By: Nakota Pete MANSEL NELSON AIR QUALITY College In college he got a bachelors degree in chemistry and a master degree in chemical engineering.

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Transcript By: Nakota Pete MANSEL NELSON AIR QUALITY College In college he got a bachelors degree in chemistry and a master degree in chemical engineering.

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By: Nakota Pete


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In college he got a bachelors degree in
chemistry and a master degree in chemical
engineering. To teach kids about air quality and
climate change. He teaches kids k-12 all over
the place. He also teaches adults how t build a
stronger community and how take of
themselves and there families.

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Air Quality
 Air quality can really be affected on air quality

 He taught kids K-12 how air quality
is important and the factors to get
the air quality.

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Climate Change
 Climate change is also what he teaches to

kids K-12. He taught them how the world
climate is changing and the factors that
change the climate.

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Air Quality Changes
 One of the big thing that changes air quality
to change is lead. Lead is mainly found in
 Carbon Dioxide can be both good and bad
because plant need carbon dioxide, but too
much carbon leads to climate change.
 Sulfur Dioxide is a group highly reactive to

gasses. These gasses are called “Oxides of

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The Factors to Climate Change
 One of the big factor that changes climate is
the green house effect. This causes the
atmosphere to absorb heat. This when gasses
such as carbon dioxide, this is when its
released as respiration and volcano eruptions.

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Mansel is a teacher who travels all around and
talks about air quality and climate change. He
teaches them things like how carbon dioxide
effects both air quality and climate change. He
also teaches adults as is mentioned in the
second slide.

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My mentor Dr.Mansel has studied chemical
engineering and chemistry in college. Today
Mansel teaches kids and adults all over the
place to teach them how to build a stronger
community, along with how to take care of
themselves and their families.