Ectopic Pregnancy February, 2013 Susana Smith Harbutt Dr. Joy Sclamberg Clinical History and Physical Exam HPI: The patient is a 36 year old G10P6030

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Transcript Ectopic Pregnancy February, 2013 Susana Smith Harbutt Dr. Joy Sclamberg Clinical History and Physical Exam HPI: The patient is a 36 year old G10P6030

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Ectopic Pregnancy
February, 2013
Susana Smith Harbutt
Dr. Joy Sclamberg

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Clinical History and Physical Exam
HPI: The patient is a 36 year old G10P6030 at 8 weeks by LMP with PMH of
2 ectopic pregnancies treated with MTX who presents 7 days follow-up of
medical management of ectopic pregnancy. She originally presented to
OSH on 1/27/10 for 10/10 abdominal pain and was found to have +beta
HCG and right adnexal mass. She presented to Rush for second opinion.
She received MTX for medical management of the ectopic pregnancy and
her beta-HCG have continued to trend upwards.

Physical Exam:
Vitals: BP: 111/68 mmHg Pulse: 74 Temp: 98.4 °F (36.9 °C) Resp:
General: alert and oriented, NAD
Lungs: Clear bilaterally
Heart: S1, S2+, RRR
Abdomen- soft, minimal suprapubic ttp, no rebound or guarding
Bimanual exam- mild suprapubic tenderness, no CMT, no adnexal tenderness

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Working Diagnosis
• Ectopic Pregnancy
• Hemorrhagic Cyst
– key findings clot retraction and fibrin strands
• Ovarian torsion
– findings include enlarged edematous ovary. Doppler
findings can vary, lack of doppler makes the diagnosis.
• Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
– findings include thickened tubal wall, hyperemia or
increased vascularity of the fallopian tube.

• Appendicitis

Paratubal cyst

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Beta HCG
Discriminatory HCG: level at which an intrauterine pregnancy should be
detected by ultrasound. If not present than abnormal or ectopic gestation is

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Diagnostic Imaging Options

• Ultrasound
• CT

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ACR Criteria

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Normal Pregnancy
• Double Decidua Sign

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Normal Pregnancy

Yolk Sac at 5 weeks

Yolk Sac and Embryo

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Transvaginal Ultrasound

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Transvaginal Ultrasound

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Right Adnexa

Transvaginal Ultrasound

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Right Ovary

Transvaginal Ultrasound

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Right Ovary

Transvaginal Ultrasound

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Left Adnexa

Transvaginal Ultrasound

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Left Adnexa

Transvaginal Ultrasound

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Left Adnexa

Transvaginal Ultrasound

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Gestational Sac

Transvaginal Ultrasound

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Gestational Sac

Transvaginal Ultrasound

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Yolk Sac

Transvaginal Ultrasound

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Embryo – Fetal Pole

Transvaginal Ultrasound

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Left Adnexa

Transvaginal Ultrasound

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“Ring of Fire”

Transvaginal Doppler Ultrasound

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Operative laparoscopy with removal of ectopic pregnancy and salpingectomy

Pathology Report:

Slide 25

Case and References
MRN: 9003501
Accession: 5193474
Adam, Andy. Grainger & Allison's Diagnostic Radiology, 5th ed. Chapter 53 Imaging in Obstetrics and
Infertility. Churchill Linvingstone 2008
Barnhart, Kurt T., M.D., M.S.C.E Ectopic Pregnancy. N Engl J Med 2009; 361:379-3 July 23, 2009DOI:
Levine, Deborah. Ectopic Pregnancy. Radiology. 2007.245: 385-397