Disclaimer:  This is a fictional story about the origin of columns. The most important thing to learn from this story is the.

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Transcript Disclaimer:  This is a fictional story about the origin of columns. The most important thing to learn from this story is the.


 This is a fictional story about the origin of columns. The most important thing to learn from this story is the type of columns, what they look like and the characteristics of each. So enjoy this silly story about columns, but remember to pay attention to the three main types of columns: Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian  VA SOL 3.1 The student will explain how the contributions of ancient Greece have influenced the present world in terms of architecture.

Long ago, in ancient Greece, the goddess Athena was looking for something.

“I need something to hold up the roof of my temple ” She said “But it must let in light” The goddess of wisdom puzzled and puzzled. Then she had an idea.

“I will send three of the muses to inspire the people of the Earth. They will solve my problem for me.

” So she sent three muses to provide inspiration to mortal man.


It did not take long for the muses to be successful. They helped mankind discover columns. Columns are tall shafts that can hold up a roof but also let in plenty of light. One type of column discovered was the Doric column. It was very simple, with a long straight shaft and a simple capital, or top. A Doric column has no base.

Another of the muses found the ionic column. This column is famous for its capital, it is shaped like a scroll. A ionic column has a shaft like the Doric column but it also has a base – something at the bottom of the shaft.



A third muse found a very fancy column. This was called a Corinthian column. It has a very, very ornate capital, often decorated with leaves and flowers and all sorts of wonderful things. A Corinthian column has a shaft and a base.

Athena was so happy with what they found, she could not wait for her temple builders to use these columns. It would make her buildings a wonderful place.

The muses returned with news. “My lady” they said. “We have seen the Fates and they have told the future ” “What did they say?

” Athena asked.

“My lady, they say these columns will last a thousand years or more!

“Of course they will last for a long time! They are made of stone!

” Athena said.

The muses said “No, they will last a long time but the idea of the column will last far longer. It will be on places of business, homes, courts…”

“Libraries, schools and important buildings” The muses explained. “Mankind has truly created something amazing.” “They have indeed.” Athena smiled. “They have indeed.”

The End