VIDYALAYA KALYAN SAMITIS presented by:Dr Madhu Teotia Addl Director(Education) • VIDYALAYA KALYAN SAMITI / SCHOOL WELFARE COMMITTEE • Including BaLA Funds • Under Bhagidari Cell.

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Transcript VIDYALAYA KALYAN SAMITIS presented by:Dr Madhu Teotia Addl Director(Education) • VIDYALAYA KALYAN SAMITI / SCHOOL WELFARE COMMITTEE • Including BaLA Funds • Under Bhagidari Cell.

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presented by:Dr Madhu Teotia
Addl Director(Education)

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• Including BaLA Funds
• Under Bhagidari Cell of Office of the CM
• Since 2003
• PLAN Fund
• PWF :9TH TO 12TH only after RTE 2009

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• To provide learning that is joyful, interesting and
• To make schools centers of excellence by ensuring
optimum use of available resources and

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• Similar to RKS; 650 VKS
• An asset of Rs 2,00,000+Rs
2,00,000 per VKS
• Approx. Rs 26 Crore/yr
• Last guidelines on 23 Oct
2007 ie >5 yrs ago, New
guidelines/revision due
• RMSA Fund can be spent
through VKS till SMDCs are

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• Maintain quotation file,vouchers file,bill file,
stock registers,meeting minutes register
• Work should be awarded to genuine &
recognised agencies
• Handover all VKS record to successor/ coconvenor
• Financial yr ending:proper stock verification
of articles purchased out of VKS fund &
entries made in stock register

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One VKS in each school building
RPVVs not covered
Equal women participation
Convenor(female HOS)..similar to
Secy…backbone…issues ID Cards to VKS
members with his sign with prominent
mention of validity period(sample?)

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• Co-convenor…all Admnve functions other
than financial powers of convenor in
absence/vacancy of convenor,
• PTA (5+1), Students(6), RWA (Chairperson &
Vice Chairperson),Govt Nominees by MLA(2),
NGO(1), JE (ex-officio,no voting right)= 17
• Quorum is 60% = 9
• Majority for decision= 5

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• If no Chairman/VC nominee…EO/DEO shall
chair… elect a member
• TERM: One yr extendable by one more yr
• If any member doesnot attend 3 continuous
VKS meetings, re-nominate someone else
• Frequency: atleast monthly,1st Saturday,
b/w11am to 3pm

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• Dist Nodal officer(DDE/EO/DEO): atleast one
quaterly meeting with all Chairman of VKS
• If sanitation outsourced, no expenditure out
of VKS for cleaning
• Emergent situation,5% expenditure allowed
by Convenor,ex-post facto approval required
by VKS
• Best VKS awarded almost every yr

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• Special Audits by Audit branch of DOE
• Illustrative list of 60 works
• No member including Chairman to use name
of VKS in their visiting cards/ letterheads
• Photos mandatory for works => Rs 5000
• 1 Almirah & 6 covered dustbins for sanitary
napkins/ kishori yojana since March 2012
• Half yearly reports by 10 Oct !

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List of works
Replacement/Repairing of Dual Desks
Equipments of Home Science Labs
Repair of Boundary Wall of School
Work of Horticulture
Minor Electrical work
Improvement in Basic amenities

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• Civil/electrical repair work > Rs 50,000 should
be through PWD / DSIIDC only
• No permanent/ part time employee out of
VKS fund
• Obsolete,surplus,unserviceable stores can be
disposed off upto Rs 5000 at a time
• Major furniture repair > Rs15,000 out of
separate Non-Plan Fund

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Conveners are authorized to incur expenditure up
to Rs. 15,000/- per item at a time without calling
quotations however the approval of VKS is
required and a Certificate on the bills is to be

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An expenditure is excess of Rs. 15,000/- per item
at a time would be incurred only after observing

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Sanction for more than Rs. 15,000/- has to be
issued with the certificate that DDE’s
Electrical and Electronic items to have ISI

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Replacement/Purchase of Black Board/Book
Shelves/Text Book Storage/ Teachers-Table &
chairs and Science Lab Equipment will not
exceed Rs. 15,000/- per year totally for all
items taken together

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• Purchase of publications, books, journal and
periodical shall not exceed Rs. 2,000/- of the
funds allocated for the year.
• Expenditure on printing and binding (Library
Books) will not exceed Rs. 5,000/- per annum.

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•Replacement/Purchase of Ceiling Fans/Exhaust
Fans/Flood Lights will not exceed Rs. 15,000/- per
year totally for all items taken together.
•Expenditure on glass fittings/window panes shall
not exceed Rs. 10,000/- of total funds allocated in a
•Imprest Money of Rs. 5,000/- will be maintained by
the Convener

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• VKS fund should be proportional to student
enrollment as allocation of same amount to each
school is not justified(100- 5900 students)
• VKS formation should be in time every yr
• Monthly meetings not held;<6 meetings/yr with
no recorded reasons
• Quarterly exp. Not evenly distributed throughout
the yr
• Issues other than those involving exp.rarely
• Audit at any level rarely conducted

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•Imprest money should be at the
disposal of all HOS
•Fund should reach Convenor in time
ie by April

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Building as Learning Aid
Rs 2,00,000 / school building
Vinyas Organisation
Kabir Vajpayee

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It is an innovative way to look at the
relationship of a child with the school

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BaLA fund has been stopped since
2010-11 till further orders.

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