You Spend a Fortune on IT! How to use your Centricity Data as a Competitive Weapon! Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC Objectives • Participants will see.

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Transcript You Spend a Fortune on IT! How to use your Centricity Data as a Competitive Weapon! Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC Objectives • Participants will see.

Slide 1

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 2

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 3

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 4

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 5

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 6

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 7

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 8

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 9

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 10

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 11

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 12

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 13

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 14

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 15

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 16

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 17

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 18

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 19

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 20

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 21

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 22

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 23

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 24

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 25

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 26

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 27

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 28

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 29

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 30

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 31

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 32

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 33

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 34

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 35

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 36

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 37

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 38

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 39

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]

Slide 40

You Spend a Fortune on IT!
How to use your Centricity Data as
a Competitive Weapon!
Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC

• Participants will see many examples that will allow

them to envision new tools that better identify the
“next important task” and eliminate paper reports.
• See many examples of simplified management
• Hear how to create a culture that embraces
constantly changing metrics, tools and goals.

Our Journeys Are Different
So Are Our Solutions
• The opportunities to improve

something are different for every
• The cost of missed opportunities are
everywhere, but vary from practice to

How Do You Get It All
• There are many new

mandates that are difficult
to meet (and understand).
• Leveraging your data is

critical – to set your
practice apart!

How Do You Get It
All Done?
• The key is knowing

whether you are really
• What is the cost of not


What is Business
Reports & tools that improve business
performance by integrating previously
disparate data to realize higher level decisionmaking and effectiveness.

Culture Starts At The Top

Ask Yourself
What happens
when I ask my staff
to do something
differently or
something new?

Make it easy to do the
right thing

Positive cultures requires
constant communication!
• But it doesn’t have to

be constant meetings.
• Consider automating

delivery of data.

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Automated Tools

Its all about FOCUS!
• Its about competitive advantage through

• The tools make it easier for you to “see”
your data. Where you are today, where you
were yesterday and predict where you are

Focused Reporting

Old Way:
• Run reports monthly for Days in
A/R per provider, per payer, etc.
• Plot on a graph month after
New Way:
• One report in your email box on
the 5th of the month with AR

A Report

That goes on for 1,766 pages!

A Tool

This Pivot Table only
selects insurance balances
over 120 days

A Tool

Defining “Better”
Measure and monitor something other
than data other practices measure.
• Duration of appointments – per doctor, per
day of week, per building
• Number of script refill calls
• Number of appeals/payer
• Time with registrars

Eligibility Exception Report

Patient Credit Balances

RVR Dashboard

Exception Report

Automate Letters

Auto-Fax Reports

Automated Report

A Tool

Replace Chart Prep

Management Reporting

Manager’s – Staffing Tool

Combine Data

On Time Board

Data is the New Currency!
• Trend will continue

• Use your data to

improve your practice
• Focus on what you can
do better than any other

• A capable database administrator (or person with

this level of training in IT)
• A question or problem to solve.
• Staff and managers with an understanding of the
current processes.
• A dreaded chore or a need for data currently
unavailable in a report.
• Data

Get Started


New Report

Full Backup

Succeeding With BI
• Data Governance – Overseeing data, establishing a

standard of data quality and assigning ownership for
the data quality

• ETL – Extract, Transform and Load – Can include

methods for fix bad data – such as DOB in 1875

• You can’t over communicate.

Succeeding With BI
• Roll out needs a marketing plan.
• Market what your project is doing to deliver value

to the organization.
• Involve some end-users in the sessions that identify

the issue (problems) being solved and the
conceptualizing of new or better BI tools.

Return On Investment
• Some financial gains are quite obvious

• Less Staff Time on Tasks
• Error proofing (i.e. pre-cert or appeals)

• Some are soft costs and are immeasurable but

• Less frustration
• Trust that data is correct
• Increase end-user adoption of expensive software

Mona Reimers, FACMPE, CPC
[email protected]