Officer or EH&S
Classroom : EHS.116 is offered every quarter
On-Site for groups of 10 or more employees
Learn good posture for working at your computer.
Alternate activities to break up repetitive motions.
Seek medical attention promptly for any symptoms
of injuries.

Violence in the Workplace
Stanford University will not tolerate violence or
threats of violence.
Anyone experiencing or observing imminent
violence should call 9-911.
Report any acts or threats of violence to your
Review Administrative Guide Policy 23.9

Other Safety Training
Back Safety
Hazard Communication
Fire Extinguisher
Laboratory Safety:

Chemical Hygiene
Electrical Safety
Compressed Gas Safety
Hazardous waste management
Radiological Safety
Laser Safety
Biological Safety

Safety Resources
EH&S/General Safety
EH&S Training
EH&S Emergency Preparedness
EH&S Ergonomics
Stanford Risk Management
Stanford Police Information
Palo Alto Medical Clinic
EH&S Web Site:
Risk Management:

Slide 23

Stanford University
General Health & Safety Training
Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
Emergency Preparedness & Response
General Safety

Why Are We Here?
To learn about the university’s injury and
illness prevention program (IIPP).
Receive general safety guidelines.
Explain what your responsibilities are for

Stanford works hard to prevent accidents, but
people do get injured at work:
Workplace injuries cost Stanford
~ $5.8 million each year
 Total lost work days due to injuries
~1600 each year

Supervisor’s Responsibilities
Know the TRICK of a good safety program.
Train employees on correct safety practices.
Report Unsafe Conditions and Incidents.
Inspect for work place safety and compliance.
Correct any problems found.
Keep records of training.
Enforce health and safety rules.

Staff Responsibilities
Keep informed of safety conditions.
Participate in training programs.
Adhere to healthy and safe practices.
Report problems and hazards to Supervisors.

EH&S Responsibilities
(Environmental Health + Safety)
Assist supervisors with evaluation of workplace
Provide training and technical resource assistance.
Review departments’ safety programs.
Evaluating training in departments.
Serve as a campus resource for safety.

There are 3 levels of training:
Tier I University
Tier II Department
Tier III Local Work Unit
Employees must receive training on all workplace
Training benefits employees by: improving
understanding, empowering people, reducing
injuries and improving the bottom line.

Reporting Hazards
University Policy on Anti-reprisal
“Stanford university encourages employees and
students to report health and safety hazards to their
supervisor, manager, or EH&S.”
“Employees and students shall not be discharged or
discriminated against in any manner for bona fide
reporting of health and safety hazards to Stanford
or to appropriate governmental agencies.”
(Reports may always be made anonymously)

Reporting an Injury, Incident,
or Exposure
Discuss health and safety concerns with your
Fill out and sign Stanford SU-17 form.

Get forms from Risk Management.

Report “near misses.”
Seek medical attention for injuries.

Medical Attention for Workplace Injuries
If an injury is work related, it will be covered by
Workman’s Compensation Insurance

Sequoia occupational Health, Redwood City

Minor injury (sprained ankle, a few stitches)

Stanford Hospital Emergency Room

Serious Injury (severe laceration requiring
surgery, chemical burns, head trauma,
compound fractures)

Identification of Hazards by
Inspecting the Workplace
EH&S has checklists (see booklet).
Departments “self inspect.”
Management ensures implementation
Keep records for 1 year.
Correct the hazards identified.

Correcting Hazards
Correct it as soon as possible.
If you can’t correct it, ask a supervisor or
Are you still concerned?... call your Department
Safety Representative or EH&S.
Facilities can fix things and fund it if it is part of
their maintenance responsibilities.

Keeping Records
When you get training, make sure it gets
When you inspect for or correct hazards;
document that as well.
Keep Records for 1 year.

Part II Emergency Preparedness
(See Blue Brochure and Emergency Card)

When Reporting - Is it Serious?

Health threatening vs. non-health threatening

Know the Emergency Numbers to call
(stay on the line until the operator hangs up)
 5-9999 EH&S urgent assistance (day or night)

Know the location of:
fire extinguisher, alarm box, exit route
 Emergency Assembly Point (EAP)

Every campus building has an
EAP. Look for this sign on grey
wooden posts.

S tan fo rd U n iv ersity M ain E n tran ce - A p ril 1 7 , 1 9 0 6

Prepare for an Earthquake
Store large or heavy objects on lower shelves.
Plan so your door will not be blocked if
something falls.
Where do you go in an earthquake?

under a desk, away from windows.

Make an Emergency Kit for your desk area.
Department management should secure
bookcases, cabinets, over 4 feet tall.

How to Respond to an Earthquake
In the event of an earthquake:
STAY CALM!!! Think!
 Stay where you are.
 Take cover:

under desk
 away from glass, tall objects, etc.

Wait until the shaking stops and evacuate the
building cautiously by stairway, take essentials.
 Go to your EAP.

UC Santa Cruz 1989 Loma Prieta

Stanford Emergency Hotlines
SU Emergency Information Hotline


Student Information Hotline


To call from another city or state


To call from abroad


* Tell your family about these numbers !

Go to the Stanford emergency website

Listen to KZSU (90.1FM)
Listen to community Emergency Alert System (*) radio

740 AM


810 AM

(*) formerly known as the Emergency Broadcast System

Follow televised news reports

Emergency Wallet Card
Add Your Department Emergency Hotline

Prepare for a Fire
Know where your pull boxes, exits, and fire
extinguishers are located.
EH&S offers Fire Extinguisher Training.
Do not prop open fire doors.
Turn off space heaters when you are not
Participate in fire drills.

How to Respond to a Fire
Evacuate the fire area. Close doors.
Report the fire by pulling the alarm and
calling 9-911 from a safe location.
Upon hearing the alarm, stop work, close
doors and proceed to the nearest exit. Use
the stairs, drop & crawl if smoke is present.
Go to your EAP.

General Workplace Safety
Personal Safety and Security
Electrical Safety
Computer Workstation Ergonomics
Violence in the Workplace

Personal Safety
Keep emergency information by telephones
(see guide).
Use a buddy system when working late.
Personal security tips (See Stanford Safety &
Security Almanac).

Electrical Safety
Properly maintain electrical equipment.
Only use extension cords for temporary fixes.
Don’t overload electrical outlets.
Use plug strips, not Cube-taps.
Keep workplace dry.
Turn off space heaters when un-attended.

Computer Workstation Ergonomics
If work on a computer more than 1 hour per day:
Must complete training:
CD ROM: get from HR Officer or EH&S
Classroom : EHS.116 is offered every quarter
On-Site for groups of 10 or more employees
Learn good posture for working at your computer.
Alternate activities to break up repetitive motions.
Seek medical attention promptly for any symptoms
of injuries.

Violence in the Workplace
Stanford University will not tolerate violence or
threats of violence.
Anyone experiencing or observing imminent
violence should call 9-911.
Report any acts or threats of violence to your
Review Administrative Guide Policy 23.9

Other Safety Training
Back Safety
Hazard Communication
Fire Extinguisher
Laboratory Safety:

Chemical Hygiene
Electrical Safety
Compressed Gas Safety
Hazardous waste management
Radiological Safety
Laser Safety
Biological Safety

Safety Resources
EH&S/General Safety
EH&S Training
EH&S Emergency Preparedness
EH&S Ergonomics
Stanford Risk Management
Stanford Police Information
Palo Alto Medical Clinic
EH&S Web Site:
Risk Management:

Slide 24

Stanford University
General Health & Safety Training
Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
Emergency Preparedness & Response
General Safety

Why Are We Here?
To learn about the university’s injury and
illness prevention program (IIPP).
Receive general safety guidelines.
Explain what your responsibilities are for

Stanford works hard to prevent accidents, but
people do get injured at work:
Workplace injuries cost Stanford
~ $5.8 million each year
 Total lost work days due to injuries
~1600 each year

Supervisor’s Responsibilities
Know the TRICK of a good safety program.
Train employees on correct safety practices.
Report Unsafe Conditions and Incidents.
Inspect for work place safety and compliance.
Correct any problems found.
Keep records of training.
Enforce health and safety rules.

Staff Responsibilities
Keep informed of safety conditions.
Participate in training programs.
Adhere to healthy and safe practices.
Report problems and hazards to Supervisors.

EH&S Responsibilities
(Environmental Health + Safety)
Assist supervisors with evaluation of workplace
Provide training and technical resource assistance.
Review departments’ safety programs.
Evaluating training in departments.
Serve as a campus resource for safety.

There are 3 levels of training:
Tier I University
Tier II Department
Tier III Local Work Unit
Employees must receive training on all workplace
Training benefits employees by: improving
understanding, empowering people, reducing
injuries and improving the bottom line.

Reporting Hazards
University Policy on Anti-reprisal
“Stanford university encourages employees and
students to report health and safety hazards to their
supervisor, manager, or EH&S.”
“Employees and students shall not be discharged or
discriminated against in any manner for bona fide
reporting of health and safety hazards to Stanford
or to appropriate governmental agencies.”
(Reports may always be made anonymously)

Reporting an Injury, Incident,
or Exposure
Discuss health and safety concerns with your
Fill out and sign Stanford SU-17 form.

Get forms from Risk Management.

Report “near misses.”
Seek medical attention for injuries.

Medical Attention for Workplace Injuries
If an injury is work related, it will be covered by
Workman’s Compensation Insurance

Sequoia occupational Health, Redwood City

Minor injury (sprained ankle, a few stitches)

Stanford Hospital Emergency Room

Serious Injury (severe laceration requiring
surgery, chemical burns, head trauma,
compound fractures)

Identification of Hazards by
Inspecting the Workplace
EH&S has checklists (see booklet).
Departments “self inspect.”
Management ensures implementation
Keep records for 1 year.
Correct the hazards identified.

Correcting Hazards
Correct it as soon as possible.
If you can’t correct it, ask a supervisor or
Are you still concerned?... call your Department
Safety Representative or EH&S.
Facilities can fix things and fund it if it is part of
their maintenance responsibilities.

Keeping Records
When you get training, make sure it gets
When you inspect for or correct hazards;
document that as well.
Keep Records for 1 year.

Part II Emergency Preparedness
(See Blue Brochure and Emergency Card)

When Reporting - Is it Serious?

Health threatening vs. non-health threatening

Know the Emergency Numbers to call
(stay on the line until the operator hangs up)
 5-9999 EH&S urgent assistance (day or night)

Know the location of:
fire extinguisher, alarm box, exit route
 Emergency Assembly Point (EAP)

Every campus building has an
EAP. Look for this sign on grey
wooden posts.

S tan fo rd U n iv ersity M ain E n tran ce - A p ril 1 7 , 1 9 0 6

Prepare for an Earthquake
Store large or heavy objects on lower shelves.
Plan so your door will not be blocked if
something falls.
Where do you go in an earthquake?

under a desk, away from windows.

Make an Emergency Kit for your desk area.
Department management should secure
bookcases, cabinets, over 4 feet tall.

How to Respond to an Earthquake
In the event of an earthquake:
STAY CALM!!! Think!
 Stay where you are.
 Take cover:

under desk
 away from glass, tall objects, etc.

Wait until the shaking stops and evacuate the
building cautiously by stairway, take essentials.
 Go to your EAP.

UC Santa Cruz 1989 Loma Prieta

Stanford Emergency Hotlines
SU Emergency Information Hotline


Student Information Hotline


To call from another city or state


To call from abroad


* Tell your family about these numbers !

Go to the Stanford emergency website

Listen to KZSU (90.1FM)
Listen to community Emergency Alert System (*) radio

740 AM


810 AM

(*) formerly known as the Emergency Broadcast System

Follow televised news reports

Emergency Wallet Card
Add Your Department Emergency Hotline

Prepare for a Fire
Know where your pull boxes, exits, and fire
extinguishers are located.
EH&S offers Fire Extinguisher Training.
Do not prop open fire doors.
Turn off space heaters when you are not
Participate in fire drills.

How to Respond to a Fire
Evacuate the fire area. Close doors.
Report the fire by pulling the alarm and
calling 9-911 from a safe location.
Upon hearing the alarm, stop work, close
doors and proceed to the nearest exit. Use
the stairs, drop & crawl if smoke is present.
Go to your EAP.

General Workplace Safety
Personal Safety and Security
Electrical Safety
Computer Workstation Ergonomics
Violence in the Workplace

Personal Safety
Keep emergency information by telephones
(see guide).
Use a buddy system when working late.
Personal security tips (See Stanford Safety &
Security Almanac).

Electrical Safety
Properly maintain electrical equipment.
Only use extension cords for temporary fixes.
Don’t overload electrical outlets.
Use plug strips, not Cube-taps.
Keep workplace dry.
Turn off space heaters when un-attended.

Computer Workstation Ergonomics
If work on a computer more than 1 hour per day:
Must complete training:
CD ROM: get from HR Officer or EH&S
Classroom : EHS.116 is offered every quarter
On-Site for groups of 10 or more employees
Learn good posture for working at your computer.
Alternate activities to break up repetitive motions.
Seek medical attention promptly for any symptoms
of injuries.

Violence in the Workplace
Stanford University will not tolerate violence or
threats of violence.
Anyone experiencing or observing imminent
violence should call 9-911.
Report any acts or threats of violence to your
Review Administrative Guide Policy 23.9

Other Safety Training
Back Safety
Hazard Communication
Fire Extinguisher
Laboratory Safety:

Chemical Hygiene
Electrical Safety
Compressed Gas Safety
Hazardous waste management
Radiological Safety
Laser Safety
Biological Safety

Safety Resources
EH&S/General Safety
EH&S Training
EH&S Emergency Preparedness
EH&S Ergonomics
Stanford Risk Management
Stanford Police Information
Palo Alto Medical Clinic
EH&S Web Site:
Risk Management:

Slide 25

Stanford University
General Health & Safety Training
Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
Emergency Preparedness & Response
General Safety

Why Are We Here?
To learn about the university’s injury and
illness prevention program (IIPP).
Receive general safety guidelines.
Explain what your responsibilities are for

Stanford works hard to prevent accidents, but
people do get injured at work:
Workplace injuries cost Stanford
~ $5.8 million each year
 Total lost work days due to injuries
~1600 each year

Supervisor’s Responsibilities
Know the TRICK of a good safety program.
Train employees on correct safety practices.
Report Unsafe Conditions and Incidents.
Inspect for work place safety and compliance.
Correct any problems found.
Keep records of training.
Enforce health and safety rules.

Staff Responsibilities
Keep informed of safety conditions.
Participate in training programs.
Adhere to healthy and safe practices.
Report problems and hazards to Supervisors.

EH&S Responsibilities
(Environmental Health + Safety)
Assist supervisors with evaluation of workplace
Provide training and technical resource assistance.
Review departments’ safety programs.
Evaluating training in departments.
Serve as a campus resource for safety.

There are 3 levels of training:
Tier I University
Tier II Department
Tier III Local Work Unit
Employees must receive training on all workplace
Training benefits employees by: improving
understanding, empowering people, reducing
injuries and improving the bottom line.

Reporting Hazards
University Policy on Anti-reprisal
“Stanford university encourages employees and
students to report health and safety hazards to their
supervisor, manager, or EH&S.”
“Employees and students shall not be discharged or
discriminated against in any manner for bona fide
reporting of health and safety hazards to Stanford
or to appropriate governmental agencies.”
(Reports may always be made anonymously)

Reporting an Injury, Incident,
or Exposure
Discuss health and safety concerns with your
Fill out and sign Stanford SU-17 form.

Get forms from Risk Management.

Report “near misses.”
Seek medical attention for injuries.

Medical Attention for Workplace Injuries
If an injury is work related, it will be covered by
Workman’s Compensation Insurance

Sequoia occupational Health, Redwood City

Minor injury (sprained ankle, a few stitches)

Stanford Hospital Emergency Room

Serious Injury (severe laceration requiring
surgery, chemical burns, head trauma,
compound fractures)

Identification of Hazards by
Inspecting the Workplace
EH&S has checklists (see booklet).
Departments “self inspect.”
Management ensures implementation
Keep records for 1 year.
Correct the hazards identified.

Correcting Hazards
Correct it as soon as possible.
If you can’t correct it, ask a supervisor or
Are you still concerned?... call your Department
Safety Representative or EH&S.
Facilities can fix things and fund it if it is part of
their maintenance responsibilities.

Keeping Records
When you get training, make sure it gets
When you inspect for or correct hazards;
document that as well.
Keep Records for 1 year.

Part II Emergency Preparedness
(See Blue Brochure and Emergency Card)

When Reporting - Is it Serious?

Health threatening vs. non-health threatening

Know the Emergency Numbers to call
(stay on the line until the operator hangs up)
 5-9999 EH&S urgent assistance (day or night)

Know the location of:
fire extinguisher, alarm box, exit route
 Emergency Assembly Point (EAP)

Every campus building has an
EAP. Look for this sign on grey
wooden posts.

S tan fo rd U n iv ersity M ain E n tran ce - A p ril 1 7 , 1 9 0 6

Prepare for an Earthquake
Store large or heavy objects on lower shelves.
Plan so your door will not be blocked if
something falls.
Where do you go in an earthquake?

under a desk, away from windows.

Make an Emergency Kit for your desk area.
Department management should secure
bookcases, cabinets, over 4 feet tall.

How to Respond to an Earthquake
In the event of an earthquake:
STAY CALM!!! Think!
 Stay where you are.
 Take cover:

under desk
 away from glass, tall objects, etc.

Wait until the shaking stops and evacuate the
building cautiously by stairway, take essentials.
 Go to your EAP.

UC Santa Cruz 1989 Loma Prieta

Stanford Emergency Hotlines
SU Emergency Information Hotline


Student Information Hotline


To call from another city or state


To call from abroad


* Tell your family about these numbers !

Go to the Stanford emergency website

Listen to KZSU (90.1FM)
Listen to community Emergency Alert System (*) radio

740 AM


810 AM

(*) formerly known as the Emergency Broadcast System

Follow televised news reports

Emergency Wallet Card
Add Your Department Emergency Hotline

Prepare for a Fire
Know where your pull boxes, exits, and fire
extinguishers are located.
EH&S offers Fire Extinguisher Training.
Do not prop open fire doors.
Turn off space heaters when you are not
Participate in fire drills.

How to Respond to a Fire
Evacuate the fire area. Close doors.
Report the fire by pulling the alarm and
calling 9-911 from a safe location.
Upon hearing the alarm, stop work, close
doors and proceed to the nearest exit. Use
the stairs, drop & crawl if smoke is present.
Go to your EAP.

General Workplace Safety
Personal Safety and Security
Electrical Safety
Computer Workstation Ergonomics
Violence in the Workplace

Personal Safety
Keep emergency information by telephones
(see guide).
Use a buddy system when working late.
Personal security tips (See Stanford Safety &
Security Almanac).

Electrical Safety
Properly maintain electrical equipment.
Only use extension cords for temporary fixes.
Don’t overload electrical outlets.
Use plug strips, not Cube-taps.
Keep workplace dry.
Turn off space heaters when un-attended.

Computer Workstation Ergonomics
If work on a computer more than 1 hour per day:
Must complete training:
CD ROM: get from HR Officer or EH&S
Classroom : EHS.116 is offered every quarter
On-Site for groups of 10 or more employees
Learn good posture for working at your computer.
Alternate activities to break up repetitive motions.
Seek medical attention promptly for any symptoms
of injuries.

Violence in the Workplace
Stanford University will not tolerate violence or
threats of violence.
Anyone experiencing or observing imminent
violence should call 9-911.
Report any acts or threats of violence to your
Review Administrative Guide Policy 23.9

Other Safety Training
Back Safety
Hazard Communication
Fire Extinguisher
Laboratory Safety:

Chemical Hygiene
Electrical Safety
Compressed Gas Safety
Hazardous waste management
Radiological Safety
Laser Safety
Biological Safety

Safety Resources
EH&S/General Safety
EH&S Training
EH&S Emergency Preparedness
EH&S Ergonomics
Stanford Risk Management
Stanford Police Information
Palo Alto Medical Clinic
EH&S Web Site:
Risk Management:

Slide 26

Stanford University
General Health & Safety Training
Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
Emergency Preparedness & Response
General Safety

Why Are We Here?
To learn about the university’s injury and
illness prevention program (IIPP).
Receive general safety guidelines.
Explain what your responsibilities are for

Stanford works hard to prevent accidents, but
people do get injured at work:
Workplace injuries cost Stanford
~ $5.8 million each year
 Total lost work days due to injuries
~1600 each year

Supervisor’s Responsibilities
Know the TRICK of a good safety program.
Train employees on correct safety practices.
Report Unsafe Conditions and Incidents.
Inspect for work place safety and compliance.
Correct any problems found.
Keep records of training.
Enforce health and safety rules.

Staff Responsibilities
Keep informed of safety conditions.
Participate in training programs.
Adhere to healthy and safe practices.
Report problems and hazards to Supervisors.

EH&S Responsibilities
(Environmental Health + Safety)
Assist supervisors with evaluation of workplace
Provide training and technical resource assistance.
Review departments’ safety programs.
Evaluating training in departments.
Serve as a campus resource for safety.

There are 3 levels of training:
Tier I University
Tier II Department
Tier III Local Work Unit
Employees must receive training on all workplace
Training benefits employees by: improving
understanding, empowering people, reducing
injuries and improving the bottom line.

Reporting Hazards
University Policy on Anti-reprisal
“Stanford university encourages employees and
students to report health and safety hazards to their
supervisor, manager, or EH&S.”
“Employees and students shall not be discharged or
discriminated against in any manner for bona fide
reporting of health and safety hazards to Stanford
or to appropriate governmental agencies.”
(Reports may always be made anonymously)

Reporting an Injury, Incident,
or Exposure
Discuss health and safety concerns with your
Fill out and sign Stanford SU-17 form.

Get forms from Risk Management.

Report “near misses.”
Seek medical attention for injuries.

Medical Attention for Workplace Injuries
If an injury is work related, it will be covered by
Workman’s Compensation Insurance

Sequoia occupational Health, Redwood City

Minor injury (sprained ankle, a few stitches)

Stanford Hospital Emergency Room

Serious Injury (severe laceration requiring
surgery, chemical burns, head trauma,
compound fractures)

Identification of Hazards by
Inspecting the Workplace
EH&S has checklists (see booklet).
Departments “self inspect.”
Management ensures implementation
Keep records for 1 year.
Correct the hazards identified.

Correcting Hazards
Correct it as soon as possible.
If you can’t correct it, ask a supervisor or
Are you still concerned?... call your Department
Safety Representative or EH&S.
Facilities can fix things and fund it if it is part of
their maintenance responsibilities.

Keeping Records
When you get training, make sure it gets
When you inspect for or correct hazards;
document that as well.
Keep Records for 1 year.

Part II Emergency Preparedness
(See Blue Brochure and Emergency Card)

When Reporting - Is it Serious?

Health threatening vs. non-health threatening

Know the Emergency Numbers to call
(stay on the line until the operator hangs up)
 5-9999 EH&S urgent assistance (day or night)

Know the location of:
fire extinguisher, alarm box, exit route
 Emergency Assembly Point (EAP)

Every campus building has an
EAP. Look for this sign on grey
wooden posts.

S tan fo rd U n iv ersity M ain E n tran ce - A p ril 1 7 , 1 9 0 6

Prepare for an Earthquake
Store large or heavy objects on lower shelves.
Plan so your door will not be blocked if
something falls.
Where do you go in an earthquake?

under a desk, away from windows.

Make an Emergency Kit for your desk area.
Department management should secure
bookcases, cabinets, over 4 feet tall.

How to Respond to an Earthquake
In the event of an earthquake:
STAY CALM!!! Think!
 Stay where you are.
 Take cover:

under desk
 away from glass, tall objects, etc.

Wait until the shaking stops and evacuate the
building cautiously by stairway, take essentials.
 Go to your EAP.

UC Santa Cruz 1989 Loma Prieta

Stanford Emergency Hotlines
SU Emergency Information Hotline


Student Information Hotline


To call from another city or state


To call from abroad


* Tell your family about these numbers !

Go to the Stanford emergency website

Listen to KZSU (90.1FM)
Listen to community Emergency Alert System (*) radio

740 AM


810 AM

(*) formerly known as the Emergency Broadcast System

Follow televised news reports

Emergency Wallet Card
Add Your Department Emergency Hotline

Prepare for a Fire
Know where your pull boxes, exits, and fire
extinguishers are located.
EH&S offers Fire Extinguisher Training.
Do not prop open fire doors.
Turn off space heaters when you are not
Participate in fire drills.

How to Respond to a Fire
Evacuate the fire area. Close doors.
Report the fire by pulling the alarm and
calling 9-911 from a safe location.
Upon hearing the alarm, stop work, close
doors and proceed to the nearest exit. Use
the stairs, drop & crawl if smoke is present.
Go to your EAP.

General Workplace Safety
Personal Safety and Security
Electrical Safety
Computer Workstation Ergonomics
Violence in the Workplace

Personal Safety
Keep emergency information by telephones
(see guide).
Use a buddy system when working late.
Personal security tips (See Stanford Safety &
Security Almanac).

Electrical Safety
Properly maintain electrical equipment.
Only use extension cords for temporary fixes.
Don’t overload electrical outlets.
Use plug strips, not Cube-taps.
Keep workplace dry.
Turn off space heaters when un-attended.

Computer Workstation Ergonomics
If work on a computer more than 1 hour per day:
Must complete training:
CD ROM: get from HR Officer or EH&S
Classroom : EHS.116 is offered every quarter
On-Site for groups of 10 or more employees
Learn good posture for working at your computer.
Alternate activities to break up repetitive motions.
Seek medical attention promptly for any symptoms
of injuries.

Violence in the Workplace
Stanford University will not tolerate violence or
threats of violence.
Anyone experiencing or observing imminent
violence should call 9-911.
Report any acts or threats of violence to your
Review Administrative Guide Policy 23.9

Other Safety Training
Back Safety
Hazard Communication
Fire Extinguisher
Laboratory Safety:

Chemical Hygiene
Electrical Safety
Compressed Gas Safety
Hazardous waste management
Radiological Safety
Laser Safety
Biological Safety

Safety Resources
EH&S/General Safety
EH&S Training
EH&S Emergency Preparedness
EH&S Ergonomics
Stanford Risk Management
Stanford Police Information
Palo Alto Medical Clinic
EH&S Web Site:
Risk Management:

Slide 27

Stanford University
General Health & Safety Training
Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
Emergency Preparedness & Response
General Safety

Why Are We Here?
To learn about the university’s injury and
illness prevention program (IIPP).
Receive general safety guidelines.
Explain what your responsibilities are for

Stanford works hard to prevent accidents, but
people do get injured at work:
Workplace injuries cost Stanford
~ $5.8 million each year
 Total lost work days due to injuries
~1600 each year

Supervisor’s Responsibilities
Know the TRICK of a good safety program.
Train employees on correct safety practices.
Report Unsafe Conditions and Incidents.
Inspect for work place safety and compliance.
Correct any problems found.
Keep records of training.
Enforce health and safety rules.

Staff Responsibilities
Keep informed of safety conditions.
Participate in training programs.
Adhere to healthy and safe practices.
Report problems and hazards to Supervisors.

EH&S Responsibilities
(Environmental Health + Safety)
Assist supervisors with evaluation of workplace
Provide training and technical resource assistance.
Review departments’ safety programs.
Evaluating training in departments.
Serve as a campus resource for safety.

There are 3 levels of training:
Tier I University
Tier II Department
Tier III Local Work Unit
Employees must receive training on all workplace
Training benefits employees by: improving
understanding, empowering people, reducing
injuries and improving the bottom line.

Reporting Hazards
University Policy on Anti-reprisal
“Stanford university encourages employees and
students to report health and safety hazards to their
supervisor, manager, or EH&S.”
“Employees and students shall not be discharged or
discriminated against in any manner for bona fide
reporting of health and safety hazards to Stanford
or to appropriate governmental agencies.”
(Reports may always be made anonymously)

Reporting an Injury, Incident,
or Exposure
Discuss health and safety concerns with your
Fill out and sign Stanford SU-17 form.

Get forms from Risk Management.

Report “near misses.”
Seek medical attention for injuries.

Medical Attention for Workplace Injuries
If an injury is work related, it will be covered by
Workman’s Compensation Insurance

Sequoia occupational Health, Redwood City

Minor injury (sprained ankle, a few stitches)

Stanford Hospital Emergency Room

Serious Injury (severe laceration requiring
surgery, chemical burns, head trauma,
compound fractures)

Identification of Hazards by
Inspecting the Workplace
EH&S has checklists (see booklet).
Departments “self inspect.”
Management ensures implementation
Keep records for 1 year.
Correct the hazards identified.

Correcting Hazards
Correct it as soon as possible.
If you can’t correct it, ask a supervisor or
Are you still concerned?... call your Department
Safety Representative or EH&S.
Facilities can fix things and fund it if it is part of
their maintenance responsibilities.

Keeping Records
When you get training, make sure it gets
When you inspect for or correct hazards;
document that as well.
Keep Records for 1 year.

Part II Emergency Preparedness
(See Blue Brochure and Emergency Card)

When Reporting - Is it Serious?

Health threatening vs. non-health threatening

Know the Emergency Numbers to call
(stay on the line until the operator hangs up)
 5-9999 EH&S urgent assistance (day or night)

Know the location of:
fire extinguisher, alarm box, exit route
 Emergency Assembly Point (EAP)

Every campus building has an
EAP. Look for this sign on grey
wooden posts.

S tan fo rd U n iv ersity M ain E n tran ce - A p ril 1 7 , 1 9 0 6

Prepare for an Earthquake
Store large or heavy objects on lower shelves.
Plan so your door will not be blocked if
something falls.
Where do you go in an earthquake?

under a desk, away from windows.

Make an Emergency Kit for your desk area.
Department management should secure
bookcases, cabinets, over 4 feet tall.

How to Respond to an Earthquake
In the event of an earthquake:
STAY CALM!!! Think!
 Stay where you are.
 Take cover:

under desk
 away from glass, tall objects, etc.

Wait until the shaking stops and evacuate the
building cautiously by stairway, take essentials.
 Go to your EAP.

UC Santa Cruz 1989 Loma Prieta

Stanford Emergency Hotlines
SU Emergency Information Hotline


Student Information Hotline


To call from another city or state


To call from abroad


* Tell your family about these numbers !

Go to the Stanford emergency website

Listen to KZSU (90.1FM)
Listen to community Emergency Alert System (*) radio

740 AM


810 AM

(*) formerly known as the Emergency Broadcast System

Follow televised news reports

Emergency Wallet Card
Add Your Department Emergency Hotline

Prepare for a Fire
Know where your pull boxes, exits, and fire
extinguishers are located.
EH&S offers Fire Extinguisher Training.
Do not prop open fire doors.
Turn off space heaters when you are not
Participate in fire drills.

How to Respond to a Fire
Evacuate the fire area. Close doors.
Report the fire by pulling the alarm and
calling 9-911 from a safe location.
Upon hearing the alarm, stop work, close
doors and proceed to the nearest exit. Use
the stairs, drop & crawl if smoke is present.
Go to your EAP.

General Workplace Safety
Personal Safety and Security
Electrical Safety
Computer Workstation Ergonomics
Violence in the Workplace

Personal Safety
Keep emergency information by telephones
(see guide).
Use a buddy system when working late.
Personal security tips (See Stanford Safety &
Security Almanac).

Electrical Safety
Properly maintain electrical equipment.
Only use extension cords for temporary fixes.
Don’t overload electrical outlets.
Use plug strips, not Cube-taps.
Keep workplace dry.
Turn off space heaters when un-attended.

Computer Workstation Ergonomics
If work on a computer more than 1 hour per day:
Must complete training:
CD ROM: get from HR Officer or EH&S
Classroom : EHS.116 is offered every quarter
On-Site for groups of 10 or more employees
Learn good posture for working at your computer.
Alternate activities to break up repetitive motions.
Seek medical attention promptly for any symptoms
of injuries.

Violence in the Workplace
Stanford University will not tolerate violence or
threats of violence.
Anyone experiencing or observing imminent
violence should call 9-911.
Report any acts or threats of violence to your
Review Administrative Guide Policy 23.9

Other Safety Training
Back Safety
Hazard Communication
Fire Extinguisher
Laboratory Safety:

Chemical Hygiene
Electrical Safety
Compressed Gas Safety
Hazardous waste management
Radiological Safety
Laser Safety
Biological Safety

Safety Resources
EH&S/General Safety
EH&S Training
EH&S Emergency Preparedness
EH&S Ergonomics
Stanford Risk Management
Stanford Police Information
Palo Alto Medical Clinic
EH&S Web Site:
Risk Management:

Slide 28

Stanford University
General Health & Safety Training
Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
Emergency Preparedness & Response
General Safety

Why Are We Here?
To learn about the university’s injury and
illness prevention program (IIPP).
Receive general safety guidelines.
Explain what your responsibilities are for

Stanford works hard to prevent accidents, but
people do get injured at work:
Workplace injuries cost Stanford
~ $5.8 million each year
 Total lost work days due to injuries
~1600 each year

Supervisor’s Responsibilities
Know the TRICK of a good safety program.
Train employees on correct safety practices.
Report Unsafe Conditions and Incidents.
Inspect for work place safety and compliance.
Correct any problems found.
Keep records of training.
Enforce health and safety rules.

Staff Responsibilities
Keep informed of safety conditions.
Participate in training programs.
Adhere to healthy and safe practices.
Report problems and hazards to Supervisors.

EH&S Responsibilities
(Environmental Health + Safety)
Assist supervisors with evaluation of workplace
Provide training and technical resource assistance.
Review departments’ safety programs.
Evaluating training in departments.
Serve as a campus resource for safety.

There are 3 levels of training:
Tier I University
Tier II Department
Tier III Local Work Unit
Employees must receive training on all workplace
Training benefits employees by: improving
understanding, empowering people, reducing
injuries and improving the bottom line.

Reporting Hazards
University Policy on Anti-reprisal
“Stanford university encourages employees and
students to report health and safety hazards to their
supervisor, manager, or EH&S.”
“Employees and students shall not be discharged or
discriminated against in any manner for bona fide
reporting of health and safety hazards to Stanford
or to appropriate governmental agencies.”
(Reports may always be made anonymously)

Reporting an Injury, Incident,
or Exposure
Discuss health and safety concerns with your
Fill out and sign Stanford SU-17 form.

Get forms from Risk Management.

Report “near misses.”
Seek medical attention for injuries.

Medical Attention for Workplace Injuries
If an injury is work related, it will be covered by
Workman’s Compensation Insurance

Sequoia occupational Health, Redwood City

Minor injury (sprained ankle, a few stitches)

Stanford Hospital Emergency Room

Serious Injury (severe laceration requiring
surgery, chemical burns, head trauma,
compound fractures)

Identification of Hazards by
Inspecting the Workplace
EH&S has checklists (see booklet).
Departments “self inspect.”
Management ensures implementation
Keep records for 1 year.
Correct the hazards identified.

Correcting Hazards
Correct it as soon as possible.
If you can’t correct it, ask a supervisor or
Are you still concerned?... call your Department
Safety Representative or EH&S.
Facilities can fix things and fund it if it is part of
their maintenance responsibilities.

Keeping Records
When you get training, make sure it gets
When you inspect for or correct hazards;
document that as well.
Keep Records for 1 year.

Part II Emergency Preparedness
(See Blue Brochure and Emergency Card)

When Reporting - Is it Serious?

Health threatening vs. non-health threatening

Know the Emergency Numbers to call
(stay on the line until the operator hangs up)
 5-9999 EH&S urgent assistance (day or night)

Know the location of:
fire extinguisher, alarm box, exit route
 Emergency Assembly Point (EAP)

Every campus building has an
EAP. Look for this sign on grey
wooden posts.

S tan fo rd U n iv ersity M ain E n tran ce - A p ril 1 7 , 1 9 0 6

Prepare for an Earthquake
Store large or heavy objects on lower shelves.
Plan so your door will not be blocked if
something falls.
Where do you go in an earthquake?

under a desk, away from windows.

Make an Emergency Kit for your desk area.
Department management should secure
bookcases, cabinets, over 4 feet tall.

How to Respond to an Earthquake
In the event of an earthquake:
STAY CALM!!! Think!
 Stay where you are.
 Take cover:

under desk
 away from glass, tall objects, etc.

Wait until the shaking stops and evacuate the
building cautiously by stairway, take essentials.
 Go to your EAP.

UC Santa Cruz 1989 Loma Prieta

Stanford Emergency Hotlines
SU Emergency Information Hotline


Student Information Hotline


To call from another city or state


To call from abroad


* Tell your family about these numbers !

Go to the Stanford emergency website

Listen to KZSU (90.1FM)
Listen to community Emergency Alert System (*) radio

740 AM


810 AM

(*) formerly known as the Emergency Broadcast System

Follow televised news reports

Emergency Wallet Card
Add Your Department Emergency Hotline

Prepare for a Fire
Know where your pull boxes, exits, and fire
extinguishers are located.
EH&S offers Fire Extinguisher Training.
Do not prop open fire doors.
Turn off space heaters when you are not
Participate in fire drills.

How to Respond to a Fire
Evacuate the fire area. Close doors.
Report the fire by pulling the alarm and
calling 9-911 from a safe location.
Upon hearing the alarm, stop work, close
doors and proceed to the nearest exit. Use
the stairs, drop & crawl if smoke is present.
Go to your EAP.

General Workplace Safety
Personal Safety and Security
Electrical Safety
Computer Workstation Ergonomics
Violence in the Workplace

Personal Safety
Keep emergency information by telephones
(see guide).
Use a buddy system when working late.
Personal security tips (See Stanford Safety &
Security Almanac).

Electrical Safety
Properly maintain electrical equipment.
Only use extension cords for temporary fixes.
Don’t overload electrical outlets.
Use plug strips, not Cube-taps.
Keep workplace dry.
Turn off space heaters when un-attended.

Computer Workstation Ergonomics
If work on a computer more than 1 hour per day:
Must complete training:
CD ROM: get from HR Officer or EH&S
Classroom : EHS.116 is offered every quarter
On-Site for groups of 10 or more employees
Learn good posture for working at your computer.
Alternate activities to break up repetitive motions.
Seek medical attention promptly for any symptoms
of injuries.

Violence in the Workplace
Stanford University will not tolerate violence or
threats of violence.
Anyone experiencing or observing imminent
violence should call 9-911.
Report any acts or threats of violence to your
Review Administrative Guide Policy 23.9

Other Safety Training
Back Safety
Hazard Communication
Fire Extinguisher
Laboratory Safety:

Chemical Hygiene
Electrical Safety
Compressed Gas Safety
Hazardous waste management
Radiological Safety
Laser Safety
Biological Safety

Safety Resources
EH&S/General Safety
EH&S Training
EH&S Emergency Preparedness
EH&S Ergonomics
Stanford Risk Management
Stanford Police Information
Palo Alto Medical Clinic
EH&S Web Site:
Risk Management:

Slide 29

Stanford University
General Health & Safety Training
Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
Emergency Preparedness & Response
General Safety

Why Are We Here?
To learn about the university’s injury and
illness prevention program (IIPP).
Receive general safety guidelines.
Explain what your responsibilities are for

Stanford works hard to prevent accidents, but
people do get injured at work:
Workplace injuries cost Stanford
~ $5.8 million each year
 Total lost work days due to injuries
~1600 each year

Supervisor’s Responsibilities
Know the TRICK of a good safety program.
Train employees on correct safety practices.
Report Unsafe Conditions and Incidents.
Inspect for work place safety and compliance.
Correct any problems found.
Keep records of training.
Enforce health and safety rules.

Staff Responsibilities
Keep informed of safety conditions.
Participate in training programs.
Adhere to healthy and safe practices.
Report problems and hazards to Supervisors.

EH&S Responsibilities
(Environmental Health + Safety)
Assist supervisors with evaluation of workplace
Provide training and technical resource assistance.
Review departments’ safety programs.
Evaluating training in departments.
Serve as a campus resource for safety.

There are 3 levels of training:
Tier I University
Tier II Department
Tier III Local Work Unit
Employees must receive training on all workplace
Training benefits employees by: improving
understanding, empowering people, reducing
injuries and improving the bottom line.

Reporting Hazards
University Policy on Anti-reprisal
“Stanford university encourages employees and
students to report health and safety hazards to their
supervisor, manager, or EH&S.”
“Employees and students shall not be discharged or
discriminated against in any manner for bona fide
reporting of health and safety hazards to Stanford
or to appropriate governmental agencies.”
(Reports may always be made anonymously)

Reporting an Injury, Incident,
or Exposure
Discuss health and safety concerns with your
Fill out and sign Stanford SU-17 form.

Get forms from Risk Management.

Report “near misses.”
Seek medical attention for injuries.

Medical Attention for Workplace Injuries
If an injury is work related, it will be covered by
Workman’s Compensation Insurance

Sequoia occupational Health, Redwood City

Minor injury (sprained ankle, a few stitches)

Stanford Hospital Emergency Room

Serious Injury (severe laceration requiring
surgery, chemical burns, head trauma,
compound fractures)

Identification of Hazards by
Inspecting the Workplace
EH&S has checklists (see booklet).
Departments “self inspect.”
Management ensures implementation
Keep records for 1 year.
Correct the hazards identified.

Correcting Hazards
Correct it as soon as possible.
If you can’t correct it, ask a supervisor or
Are you still concerned?... call your Department
Safety Representative or EH&S.
Facilities can fix things and fund it if it is part of
their maintenance responsibilities.

Keeping Records
When you get training, make sure it gets
When you inspect for or correct hazards;
document that as well.
Keep Records for 1 year.

Part II Emergency Preparedness
(See Blue Brochure and Emergency Card)

When Reporting - Is it Serious?

Health threatening vs. non-health threatening

Know the Emergency Numbers to call
(stay on the line until the operator hangs up)
 5-9999 EH&S urgent assistance (day or night)

Know the location of:
fire extinguisher, alarm box, exit route
 Emergency Assembly Point (EAP)

Every campus building has an
EAP. Look for this sign on grey
wooden posts.

S tan fo rd U n iv ersity M ain E n tran ce - A p ril 1 7 , 1 9 0 6

Prepare for an Earthquake
Store large or heavy objects on lower shelves.
Plan so your door will not be blocked if
something falls.
Where do you go in an earthquake?

under a desk, away from windows.

Make an Emergency Kit for your desk area.
Department management should secure
bookcases, cabinets, over 4 feet tall.

How to Respond to an Earthquake
In the event of an earthquake:
STAY CALM!!! Think!
 Stay where you are.
 Take cover:

under desk
 away from glass, tall objects, etc.

Wait until the shaking stops and evacuate the
building cautiously by stairway, take essentials.
 Go to your EAP.

UC Santa Cruz 1989 Loma Prieta

Stanford Emergency Hotlines
SU Emergency Information Hotline


Student Information Hotline


To call from another city or state


To call from abroad


* Tell your family about these numbers !

Go to the Stanford emergency website

Listen to KZSU (90.1FM)
Listen to community Emergency Alert System (*) radio

740 AM


810 AM

(*) formerly known as the Emergency Broadcast System

Follow televised news reports

Emergency Wallet Card
Add Your Department Emergency Hotline

Prepare for a Fire
Know where your pull boxes, exits, and fire
extinguishers are located.
EH&S offers Fire Extinguisher Training.
Do not prop open fire doors.
Turn off space heaters when you are not
Participate in fire drills.

How to Respond to a Fire
Evacuate the fire area. Close doors.
Report the fire by pulling the alarm and
calling 9-911 from a safe location.
Upon hearing the alarm, stop work, close
doors and proceed to the nearest exit. Use
the stairs, drop & crawl if smoke is present.
Go to your EAP.

General Workplace Safety
Personal Safety and Security
Electrical Safety
Computer Workstation Ergonomics
Violence in the Workplace

Personal Safety
Keep emergency information by telephones
(see guide).
Use a buddy system when working late.
Personal security tips (See Stanford Safety &
Security Almanac).

Electrical Safety
Properly maintain electrical equipment.
Only use extension cords for temporary fixes.
Don’t overload electrical outlets.
Use plug strips, not Cube-taps.
Keep workplace dry.
Turn off space heaters when un-attended.

Computer Workstation Ergonomics
If work on a computer more than 1 hour per day:
Must complete training:
CD ROM: get from HR Officer or EH&S
Classroom : EHS.116 is offered every quarter
On-Site for groups of 10 or more employees
Learn good posture for working at your computer.
Alternate activities to break up repetitive motions.
Seek medical attention promptly for any symptoms
of injuries.

Violence in the Workplace
Stanford University will not tolerate violence or
threats of violence.
Anyone experiencing or observing imminent
violence should call 9-911.
Report any acts or threats of violence to your
Review Administrative Guide Policy 23.9

Other Safety Training
Back Safety
Hazard Communication
Fire Extinguisher
Laboratory Safety:

Chemical Hygiene
Electrical Safety
Compressed Gas Safety
Hazardous waste management
Radiological Safety
Laser Safety
Biological Safety

Safety Resources
EH&S/General Safety
EH&S Training
EH&S Emergency Preparedness
EH&S Ergonomics
Stanford Risk Management
Stanford Police Information
Palo Alto Medical Clinic
EH&S Web Site:
Risk Management:

Slide 30

Stanford University
General Health & Safety Training
Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
Emergency Preparedness & Response
General Safety

Why Are We Here?
To learn about the university’s injury and
illness prevention program (IIPP).
Receive general safety guidelines.
Explain what your responsibilities are for

Stanford works hard to prevent accidents, but
people do get injured at work:
Workplace injuries cost Stanford
~ $5.8 million each year
 Total lost work days due to injuries
~1600 each year

Supervisor’s Responsibilities
Know the TRICK of a good safety program.
Train employees on correct safety practices.
Report Unsafe Conditions and Incidents.
Inspect for work place safety and compliance.
Correct any problems found.
Keep records of training.
Enforce health and safety rules.

Staff Responsibilities
Keep informed of safety conditions.
Participate in training programs.
Adhere to healthy and safe practices.
Report problems and hazards to Supervisors.

EH&S Responsibilities
(Environmental Health + Safety)
Assist supervisors with evaluation of workplace
Provide training and technical resource assistance.
Review departments’ safety programs.
Evaluating training in departments.
Serve as a campus resource for safety.

There are 3 levels of training:
Tier I University
Tier II Department
Tier III Local Work Unit
Employees must receive training on all workplace
Training benefits employees by: improving
understanding, empowering people, reducing
injuries and improving the bottom line.

Reporting Hazards
University Policy on Anti-reprisal
“Stanford university encourages employees and
students to report health and safety hazards to their
supervisor, manager, or EH&S.”
“Employees and students shall not be discharged or
discriminated against in any manner for bona fide
reporting of health and safety hazards to Stanford
or to appropriate governmental agencies.”
(Reports may always be made anonymously)

Reporting an Injury, Incident,
or Exposure
Discuss health and safety concerns with your
Fill out and sign Stanford SU-17 form.

Get forms from Risk Management.

Report “near misses.”
Seek medical attention for injuries.

Medical Attention for Workplace Injuries
If an injury is work related, it will be covered by
Workman’s Compensation Insurance

Sequoia occupational Health, Redwood City

Minor injury (sprained ankle, a few stitches)

Stanford Hospital Emergency Room

Serious Injury (severe laceration requiring
surgery, chemical burns, head trauma,
compound fractures)

Identification of Hazards by
Inspecting the Workplace
EH&S has checklists (see booklet).
Departments “self inspect.”
Management ensures implementation
Keep records for 1 year.
Correct the hazards identified.

Correcting Hazards
Correct it as soon as possible.
If you can’t correct it, ask a supervisor or
Are you still concerned?... call your Department
Safety Representative or EH&S.
Facilities can fix things and fund it if it is part of
their maintenance responsibilities.

Keeping Records
When you get training, make sure it gets
When you inspect for or correct hazards;
document that as well.
Keep Records for 1 year.

Part II Emergency Preparedness
(See Blue Brochure and Emergency Card)

When Reporting - Is it Serious?

Health threatening vs. non-health threatening

Know the Emergency Numbers to call
(stay on the line until the operator hangs up)
 5-9999 EH&S urgent assistance (day or night)

Know the location of:
fire extinguisher, alarm box, exit route
 Emergency Assembly Point (EAP)

Every campus building has an
EAP. Look for this sign on grey
wooden posts.

S tan fo rd U n iv ersity M ain E n tran ce - A p ril 1 7 , 1 9 0 6

Prepare for an Earthquake
Store large or heavy objects on lower shelves.
Plan so your door will not be blocked if
something falls.
Where do you go in an earthquake?

under a desk, away from windows.

Make an Emergency Kit for your desk area.
Department management should secure
bookcases, cabinets, over 4 feet tall.

How to Respond to an Earthquake
In the event of an earthquake:
STAY CALM!!! Think!
 Stay where you are.
 Take cover:

under desk
 away from glass, tall objects, etc.

Wait until the shaking stops and evacuate the
building cautiously by stairway, take essentials.
 Go to your EAP.

UC Santa Cruz 1989 Loma Prieta

Stanford Emergency Hotlines
SU Emergency Information Hotline


Student Information Hotline


To call from another city or state


To call from abroad


* Tell your family about these numbers !

Go to the Stanford emergency website

Listen to KZSU (90.1FM)
Listen to community Emergency Alert System (*) radio

740 AM


810 AM

(*) formerly known as the Emergency Broadcast System

Follow televised news reports

Emergency Wallet Card
Add Your Department Emergency Hotline

Prepare for a Fire
Know where your pull boxes, exits, and fire
extinguishers are located.
EH&S offers Fire Extinguisher Training.
Do not prop open fire doors.
Turn off space heaters when you are not
Participate in fire drills.

How to Respond to a Fire
Evacuate the fire area. Close doors.
Report the fire by pulling the alarm and
calling 9-911 from a safe location.
Upon hearing the alarm, stop work, close
doors and proceed to the nearest exit. Use
the stairs, drop & crawl if smoke is present.
Go to your EAP.

General Workplace Safety
Personal Safety and Security
Electrical Safety
Computer Workstation Ergonomics
Violence in the Workplace

Personal Safety
Keep emergency information by telephones
(see guide).
Use a buddy system when working late.
Personal security tips (See Stanford Safety &
Security Almanac).

Electrical Safety
Properly maintain electrical equipment.
Only use extension cords for temporary fixes.
Don’t overload electrical outlets.
Use plug strips, not Cube-taps.
Keep workplace dry.
Turn off space heaters when un-attended.

Computer Workstation Ergonomics
If work on a computer more than 1 hour per day:
Must complete training:
CD ROM: get from HR Officer or EH&S
Classroom : EHS.116 is offered every quarter
On-Site for groups of 10 or more employees
Learn good posture for working at your computer.
Alternate activities to break up repetitive motions.
Seek medical attention promptly for any symptoms
of injuries.

Violence in the Workplace
Stanford University will not tolerate violence or
threats of violence.
Anyone experiencing or observing imminent
violence should call 9-911.
Report any acts or threats of violence to your
Review Administrative Guide Policy 23.9

Other Safety Training
Back Safety
Hazard Communication
Fire Extinguisher
Laboratory Safety:

Chemical Hygiene
Electrical Safety
Compressed Gas Safety
Hazardous waste management
Radiological Safety
Laser Safety
Biological Safety

Safety Resources
EH&S/General Safety
EH&S Training
EH&S Emergency Preparedness
EH&S Ergonomics
Stanford Risk Management
Stanford Police Information
Palo Alto Medical Clinic
EH&S Web Site:
Risk Management:

Slide 31

Stanford University
General Health & Safety Training
Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
Emergency Preparedness & Response
General Safety

Why Are We Here?
To learn about the university’s injury and
illness prevention program (IIPP).
Receive general safety guidelines.
Explain what your responsibilities are for

Stanford works hard to prevent accidents, but
people do get injured at work:
Workplace injuries cost Stanford
~ $5.8 million each year
 Total lost work days due to injuries
~1600 each year

Supervisor’s Responsibilities
Know the TRICK of a good safety program.
Train employees on correct safety practices.
Report Unsafe Conditions and Incidents.
Inspect for work place safety and compliance.
Correct any problems found.
Keep records of training.
Enforce health and safety rules.

Staff Responsibilities
Keep informed of safety conditions.
Participate in training programs.
Adhere to healthy and safe practices.
Report problems and hazards to Supervisors.

EH&S Responsibilities
(Environmental Health + Safety)
Assist supervisors with evaluation of workplace
Provide training and technical resource assistance.
Review departments’ safety programs.
Evaluating training in departments.
Serve as a campus resource for safety.

There are 3 levels of training:
Tier I University
Tier II Department
Tier III Local Work Unit
Employees must receive training on all workplace
Training benefits employees by: improving
understanding, empowering people, reducing
injuries and improving the bottom line.

Reporting Hazards
University Policy on Anti-reprisal
“Stanford university encourages employees and
students to report health and safety hazards to their
supervisor, manager, or EH&S.”
“Employees and students shall not be discharged or
discriminated against in any manner for bona fide
reporting of health and safety hazards to Stanford
or to appropriate governmental agencies.”
(Reports may always be made anonymously)

Reporting an Injury, Incident,
or Exposure
Discuss health and safety concerns with your
Fill out and sign Stanford SU-17 form.

Get forms from Risk Management.

Report “near misses.”
Seek medical attention for injuries.

Medical Attention for Workplace Injuries
If an injury is work related, it will be covered by
Workman’s Compensation Insurance

Sequoia occupational Health, Redwood City

Minor injury (sprained ankle, a few stitches)

Stanford Hospital Emergency Room

Serious Injury (severe laceration requiring
surgery, chemical burns, head trauma,
compound fractures)

Identification of Hazards by
Inspecting the Workplace
EH&S has checklists (see booklet).
Departments “self inspect.”
Management ensures implementation
Keep records for 1 year.
Correct the hazards identified.

Correcting Hazards
Correct it as soon as possible.
If you can’t correct it, ask a supervisor or
Are you still concerned?... call your Department
Safety Representative or EH&S.
Facilities can fix things and fund it if it is part of
their maintenance responsibilities.

Keeping Records
When you get training, make sure it gets
When you inspect for or correct hazards;
document that as well.
Keep Records for 1 year.

Part II Emergency Preparedness
(See Blue Brochure and Emergency Card)

When Reporting - Is it Serious?

Health threatening vs. non-health threatening

Know the Emergency Numbers to call
(stay on the line until the operator hangs up)
 5-9999 EH&S urgent assistance (day or night)

Know the location of:
fire extinguisher, alarm box, exit route
 Emergency Assembly Point (EAP)

Every campus building has an
EAP. Look for this sign on grey
wooden posts.

S tan fo rd U n iv ersity M ain E n tran ce - A p ril 1 7 , 1 9 0 6

Prepare for an Earthquake
Store large or heavy objects on lower shelves.
Plan so your door will not be blocked if
something falls.
Where do you go in an earthquake?

under a desk, away from windows.

Make an Emergency Kit for your desk area.
Department management should secure
bookcases, cabinets, over 4 feet tall.

How to Respond to an Earthquake
In the event of an earthquake:
STAY CALM!!! Think!
 Stay where you are.
 Take cover:

under desk
 away from glass, tall objects, etc.

Wait until the shaking stops and evacuate the
building cautiously by stairway, take essentials.
 Go to your EAP.

UC Santa Cruz 1989 Loma Prieta

Stanford Emergency Hotlines
SU Emergency Information Hotline


Student Information Hotline


To call from another city or state


To call from abroad


* Tell your family about these numbers !

Go to the Stanford emergency website

Listen to KZSU (90.1FM)
Listen to community Emergency Alert System (*) radio

740 AM


810 AM

(*) formerly known as the Emergency Broadcast System

Follow televised news reports

Emergency Wallet Card
Add Your Department Emergency Hotline

Prepare for a Fire
Know where your pull boxes, exits, and fire
extinguishers are located.
EH&S offers Fire Extinguisher Training.
Do not prop open fire doors.
Turn off space heaters when you are not
Participate in fire drills.

How to Respond to a Fire
Evacuate the fire area. Close doors.
Report the fire by pulling the alarm and
calling 9-911 from a safe location.
Upon hearing the alarm, stop work, close
doors and proceed to the nearest exit. Use
the stairs, drop & crawl if smoke is present.
Go to your EAP.

General Workplace Safety
Personal Safety and Security
Electrical Safety
Computer Workstation Ergonomics
Violence in the Workplace

Personal Safety
Keep emergency information by telephones
(see guide).
Use a buddy system when working late.
Personal security tips (See Stanford Safety &
Security Almanac).

Electrical Safety
Properly maintain electrical equipment.
Only use extension cords for temporary fixes.
Don’t overload electrical outlets.
Use plug strips, not Cube-taps.
Keep workplace dry.
Turn off space heaters when un-attended.

Computer Workstation Ergonomics
If work on a computer more than 1 hour per day:
Must complete training:
CD ROM: get from HR Officer or EH&S
Classroom : EHS.116 is offered every quarter
On-Site for groups of 10 or more employees
Learn good posture for working at your computer.
Alternate activities to break up repetitive motions.
Seek medical attention promptly for any symptoms
of injuries.

Violence in the Workplace
Stanford University will not tolerate violence or
threats of violence.
Anyone experiencing or observing imminent
violence should call 9-911.
Report any acts or threats of violence to your
Review Administrative Guide Policy 23.9

Other Safety Training
Back Safety
Hazard Communication
Fire Extinguisher
Laboratory Safety:

Chemical Hygiene
Electrical Safety
Compressed Gas Safety
Hazardous waste management
Radiological Safety
Laser Safety
Biological Safety

Safety Resources
EH&S/General Safety
EH&S Training
EH&S Emergency Preparedness
EH&S Ergonomics
Stanford Risk Management
Stanford Police Information
Palo Alto Medical Clinic
EH&S Web Site:
Risk Management:

Slide 32

Stanford University
General Health & Safety Training
Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
Emergency Preparedness & Response
General Safety

Why Are We Here?
To learn about the university’s injury and
illness prevention program (IIPP).
Receive general safety guidelines.
Explain what your responsibilities are for

Stanford works hard to prevent accidents, but
people do get injured at work:
Workplace injuries cost Stanford
~ $5.8 million each year
 Total lost work days due to injuries
~1600 each year

Supervisor’s Responsibilities
Know the TRICK of a good safety program.
Train employees on correct safety practices.
Report Unsafe Conditions and Incidents.
Inspect for work place safety and compliance.
Correct any problems found.
Keep records of training.
Enforce health and safety rules.

Staff Responsibilities
Keep informed of safety conditions.
Participate in training programs.
Adhere to healthy and safe practices.
Report problems and hazards to Supervisors.

EH&S Responsibilities
(Environmental Health + Safety)
Assist supervisors with evaluation of workplace
Provide training and technical resource assistance.
Review departments’ safety programs.
Evaluating training in departments.
Serve as a campus resource for safety.

There are 3 levels of training:
Tier I University
Tier II Department
Tier III Local Work Unit
Employees must receive training on all workplace
Training benefits employees by: improving
understanding, empowering people, reducing
injuries and improving the bottom line.

Reporting Hazards
University Policy on Anti-reprisal
“Stanford university encourages employees and
students to report health and safety hazards to their
supervisor, manager, or EH&S.”
“Employees and students shall not be discharged or
discriminated against in any manner for bona fide
reporting of health and safety hazards to Stanford
or to appropriate governmental agencies.”
(Reports may always be made anonymously)

Reporting an Injury, Incident,
or Exposure
Discuss health and safety concerns with your
Fill out and sign Stanford SU-17 form.

Get forms from Risk Management.

Report “near misses.”
Seek medical attention for injuries.

Medical Attention for Workplace Injuries
If an injury is work related, it will be covered by
Workman’s Compensation Insurance

Sequoia occupational Health, Redwood City

Minor injury (sprained ankle, a few stitches)

Stanford Hospital Emergency Room

Serious Injury (severe laceration requiring
surgery, chemical burns, head trauma,
compound fractures)

Identification of Hazards by
Inspecting the Workplace
EH&S has checklists (see booklet).
Departments “self inspect.”
Management ensures implementation
Keep records for 1 year.
Correct the hazards identified.

Correcting Hazards
Correct it as soon as possible.
If you can’t correct it, ask a supervisor or
Are you still concerned?... call your Department
Safety Representative or EH&S.
Facilities can fix things and fund it if it is part of
their maintenance responsibilities.

Keeping Records
When you get training, make sure it gets
When you inspect for or correct hazards;
document that as well.
Keep Records for 1 year.

Part II Emergency Preparedness
(See Blue Brochure and Emergency Card)

When Reporting - Is it Serious?

Health threatening vs. non-health threatening

Know the Emergency Numbers to call
(stay on the line until the operator hangs up)
 5-9999 EH&S urgent assistance (day or night)

Know the location of:
fire extinguisher, alarm box, exit route
 Emergency Assembly Point (EAP)

Every campus building has an
EAP. Look for this sign on grey
wooden posts.

S tan fo rd U n iv ersity M ain E n tran ce - A p ril 1 7 , 1 9 0 6

Prepare for an Earthquake
Store large or heavy objects on lower shelves.
Plan so your door will not be blocked if
something falls.
Where do you go in an earthquake?

under a desk, away from windows.

Make an Emergency Kit for your desk area.
Department management should secure
bookcases, cabinets, over 4 feet tall.

How to Respond to an Earthquake
In the event of an earthquake:
STAY CALM!!! Think!
 Stay where you are.
 Take cover:

under desk
 away from glass, tall objects, etc.

Wait until the shaking stops and evacuate the
building cautiously by stairway, take essentials.
 Go to your EAP.

UC Santa Cruz 1989 Loma Prieta

Stanford Emergency Hotlines
SU Emergency Information Hotline


Student Information Hotline


To call from another city or state


To call from abroad


* Tell your family about these numbers !

Go to the Stanford emergency website

Listen to KZSU (90.1FM)
Listen to community Emergency Alert System (*) radio

740 AM


810 AM

(*) formerly known as the Emergency Broadcast System

Follow televised news reports

Emergency Wallet Card
Add Your Department Emergency Hotline

Prepare for a Fire
Know where your pull boxes, exits, and fire
extinguishers are located.
EH&S offers Fire Extinguisher Training.
Do not prop open fire doors.
Turn off space heaters when you are not
Participate in fire drills.

How to Respond to a Fire
Evacuate the fire area. Close doors.
Report the fire by pulling the alarm and
calling 9-911 from a safe location.
Upon hearing the alarm, stop work, close
doors and proceed to the nearest exit. Use
the stairs, drop & crawl if smoke is present.
Go to your EAP.

General Workplace Safety
Personal Safety and Security
Electrical Safety
Computer Workstation Ergonomics
Violence in the Workplace

Personal Safety
Keep emergency information by telephones
(see guide).
Use a buddy system when working late.
Personal security tips (See Stanford Safety &
Security Almanac).

Electrical Safety
Properly maintain electrical equipment.
Only use extension cords for temporary fixes.
Don’t overload electrical outlets.
Use plug strips, not Cube-taps.
Keep workplace dry.
Turn off space heaters when un-attended.

Computer Workstation Ergonomics
If work on a computer more than 1 hour per day:
Must complete training:
CD ROM: get from HR Officer or EH&S
Classroom : EHS.116 is offered every quarter
On-Site for groups of 10 or more employees
Learn good posture for working at your computer.
Alternate activities to break up repetitive motions.
Seek medical attention promptly for any symptoms
of injuries.

Violence in the Workplace
Stanford University will not tolerate violence or
threats of violence.
Anyone experiencing or observing imminent
violence should call 9-911.
Report any acts or threats of violence to your
Review Administrative Guide Policy 23.9

Other Safety Training
Back Safety
Hazard Communication
Fire Extinguisher
Laboratory Safety:

Chemical Hygiene
Electrical Safety
Compressed Gas Safety
Hazardous waste management
Radiological Safety
Laser Safety
Biological Safety

Safety Resources
EH&S/General Safety
EH&S Training
EH&S Emergency Preparedness
EH&S Ergonomics
Stanford Risk Management
Stanford Police Information
Palo Alto Medical Clinic
EH&S Web Site:
Risk Management: