DDP Presentation - University of Sheffield

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Transcript DDP Presentation - University of Sheffield

DDP Induction
Roderich Gross
CDT schedule
• Month 1: Induction, training needs analysis
• Month 10: Confirmation review report (draft)
to supervisory team
• Month 12: Confirmation review report (final)
to department
• Month 13: Confirmation review meeting
• Month 36: Submission of dissertation
• (Month 48: Hard submission deadline)
DDP (compulsory elements)
• Faculty Professional Behavior and Ethics
* Faculty requirement for passing the
confirmation review.
About professional behavior
• Read & respond to e-mails daily
• Be considerate about working in offices with
– Respect others and get to know them
– No personal skype/phone calls
– When using skype for business, use a headset
– When using the kitchen, please clean up any
problem you may have caused
DDP (compulsory elements)
• Attend all departmental seminars
(Wednesdays 2pm)
– Confirmation review: 100% attendance should be
your target (any student with a below 66% level of
attendance will not be eligible to pass)
DDP (compulsory elements)
• Departmental Research Symposium
– Year 1: Attend
– Year 2: Present poster
– Year 3: (Not compulsory) Give oral presentation
DDP (compulsory elements)
• Presentation to supervisory team and CDT
Director of a critical appraisal of an important
paper identified by your supervisory team
DDP (compulsory elements)
• Departmental Research Training sessions
DDP Skills
Presentation Skills
Academic English (where English is not your first language)
Unfair Means
Laboratory Demonstration (required for teaching in ACSE)
Introduction to Matlab
Voice Coaching
Writing Skills
Mentoring Skills
Case-study talks illustrating the research process from idea
to output
DDP (compulsory elements)
• Departmental Research Training sessions
– Department keeps attendance register
– Additional departmental training sessions may be
offered – we will advise whether they are
compulsory or not
– Confirmation review cut-off point: 50%
Summary of the DDP process
• Complete Training Needs Analysis (TNA)
• At the end of each year, discuss your training
with supervisory team and update TNA
• When submitting your confirmation review
report, submit your ePortfolio summary to
the department
• When submitting your final dissertation,
submit your ePortfolio summary to the DDP
• Keep a record of all your training activities
• Include a summary of your monthly training in
your progress reports to supervisory team
• See Section 4.5 in PGR Handbook!
• The ePortfolio Summary (next slides)
List of gained research skills
(with evidence)
• Reviewing, e.g. reviewer for ICRA 2015 (2015
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
• Writing, e.g. submitted 1 conference and 1
journal paper (see Section x)
• Mentoring, e.g. Student Mentor of A. Spring
and J. Jones (1st year PhD students), 2015/16
• Organising, e.g. Co-Chair of 2014 ACSE
Research Symposium, 28th November, 2014
List of departmental research seminars
• 08.10.2014: “Monte-Carlo Methods for
Bayesian filtering in High-Dimensional spaces
and/ or Likelihood-free models” by Dr Francois
Septier (Telecom Lille, France), ACSE Research
• …
List of training courses attended
• Passed DDP module ACS6110 - Embedded
Systems and Rapid Control Prototyping
• Participated in 2014 Machine Learning
Summer School, Microsoft Research
Cambridge, UK
• Participated in 2014 ACSE robotics hackathon
List of completed and
submitted items of work
• Parrott C, Dodd TJ, Groß R. HiGen: A HighSpeed Genderless Mechanical Connection
Mechanism. Submitted to IROS 2014 (2014
IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and
• Chen J, Gauci M, Li W, Kolling A, and Groß R.
Occlusion-based cooperative transport with a
swarm of miniature mobile robots. Submitted
to IEEE Transactions on Robotics
List of conference/
workshops attended
• Attended GECCO 2015 (Genetic and
Evolutionary Computation Conference), July
11-15, 2015, Madrid, Spain
• Oral presentation of “….” at ACC 2015
(American Control Conference), July 1-3, 2014,
Chicago, IL
List of teaching activities
• Laboratory demonstrator for ACS6110 Embedded Systems and Rapid Control
• Co-supervision of MEng final year project
student M. Smith, Department of Automatic
Control and Systems Engineering
List of any outreach activities
• Performed live-demo of Kilobot robot swarm
at Science Museum, London, March 14, 2015
• Exhibited XY technology platform at The
University of Sheffield The Festival of the Mind
public event, 28 September, 2014, Barker’s
Pool, Sheffield
• Exhibition of smart fire-fighter helmet as 2014
Gadget Show LIVE, NEC, Birmingham, UK
List of any extracurricular activities (if
you wish to note)
Training Needs Analysis (TNA)
Progress reports
• As submitted to your supervisory team
• E.g. monthly ones (e.g. 1 pager following PPP
– Progress
– Problems
– Plan
English Language Training
• ELT6060 - Speaking Skills for Research
Purposes (classes start 14th October)
• Writing Advisory Service