5/6 Walker Due Monday Dec.15/03 History • In the early 1500s, Jacques Cartier used a First Nations word for village, “kanata”, to refer to.

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Transcript 5/6 Walker Due Monday Dec.15/03 History • In the early 1500s, Jacques Cartier used a First Nations word for village, “kanata”, to refer to.

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5/6 Walker
Due Monday Dec.15/03

• In the early 1500s, Jacques Cartier used a First Nations
word for village, “kanata”, to refer to the country he had
encountered. European map makers later used “Canada”
as a name for all the land north of the St. Lawrence River.
Canada was home to aboriginal peoples for thousands of
years before the arrival of the Europeans, and so it's
appropriate that our name should come from their

• The origin and meaning of the name Canada has been a
matter of surmise since the arrival of the first explorer.
Jacques Cartier, reporting on his 1535-36 voyage, noted
that "kanata" was an Iroquois word meaning town, or
cluster of dwellings. Other reports have it that early
Spanish or Portuguese explorers, disappointed in not
finding gold or other riches, derided the country as
Canada. Yet others have ascribed the word to Latin or
Sanskrit. The weight of opinion to date, however, favors
the Aboriginal origin noted in Cartier's report. Whatever
the source, the Constitution Act, 1867, Canada's original
constitution, announced that the name of the new
dominion would be . . . Canada.

• In 28,000 B.C the first residents of what now is Canada
arrived over the Bering Strait.
• In 8000 B.C. Most parts of Southern Canada has been
occupied by "Indians.
• in 5000 B.C. Petroglyphs made in what is now
northwestern Ontario.
• In 3000 B.C. A human face is carved into the surface of a
rock in what is now southwestern Québec. It is a called
• In 2000 B.C. Pre-Dorset Inuit people migrate through the
Bering Strait into what is now the Northwest Territories.
They bring carefully crafted artifacts such as harpoon
heads and lances.

• In April, 1/1999 the internal borders of Canada following
the creation of Nunavut, which was established in 1993
and officially came into being in April 1999. The new
territory is the biggest change in Canada’s boundaries
since Newfoundland joined Confederation in 1949.
• The federal government of Winnipeg needed general
maps of regions newly opened up to settlement and
decided to produce maps at a scale of one inch to three
miles (1:190 080). The maps were easy to produce using
existing information. In all, 134 such maps were

Canada Facts

9,976,140 sq km (3,851,788 sq miles)
31,413,990 (July 2002)
Capital (population):
Ottawa (1,128,900)
Federal multiparty constitutional monarchy

county's Groups:

British 34%, French 26%, German 4%, Italian 3%, Ukrainian 2%,
Native American (Amerindian/Inuit) 1.5%, Chinese 1%
English and French (both official)

• Religions:
Christianity (Roman Catholic 47%, Protestant 41%),
Judaism, Islam, Hinduism
• Currency:
Canadian dollar = 100 cents


Only in the past hundred years has Alberta seen people settle,
before that the province was primarily uninhabited wilderness.
Today, Alberta is home to two of Canada’s largest cities (Calgary
and Edmonton) and is covered by huge wheat fields, cattle
Edmonton is spread out along the winding North Saskatchewan
River and ranches and mineral and fossil fuel mines. Alberta sits
on the western side of the Prairies, and the Rocky Mountains
rise from the flat lands on the west of the province .
Calgary is home to many of Canada’s national corporations,
second only to Toronto. The office lined streets are ranked as
the cleanest in the world. The provincial capital’s rising
population of over 800,000 people draws in the tourists from
across the world. Banff and the Rocky Mountains are visible to
the west of the city.
Edmonton attracts tourists due to its proximity to Jasper and the
Rockies. Despite many of the city’s attractions and points of
interest, the most famous part to Edmonton is the West
Edmonton Mall, the world’s largest mall, and it is massive! The
mall covers over 48 hectares and contains nearly 1000 stores
and many other attractions such as a huge water park,
amusement parks, Deep Sea environments, themed streets and
so much more.

British Columbia
• Simply known as BC, British Columbia contains some of
the most varied and spectacular scenery in the world. To
the east are the Rocky Mountains, to the north are many
lakes, forests, there is a small desert in the south and
the west of the province lies along the Pacific Ocean
coast. Heavily influenced from California, which is easier
to access than the rest of Canada, British Columbians
live a different lifestyle to the rest of Canada.
• One of the most spectacularly scenic cities in Canada,
Vancouver is nestled between the sea and the mountains
in the very south west of the province. As one of the
most cosmopolitan cities in North America, Vancouver is
home to many new immigrants is easily the third largest
city in Canada (behind Toronto and Montreal.)

• Heading west towards the Prairies, Manitoba is the
gateway province filled with lakes and National Parkland.
• Winnipeg, like many Canadian cities, is located in the
south of the province and lies halfway between the
coasts. Despite being so far inland, Winnipeg is still
easily recognizable as a western city with its skyline and
architecturally diverse streets.
• In the north of Manitoba, Churchill, on the shore of
Hudson Bay, draws interest from around the world with
its unique wildlife including Polar Bears that often
wander down the streets of the town. With no roads this
far north, most people arrive by plane or the more
adventurous take the train from Winnipeg which takes
about 35 hours.

New Brunswick
• The heavily forested maritime province of New
Brunswick lies between Nova Scotia and Quebec.
• The Saint John River valley runs south along the west of
the province through the industrial city of Saint John into
the Bay of Fundy. Here the world’s highest tides are very
apparent, especially at the Reversing Falls where the tide
change is so dramatic it causes rapids in the river mouth
which change direction with the tide.
• Monkton is the gateway to both Prince Edward Island
and Nova Scotia making it a popular transport stop over.
• Most of the north of the province is mountainous while
the south and along the Saint John River, farming and
pastoral lands occupy much of the dramatic views

Newfoundland and
• Canada’s most easterly province Newfoundland
(pronounced "new-fun-land") and Labrador consists of
two main entities. The Island of Newfoundland, which is
the home to the provincial capital St John’s. The other
entity is Labrador, north of Newfoundland.
• Most of the population of the province lis in the far more
accessible Newfoundland. The inland areas are heavily
forested with peat bogs and lakes, where as the
shorelines are spotted with towns.
• St John’s is the oldest city in North America yet the
province was the last to join the to Canadian
Confederation as late as 1949. A reminder to how ‘new’
Canada is as a country.

Northwest Territories
• The Northwest Territories is covered by artic tundra,
mountains and forests. The population is spread across
the huge, vast areas but most is concentrated in the
• Yellowknife is essentially a government town but
contains the territory's commercial and service centre as
well as being one of the few places north of the Arctic
Circle that attract tourists regularly


Nova Scotia
• When you are in Nova Scotia everything is a reminder
about how the sea influences the province and it’s
people. Although not an Island, Nova Scotia is
surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean with only 45km wide
connection to the rest of Canada. Where ever you are in
Nova Scotia, you are never further than 56km from the
• Most of the province is covered in dense forest and
gentle rolling hills. The Bay of Fundy on the west coast
has the world’s highest tides.
• Cape Breton in the north is a large island that accounts
for about one fifth of the landmass in Nova Scotia. The
mountains here are more rugged and reminiscent of the
Scottish Highlands.
• Halifax is the Capital of Nova Scotia.

• On the 1st of April 1999, the dream of many Inuit people
was finally realized with the creation of the newest
province, Nunavut. One of the most sparsely populated
areas in the world, Nunavut reaches from northern
Manitoba and Quebec to the North Pole. Most of the
population speak the native language Inuktitut.
• Iqualuit is the governing town of the province.
Temperatures rarely rise above freezing and in summer 8
degrees is the highest average temperature. With a
population of just 4000 Iqaluit is the smallest city in
Canada and also one of the hardest to access any time of
the year. Located on Baffin Island, air is the only realistic
way to gain entry to this expensive and extraordinary


The centrally located province of Ontario is home to the Great
Lakes, Hudson Bay, Niagara Falls, Algonquin Provincial Park and
many architectural masterpieces such as the CN Tower, Sky
Dome, and many of the national parliament buildings in the
capital city of Ottawa.
Toronto, the most popular city to visit in Canada and the largest
city in the country is also the provincial capital. Located on Lake
Ontario, one of the Great Lakes, Toronto is the technology
capital and home of the CN Tower, the world’s tallest man-made
In the east of Ontario, Ottawa sits on the south bank of the
Ottawa River, with the twin city of Hull on the north bank in the
province of Quebec. Around the gothic parliament buildings you
can often find traditionally dressed Royal Canadian Mounted
Police officers.

• Canada’s smallest province known simply as PEI is linked
to the mainland by the Confederation Bridge and at 13km
in length it is the world’s longest. Prince Edward Island is
an area in which the residents have fought hard to keep
the way it was when it was first inhabited by westerners.
• There is not a lot to do but the beautiful scenery makes
up for it all. Every area of the island is easily accessible
by the many roads that crisscross the pastoral


The heart of French Canada, where English is considered
a distant second language, Quebec (pronounced
‘KebEck’) is unlike anywhere else in North America. The
culture, architecture, music, religion and way of life is
truly unique.
The capital of the province, Quebec City, has a very
noticeable European feel to it. Modern buildings are few
and far between, but the impressive design of the walled
city is quite overwhelming in it’s location on a hill on the
side of the Saint Lawrence River.
In Montreal (pronounced ‘Mor’E’Al) English and French
are spoken side by side. Being served at a shop or
restaurant, you never know which language the person
will speak. Over 40% of Quebec’s population live here
making it the second largest French speaking city in the
world. The Bi-Lingual status of Montreal makes for a
decidedly different air to other Canadian cities. Most of
the downtown of this Olympic city can be accessed by
underground malls that consist of over 40km of passages
lined with shops and restaurants, linked by malls and the
popular Paris style Metro.

• The home of the roaming North American Prairie Bison,
Saskatchewan is located in the heart of the plains. With
rolling farm fields and grasslands, the scenery feels
endless. Despite this, there are more than 100,000 lakes
spread across the province.
• Regina is the southerly located capital and like many
provincial capitals in Canada, Regina is a small, quiet
city of under 185,000 residents that pretty much closes
after the sun sets. Despite this, Regina is the
commercial, financial and industrial hub of the province.
• The clean, wide streets and low skyline surrounded by
wheat fields give Saskatoon a different feels to it.
Saskatoon is smack in the middle of the Prairies and
traveling to and from the city, this fact is very apparent.
The city spans the South Saskatchewan River, with the
downtown area located on the north shores linked to the
south by seven bridges.

Yukon territory
• Wedged between Alaska and the Northwest Territories
on each side, Yukon Territory is bounded by British
Columbia, to the south and the Arctic Ocean to the north.
The Yukon is one of the easiest places north of the arctic
circle to access, however, it is not all that does not mean
it is simple.
• The only city in the territory, Whitehorse is in the south
of the territory and can be accessed by roads but these
roads deteriorate rapidly the further north they go. With
only 20,000 residents, nearly everyone in the territory
lives in Whitehorse. Despite the population size, the city
limits cover 421 sq km making it the largest urban
designated areas in Canada. The central downtown area
of the city is very small but the residents are spread
across this large area giving them plenty of space to live.

• Websites

www. canadatravelguide.info/provinces/manitoba.asp
www. canadianstudies.ab.ca

Slide 2

5/6 Walker
Due Monday Dec.15/03

• In the early 1500s, Jacques Cartier used a First Nations
word for village, “kanata”, to refer to the country he had
encountered. European map makers later used “Canada”
as a name for all the land north of the St. Lawrence River.
Canada was home to aboriginal peoples for thousands of
years before the arrival of the Europeans, and so it's
appropriate that our name should come from their

• The origin and meaning of the name Canada has been a
matter of surmise since the arrival of the first explorer.
Jacques Cartier, reporting on his 1535-36 voyage, noted
that "kanata" was an Iroquois word meaning town, or
cluster of dwellings. Other reports have it that early
Spanish or Portuguese explorers, disappointed in not
finding gold or other riches, derided the country as
Canada. Yet others have ascribed the word to Latin or
Sanskrit. The weight of opinion to date, however, favors
the Aboriginal origin noted in Cartier's report. Whatever
the source, the Constitution Act, 1867, Canada's original
constitution, announced that the name of the new
dominion would be . . . Canada.

• In 28,000 B.C the first residents of what now is Canada
arrived over the Bering Strait.
• In 8000 B.C. Most parts of Southern Canada has been
occupied by "Indians.
• in 5000 B.C. Petroglyphs made in what is now
northwestern Ontario.
• In 3000 B.C. A human face is carved into the surface of a
rock in what is now southwestern Québec. It is a called
• In 2000 B.C. Pre-Dorset Inuit people migrate through the
Bering Strait into what is now the Northwest Territories.
They bring carefully crafted artifacts such as harpoon
heads and lances.

• In April, 1/1999 the internal borders of Canada following
the creation of Nunavut, which was established in 1993
and officially came into being in April 1999. The new
territory is the biggest change in Canada’s boundaries
since Newfoundland joined Confederation in 1949.
• The federal government of Winnipeg needed general
maps of regions newly opened up to settlement and
decided to produce maps at a scale of one inch to three
miles (1:190 080). The maps were easy to produce using
existing information. In all, 134 such maps were

Canada Facts

9,976,140 sq km (3,851,788 sq miles)
31,413,990 (July 2002)
Capital (population):
Ottawa (1,128,900)
Federal multiparty constitutional monarchy

county's Groups:

British 34%, French 26%, German 4%, Italian 3%, Ukrainian 2%,
Native American (Amerindian/Inuit) 1.5%, Chinese 1%
English and French (both official)

• Religions:
Christianity (Roman Catholic 47%, Protestant 41%),
Judaism, Islam, Hinduism
• Currency:
Canadian dollar = 100 cents


Only in the past hundred years has Alberta seen people settle,
before that the province was primarily uninhabited wilderness.
Today, Alberta is home to two of Canada’s largest cities (Calgary
and Edmonton) and is covered by huge wheat fields, cattle
Edmonton is spread out along the winding North Saskatchewan
River and ranches and mineral and fossil fuel mines. Alberta sits
on the western side of the Prairies, and the Rocky Mountains
rise from the flat lands on the west of the province .
Calgary is home to many of Canada’s national corporations,
second only to Toronto. The office lined streets are ranked as
the cleanest in the world. The provincial capital’s rising
population of over 800,000 people draws in the tourists from
across the world. Banff and the Rocky Mountains are visible to
the west of the city.
Edmonton attracts tourists due to its proximity to Jasper and the
Rockies. Despite many of the city’s attractions and points of
interest, the most famous part to Edmonton is the West
Edmonton Mall, the world’s largest mall, and it is massive! The
mall covers over 48 hectares and contains nearly 1000 stores
and many other attractions such as a huge water park,
amusement parks, Deep Sea environments, themed streets and
so much more.

British Columbia
• Simply known as BC, British Columbia contains some of
the most varied and spectacular scenery in the world. To
the east are the Rocky Mountains, to the north are many
lakes, forests, there is a small desert in the south and
the west of the province lies along the Pacific Ocean
coast. Heavily influenced from California, which is easier
to access than the rest of Canada, British Columbians
live a different lifestyle to the rest of Canada.
• One of the most spectacularly scenic cities in Canada,
Vancouver is nestled between the sea and the mountains
in the very south west of the province. As one of the
most cosmopolitan cities in North America, Vancouver is
home to many new immigrants is easily the third largest
city in Canada (behind Toronto and Montreal.)

• Heading west towards the Prairies, Manitoba is the
gateway province filled with lakes and National Parkland.
• Winnipeg, like many Canadian cities, is located in the
south of the province and lies halfway between the
coasts. Despite being so far inland, Winnipeg is still
easily recognizable as a western city with its skyline and
architecturally diverse streets.
• In the north of Manitoba, Churchill, on the shore of
Hudson Bay, draws interest from around the world with
its unique wildlife including Polar Bears that often
wander down the streets of the town. With no roads this
far north, most people arrive by plane or the more
adventurous take the train from Winnipeg which takes
about 35 hours.

New Brunswick
• The heavily forested maritime province of New
Brunswick lies between Nova Scotia and Quebec.
• The Saint John River valley runs south along the west of
the province through the industrial city of Saint John into
the Bay of Fundy. Here the world’s highest tides are very
apparent, especially at the Reversing Falls where the tide
change is so dramatic it causes rapids in the river mouth
which change direction with the tide.
• Monkton is the gateway to both Prince Edward Island
and Nova Scotia making it a popular transport stop over.
• Most of the north of the province is mountainous while
the south and along the Saint John River, farming and
pastoral lands occupy much of the dramatic views

Newfoundland and
• Canada’s most easterly province Newfoundland
(pronounced "new-fun-land") and Labrador consists of
two main entities. The Island of Newfoundland, which is
the home to the provincial capital St John’s. The other
entity is Labrador, north of Newfoundland.
• Most of the population of the province lis in the far more
accessible Newfoundland. The inland areas are heavily
forested with peat bogs and lakes, where as the
shorelines are spotted with towns.
• St John’s is the oldest city in North America yet the
province was the last to join the to Canadian
Confederation as late as 1949. A reminder to how ‘new’
Canada is as a country.

Northwest Territories
• The Northwest Territories is covered by artic tundra,
mountains and forests. The population is spread across
the huge, vast areas but most is concentrated in the
• Yellowknife is essentially a government town but
contains the territory's commercial and service centre as
well as being one of the few places north of the Arctic
Circle that attract tourists regularly


Nova Scotia
• When you are in Nova Scotia everything is a reminder
about how the sea influences the province and it’s
people. Although not an Island, Nova Scotia is
surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean with only 45km wide
connection to the rest of Canada. Where ever you are in
Nova Scotia, you are never further than 56km from the
• Most of the province is covered in dense forest and
gentle rolling hills. The Bay of Fundy on the west coast
has the world’s highest tides.
• Cape Breton in the north is a large island that accounts
for about one fifth of the landmass in Nova Scotia. The
mountains here are more rugged and reminiscent of the
Scottish Highlands.
• Halifax is the Capital of Nova Scotia.

• On the 1st of April 1999, the dream of many Inuit people
was finally realized with the creation of the newest
province, Nunavut. One of the most sparsely populated
areas in the world, Nunavut reaches from northern
Manitoba and Quebec to the North Pole. Most of the
population speak the native language Inuktitut.
• Iqualuit is the governing town of the province.
Temperatures rarely rise above freezing and in summer 8
degrees is the highest average temperature. With a
population of just 4000 Iqaluit is the smallest city in
Canada and also one of the hardest to access any time of
the year. Located on Baffin Island, air is the only realistic
way to gain entry to this expensive and extraordinary


The centrally located province of Ontario is home to the Great
Lakes, Hudson Bay, Niagara Falls, Algonquin Provincial Park and
many architectural masterpieces such as the CN Tower, Sky
Dome, and many of the national parliament buildings in the
capital city of Ottawa.
Toronto, the most popular city to visit in Canada and the largest
city in the country is also the provincial capital. Located on Lake
Ontario, one of the Great Lakes, Toronto is the technology
capital and home of the CN Tower, the world’s tallest man-made
In the east of Ontario, Ottawa sits on the south bank of the
Ottawa River, with the twin city of Hull on the north bank in the
province of Quebec. Around the gothic parliament buildings you
can often find traditionally dressed Royal Canadian Mounted
Police officers.

• Canada’s smallest province known simply as PEI is linked
to the mainland by the Confederation Bridge and at 13km
in length it is the world’s longest. Prince Edward Island is
an area in which the residents have fought hard to keep
the way it was when it was first inhabited by westerners.
• There is not a lot to do but the beautiful scenery makes
up for it all. Every area of the island is easily accessible
by the many roads that crisscross the pastoral


The heart of French Canada, where English is considered
a distant second language, Quebec (pronounced
‘KebEck’) is unlike anywhere else in North America. The
culture, architecture, music, religion and way of life is
truly unique.
The capital of the province, Quebec City, has a very
noticeable European feel to it. Modern buildings are few
and far between, but the impressive design of the walled
city is quite overwhelming in it’s location on a hill on the
side of the Saint Lawrence River.
In Montreal (pronounced ‘Mor’E’Al) English and French
are spoken side by side. Being served at a shop or
restaurant, you never know which language the person
will speak. Over 40% of Quebec’s population live here
making it the second largest French speaking city in the
world. The Bi-Lingual status of Montreal makes for a
decidedly different air to other Canadian cities. Most of
the downtown of this Olympic city can be accessed by
underground malls that consist of over 40km of passages
lined with shops and restaurants, linked by malls and the
popular Paris style Metro.

• The home of the roaming North American Prairie Bison,
Saskatchewan is located in the heart of the plains. With
rolling farm fields and grasslands, the scenery feels
endless. Despite this, there are more than 100,000 lakes
spread across the province.
• Regina is the southerly located capital and like many
provincial capitals in Canada, Regina is a small, quiet
city of under 185,000 residents that pretty much closes
after the sun sets. Despite this, Regina is the
commercial, financial and industrial hub of the province.
• The clean, wide streets and low skyline surrounded by
wheat fields give Saskatoon a different feels to it.
Saskatoon is smack in the middle of the Prairies and
traveling to and from the city, this fact is very apparent.
The city spans the South Saskatchewan River, with the
downtown area located on the north shores linked to the
south by seven bridges.

Yukon territory
• Wedged between Alaska and the Northwest Territories
on each side, Yukon Territory is bounded by British
Columbia, to the south and the Arctic Ocean to the north.
The Yukon is one of the easiest places north of the arctic
circle to access, however, it is not all that does not mean
it is simple.
• The only city in the territory, Whitehorse is in the south
of the territory and can be accessed by roads but these
roads deteriorate rapidly the further north they go. With
only 20,000 residents, nearly everyone in the territory
lives in Whitehorse. Despite the population size, the city
limits cover 421 sq km making it the largest urban
designated areas in Canada. The central downtown area
of the city is very small but the residents are spread
across this large area giving them plenty of space to live.

• Websites

www. canadatravelguide.info/provinces/manitoba.asp
www. canadianstudies.ab.ca

Slide 3

5/6 Walker
Due Monday Dec.15/03

• In the early 1500s, Jacques Cartier used a First Nations
word for village, “kanata”, to refer to the country he had
encountered. European map makers later used “Canada”
as a name for all the land north of the St. Lawrence River.
Canada was home to aboriginal peoples for thousands of
years before the arrival of the Europeans, and so it's
appropriate that our name should come from their

• The origin and meaning of the name Canada has been a
matter of surmise since the arrival of the first explorer.
Jacques Cartier, reporting on his 1535-36 voyage, noted
that "kanata" was an Iroquois word meaning town, or
cluster of dwellings. Other reports have it that early
Spanish or Portuguese explorers, disappointed in not
finding gold or other riches, derided the country as
Canada. Yet others have ascribed the word to Latin or
Sanskrit. The weight of opinion to date, however, favors
the Aboriginal origin noted in Cartier's report. Whatever
the source, the Constitution Act, 1867, Canada's original
constitution, announced that the name of the new
dominion would be . . . Canada.

• In 28,000 B.C the first residents of what now is Canada
arrived over the Bering Strait.
• In 8000 B.C. Most parts of Southern Canada has been
occupied by "Indians.
• in 5000 B.C. Petroglyphs made in what is now
northwestern Ontario.
• In 3000 B.C. A human face is carved into the surface of a
rock in what is now southwestern Québec. It is a called
• In 2000 B.C. Pre-Dorset Inuit people migrate through the
Bering Strait into what is now the Northwest Territories.
They bring carefully crafted artifacts such as harpoon
heads and lances.

• In April, 1/1999 the internal borders of Canada following
the creation of Nunavut, which was established in 1993
and officially came into being in April 1999. The new
territory is the biggest change in Canada’s boundaries
since Newfoundland joined Confederation in 1949.
• The federal government of Winnipeg needed general
maps of regions newly opened up to settlement and
decided to produce maps at a scale of one inch to three
miles (1:190 080). The maps were easy to produce using
existing information. In all, 134 such maps were

Canada Facts

9,976,140 sq km (3,851,788 sq miles)
31,413,990 (July 2002)
Capital (population):
Ottawa (1,128,900)
Federal multiparty constitutional monarchy

county's Groups:

British 34%, French 26%, German 4%, Italian 3%, Ukrainian 2%,
Native American (Amerindian/Inuit) 1.5%, Chinese 1%
English and French (both official)

• Religions:
Christianity (Roman Catholic 47%, Protestant 41%),
Judaism, Islam, Hinduism
• Currency:
Canadian dollar = 100 cents


Only in the past hundred years has Alberta seen people settle,
before that the province was primarily uninhabited wilderness.
Today, Alberta is home to two of Canada’s largest cities (Calgary
and Edmonton) and is covered by huge wheat fields, cattle
Edmonton is spread out along the winding North Saskatchewan
River and ranches and mineral and fossil fuel mines. Alberta sits
on the western side of the Prairies, and the Rocky Mountains
rise from the flat lands on the west of the province .
Calgary is home to many of Canada’s national corporations,
second only to Toronto. The office lined streets are ranked as
the cleanest in the world. The provincial capital’s rising
population of over 800,000 people draws in the tourists from
across the world. Banff and the Rocky Mountains are visible to
the west of the city.
Edmonton attracts tourists due to its proximity to Jasper and the
Rockies. Despite many of the city’s attractions and points of
interest, the most famous part to Edmonton is the West
Edmonton Mall, the world’s largest mall, and it is massive! The
mall covers over 48 hectares and contains nearly 1000 stores
and many other attractions such as a huge water park,
amusement parks, Deep Sea environments, themed streets and
so much more.

British Columbia
• Simply known as BC, British Columbia contains some of
the most varied and spectacular scenery in the world. To
the east are the Rocky Mountains, to the north are many
lakes, forests, there is a small desert in the south and
the west of the province lies along the Pacific Ocean
coast. Heavily influenced from California, which is easier
to access than the rest of Canada, British Columbians
live a different lifestyle to the rest of Canada.
• One of the most spectacularly scenic cities in Canada,
Vancouver is nestled between the sea and the mountains
in the very south west of the province. As one of the
most cosmopolitan cities in North America, Vancouver is
home to many new immigrants is easily the third largest
city in Canada (behind Toronto and Montreal.)

• Heading west towards the Prairies, Manitoba is the
gateway province filled with lakes and National Parkland.
• Winnipeg, like many Canadian cities, is located in the
south of the province and lies halfway between the
coasts. Despite being so far inland, Winnipeg is still
easily recognizable as a western city with its skyline and
architecturally diverse streets.
• In the north of Manitoba, Churchill, on the shore of
Hudson Bay, draws interest from around the world with
its unique wildlife including Polar Bears that often
wander down the streets of the town. With no roads this
far north, most people arrive by plane or the more
adventurous take the train from Winnipeg which takes
about 35 hours.

New Brunswick
• The heavily forested maritime province of New
Brunswick lies between Nova Scotia and Quebec.
• The Saint John River valley runs south along the west of
the province through the industrial city of Saint John into
the Bay of Fundy. Here the world’s highest tides are very
apparent, especially at the Reversing Falls where the tide
change is so dramatic it causes rapids in the river mouth
which change direction with the tide.
• Monkton is the gateway to both Prince Edward Island
and Nova Scotia making it a popular transport stop over.
• Most of the north of the province is mountainous while
the south and along the Saint John River, farming and
pastoral lands occupy much of the dramatic views

Newfoundland and
• Canada’s most easterly province Newfoundland
(pronounced "new-fun-land") and Labrador consists of
two main entities. The Island of Newfoundland, which is
the home to the provincial capital St John’s. The other
entity is Labrador, north of Newfoundland.
• Most of the population of the province lis in the far more
accessible Newfoundland. The inland areas are heavily
forested with peat bogs and lakes, where as the
shorelines are spotted with towns.
• St John’s is the oldest city in North America yet the
province was the last to join the to Canadian
Confederation as late as 1949. A reminder to how ‘new’
Canada is as a country.

Northwest Territories
• The Northwest Territories is covered by artic tundra,
mountains and forests. The population is spread across
the huge, vast areas but most is concentrated in the
• Yellowknife is essentially a government town but
contains the territory's commercial and service centre as
well as being one of the few places north of the Arctic
Circle that attract tourists regularly


Nova Scotia
• When you are in Nova Scotia everything is a reminder
about how the sea influences the province and it’s
people. Although not an Island, Nova Scotia is
surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean with only 45km wide
connection to the rest of Canada. Where ever you are in
Nova Scotia, you are never further than 56km from the
• Most of the province is covered in dense forest and
gentle rolling hills. The Bay of Fundy on the west coast
has the world’s highest tides.
• Cape Breton in the north is a large island that accounts
for about one fifth of the landmass in Nova Scotia. The
mountains here are more rugged and reminiscent of the
Scottish Highlands.
• Halifax is the Capital of Nova Scotia.

• On the 1st of April 1999, the dream of many Inuit people
was finally realized with the creation of the newest
province, Nunavut. One of the most sparsely populated
areas in the world, Nunavut reaches from northern
Manitoba and Quebec to the North Pole. Most of the
population speak the native language Inuktitut.
• Iqualuit is the governing town of the province.
Temperatures rarely rise above freezing and in summer 8
degrees is the highest average temperature. With a
population of just 4000 Iqaluit is the smallest city in
Canada and also one of the hardest to access any time of
the year. Located on Baffin Island, air is the only realistic
way to gain entry to this expensive and extraordinary


The centrally located province of Ontario is home to the Great
Lakes, Hudson Bay, Niagara Falls, Algonquin Provincial Park and
many architectural masterpieces such as the CN Tower, Sky
Dome, and many of the national parliament buildings in the
capital city of Ottawa.
Toronto, the most popular city to visit in Canada and the largest
city in the country is also the provincial capital. Located on Lake
Ontario, one of the Great Lakes, Toronto is the technology
capital and home of the CN Tower, the world’s tallest man-made
In the east of Ontario, Ottawa sits on the south bank of the
Ottawa River, with the twin city of Hull on the north bank in the
province of Quebec. Around the gothic parliament buildings you
can often find traditionally dressed Royal Canadian Mounted
Police officers.

• Canada’s smallest province known simply as PEI is linked
to the mainland by the Confederation Bridge and at 13km
in length it is the world’s longest. Prince Edward Island is
an area in which the residents have fought hard to keep
the way it was when it was first inhabited by westerners.
• There is not a lot to do but the beautiful scenery makes
up for it all. Every area of the island is easily accessible
by the many roads that crisscross the pastoral


The heart of French Canada, where English is considered
a distant second language, Quebec (pronounced
‘KebEck’) is unlike anywhere else in North America. The
culture, architecture, music, religion and way of life is
truly unique.
The capital of the province, Quebec City, has a very
noticeable European feel to it. Modern buildings are few
and far between, but the impressive design of the walled
city is quite overwhelming in it’s location on a hill on the
side of the Saint Lawrence River.
In Montreal (pronounced ‘Mor’E’Al) English and French
are spoken side by side. Being served at a shop or
restaurant, you never know which language the person
will speak. Over 40% of Quebec’s population live here
making it the second largest French speaking city in the
world. The Bi-Lingual status of Montreal makes for a
decidedly different air to other Canadian cities. Most of
the downtown of this Olympic city can be accessed by
underground malls that consist of over 40km of passages
lined with shops and restaurants, linked by malls and the
popular Paris style Metro.

• The home of the roaming North American Prairie Bison,
Saskatchewan is located in the heart of the plains. With
rolling farm fields and grasslands, the scenery feels
endless. Despite this, there are more than 100,000 lakes
spread across the province.
• Regina is the southerly located capital and like many
provincial capitals in Canada, Regina is a small, quiet
city of under 185,000 residents that pretty much closes
after the sun sets. Despite this, Regina is the
commercial, financial and industrial hub of the province.
• The clean, wide streets and low skyline surrounded by
wheat fields give Saskatoon a different feels to it.
Saskatoon is smack in the middle of the Prairies and
traveling to and from the city, this fact is very apparent.
The city spans the South Saskatchewan River, with the
downtown area located on the north shores linked to the
south by seven bridges.

Yukon territory
• Wedged between Alaska and the Northwest Territories
on each side, Yukon Territory is bounded by British
Columbia, to the south and the Arctic Ocean to the north.
The Yukon is one of the easiest places north of the arctic
circle to access, however, it is not all that does not mean
it is simple.
• The only city in the territory, Whitehorse is in the south
of the territory and can be accessed by roads but these
roads deteriorate rapidly the further north they go. With
only 20,000 residents, nearly everyone in the territory
lives in Whitehorse. Despite the population size, the city
limits cover 421 sq km making it the largest urban
designated areas in Canada. The central downtown area
of the city is very small but the residents are spread
across this large area giving them plenty of space to live.

• Websites

www. canadatravelguide.info/provinces/manitoba.asp
www. canadianstudies.ab.ca

Slide 4

5/6 Walker
Due Monday Dec.15/03

• In the early 1500s, Jacques Cartier used a First Nations
word for village, “kanata”, to refer to the country he had
encountered. European map makers later used “Canada”
as a name for all the land north of the St. Lawrence River.
Canada was home to aboriginal peoples for thousands of
years before the arrival of the Europeans, and so it's
appropriate that our name should come from their

• The origin and meaning of the name Canada has been a
matter of surmise since the arrival of the first explorer.
Jacques Cartier, reporting on his 1535-36 voyage, noted
that "kanata" was an Iroquois word meaning town, or
cluster of dwellings. Other reports have it that early
Spanish or Portuguese explorers, disappointed in not
finding gold or other riches, derided the country as
Canada. Yet others have ascribed the word to Latin or
Sanskrit. The weight of opinion to date, however, favors
the Aboriginal origin noted in Cartier's report. Whatever
the source, the Constitution Act, 1867, Canada's original
constitution, announced that the name of the new
dominion would be . . . Canada.

• In 28,000 B.C the first residents of what now is Canada
arrived over the Bering Strait.
• In 8000 B.C. Most parts of Southern Canada has been
occupied by "Indians.
• in 5000 B.C. Petroglyphs made in what is now
northwestern Ontario.
• In 3000 B.C. A human face is carved into the surface of a
rock in what is now southwestern Québec. It is a called
• In 2000 B.C. Pre-Dorset Inuit people migrate through the
Bering Strait into what is now the Northwest Territories.
They bring carefully crafted artifacts such as harpoon
heads and lances.

• In April, 1/1999 the internal borders of Canada following
the creation of Nunavut, which was established in 1993
and officially came into being in April 1999. The new
territory is the biggest change in Canada’s boundaries
since Newfoundland joined Confederation in 1949.
• The federal government of Winnipeg needed general
maps of regions newly opened up to settlement and
decided to produce maps at a scale of one inch to three
miles (1:190 080). The maps were easy to produce using
existing information. In all, 134 such maps were

Canada Facts

9,976,140 sq km (3,851,788 sq miles)
31,413,990 (July 2002)
Capital (population):
Ottawa (1,128,900)
Federal multiparty constitutional monarchy

county's Groups:

British 34%, French 26%, German 4%, Italian 3%, Ukrainian 2%,
Native American (Amerindian/Inuit) 1.5%, Chinese 1%
English and French (both official)

• Religions:
Christianity (Roman Catholic 47%, Protestant 41%),
Judaism, Islam, Hinduism
• Currency:
Canadian dollar = 100 cents


Only in the past hundred years has Alberta seen people settle,
before that the province was primarily uninhabited wilderness.
Today, Alberta is home to two of Canada’s largest cities (Calgary
and Edmonton) and is covered by huge wheat fields, cattle
Edmonton is spread out along the winding North Saskatchewan
River and ranches and mineral and fossil fuel mines. Alberta sits
on the western side of the Prairies, and the Rocky Mountains
rise from the flat lands on the west of the province .
Calgary is home to many of Canada’s national corporations,
second only to Toronto. The office lined streets are ranked as
the cleanest in the world. The provincial capital’s rising
population of over 800,000 people draws in the tourists from
across the world. Banff and the Rocky Mountains are visible to
the west of the city.
Edmonton attracts tourists due to its proximity to Jasper and the
Rockies. Despite many of the city’s attractions and points of
interest, the most famous part to Edmonton is the West
Edmonton Mall, the world’s largest mall, and it is massive! The
mall covers over 48 hectares and contains nearly 1000 stores
and many other attractions such as a huge water park,
amusement parks, Deep Sea environments, themed streets and
so much more.

British Columbia
• Simply known as BC, British Columbia contains some of
the most varied and spectacular scenery in the world. To
the east are the Rocky Mountains, to the north are many
lakes, forests, there is a small desert in the south and
the west of the province lies along the Pacific Ocean
coast. Heavily influenced from California, which is easier
to access than the rest of Canada, British Columbians
live a different lifestyle to the rest of Canada.
• One of the most spectacularly scenic cities in Canada,
Vancouver is nestled between the sea and the mountains
in the very south west of the province. As one of the
most cosmopolitan cities in North America, Vancouver is
home to many new immigrants is easily the third largest
city in Canada (behind Toronto and Montreal.)

• Heading west towards the Prairies, Manitoba is the
gateway province filled with lakes and National Parkland.
• Winnipeg, like many Canadian cities, is located in the
south of the province and lies halfway between the
coasts. Despite being so far inland, Winnipeg is still
easily recognizable as a western city with its skyline and
architecturally diverse streets.
• In the north of Manitoba, Churchill, on the shore of
Hudson Bay, draws interest from around the world with
its unique wildlife including Polar Bears that often
wander down the streets of the town. With no roads this
far north, most people arrive by plane or the more
adventurous take the train from Winnipeg which takes
about 35 hours.

New Brunswick
• The heavily forested maritime province of New
Brunswick lies between Nova Scotia and Quebec.
• The Saint John River valley runs south along the west of
the province through the industrial city of Saint John into
the Bay of Fundy. Here the world’s highest tides are very
apparent, especially at the Reversing Falls where the tide
change is so dramatic it causes rapids in the river mouth
which change direction with the tide.
• Monkton is the gateway to both Prince Edward Island
and Nova Scotia making it a popular transport stop over.
• Most of the north of the province is mountainous while
the south and along the Saint John River, farming and
pastoral lands occupy much of the dramatic views

Newfoundland and
• Canada’s most easterly province Newfoundland
(pronounced "new-fun-land") and Labrador consists of
two main entities. The Island of Newfoundland, which is
the home to the provincial capital St John’s. The other
entity is Labrador, north of Newfoundland.
• Most of the population of the province lis in the far more
accessible Newfoundland. The inland areas are heavily
forested with peat bogs and lakes, where as the
shorelines are spotted with towns.
• St John’s is the oldest city in North America yet the
province was the last to join the to Canadian
Confederation as late as 1949. A reminder to how ‘new’
Canada is as a country.

Northwest Territories
• The Northwest Territories is covered by artic tundra,
mountains and forests. The population is spread across
the huge, vast areas but most is concentrated in the
• Yellowknife is essentially a government town but
contains the territory's commercial and service centre as
well as being one of the few places north of the Arctic
Circle that attract tourists regularly


Nova Scotia
• When you are in Nova Scotia everything is a reminder
about how the sea influences the province and it’s
people. Although not an Island, Nova Scotia is
surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean with only 45km wide
connection to the rest of Canada. Where ever you are in
Nova Scotia, you are never further than 56km from the
• Most of the province is covered in dense forest and
gentle rolling hills. The Bay of Fundy on the west coast
has the world’s highest tides.
• Cape Breton in the north is a large island that accounts
for about one fifth of the landmass in Nova Scotia. The
mountains here are more rugged and reminiscent of the
Scottish Highlands.
• Halifax is the Capital of Nova Scotia.

• On the 1st of April 1999, the dream of many Inuit people
was finally realized with the creation of the newest
province, Nunavut. One of the most sparsely populated
areas in the world, Nunavut reaches from northern
Manitoba and Quebec to the North Pole. Most of the
population speak the native language Inuktitut.
• Iqualuit is the governing town of the province.
Temperatures rarely rise above freezing and in summer 8
degrees is the highest average temperature. With a
population of just 4000 Iqaluit is the smallest city in
Canada and also one of the hardest to access any time of
the year. Located on Baffin Island, air is the only realistic
way to gain entry to this expensive and extraordinary


The centrally located province of Ontario is home to the Great
Lakes, Hudson Bay, Niagara Falls, Algonquin Provincial Park and
many architectural masterpieces such as the CN Tower, Sky
Dome, and many of the national parliament buildings in the
capital city of Ottawa.
Toronto, the most popular city to visit in Canada and the largest
city in the country is also the provincial capital. Located on Lake
Ontario, one of the Great Lakes, Toronto is the technology
capital and home of the CN Tower, the world’s tallest man-made
In the east of Ontario, Ottawa sits on the south bank of the
Ottawa River, with the twin city of Hull on the north bank in the
province of Quebec. Around the gothic parliament buildings you
can often find traditionally dressed Royal Canadian Mounted
Police officers.

• Canada’s smallest province known simply as PEI is linked
to the mainland by the Confederation Bridge and at 13km
in length it is the world’s longest. Prince Edward Island is
an area in which the residents have fought hard to keep
the way it was when it was first inhabited by westerners.
• There is not a lot to do but the beautiful scenery makes
up for it all. Every area of the island is easily accessible
by the many roads that crisscross the pastoral


The heart of French Canada, where English is considered
a distant second language, Quebec (pronounced
‘KebEck’) is unlike anywhere else in North America. The
culture, architecture, music, religion and way of life is
truly unique.
The capital of the province, Quebec City, has a very
noticeable European feel to it. Modern buildings are few
and far between, but the impressive design of the walled
city is quite overwhelming in it’s location on a hill on the
side of the Saint Lawrence River.
In Montreal (pronounced ‘Mor’E’Al) English and French
are spoken side by side. Being served at a shop or
restaurant, you never know which language the person
will speak. Over 40% of Quebec’s population live here
making it the second largest French speaking city in the
world. The Bi-Lingual status of Montreal makes for a
decidedly different air to other Canadian cities. Most of
the downtown of this Olympic city can be accessed by
underground malls that consist of over 40km of passages
lined with shops and restaurants, linked by malls and the
popular Paris style Metro.

• The home of the roaming North American Prairie Bison,
Saskatchewan is located in the heart of the plains. With
rolling farm fields and grasslands, the scenery feels
endless. Despite this, there are more than 100,000 lakes
spread across the province.
• Regina is the southerly located capital and like many
provincial capitals in Canada, Regina is a small, quiet
city of under 185,000 residents that pretty much closes
after the sun sets. Despite this, Regina is the
commercial, financial and industrial hub of the province.
• The clean, wide streets and low skyline surrounded by
wheat fields give Saskatoon a different feels to it.
Saskatoon is smack in the middle of the Prairies and
traveling to and from the city, this fact is very apparent.
The city spans the South Saskatchewan River, with the
downtown area located on the north shores linked to the
south by seven bridges.

Yukon territory
• Wedged between Alaska and the Northwest Territories
on each side, Yukon Territory is bounded by British
Columbia, to the south and the Arctic Ocean to the north.
The Yukon is one of the easiest places north of the arctic
circle to access, however, it is not all that does not mean
it is simple.
• The only city in the territory, Whitehorse is in the south
of the territory and can be accessed by roads but these
roads deteriorate rapidly the further north they go. With
only 20,000 residents, nearly everyone in the territory
lives in Whitehorse. Despite the population size, the city
limits cover 421 sq km making it the largest urban
designated areas in Canada. The central downtown area
of the city is very small but the residents are spread
across this large area giving them plenty of space to live.

• Websites

www. canadatravelguide.info/provinces/manitoba.asp
www. canadianstudies.ab.ca

Slide 5

5/6 Walker
Due Monday Dec.15/03

• In the early 1500s, Jacques Cartier used a First Nations
word for village, “kanata”, to refer to the country he had
encountered. European map makers later used “Canada”
as a name for all the land north of the St. Lawrence River.
Canada was home to aboriginal peoples for thousands of
years before the arrival of the Europeans, and so it's
appropriate that our name should come from their

• The origin and meaning of the name Canada has been a
matter of surmise since the arrival of the first explorer.
Jacques Cartier, reporting on his 1535-36 voyage, noted
that "kanata" was an Iroquois word meaning town, or
cluster of dwellings. Other reports have it that early
Spanish or Portuguese explorers, disappointed in not
finding gold or other riches, derided the country as
Canada. Yet others have ascribed the word to Latin or
Sanskrit. The weight of opinion to date, however, favors
the Aboriginal origin noted in Cartier's report. Whatever
the source, the Constitution Act, 1867, Canada's original
constitution, announced that the name of the new
dominion would be . . . Canada.

• In 28,000 B.C the first residents of what now is Canada
arrived over the Bering Strait.
• In 8000 B.C. Most parts of Southern Canada has been
occupied by "Indians.
• in 5000 B.C. Petroglyphs made in what is now
northwestern Ontario.
• In 3000 B.C. A human face is carved into the surface of a
rock in what is now southwestern Québec. It is a called
• In 2000 B.C. Pre-Dorset Inuit people migrate through the
Bering Strait into what is now the Northwest Territories.
They bring carefully crafted artifacts such as harpoon
heads and lances.

• In April, 1/1999 the internal borders of Canada following
the creation of Nunavut, which was established in 1993
and officially came into being in April 1999. The new
territory is the biggest change in Canada’s boundaries
since Newfoundland joined Confederation in 1949.
• The federal government of Winnipeg needed general
maps of regions newly opened up to settlement and
decided to produce maps at a scale of one inch to three
miles (1:190 080). The maps were easy to produce using
existing information. In all, 134 such maps were

Canada Facts

9,976,140 sq km (3,851,788 sq miles)
31,413,990 (July 2002)
Capital (population):
Ottawa (1,128,900)
Federal multiparty constitutional monarchy

county's Groups:

British 34%, French 26%, German 4%, Italian 3%, Ukrainian 2%,
Native American (Amerindian/Inuit) 1.5%, Chinese 1%
English and French (both official)

• Religions:
Christianity (Roman Catholic 47%, Protestant 41%),
Judaism, Islam, Hinduism
• Currency:
Canadian dollar = 100 cents


Only in the past hundred years has Alberta seen people settle,
before that the province was primarily uninhabited wilderness.
Today, Alberta is home to two of Canada’s largest cities (Calgary
and Edmonton) and is covered by huge wheat fields, cattle
Edmonton is spread out along the winding North Saskatchewan
River and ranches and mineral and fossil fuel mines. Alberta sits
on the western side of the Prairies, and the Rocky Mountains
rise from the flat lands on the west of the province .
Calgary is home to many of Canada’s national corporations,
second only to Toronto. The office lined streets are ranked as
the cleanest in the world. The provincial capital’s rising
population of over 800,000 people draws in the tourists from
across the world. Banff and the Rocky Mountains are visible to
the west of the city.
Edmonton attracts tourists due to its proximity to Jasper and the
Rockies. Despite many of the city’s attractions and points of
interest, the most famous part to Edmonton is the West
Edmonton Mall, the world’s largest mall, and it is massive! The
mall covers over 48 hectares and contains nearly 1000 stores
and many other attractions such as a huge water park,
amusement parks, Deep Sea environments, themed streets and
so much more.

British Columbia
• Simply known as BC, British Columbia contains some of
the most varied and spectacular scenery in the world. To
the east are the Rocky Mountains, to the north are many
lakes, forests, there is a small desert in the south and
the west of the province lies along the Pacific Ocean
coast. Heavily influenced from California, which is easier
to access than the rest of Canada, British Columbians
live a different lifestyle to the rest of Canada.
• One of the most spectacularly scenic cities in Canada,
Vancouver is nestled between the sea and the mountains
in the very south west of the province. As one of the
most cosmopolitan cities in North America, Vancouver is
home to many new immigrants is easily the third largest
city in Canada (behind Toronto and Montreal.)

• Heading west towards the Prairies, Manitoba is the
gateway province filled with lakes and National Parkland.
• Winnipeg, like many Canadian cities, is located in the
south of the province and lies halfway between the
coasts. Despite being so far inland, Winnipeg is still
easily recognizable as a western city with its skyline and
architecturally diverse streets.
• In the north of Manitoba, Churchill, on the shore of
Hudson Bay, draws interest from around the world with
its unique wildlife including Polar Bears that often
wander down the streets of the town. With no roads this
far north, most people arrive by plane or the more
adventurous take the train from Winnipeg which takes
about 35 hours.

New Brunswick
• The heavily forested maritime province of New
Brunswick lies between Nova Scotia and Quebec.
• The Saint John River valley runs south along the west of
the province through the industrial city of Saint John into
the Bay of Fundy. Here the world’s highest tides are very
apparent, especially at the Reversing Falls where the tide
change is so dramatic it causes rapids in the river mouth
which change direction with the tide.
• Monkton is the gateway to both Prince Edward Island
and Nova Scotia making it a popular transport stop over.
• Most of the north of the province is mountainous while
the south and along the Saint John River, farming and
pastoral lands occupy much of the dramatic views

Newfoundland and
• Canada’s most easterly province Newfoundland
(pronounced "new-fun-land") and Labrador consists of
two main entities. The Island of Newfoundland, which is
the home to the provincial capital St John’s. The other
entity is Labrador, north of Newfoundland.
• Most of the population of the province lis in the far more
accessible Newfoundland. The inland areas are heavily
forested with peat bogs and lakes, where as the
shorelines are spotted with towns.
• St John’s is the oldest city in North America yet the
province was the last to join the to Canadian
Confederation as late as 1949. A reminder to how ‘new’
Canada is as a country.

Northwest Territories
• The Northwest Territories is covered by artic tundra,
mountains and forests. The population is spread across
the huge, vast areas but most is concentrated in the
• Yellowknife is essentially a government town but
contains the territory's commercial and service centre as
well as being one of the few places north of the Arctic
Circle that attract tourists regularly


Nova Scotia
• When you are in Nova Scotia everything is a reminder
about how the sea influences the province and it’s
people. Although not an Island, Nova Scotia is
surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean with only 45km wide
connection to the rest of Canada. Where ever you are in
Nova Scotia, you are never further than 56km from the
• Most of the province is covered in dense forest and
gentle rolling hills. The Bay of Fundy on the west coast
has the world’s highest tides.
• Cape Breton in the north is a large island that accounts
for about one fifth of the landmass in Nova Scotia. The
mountains here are more rugged and reminiscent of the
Scottish Highlands.
• Halifax is the Capital of Nova Scotia.

• On the 1st of April 1999, the dream of many Inuit people
was finally realized with the creation of the newest
province, Nunavut. One of the most sparsely populated
areas in the world, Nunavut reaches from northern
Manitoba and Quebec to the North Pole. Most of the
population speak the native language Inuktitut.
• Iqualuit is the governing town of the province.
Temperatures rarely rise above freezing and in summer 8
degrees is the highest average temperature. With a
population of just 4000 Iqaluit is the smallest city in
Canada and also one of the hardest to access any time of
the year. Located on Baffin Island, air is the only realistic
way to gain entry to this expensive and extraordinary


The centrally located province of Ontario is home to the Great
Lakes, Hudson Bay, Niagara Falls, Algonquin Provincial Park and
many architectural masterpieces such as the CN Tower, Sky
Dome, and many of the national parliament buildings in the
capital city of Ottawa.
Toronto, the most popular city to visit in Canada and the largest
city in the country is also the provincial capital. Located on Lake
Ontario, one of the Great Lakes, Toronto is the technology
capital and home of the CN Tower, the world’s tallest man-made
In the east of Ontario, Ottawa sits on the south bank of the
Ottawa River, with the twin city of Hull on the north bank in the
province of Quebec. Around the gothic parliament buildings you
can often find traditionally dressed Royal Canadian Mounted
Police officers.

• Canada’s smallest province known simply as PEI is linked
to the mainland by the Confederation Bridge and at 13km
in length it is the world’s longest. Prince Edward Island is
an area in which the residents have fought hard to keep
the way it was when it was first inhabited by westerners.
• There is not a lot to do but the beautiful scenery makes
up for it all. Every area of the island is easily accessible
by the many roads that crisscross the pastoral


The heart of French Canada, where English is considered
a distant second language, Quebec (pronounced
‘KebEck’) is unlike anywhere else in North America. The
culture, architecture, music, religion and way of life is
truly unique.
The capital of the province, Quebec City, has a very
noticeable European feel to it. Modern buildings are few
and far between, but the impressive design of the walled
city is quite overwhelming in it’s location on a hill on the
side of the Saint Lawrence River.
In Montreal (pronounced ‘Mor’E’Al) English and French
are spoken side by side. Being served at a shop or
restaurant, you never know which language the person
will speak. Over 40% of Quebec’s population live here
making it the second largest French speaking city in the
world. The Bi-Lingual status of Montreal makes for a
decidedly different air to other Canadian cities. Most of
the downtown of this Olympic city can be accessed by
underground malls that consist of over 40km of passages
lined with shops and restaurants, linked by malls and the
popular Paris style Metro.

• The home of the roaming North American Prairie Bison,
Saskatchewan is located in the heart of the plains. With
rolling farm fields and grasslands, the scenery feels
endless. Despite this, there are more than 100,000 lakes
spread across the province.
• Regina is the southerly located capital and like many
provincial capitals in Canada, Regina is a small, quiet
city of under 185,000 residents that pretty much closes
after the sun sets. Despite this, Regina is the
commercial, financial and industrial hub of the province.
• The clean, wide streets and low skyline surrounded by
wheat fields give Saskatoon a different feels to it.
Saskatoon is smack in the middle of the Prairies and
traveling to and from the city, this fact is very apparent.
The city spans the South Saskatchewan River, with the
downtown area located on the north shores linked to the
south by seven bridges.

Yukon territory
• Wedged between Alaska and the Northwest Territories
on each side, Yukon Territory is bounded by British
Columbia, to the south and the Arctic Ocean to the north.
The Yukon is one of the easiest places north of the arctic
circle to access, however, it is not all that does not mean
it is simple.
• The only city in the territory, Whitehorse is in the south
of the territory and can be accessed by roads but these
roads deteriorate rapidly the further north they go. With
only 20,000 residents, nearly everyone in the territory
lives in Whitehorse. Despite the population size, the city
limits cover 421 sq km making it the largest urban
designated areas in Canada. The central downtown area
of the city is very small but the residents are spread
across this large area giving them plenty of space to live.

• Websites

www. canadatravelguide.info/provinces/manitoba.asp
www. canadianstudies.ab.ca

Slide 6

5/6 Walker
Due Monday Dec.15/03

• In the early 1500s, Jacques Cartier used a First Nations
word for village, “kanata”, to refer to the country he had
encountered. European map makers later used “Canada”
as a name for all the land north of the St. Lawrence River.
Canada was home to aboriginal peoples for thousands of
years before the arrival of the Europeans, and so it's
appropriate that our name should come from their

• The origin and meaning of the name Canada has been a
matter of surmise since the arrival of the first explorer.
Jacques Cartier, reporting on his 1535-36 voyage, noted
that "kanata" was an Iroquois word meaning town, or
cluster of dwellings. Other reports have it that early
Spanish or Portuguese explorers, disappointed in not
finding gold or other riches, derided the country as
Canada. Yet others have ascribed the word to Latin or
Sanskrit. The weight of opinion to date, however, favors
the Aboriginal origin noted in Cartier's report. Whatever
the source, the Constitution Act, 1867, Canada's original
constitution, announced that the name of the new
dominion would be . . . Canada.

• In 28,000 B.C the first residents of what now is Canada
arrived over the Bering Strait.
• In 8000 B.C. Most parts of Southern Canada has been
occupied by "Indians.
• in 5000 B.C. Petroglyphs made in what is now
northwestern Ontario.
• In 3000 B.C. A human face is carved into the surface of a
rock in what is now southwestern Québec. It is a called
• In 2000 B.C. Pre-Dorset Inuit people migrate through the
Bering Strait into what is now the Northwest Territories.
They bring carefully crafted artifacts such as harpoon
heads and lances.

• In April, 1/1999 the internal borders of Canada following
the creation of Nunavut, which was established in 1993
and officially came into being in April 1999. The new
territory is the biggest change in Canada’s boundaries
since Newfoundland joined Confederation in 1949.
• The federal government of Winnipeg needed general
maps of regions newly opened up to settlement and
decided to produce maps at a scale of one inch to three
miles (1:190 080). The maps were easy to produce using
existing information. In all, 134 such maps were

Canada Facts

9,976,140 sq km (3,851,788 sq miles)
31,413,990 (July 2002)
Capital (population):
Ottawa (1,128,900)
Federal multiparty constitutional monarchy

county's Groups:

British 34%, French 26%, German 4%, Italian 3%, Ukrainian 2%,
Native American (Amerindian/Inuit) 1.5%, Chinese 1%
English and French (both official)

• Religions:
Christianity (Roman Catholic 47%, Protestant 41%),
Judaism, Islam, Hinduism
• Currency:
Canadian dollar = 100 cents


Only in the past hundred years has Alberta seen people settle,
before that the province was primarily uninhabited wilderness.
Today, Alberta is home to two of Canada’s largest cities (Calgary
and Edmonton) and is covered by huge wheat fields, cattle
Edmonton is spread out along the winding North Saskatchewan
River and ranches and mineral and fossil fuel mines. Alberta sits
on the western side of the Prairies, and the Rocky Mountains
rise from the flat lands on the west of the province .
Calgary is home to many of Canada’s national corporations,
second only to Toronto. The office lined streets are ranked as
the cleanest in the world. The provincial capital’s rising
population of over 800,000 people draws in the tourists from
across the world. Banff and the Rocky Mountains are visible to
the west of the city.
Edmonton attracts tourists due to its proximity to Jasper and the
Rockies. Despite many of the city’s attractions and points of
interest, the most famous part to Edmonton is the West
Edmonton Mall, the world’s largest mall, and it is massive! The
mall covers over 48 hectares and contains nearly 1000 stores
and many other attractions such as a huge water park,
amusement parks, Deep Sea environments, themed streets and
so much more.

British Columbia
• Simply known as BC, British Columbia contains some of
the most varied and spectacular scenery in the world. To
the east are the Rocky Mountains, to the north are many
lakes, forests, there is a small desert in the south and
the west of the province lies along the Pacific Ocean
coast. Heavily influenced from California, which is easier
to access than the rest of Canada, British Columbians
live a different lifestyle to the rest of Canada.
• One of the most spectacularly scenic cities in Canada,
Vancouver is nestled between the sea and the mountains
in the very south west of the province. As one of the
most cosmopolitan cities in North America, Vancouver is
home to many new immigrants is easily the third largest
city in Canada (behind Toronto and Montreal.)

• Heading west towards the Prairies, Manitoba is the
gateway province filled with lakes and National Parkland.
• Winnipeg, like many Canadian cities, is located in the
south of the province and lies halfway between the
coasts. Despite being so far inland, Winnipeg is still
easily recognizable as a western city with its skyline and
architecturally diverse streets.
• In the north of Manitoba, Churchill, on the shore of
Hudson Bay, draws interest from around the world with
its unique wildlife including Polar Bears that often
wander down the streets of the town. With no roads this
far north, most people arrive by plane or the more
adventurous take the train from Winnipeg which takes
about 35 hours.

New Brunswick
• The heavily forested maritime province of New
Brunswick lies between Nova Scotia and Quebec.
• The Saint John River valley runs south along the west of
the province through the industrial city of Saint John into
the Bay of Fundy. Here the world’s highest tides are very
apparent, especially at the Reversing Falls where the tide
change is so dramatic it causes rapids in the river mouth
which change direction with the tide.
• Monkton is the gateway to both Prince Edward Island
and Nova Scotia making it a popular transport stop over.
• Most of the north of the province is mountainous while
the south and along the Saint John River, farming and
pastoral lands occupy much of the dramatic views

Newfoundland and
• Canada’s most easterly province Newfoundland
(pronounced "new-fun-land") and Labrador consists of
two main entities. The Island of Newfoundland, which is
the home to the provincial capital St John’s. The other
entity is Labrador, north of Newfoundland.
• Most of the population of the province lis in the far more
accessible Newfoundland. The inland areas are heavily
forested with peat bogs and lakes, where as the
shorelines are spotted with towns.
• St John’s is the oldest city in North America yet the
province was the last to join the to Canadian
Confederation as late as 1949. A reminder to how ‘new’
Canada is as a country.

Northwest Territories
• The Northwest Territories is covered by artic tundra,
mountains and forests. The population is spread across
the huge, vast areas but most is concentrated in the
• Yellowknife is essentially a government town but
contains the territory's commercial and service centre as
well as being one of the few places north of the Arctic
Circle that attract tourists regularly


Nova Scotia
• When you are in Nova Scotia everything is a reminder
about how the sea influences the province and it’s
people. Although not an Island, Nova Scotia is
surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean with only 45km wide
connection to the rest of Canada. Where ever you are in
Nova Scotia, you are never further than 56km from the
• Most of the province is covered in dense forest and
gentle rolling hills. The Bay of Fundy on the west coast
has the world’s highest tides.
• Cape Breton in the north is a large island that accounts
for about one fifth of the landmass in Nova Scotia. The
mountains here are more rugged and reminiscent of the
Scottish Highlands.
• Halifax is the Capital of Nova Scotia.

• On the 1st of April 1999, the dream of many Inuit people
was finally realized with the creation of the newest
province, Nunavut. One of the most sparsely populated
areas in the world, Nunavut reaches from northern
Manitoba and Quebec to the North Pole. Most of the
population speak the native language Inuktitut.
• Iqualuit is the governing town of the province.
Temperatures rarely rise above freezing and in summer 8
degrees is the highest average temperature. With a
population of just 4000 Iqaluit is the smallest city in
Canada and also one of the hardest to access any time of
the year. Located on Baffin Island, air is the only realistic
way to gain entry to this expensive and extraordinary


The centrally located province of Ontario is home to the Great
Lakes, Hudson Bay, Niagara Falls, Algonquin Provincial Park and
many architectural masterpieces such as the CN Tower, Sky
Dome, and many of the national parliament buildings in the
capital city of Ottawa.
Toronto, the most popular city to visit in Canada and the largest
city in the country is also the provincial capital. Located on Lake
Ontario, one of the Great Lakes, Toronto is the technology
capital and home of the CN Tower, the world’s tallest man-made
In the east of Ontario, Ottawa sits on the south bank of the
Ottawa River, with the twin city of Hull on the north bank in the
province of Quebec. Around the gothic parliament buildings you
can often find traditionally dressed Royal Canadian Mounted
Police officers.

• Canada’s smallest province known simply as PEI is linked
to the mainland by the Confederation Bridge and at 13km
in length it is the world’s longest. Prince Edward Island is
an area in which the residents have fought hard to keep
the way it was when it was first inhabited by westerners.
• There is not a lot to do but the beautiful scenery makes
up for it all. Every area of the island is easily accessible
by the many roads that crisscross the pastoral


The heart of French Canada, where English is considered
a distant second language, Quebec (pronounced
‘KebEck’) is unlike anywhere else in North America. The
culture, architecture, music, religion and way of life is
truly unique.
The capital of the province, Quebec City, has a very
noticeable European feel to it. Modern buildings are few
and far between, but the impressive design of the walled
city is quite overwhelming in it’s location on a hill on the
side of the Saint Lawrence River.
In Montreal (pronounced ‘Mor’E’Al) English and French
are spoken side by side. Being served at a shop or
restaurant, you never know which language the person
will speak. Over 40% of Quebec’s population live here
making it the second largest French speaking city in the
world. The Bi-Lingual status of Montreal makes for a
decidedly different air to other Canadian cities. Most of
the downtown of this Olympic city can be accessed by
underground malls that consist of over 40km of passages
lined with shops and restaurants, linked by malls and the
popular Paris style Metro.

• The home of the roaming North American Prairie Bison,
Saskatchewan is located in the heart of the plains. With
rolling farm fields and grasslands, the scenery feels
endless. Despite this, there are more than 100,000 lakes
spread across the province.
• Regina is the southerly located capital and like many
provincial capitals in Canada, Regina is a small, quiet
city of under 185,000 residents that pretty much closes
after the sun sets. Despite this, Regina is the
commercial, financial and industrial hub of the province.
• The clean, wide streets and low skyline surrounded by
wheat fields give Saskatoon a different feels to it.
Saskatoon is smack in the middle of the Prairies and
traveling to and from the city, this fact is very apparent.
The city spans the South Saskatchewan River, with the
downtown area located on the north shores linked to the
south by seven bridges.

Yukon territory
• Wedged between Alaska and the Northwest Territories
on each side, Yukon Territory is bounded by British
Columbia, to the south and the Arctic Ocean to the north.
The Yukon is one of the easiest places north of the arctic
circle to access, however, it is not all that does not mean
it is simple.
• The only city in the territory, Whitehorse is in the south
of the territory and can be accessed by roads but these
roads deteriorate rapidly the further north they go. With
only 20,000 residents, nearly everyone in the territory
lives in Whitehorse. Despite the population size, the city
limits cover 421 sq km making it the largest urban
designated areas in Canada. The central downtown area
of the city is very small but the residents are spread
across this large area giving them plenty of space to live.

• Websites

www. canadatravelguide.info/provinces/manitoba.asp
www. canadianstudies.ab.ca

Slide 7

5/6 Walker
Due Monday Dec.15/03

• In the early 1500s, Jacques Cartier used a First Nations
word for village, “kanata”, to refer to the country he had
encountered. European map makers later used “Canada”
as a name for all the land north of the St. Lawrence River.
Canada was home to aboriginal peoples for thousands of
years before the arrival of the Europeans, and so it's
appropriate that our name should come from their

• The origin and meaning of the name Canada has been a
matter of surmise since the arrival of the first explorer.
Jacques Cartier, reporting on his 1535-36 voyage, noted
that "kanata" was an Iroquois word meaning town, or
cluster of dwellings. Other reports have it that early
Spanish or Portuguese explorers, disappointed in not
finding gold or other riches, derided the country as
Canada. Yet others have ascribed the word to Latin or
Sanskrit. The weight of opinion to date, however, favors
the Aboriginal origin noted in Cartier's report. Whatever
the source, the Constitution Act, 1867, Canada's original
constitution, announced that the name of the new
dominion would be . . . Canada.

• In 28,000 B.C the first residents of what now is Canada
arrived over the Bering Strait.
• In 8000 B.C. Most parts of Southern Canada has been
occupied by "Indians.
• in 5000 B.C. Petroglyphs made in what is now
northwestern Ontario.
• In 3000 B.C. A human face is carved into the surface of a
rock in what is now southwestern Québec. It is a called
• In 2000 B.C. Pre-Dorset Inuit people migrate through the
Bering Strait into what is now the Northwest Territories.
They bring carefully crafted artifacts such as harpoon
heads and lances.

• In April, 1/1999 the internal borders of Canada following
the creation of Nunavut, which was established in 1993
and officially came into being in April 1999. The new
territory is the biggest change in Canada’s boundaries
since Newfoundland joined Confederation in 1949.
• The federal government of Winnipeg needed general
maps of regions newly opened up to settlement and
decided to produce maps at a scale of one inch to three
miles (1:190 080). The maps were easy to produce using
existing information. In all, 134 such maps were

Canada Facts

9,976,140 sq km (3,851,788 sq miles)
31,413,990 (July 2002)
Capital (population):
Ottawa (1,128,900)
Federal multiparty constitutional monarchy

county's Groups:

British 34%, French 26%, German 4%, Italian 3%, Ukrainian 2%,
Native American (Amerindian/Inuit) 1.5%, Chinese 1%
English and French (both official)

• Religions:
Christianity (Roman Catholic 47%, Protestant 41%),
Judaism, Islam, Hinduism
• Currency:
Canadian dollar = 100 cents


Only in the past hundred years has Alberta seen people settle,
before that the province was primarily uninhabited wilderness.
Today, Alberta is home to two of Canada’s largest cities (Calgary
and Edmonton) and is covered by huge wheat fields, cattle
Edmonton is spread out along the winding North Saskatchewan
River and ranches and mineral and fossil fuel mines. Alberta sits
on the western side of the Prairies, and the Rocky Mountains
rise from the flat lands on the west of the province .
Calgary is home to many of Canada’s national corporations,
second only to Toronto. The office lined streets are ranked as
the cleanest in the world. The provincial capital’s rising
population of over 800,000 people draws in the tourists from
across the world. Banff and the Rocky Mountains are visible to
the west of the city.
Edmonton attracts tourists due to its proximity to Jasper and the
Rockies. Despite many of the city’s attractions and points of
interest, the most famous part to Edmonton is the West
Edmonton Mall, the world’s largest mall, and it is massive! The
mall covers over 48 hectares and contains nearly 1000 stores
and many other attractions such as a huge water park,
amusement parks, Deep Sea environments, themed streets and
so much more.

British Columbia
• Simply known as BC, British Columbia contains some of
the most varied and spectacular scenery in the world. To
the east are the Rocky Mountains, to the north are many
lakes, forests, there is a small desert in the south and
the west of the province lies along the Pacific Ocean
coast. Heavily influenced from California, which is easier
to access than the rest of Canada, British Columbians
live a different lifestyle to the rest of Canada.
• One of the most spectacularly scenic cities in Canada,
Vancouver is nestled between the sea and the mountains
in the very south west of the province. As one of the
most cosmopolitan cities in North America, Vancouver is
home to many new immigrants is easily the third largest
city in Canada (behind Toronto and Montreal.)

• Heading west towards the Prairies, Manitoba is the
gateway province filled with lakes and National Parkland.
• Winnipeg, like many Canadian cities, is located in the
south of the province and lies halfway between the
coasts. Despite being so far inland, Winnipeg is still
easily recognizable as a western city with its skyline and
architecturally diverse streets.
• In the north of Manitoba, Churchill, on the shore of
Hudson Bay, draws interest from around the world with
its unique wildlife including Polar Bears that often
wander down the streets of the town. With no roads this
far north, most people arrive by plane or the more
adventurous take the train from Winnipeg which takes
about 35 hours.

New Brunswick
• The heavily forested maritime province of New
Brunswick lies between Nova Scotia and Quebec.
• The Saint John River valley runs south along the west of
the province through the industrial city of Saint John into
the Bay of Fundy. Here the world’s highest tides are very
apparent, especially at the Reversing Falls where the tide
change is so dramatic it causes rapids in the river mouth
which change direction with the tide.
• Monkton is the gateway to both Prince Edward Island
and Nova Scotia making it a popular transport stop over.
• Most of the north of the province is mountainous while
the south and along the Saint John River, farming and
pastoral lands occupy much of the dramatic views

Newfoundland and
• Canada’s most easterly province Newfoundland
(pronounced "new-fun-land") and Labrador consists of
two main entities. The Island of Newfoundland, which is
the home to the provincial capital St John’s. The other
entity is Labrador, north of Newfoundland.
• Most of the population of the province lis in the far more
accessible Newfoundland. The inland areas are heavily
forested with peat bogs and lakes, where as the
shorelines are spotted with towns.
• St John’s is the oldest city in North America yet the
province was the last to join the to Canadian
Confederation as late as 1949. A reminder to how ‘new’
Canada is as a country.

Northwest Territories
• The Northwest Territories is covered by artic tundra,
mountains and forests. The population is spread across
the huge, vast areas but most is concentrated in the
• Yellowknife is essentially a government town but
contains the territory's commercial and service centre as
well as being one of the few places north of the Arctic
Circle that attract tourists regularly


Nova Scotia
• When you are in Nova Scotia everything is a reminder
about how the sea influences the province and it’s
people. Although not an Island, Nova Scotia is
surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean with only 45km wide
connection to the rest of Canada. Where ever you are in
Nova Scotia, you are never further than 56km from the
• Most of the province is covered in dense forest and
gentle rolling hills. The Bay of Fundy on the west coast
has the world’s highest tides.
• Cape Breton in the north is a large island that accounts
for about one fifth of the landmass in Nova Scotia. The
mountains here are more rugged and reminiscent of the
Scottish Highlands.
• Halifax is the Capital of Nova Scotia.

• On the 1st of April 1999, the dream of many Inuit people
was finally realized with the creation of the newest
province, Nunavut. One of the most sparsely populated
areas in the world, Nunavut reaches from northern
Manitoba and Quebec to the North Pole. Most of the
population speak the native language Inuktitut.
• Iqualuit is the governing town of the province.
Temperatures rarely rise above freezing and in summer 8
degrees is the highest average temperature. With a
population of just 4000 Iqaluit is the smallest city in
Canada and also one of the hardest to access any time of
the year. Located on Baffin Island, air is the only realistic
way to gain entry to this expensive and extraordinary


The centrally located province of Ontario is home to the Great
Lakes, Hudson Bay, Niagara Falls, Algonquin Provincial Park and
many architectural masterpieces such as the CN Tower, Sky
Dome, and many of the national parliament buildings in the
capital city of Ottawa.
Toronto, the most popular city to visit in Canada and the largest
city in the country is also the provincial capital. Located on Lake
Ontario, one of the Great Lakes, Toronto is the technology
capital and home of the CN Tower, the world’s tallest man-made
In the east of Ontario, Ottawa sits on the south bank of the
Ottawa River, with the twin city of Hull on the north bank in the
province of Quebec. Around the gothic parliament buildings you
can often find traditionally dressed Royal Canadian Mounted
Police officers.

• Canada’s smallest province known simply as PEI is linked
to the mainland by the Confederation Bridge and at 13km
in length it is the world’s longest. Prince Edward Island is
an area in which the residents have fought hard to keep
the way it was when it was first inhabited by westerners.
• There is not a lot to do but the beautiful scenery makes
up for it all. Every area of the island is easily accessible
by the many roads that crisscross the pastoral


The heart of French Canada, where English is considered
a distant second language, Quebec (pronounced
‘KebEck’) is unlike anywhere else in North America. The
culture, architecture, music, religion and way of life is
truly unique.
The capital of the province, Quebec City, has a very
noticeable European feel to it. Modern buildings are few
and far between, but the impressive design of the walled
city is quite overwhelming in it’s location on a hill on the
side of the Saint Lawrence River.
In Montreal (pronounced ‘Mor’E’Al) English and French
are spoken side by side. Being served at a shop or
restaurant, you never know which language the person
will speak. Over 40% of Quebec’s population live here
making it the second largest French speaking city in the
world. The Bi-Lingual status of Montreal makes for a
decidedly different air to other Canadian cities. Most of
the downtown of this Olympic city can be accessed by
underground malls that consist of over 40km of passages
lined with shops and restaurants, linked by malls and the
popular Paris style Metro.

• The home of the roaming North American Prairie Bison,
Saskatchewan is located in the heart of the plains. With
rolling farm fields and grasslands, the scenery feels
endless. Despite this, there are more than 100,000 lakes
spread across the province.
• Regina is the southerly located capital and like many
provincial capitals in Canada, Regina is a small, quiet
city of under 185,000 residents that pretty much closes
after the sun sets. Despite this, Regina is the
commercial, financial and industrial hub of the province.
• The clean, wide streets and low skyline surrounded by
wheat fields give Saskatoon a different feels to it.
Saskatoon is smack in the middle of the Prairies and
traveling to and from the city, this fact is very apparent.
The city spans the South Saskatchewan River, with the
downtown area located on the north shores linked to the
south by seven bridges.

Yukon territory
• Wedged between Alaska and the Northwest Territories
on each side, Yukon Territory is bounded by British
Columbia, to the south and the Arctic Ocean to the north.
The Yukon is one of the easiest places north of the arctic
circle to access, however, it is not all that does not mean
it is simple.
• The only city in the territory, Whitehorse is in the south
of the territory and can be accessed by roads but these
roads deteriorate rapidly the further north they go. With
only 20,000 residents, nearly everyone in the territory
lives in Whitehorse. Despite the population size, the city
limits cover 421 sq km making it the largest urban
designated areas in Canada. The central downtown area
of the city is very small but the residents are spread
across this large area giving them plenty of space to live.

• Websites

www. canadatravelguide.info/provinces/manitoba.asp
www. canadianstudies.ab.ca

Slide 8

5/6 Walker
Due Monday Dec.15/03

• In the early 1500s, Jacques Cartier used a First Nations
word for village, “kanata”, to refer to the country he had
encountered. European map makers later used “Canada”
as a name for all the land north of the St. Lawrence River.
Canada was home to aboriginal peoples for thousands of
years before the arrival of the Europeans, and so it's
appropriate that our name should come from their

• The origin and meaning of the name Canada has been a
matter of surmise since the arrival of the first explorer.
Jacques Cartier, reporting on his 1535-36 voyage, noted
that "kanata" was an Iroquois word meaning town, or
cluster of dwellings. Other reports have it that early
Spanish or Portuguese explorers, disappointed in not
finding gold or other riches, derided the country as
Canada. Yet others have ascribed the word to Latin or
Sanskrit. The weight of opinion to date, however, favors
the Aboriginal origin noted in Cartier's report. Whatever
the source, the Constitution Act, 1867, Canada's original
constitution, announced that the name of the new
dominion would be . . . Canada.

• In 28,000 B.C the first residents of what now is Canada
arrived over the Bering Strait.
• In 8000 B.C. Most parts of Southern Canada has been
occupied by "Indians.
• in 5000 B.C. Petroglyphs made in what is now
northwestern Ontario.
• In 3000 B.C. A human face is carved into the surface of a
rock in what is now southwestern Québec. It is a called
• In 2000 B.C. Pre-Dorset Inuit people migrate through the
Bering Strait into what is now the Northwest Territories.
They bring carefully crafted artifacts such as harpoon
heads and lances.

• In April, 1/1999 the internal borders of Canada following
the creation of Nunavut, which was established in 1993
and officially came into being in April 1999. The new
territory is the biggest change in Canada’s boundaries
since Newfoundland joined Confederation in 1949.
• The federal government of Winnipeg needed general
maps of regions newly opened up to settlement and
decided to produce maps at a scale of one inch to three
miles (1:190 080). The maps were easy to produce using
existing information. In all, 134 such maps were

Canada Facts

9,976,140 sq km (3,851,788 sq miles)
31,413,990 (July 2002)
Capital (population):
Ottawa (1,128,900)
Federal multiparty constitutional monarchy

county's Groups:

British 34%, French 26%, German 4%, Italian 3%, Ukrainian 2%,
Native American (Amerindian/Inuit) 1.5%, Chinese 1%
English and French (both official)

• Religions:
Christianity (Roman Catholic 47%, Protestant 41%),
Judaism, Islam, Hinduism
• Currency:
Canadian dollar = 100 cents


Only in the past hundred years has Alberta seen people settle,
before that the province was primarily uninhabited wilderness.
Today, Alberta is home to two of Canada’s largest cities (Calgary
and Edmonton) and is covered by huge wheat fields, cattle
Edmonton is spread out along the winding North Saskatchewan
River and ranches and mineral and fossil fuel mines. Alberta sits
on the western side of the Prairies, and the Rocky Mountains
rise from the flat lands on the west of the province .
Calgary is home to many of Canada’s national corporations,
second only to Toronto. The office lined streets are ranked as
the cleanest in the world. The provincial capital’s rising
population of over 800,000 people draws in the tourists from
across the world. Banff and the Rocky Mountains are visible to
the west of the city.
Edmonton attracts tourists due to its proximity to Jasper and the
Rockies. Despite many of the city’s attractions and points of
interest, the most famous part to Edmonton is the West
Edmonton Mall, the world’s largest mall, and it is massive! The
mall covers over 48 hectares and contains nearly 1000 stores
and many other attractions such as a huge water park,
amusement parks, Deep Sea environments, themed streets and
so much more.

British Columbia
• Simply known as BC, British Columbia contains some of
the most varied and spectacular scenery in the world. To
the east are the Rocky Mountains, to the north are many
lakes, forests, there is a small desert in the south and
the west of the province lies along the Pacific Ocean
coast. Heavily influenced from California, which is easier
to access than the rest of Canada, British Columbians
live a different lifestyle to the rest of Canada.
• One of the most spectacularly scenic cities in Canada,
Vancouver is nestled between the sea and the mountains
in the very south west of the province. As one of the
most cosmopolitan cities in North America, Vancouver is
home to many new immigrants is easily the third largest
city in Canada (behind Toronto and Montreal.)

• Heading west towards the Prairies, Manitoba is the
gateway province filled with lakes and National Parkland.
• Winnipeg, like many Canadian cities, is located in the
south of the province and lies halfway between the
coasts. Despite being so far inland, Winnipeg is still
easily recognizable as a western city with its skyline and
architecturally diverse streets.
• In the north of Manitoba, Churchill, on the shore of
Hudson Bay, draws interest from around the world with
its unique wildlife including Polar Bears that often
wander down the streets of the town. With no roads this
far north, most people arrive by plane or the more
adventurous take the train from Winnipeg which takes
about 35 hours.

New Brunswick
• The heavily forested maritime province of New
Brunswick lies between Nova Scotia and Quebec.
• The Saint John River valley runs south along the west of
the province through the industrial city of Saint John into
the Bay of Fundy. Here the world’s highest tides are very
apparent, especially at the Reversing Falls where the tide
change is so dramatic it causes rapids in the river mouth
which change direction with the tide.
• Monkton is the gateway to both Prince Edward Island
and Nova Scotia making it a popular transport stop over.
• Most of the north of the province is mountainous while
the south and along the Saint John River, farming and
pastoral lands occupy much of the dramatic views

Newfoundland and
• Canada’s most easterly province Newfoundland
(pronounced "new-fun-land") and Labrador consists of
two main entities. The Island of Newfoundland, which is
the home to the provincial capital St John’s. The other
entity is Labrador, north of Newfoundland.
• Most of the population of the province lis in the far more
accessible Newfoundland. The inland areas are heavily
forested with peat bogs and lakes, where as the
shorelines are spotted with towns.
• St John’s is the oldest city in North America yet the
province was the last to join the to Canadian
Confederation as late as 1949. A reminder to how ‘new’
Canada is as a country.

Northwest Territories
• The Northwest Territories is covered by artic tundra,
mountains and forests. The population is spread across
the huge, vast areas but most is concentrated in the
• Yellowknife is essentially a government town but
contains the territory's commercial and service centre as
well as being one of the few places north of the Arctic
Circle that attract tourists regularly


Nova Scotia
• When you are in Nova Scotia everything is a reminder
about how the sea influences the province and it’s
people. Although not an Island, Nova Scotia is
surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean with only 45km wide
connection to the rest of Canada. Where ever you are in
Nova Scotia, you are never further than 56km from the
• Most of the province is covered in dense forest and
gentle rolling hills. The Bay of Fundy on the west coast
has the world’s highest tides.
• Cape Breton in the north is a large island that accounts
for about one fifth of the landmass in Nova Scotia. The
mountains here are more rugged and reminiscent of the
Scottish Highlands.
• Halifax is the Capital of Nova Scotia.

• On the 1st of April 1999, the dream of many Inuit people
was finally realized with the creation of the newest
province, Nunavut. One of the most sparsely populated
areas in the world, Nunavut reaches from northern
Manitoba and Quebec to the North Pole. Most of the
population speak the native language Inuktitut.
• Iqualuit is the governing town of the province.
Temperatures rarely rise above freezing and in summer 8
degrees is the highest average temperature. With a
population of just 4000 Iqaluit is the smallest city in
Canada and also one of the hardest to access any time of
the year. Located on Baffin Island, air is the only realistic
way to gain entry to this expensive and extraordinary


The centrally located province of Ontario is home to the Great
Lakes, Hudson Bay, Niagara Falls, Algonquin Provincial Park and
many architectural masterpieces such as the CN Tower, Sky
Dome, and many of the national parliament buildings in the
capital city of Ottawa.
Toronto, the most popular city to visit in Canada and the largest
city in the country is also the provincial capital. Located on Lake
Ontario, one of the Great Lakes, Toronto is the technology
capital and home of the CN Tower, the world’s tallest man-made
In the east of Ontario, Ottawa sits on the south bank of the
Ottawa River, with the twin city of Hull on the north bank in the
province of Quebec. Around the gothic parliament buildings you
can often find traditionally dressed Royal Canadian Mounted
Police officers.

• Canada’s smallest province known simply as PEI is linked
to the mainland by the Confederation Bridge and at 13km
in length it is the world’s longest. Prince Edward Island is
an area in which the residents have fought hard to keep
the way it was when it was first inhabited by westerners.
• There is not a lot to do but the beautiful scenery makes
up for it all. Every area of the island is easily accessible
by the many roads that crisscross the pastoral


The heart of French Canada, where English is considered
a distant second language, Quebec (pronounced
‘KebEck’) is unlike anywhere else in North America. The
culture, architecture, music, religion and way of life is
truly unique.
The capital of the province, Quebec City, has a very
noticeable European feel to it. Modern buildings are few
and far between, but the impressive design of the walled
city is quite overwhelming in it’s location on a hill on the
side of the Saint Lawrence River.
In Montreal (pronounced ‘Mor’E’Al) English and French
are spoken side by side. Being served at a shop or
restaurant, you never know which language the person
will speak. Over 40% of Quebec’s population live here
making it the second largest French speaking city in the
world. The Bi-Lingual status of Montreal makes for a
decidedly different air to other Canadian cities. Most of
the downtown of this Olympic city can be accessed by
underground malls that consist of over 40km of passages
lined with shops and restaurants, linked by malls and the
popular Paris style Metro.

• The home of the roaming North American Prairie Bison,
Saskatchewan is located in the heart of the plains. With
rolling farm fields and grasslands, the scenery feels
endless. Despite this, there are more than 100,000 lakes
spread across the province.
• Regina is the southerly located capital and like many
provincial capitals in Canada, Regina is a small, quiet
city of under 185,000 residents that pretty much closes
after the sun sets. Despite this, Regina is the
commercial, financial and industrial hub of the province.
• The clean, wide streets and low skyline surrounded by
wheat fields give Saskatoon a different feels to it.
Saskatoon is smack in the middle of the Prairies and
traveling to and from the city, this fact is very apparent.
The city spans the South Saskatchewan River, with the
downtown area located on the north shores linked to the
south by seven bridges.

Yukon territory
• Wedged between Alaska and the Northwest Territories
on each side, Yukon Territory is bounded by British
Columbia, to the south and the Arctic Ocean to the north.
The Yukon is one of the easiest places north of the arctic
circle to access, however, it is not all that does not mean
it is simple.
• The only city in the territory, Whitehorse is in the south
of the territory and can be accessed by roads but these
roads deteriorate rapidly the further north they go. With
only 20,000 residents, nearly everyone in the territory
lives in Whitehorse. Despite the population size, the city
limits cover 421 sq km making it the largest urban
designated areas in Canada. The central downtown area
of the city is very small but the residents are spread
across this large area giving them plenty of space to live.

• Websites

www. canadatravelguide.info/provinces/manitoba.asp
www. canadianstudies.ab.ca

Slide 9

5/6 Walker
Due Monday Dec.15/03

• In the early 1500s, Jacques Cartier used a First Nations
word for village, “kanata”, to refer to the country he had
encountered. European map makers later used “Canada”
as a name for all the land north of the St. Lawrence River.
Canada was home to aboriginal peoples for thousands of
years before the arrival of the Europeans, and so it's
appropriate that our name should come from their

• The origin and meaning of the name Canada has been a
matter of surmise since the arrival of the first explorer.
Jacques Cartier, reporting on his 1535-36 voyage, noted
that "kanata" was an Iroquois word meaning town, or
cluster of dwellings. Other reports have it that early
Spanish or Portuguese explorers, disappointed in not
finding gold or other riches, derided the country as
Canada. Yet others have ascribed the word to Latin or
Sanskrit. The weight of opinion to date, however, favors
the Aboriginal origin noted in Cartier's report. Whatever
the source, the Constitution Act, 1867, Canada's original
constitution, announced that the name of the new
dominion would be . . . Canada.

• In 28,000 B.C the first residents of what now is Canada
arrived over the Bering Strait.
• In 8000 B.C. Most parts of Southern Canada has been
occupied by "Indians.
• in 5000 B.C. Petroglyphs made in what is now
northwestern Ontario.
• In 3000 B.C. A human face is carved into the surface of a
rock in what is now southwestern Québec. It is a called
• In 2000 B.C. Pre-Dorset Inuit people migrate through the
Bering Strait into what is now the Northwest Territories.
They bring carefully crafted artifacts such as harpoon
heads and lances.

• In April, 1/1999 the internal borders of Canada following
the creation of Nunavut, which was established in 1993
and officially came into being in April 1999. The new
territory is the biggest change in Canada’s boundaries
since Newfoundland joined Confederation in 1949.
• The federal government of Winnipeg needed general
maps of regions newly opened up to settlement and
decided to produce maps at a scale of one inch to three
miles (1:190 080). The maps were easy to produce using
existing information. In all, 134 such maps were

Canada Facts

9,976,140 sq km (3,851,788 sq miles)
31,413,990 (July 2002)
Capital (population):
Ottawa (1,128,900)
Federal multiparty constitutional monarchy

county's Groups:

British 34%, French 26%, German 4%, Italian 3%, Ukrainian 2%,
Native American (Amerindian/Inuit) 1.5%, Chinese 1%
English and French (both official)

• Religions:
Christianity (Roman Catholic 47%, Protestant 41%),
Judaism, Islam, Hinduism
• Currency:
Canadian dollar = 100 cents


Only in the past hundred years has Alberta seen people settle,
before that the province was primarily uninhabited wilderness.
Today, Alberta is home to two of Canada’s largest cities (Calgary
and Edmonton) and is covered by huge wheat fields, cattle
Edmonton is spread out along the winding North Saskatchewan
River and ranches and mineral and fossil fuel mines. Alberta sits
on the western side of the Prairies, and the Rocky Mountains
rise from the flat lands on the west of the province .
Calgary is home to many of Canada’s national corporations,
second only to Toronto. The office lined streets are ranked as
the cleanest in the world. The provincial capital’s rising
population of over 800,000 people draws in the tourists from
across the world. Banff and the Rocky Mountains are visible to
the west of the city.
Edmonton attracts tourists due to its proximity to Jasper and the
Rockies. Despite many of the city’s attractions and points of
interest, the most famous part to Edmonton is the West
Edmonton Mall, the world’s largest mall, and it is massive! The
mall covers over 48 hectares and contains nearly 1000 stores
and many other attractions such as a huge water park,
amusement parks, Deep Sea environments, themed streets and
so much more.

British Columbia
• Simply known as BC, British Columbia contains some of
the most varied and spectacular scenery in the world. To
the east are the Rocky Mountains, to the north are many
lakes, forests, there is a small desert in the south and
the west of the province lies along the Pacific Ocean
coast. Heavily influenced from California, which is easier
to access than the rest of Canada, British Columbians
live a different lifestyle to the rest of Canada.
• One of the most spectacularly scenic cities in Canada,
Vancouver is nestled between the sea and the mountains
in the very south west of the province. As one of the
most cosmopolitan cities in North America, Vancouver is
home to many new immigrants is easily the third largest
city in Canada (behind Toronto and Montreal.)

• Heading west towards the Prairies, Manitoba is the
gateway province filled with lakes and National Parkland.
• Winnipeg, like many Canadian cities, is located in the
south of the province and lies halfway between the
coasts. Despite being so far inland, Winnipeg is still
easily recognizable as a western city with its skyline and
architecturally diverse streets.
• In the north of Manitoba, Churchill, on the shore of
Hudson Bay, draws interest from around the world with
its unique wildlife including Polar Bears that often
wander down the streets of the town. With no roads this
far north, most people arrive by plane or the more
adventurous take the train from Winnipeg which takes
about 35 hours.

New Brunswick
• The heavily forested maritime province of New
Brunswick lies between Nova Scotia and Quebec.
• The Saint John River valley runs south along the west of
the province through the industrial city of Saint John into
the Bay of Fundy. Here the world’s highest tides are very
apparent, especially at the Reversing Falls where the tide
change is so dramatic it causes rapids in the river mouth
which change direction with the tide.
• Monkton is the gateway to both Prince Edward Island
and Nova Scotia making it a popular transport stop over.
• Most of the north of the province is mountainous while
the south and along the Saint John River, farming and
pastoral lands occupy much of the dramatic views

Newfoundland and
• Canada’s most easterly province Newfoundland
(pronounced "new-fun-land") and Labrador consists of
two main entities. The Island of Newfoundland, which is
the home to the provincial capital St John’s. The other
entity is Labrador, north of Newfoundland.
• Most of the population of the province lis in the far more
accessible Newfoundland. The inland areas are heavily
forested with peat bogs and lakes, where as the
shorelines are spotted with towns.
• St John’s is the oldest city in North America yet the
province was the last to join the to Canadian
Confederation as late as 1949. A reminder to how ‘new’
Canada is as a country.

Northwest Territories
• The Northwest Territories is covered by artic tundra,
mountains and forests. The population is spread across
the huge, vast areas but most is concentrated in the
• Yellowknife is essentially a government town but
contains the territory's commercial and service centre as
well as being one of the few places north of the Arctic
Circle that attract tourists regularly


Nova Scotia
• When you are in Nova Scotia everything is a reminder
about how the sea influences the province and it’s
people. Although not an Island, Nova Scotia is
surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean with only 45km wide
connection to the rest of Canada. Where ever you are in
Nova Scotia, you are never further than 56km from the
• Most of the province is covered in dense forest and
gentle rolling hills. The Bay of Fundy on the west coast
has the world’s highest tides.
• Cape Breton in the north is a large island that accounts
for about one fifth of the landmass in Nova Scotia. The
mountains here are more rugged and reminiscent of the
Scottish Highlands.
• Halifax is the Capital of Nova Scotia.

• On the 1st of April 1999, the dream of many Inuit people
was finally realized with the creation of the newest
province, Nunavut. One of the most sparsely populated
areas in the world, Nunavut reaches from northern
Manitoba and Quebec to the North Pole. Most of the
population speak the native language Inuktitut.
• Iqualuit is the governing town of the province.
Temperatures rarely rise above freezing and in summer 8
degrees is the highest average temperature. With a
population of just 4000 Iqaluit is the smallest city in
Canada and also one of the hardest to access any time of
the year. Located on Baffin Island, air is the only realistic
way to gain entry to this expensive and extraordinary


The centrally located province of Ontario is home to the Great
Lakes, Hudson Bay, Niagara Falls, Algonquin Provincial Park and
many architectural masterpieces such as the CN Tower, Sky
Dome, and many of the national parliament buildings in the
capital city of Ottawa.
Toronto, the most popular city to visit in Canada and the largest
city in the country is also the provincial capital. Located on Lake
Ontario, one of the Great Lakes, Toronto is the technology
capital and home of the CN Tower, the world’s tallest man-made
In the east of Ontario, Ottawa sits on the south bank of the
Ottawa River, with the twin city of Hull on the north bank in the
province of Quebec. Around the gothic parliament buildings you
can often find traditionally dressed Royal Canadian Mounted
Police officers.

• Canada’s smallest province known simply as PEI is linked
to the mainland by the Confederation Bridge and at 13km
in length it is the world’s longest. Prince Edward Island is
an area in which the residents have fought hard to keep
the way it was when it was first inhabited by westerners.
• There is not a lot to do but the beautiful scenery makes
up for it all. Every area of the island is easily accessible
by the many roads that crisscross the pastoral


The heart of French Canada, where English is considered
a distant second language, Quebec (pronounced
‘KebEck’) is unlike anywhere else in North America. The
culture, architecture, music, religion and way of life is
truly unique.
The capital of the province, Quebec City, has a very
noticeable European feel to it. Modern buildings are few
and far between, but the impressive design of the walled
city is quite overwhelming in it’s location on a hill on the
side of the Saint Lawrence River.
In Montreal (pronounced ‘Mor’E’Al) English and French
are spoken side by side. Being served at a shop or
restaurant, you never know which language the person
will speak. Over 40% of Quebec’s population live here
making it the second largest French speaking city in the
world. The Bi-Lingual status of Montreal makes for a
decidedly different air to other Canadian cities. Most of
the downtown of this Olympic city can be accessed by
underground malls that consist of over 40km of passages
lined with shops and restaurants, linked by malls and the
popular Paris style Metro.

• The home of the roaming North American Prairie Bison,
Saskatchewan is located in the heart of the plains. With
rolling farm fields and grasslands, the scenery feels
endless. Despite this, there are more than 100,000 lakes
spread across the province.
• Regina is the southerly located capital and like many
provincial capitals in Canada, Regina is a small, quiet
city of under 185,000 residents that pretty much closes
after the sun sets. Despite this, Regina is the
commercial, financial and industrial hub of the province.
• The clean, wide streets and low skyline surrounded by
wheat fields give Saskatoon a different feels to it.
Saskatoon is smack in the middle of the Prairies and
traveling to and from the city, this fact is very apparent.
The city spans the South Saskatchewan River, with the
downtown area located on the north shores linked to the
south by seven bridges.

Yukon territory
• Wedged between Alaska and the Northwest Territories
on each side, Yukon Territory is bounded by British
Columbia, to the south and the Arctic Ocean to the north.
The Yukon is one of the easiest places north of the arctic
circle to access, however, it is not all that does not mean
it is simple.
• The only city in the territory, Whitehorse is in the south
of the territory and can be accessed by roads but these
roads deteriorate rapidly the further north they go. With
only 20,000 residents, nearly everyone in the territory
lives in Whitehorse. Despite the population size, the city
limits cover 421 sq km making it the largest urban
designated areas in Canada. The central downtown area
of the city is very small but the residents are spread
across this large area giving them plenty of space to live.

• Websites

www. canadatravelguide.info/provinces/manitoba.asp
www. canadianstudies.ab.ca

Slide 10

5/6 Walker
Due Monday Dec.15/03

• In the early 1500s, Jacques Cartier used a First Nations
word for village, “kanata”, to refer to the country he had
encountered. European map makers later used “Canada”
as a name for all the land north of the St. Lawrence River.
Canada was home to aboriginal peoples for thousands of
years before the arrival of the Europeans, and so it's
appropriate that our name should come from their

• The origin and meaning of the name Canada has been a
matter of surmise since the arrival of the first explorer.
Jacques Cartier, reporting on his 1535-36 voyage, noted
that "kanata" was an Iroquois word meaning town, or
cluster of dwellings. Other reports have it that early
Spanish or Portuguese explorers, disappointed in not
finding gold or other riches, derided the country as
Canada. Yet others have ascribed the word to Latin or
Sanskrit. The weight of opinion to date, however, favors
the Aboriginal origin noted in Cartier's report. Whatever
the source, the Constitution Act, 1867, Canada's original
constitution, announced that the name of the new
dominion would be . . . Canada.

• In 28,000 B.C the first residents of what now is Canada
arrived over the Bering Strait.
• In 8000 B.C. Most parts of Southern Canada has been
occupied by "Indians.
• in 5000 B.C. Petroglyphs made in what is now
northwestern Ontario.
• In 3000 B.C. A human face is carved into the surface of a
rock in what is now southwestern Québec. It is a called
• In 2000 B.C. Pre-Dorset Inuit people migrate through the
Bering Strait into what is now the Northwest Territories.
They bring carefully crafted artifacts such as harpoon
heads and lances.

• In April, 1/1999 the internal borders of Canada following
the creation of Nunavut, which was established in 1993
and officially came into being in April 1999. The new
territory is the biggest change in Canada’s boundaries
since Newfoundland joined Confederation in 1949.
• The federal government of Winnipeg needed general
maps of regions newly opened up to settlement and
decided to produce maps at a scale of one inch to three
miles (1:190 080). The maps were easy to produce using
existing information. In all, 134 such maps were

Canada Facts

9,976,140 sq km (3,851,788 sq miles)
31,413,990 (July 2002)
Capital (population):
Ottawa (1,128,900)
Federal multiparty constitutional monarchy

county's Groups:

British 34%, French 26%, German 4%, Italian 3%, Ukrainian 2%,
Native American (Amerindian/Inuit) 1.5%, Chinese 1%
English and French (both official)

• Religions:
Christianity (Roman Catholic 47%, Protestant 41%),
Judaism, Islam, Hinduism
• Currency:
Canadian dollar = 100 cents


Only in the past hundred years has Alberta seen people settle,
before that the province was primarily uninhabited wilderness.
Today, Alberta is home to two of Canada’s largest cities (Calgary
and Edmonton) and is covered by huge wheat fields, cattle
Edmonton is spread out along the winding North Saskatchewan
River and ranches and mineral and fossil fuel mines. Alberta sits
on the western side of the Prairies, and the Rocky Mountains
rise from the flat lands on the west of the province .
Calgary is home to many of Canada’s national corporations,
second only to Toronto. The office lined streets are ranked as
the cleanest in the world. The provincial capital’s rising
population of over 800,000 people draws in the tourists from
across the world. Banff and the Rocky Mountains are visible to
the west of the city.
Edmonton attracts tourists due to its proximity to Jasper and the
Rockies. Despite many of the city’s attractions and points of
interest, the most famous part to Edmonton is the West
Edmonton Mall, the world’s largest mall, and it is massive! The
mall covers over 48 hectares and contains nearly 1000 stores
and many other attractions such as a huge water park,
amusement parks, Deep Sea environments, themed streets and
so much more.

British Columbia
• Simply known as BC, British Columbia contains some of
the most varied and spectacular scenery in the world. To
the east are the Rocky Mountains, to the north are many
lakes, forests, there is a small desert in the south and
the west of the province lies along the Pacific Ocean
coast. Heavily influenced from California, which is easier
to access than the rest of Canada, British Columbians
live a different lifestyle to the rest of Canada.
• One of the most spectacularly scenic cities in Canada,
Vancouver is nestled between the sea and the mountains
in the very south west of the province. As one of the
most cosmopolitan cities in North America, Vancouver is
home to many new immigrants is easily the third largest
city in Canada (behind Toronto and Montreal.)

• Heading west towards the Prairies, Manitoba is the
gateway province filled with lakes and National Parkland.
• Winnipeg, like many Canadian cities, is located in the
south of the province and lies halfway between the
coasts. Despite being so far inland, Winnipeg is still
easily recognizable as a western city with its skyline and
architecturally diverse streets.
• In the north of Manitoba, Churchill, on the shore of
Hudson Bay, draws interest from around the world with
its unique wildlife including Polar Bears that often
wander down the streets of the town. With no roads this
far north, most people arrive by plane or the more
adventurous take the train from Winnipeg which takes
about 35 hours.

New Brunswick
• The heavily forested maritime province of New
Brunswick lies between Nova Scotia and Quebec.
• The Saint John River valley runs south along the west of
the province through the industrial city of Saint John into
the Bay of Fundy. Here the world’s highest tides are very
apparent, especially at the Reversing Falls where the tide
change is so dramatic it causes rapids in the river mouth
which change direction with the tide.
• Monkton is the gateway to both Prince Edward Island
and Nova Scotia making it a popular transport stop over.
• Most of the north of the province is mountainous while
the south and along the Saint John River, farming and
pastoral lands occupy much of the dramatic views

Newfoundland and
• Canada’s most easterly province Newfoundland
(pronounced "new-fun-land") and Labrador consists of
two main entities. The Island of Newfoundland, which is
the home to the provincial capital St John’s. The other
entity is Labrador, north of Newfoundland.
• Most of the population of the province lis in the far more
accessible Newfoundland. The inland areas are heavily
forested with peat bogs and lakes, where as the
shorelines are spotted with towns.
• St John’s is the oldest city in North America yet the
province was the last to join the to Canadian
Confederation as late as 1949. A reminder to how ‘new’
Canada is as a country.

Northwest Territories
• The Northwest Territories is covered by artic tundra,
mountains and forests. The population is spread across
the huge, vast areas but most is concentrated in the
• Yellowknife is essentially a government town but
contains the territory's commercial and service centre as
well as being one of the few places north of the Arctic
Circle that attract tourists regularly


Nova Scotia
• When you are in Nova Scotia everything is a reminder
about how the sea influences the province and it’s
people. Although not an Island, Nova Scotia is
surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean with only 45km wide
connection to the rest of Canada. Where ever you are in
Nova Scotia, you are never further than 56km from the
• Most of the province is covered in dense forest and
gentle rolling hills. The Bay of Fundy on the west coast
has the world’s highest tides.
• Cape Breton in the north is a large island that accounts
for about one fifth of the landmass in Nova Scotia. The
mountains here are more rugged and reminiscent of the
Scottish Highlands.
• Halifax is the Capital of Nova Scotia.

• On the 1st of April 1999, the dream of many Inuit people
was finally realized with the creation of the newest
province, Nunavut. One of the most sparsely populated
areas in the world, Nunavut reaches from northern
Manitoba and Quebec to the North Pole. Most of the
population speak the native language Inuktitut.
• Iqualuit is the governing town of the province.
Temperatures rarely rise above freezing and in summer 8
degrees is the highest average temperature. With a
population of just 4000 Iqaluit is the smallest city in
Canada and also one of the hardest to access any time of
the year. Located on Baffin Island, air is the only realistic
way to gain entry to this expensive and extraordinary


The centrally located province of Ontario is home to the Great
Lakes, Hudson Bay, Niagara Falls, Algonquin Provincial Park and
many architectural masterpieces such as the CN Tower, Sky
Dome, and many of the national parliament buildings in the
capital city of Ottawa.
Toronto, the most popular city to visit in Canada and the largest
city in the country is also the provincial capital. Located on Lake
Ontario, one of the Great Lakes, Toronto is the technology
capital and home of the CN Tower, the world’s tallest man-made
In the east of Ontario, Ottawa sits on the south bank of the
Ottawa River, with the twin city of Hull on the north bank in the
province of Quebec. Around the gothic parliament buildings you
can often find traditionally dressed Royal Canadian Mounted
Police officers.

• Canada’s smallest province known simply as PEI is linked
to the mainland by the Confederation Bridge and at 13km
in length it is the world’s longest. Prince Edward Island is
an area in which the residents have fought hard to keep
the way it was when it was first inhabited by westerners.
• There is not a lot to do but the beautiful scenery makes
up for it all. Every area of the island is easily accessible
by the many roads that crisscross the pastoral


The heart of French Canada, where English is considered
a distant second language, Quebec (pronounced
‘KebEck’) is unlike anywhere else in North America. The
culture, architecture, music, religion and way of life is
truly unique.
The capital of the province, Quebec City, has a very
noticeable European feel to it. Modern buildings are few
and far between, but the impressive design of the walled
city is quite overwhelming in it’s location on a hill on the
side of the Saint Lawrence River.
In Montreal (pronounced ‘Mor’E’Al) English and French
are spoken side by side. Being served at a shop or
restaurant, you never know which language the person
will speak. Over 40% of Quebec’s population live here
making it the second largest French speaking city in the
world. The Bi-Lingual status of Montreal makes for a
decidedly different air to other Canadian cities. Most of
the downtown of this Olympic city can be accessed by
underground malls that consist of over 40km of passages
lined with shops and restaurants, linked by malls and the
popular Paris style Metro.

• The home of the roaming North American Prairie Bison,
Saskatchewan is located in the heart of the plains. With
rolling farm fields and grasslands, the scenery feels
endless. Despite this, there are more than 100,000 lakes
spread across the province.
• Regina is the southerly located capital and like many
provincial capitals in Canada, Regina is a small, quiet
city of under 185,000 residents that pretty much closes
after the sun sets. Despite this, Regina is the
commercial, financial and industrial hub of the province.
• The clean, wide streets and low skyline surrounded by
wheat fields give Saskatoon a different feels to it.
Saskatoon is smack in the middle of the Prairies and
traveling to and from the city, this fact is very apparent.
The city spans the South Saskatchewan River, with the
downtown area located on the north shores linked to the
south by seven bridges.

Yukon territory
• Wedged between Alaska and the Northwest Territories
on each side, Yukon Territory is bounded by British
Columbia, to the south and the Arctic Ocean to the north.
The Yukon is one of the easiest places north of the arctic
circle to access, however, it is not all that does not mean
it is simple.
• The only city in the territory, Whitehorse is in the south
of the territory and can be accessed by roads but these
roads deteriorate rapidly the further north they go. With
only 20,000 residents, nearly everyone in the territory
lives in Whitehorse. Despite the population size, the city
limits cover 421 sq km making it the largest urban
designated areas in Canada. The central downtown area
of the city is very small but the residents are spread
across this large area giving them plenty of space to live.

• Websites

www. canadatravelguide.info/provinces/manitoba.asp
www. canadianstudies.ab.ca

Slide 11

5/6 Walker
Due Monday Dec.15/03

• In the early 1500s, Jacques Cartier used a First Nations
word for village, “kanata”, to refer to the country he had
encountered. European map makers later used “Canada”
as a name for all the land north of the St. Lawrence River.
Canada was home to aboriginal peoples for thousands of
years before the arrival of the Europeans, and so it's
appropriate that our name should come from their

• The origin and meaning of the name Canada has been a
matter of surmise since the arrival of the first explorer.
Jacques Cartier, reporting on his 1535-36 voyage, noted
that "kanata" was an Iroquois word meaning town, or
cluster of dwellings. Other reports have it that early
Spanish or Portuguese explorers, disappointed in not
finding gold or other riches, derided the country as
Canada. Yet others have ascribed the word to Latin or
Sanskrit. The weight of opinion to date, however, favors
the Aboriginal origin noted in Cartier's report. Whatever
the source, the Constitution Act, 1867, Canada's original
constitution, announced that the name of the new
dominion would be . . . Canada.

• In 28,000 B.C the first residents of what now is Canada
arrived over the Bering Strait.
• In 8000 B.C. Most parts of Southern Canada has been
occupied by "Indians.
• in 5000 B.C. Petroglyphs made in what is now
northwestern Ontario.
• In 3000 B.C. A human face is carved into the surface of a
rock in what is now southwestern Québec. It is a called
• In 2000 B.C. Pre-Dorset Inuit people migrate through the
Bering Strait into what is now the Northwest Territories.
They bring carefully crafted artifacts such as harpoon
heads and lances.

• In April, 1/1999 the internal borders of Canada following
the creation of Nunavut, which was established in 1993
and officially came into being in April 1999. The new
territory is the biggest change in Canada’s boundaries
since Newfoundland joined Confederation in 1949.
• The federal government of Winnipeg needed general
maps of regions newly opened up to settlement and
decided to produce maps at a scale of one inch to three
miles (1:190 080). The maps were easy to produce using
existing information. In all, 134 such maps were

Canada Facts

9,976,140 sq km (3,851,788 sq miles)
31,413,990 (July 2002)
Capital (population):
Ottawa (1,128,900)
Federal multiparty constitutional monarchy

county's Groups:

British 34%, French 26%, German 4%, Italian 3%, Ukrainian 2%,
Native American (Amerindian/Inuit) 1.5%, Chinese 1%
English and French (both official)

• Religions:
Christianity (Roman Catholic 47%, Protestant 41%),
Judaism, Islam, Hinduism
• Currency:
Canadian dollar = 100 cents


Only in the past hundred years has Alberta seen people settle,
before that the province was primarily uninhabited wilderness.
Today, Alberta is home to two of Canada’s largest cities (Calgary
and Edmonton) and is covered by huge wheat fields, cattle
Edmonton is spread out along the winding North Saskatchewan
River and ranches and mineral and fossil fuel mines. Alberta sits
on the western side of the Prairies, and the Rocky Mountains
rise from the flat lands on the west of the province .
Calgary is home to many of Canada’s national corporations,
second only to Toronto. The office lined streets are ranked as
the cleanest in the world. The provincial capital’s rising
population of over 800,000 people draws in the tourists from
across the world. Banff and the Rocky Mountains are visible to
the west of the city.
Edmonton attracts tourists due to its proximity to Jasper and the
Rockies. Despite many of the city’s attractions and points of
interest, the most famous part to Edmonton is the West
Edmonton Mall, the world’s largest mall, and it is massive! The
mall covers over 48 hectares and contains nearly 1000 stores
and many other attractions such as a huge water park,
amusement parks, Deep Sea environments, themed streets and
so much more.

British Columbia
• Simply known as BC, British Columbia contains some of
the most varied and spectacular scenery in the world. To
the east are the Rocky Mountains, to the north are many
lakes, forests, there is a small desert in the south and
the west of the province lies along the Pacific Ocean
coast. Heavily influenced from California, which is easier
to access than the rest of Canada, British Columbians
live a different lifestyle to the rest of Canada.
• One of the most spectacularly scenic cities in Canada,
Vancouver is nestled between the sea and the mountains
in the very south west of the province. As one of the
most cosmopolitan cities in North America, Vancouver is
home to many new immigrants is easily the third largest
city in Canada (behind Toronto and Montreal.)

• Heading west towards the Prairies, Manitoba is the
gateway province filled with lakes and National Parkland.
• Winnipeg, like many Canadian cities, is located in the
south of the province and lies halfway between the
coasts. Despite being so far inland, Winnipeg is still
easily recognizable as a western city with its skyline and
architecturally diverse streets.
• In the north of Manitoba, Churchill, on the shore of
Hudson Bay, draws interest from around the world with
its unique wildlife including Polar Bears that often
wander down the streets of the town. With no roads this
far north, most people arrive by plane or the more
adventurous take the train from Winnipeg which takes
about 35 hours.

New Brunswick
• The heavily forested maritime province of New
Brunswick lies between Nova Scotia and Quebec.
• The Saint John River valley runs south along the west of
the province through the industrial city of Saint John into
the Bay of Fundy. Here the world’s highest tides are very
apparent, especially at the Reversing Falls where the tide
change is so dramatic it causes rapids in the river mouth
which change direction with the tide.
• Monkton is the gateway to both Prince Edward Island
and Nova Scotia making it a popular transport stop over.
• Most of the north of the province is mountainous while
the south and along the Saint John River, farming and
pastoral lands occupy much of the dramatic views

Newfoundland and
• Canada’s most easterly province Newfoundland
(pronounced "new-fun-land") and Labrador consists of
two main entities. The Island of Newfoundland, which is
the home to the provincial capital St John’s. The other
entity is Labrador, north of Newfoundland.
• Most of the population of the province lis in the far more
accessible Newfoundland. The inland areas are heavily
forested with peat bogs and lakes, where as the
shorelines are spotted with towns.
• St John’s is the oldest city in North America yet the
province was the last to join the to Canadian
Confederation as late as 1949. A reminder to how ‘new’
Canada is as a country.

Northwest Territories
• The Northwest Territories is covered by artic tundra,
mountains and forests. The population is spread across
the huge, vast areas but most is concentrated in the
• Yellowknife is essentially a government town but
contains the territory's commercial and service centre as
well as being one of the few places north of the Arctic
Circle that attract tourists regularly


Nova Scotia
• When you are in Nova Scotia everything is a reminder
about how the sea influences the province and it’s
people. Although not an Island, Nova Scotia is
surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean with only 45km wide
connection to the rest of Canada. Where ever you are in
Nova Scotia, you are never further than 56km from the
• Most of the province is covered in dense forest and
gentle rolling hills. The Bay of Fundy on the west coast
has the world’s highest tides.
• Cape Breton in the north is a large island that accounts
for about one fifth of the landmass in Nova Scotia. The
mountains here are more rugged and reminiscent of the
Scottish Highlands.
• Halifax is the Capital of Nova Scotia.

• On the 1st of April 1999, the dream of many Inuit people
was finally realized with the creation of the newest
province, Nunavut. One of the most sparsely populated
areas in the world, Nunavut reaches from northern
Manitoba and Quebec to the North Pole. Most of the
population speak the native language Inuktitut.
• Iqualuit is the governing town of the province.
Temperatures rarely rise above freezing and in summer 8
degrees is the highest average temperature. With a
population of just 4000 Iqaluit is the smallest city in
Canada and also one of the hardest to access any time of
the year. Located on Baffin Island, air is the only realistic
way to gain entry to this expensive and extraordinary


The centrally located province of Ontario is home to the Great
Lakes, Hudson Bay, Niagara Falls, Algonquin Provincial Park and
many architectural masterpieces such as the CN Tower, Sky
Dome, and many of the national parliament buildings in the
capital city of Ottawa.
Toronto, the most popular city to visit in Canada and the largest
city in the country is also the provincial capital. Located on Lake
Ontario, one of the Great Lakes, Toronto is the technology
capital and home of the CN Tower, the world’s tallest man-made
In the east of Ontario, Ottawa sits on the south bank of the
Ottawa River, with the twin city of Hull on the north bank in the
province of Quebec. Around the gothic parliament buildings you
can often find traditionally dressed Royal Canadian Mounted
Police officers.

• Canada’s smallest province known simply as PEI is linked
to the mainland by the Confederation Bridge and at 13km
in length it is the world’s longest. Prince Edward Island is
an area in which the residents have fought hard to keep
the way it was when it was first inhabited by westerners.
• There is not a lot to do but the beautiful scenery makes
up for it all. Every area of the island is easily accessible
by the many roads that crisscross the pastoral


The heart of French Canada, where English is considered
a distant second language, Quebec (pronounced
‘KebEck’) is unlike anywhere else in North America. The
culture, architecture, music, religion and way of life is
truly unique.
The capital of the province, Quebec City, has a very
noticeable European feel to it. Modern buildings are few
and far between, but the impressive design of the walled
city is quite overwhelming in it’s location on a hill on the
side of the Saint Lawrence River.
In Montreal (pronounced ‘Mor’E’Al) English and French
are spoken side by side. Being served at a shop or
restaurant, you never know which language the person
will speak. Over 40% of Quebec’s population live here
making it the second largest French speaking city in the
world. The Bi-Lingual status of Montreal makes for a
decidedly different air to other Canadian cities. Most of
the downtown of this Olympic city can be accessed by
underground malls that consist of over 40km of passages
lined with shops and restaurants, linked by malls and the
popular Paris style Metro.

• The home of the roaming North American Prairie Bison,
Saskatchewan is located in the heart of the plains. With
rolling farm fields and grasslands, the scenery feels
endless. Despite this, there are more than 100,000 lakes
spread across the province.
• Regina is the southerly located capital and like many
provincial capitals in Canada, Regina is a small, quiet
city of under 185,000 residents that pretty much closes
after the sun sets. Despite this, Regina is the
commercial, financial and industrial hub of the province.
• The clean, wide streets and low skyline surrounded by
wheat fields give Saskatoon a different feels to it.
Saskatoon is smack in the middle of the Prairies and
traveling to and from the city, this fact is very apparent.
The city spans the South Saskatchewan River, with the
downtown area located on the north shores linked to the
south by seven bridges.

Yukon territory
• Wedged between Alaska and the Northwest Territories
on each side, Yukon Territory is bounded by British
Columbia, to the south and the Arctic Ocean to the north.
The Yukon is one of the easiest places north of the arctic
circle to access, however, it is not all that does not mean
it is simple.
• The only city in the territory, Whitehorse is in the south
of the territory and can be accessed by roads but these
roads deteriorate rapidly the further north they go. With
only 20,000 residents, nearly everyone in the territory
lives in Whitehorse. Despite the population size, the city
limits cover 421 sq km making it the largest urban
designated areas in Canada. The central downtown area
of the city is very small but the residents are spread
across this large area giving them plenty of space to live.

• Websites

www. canadatravelguide.info/provinces/manitoba.asp
www. canadianstudies.ab.ca

Slide 12

5/6 Walker
Due Monday Dec.15/03

• In the early 1500s, Jacques Cartier used a First Nations
word for village, “kanata”, to refer to the country he had
encountered. European map makers later used “Canada”
as a name for all the land north of the St. Lawrence River.
Canada was home to aboriginal peoples for thousands of
years before the arrival of the Europeans, and so it's
appropriate that our name should come from their

• The origin and meaning of the name Canada has been a
matter of surmise since the arrival of the first explorer.
Jacques Cartier, reporting on his 1535-36 voyage, noted
that "kanata" was an Iroquois word meaning town, or
cluster of dwellings. Other reports have it that early
Spanish or Portuguese explorers, disappointed in not
finding gold or other riches, derided the country as
Canada. Yet others have ascribed the word to Latin or
Sanskrit. The weight of opinion to date, however, favors
the Aboriginal origin noted in Cartier's report. Whatever
the source, the Constitution Act, 1867, Canada's original
constitution, announced that the name of the new
dominion would be . . . Canada.

• In 28,000 B.C the first residents of what now is Canada
arrived over the Bering Strait.
• In 8000 B.C. Most parts of Southern Canada has been
occupied by "Indians.
• in 5000 B.C. Petroglyphs made in what is now
northwestern Ontario.
• In 3000 B.C. A human face is carved into the surface of a
rock in what is now southwestern Québec. It is a called
• In 2000 B.C. Pre-Dorset Inuit people migrate through the
Bering Strait into what is now the Northwest Territories.
They bring carefully crafted artifacts such as harpoon
heads and lances.

• In April, 1/1999 the internal borders of Canada following
the creation of Nunavut, which was established in 1993
and officially came into being in April 1999. The new
territory is the biggest change in Canada’s boundaries
since Newfoundland joined Confederation in 1949.
• The federal government of Winnipeg needed general
maps of regions newly opened up to settlement and
decided to produce maps at a scale of one inch to three
miles (1:190 080). The maps were easy to produce using
existing information. In all, 134 such maps were

Canada Facts

9,976,140 sq km (3,851,788 sq miles)
31,413,990 (July 2002)
Capital (population):
Ottawa (1,128,900)
Federal multiparty constitutional monarchy

county's Groups:

British 34%, French 26%, German 4%, Italian 3%, Ukrainian 2%,
Native American (Amerindian/Inuit) 1.5%, Chinese 1%
English and French (both official)

• Religions:
Christianity (Roman Catholic 47%, Protestant 41%),
Judaism, Islam, Hinduism
• Currency:
Canadian dollar = 100 cents


Only in the past hundred years has Alberta seen people settle,
before that the province was primarily uninhabited wilderness.
Today, Alberta is home to two of Canada’s largest cities (Calgary
and Edmonton) and is covered by huge wheat fields, cattle
Edmonton is spread out along the winding North Saskatchewan
River and ranches and mineral and fossil fuel mines. Alberta sits
on the western side of the Prairies, and the Rocky Mountains
rise from the flat lands on the west of the province .
Calgary is home to many of Canada’s national corporations,
second only to Toronto. The office lined streets are ranked as
the cleanest in the world. The provincial capital’s rising
population of over 800,000 people draws in the tourists from
across the world. Banff and the Rocky Mountains are visible to
the west of the city.
Edmonton attracts tourists due to its proximity to Jasper and the
Rockies. Despite many of the city’s attractions and points of
interest, the most famous part to Edmonton is the West
Edmonton Mall, the world’s largest mall, and it is massive! The
mall covers over 48 hectares and contains nearly 1000 stores
and many other attractions such as a huge water park,
amusement parks, Deep Sea environments, themed streets and
so much more.

British Columbia
• Simply known as BC, British Columbia contains some of
the most varied and spectacular scenery in the world. To
the east are the Rocky Mountains, to the north are many
lakes, forests, there is a small desert in the south and
the west of the province lies along the Pacific Ocean
coast. Heavily influenced from California, which is easier
to access than the rest of Canada, British Columbians
live a different lifestyle to the rest of Canada.
• One of the most spectacularly scenic cities in Canada,
Vancouver is nestled between the sea and the mountains
in the very south west of the province. As one of the
most cosmopolitan cities in North America, Vancouver is
home to many new immigrants is easily the third largest
city in Canada (behind Toronto and Montreal.)

• Heading west towards the Prairies, Manitoba is the
gateway province filled with lakes and National Parkland.
• Winnipeg, like many Canadian cities, is located in the
south of the province and lies halfway between the
coasts. Despite being so far inland, Winnipeg is still
easily recognizable as a western city with its skyline and
architecturally diverse streets.
• In the north of Manitoba, Churchill, on the shore of
Hudson Bay, draws interest from around the world with
its unique wildlife including Polar Bears that often
wander down the streets of the town. With no roads this
far north, most people arrive by plane or the more
adventurous take the train from Winnipeg which takes
about 35 hours.

New Brunswick
• The heavily forested maritime province of New
Brunswick lies between Nova Scotia and Quebec.
• The Saint John River valley runs south along the west of
the province through the industrial city of Saint John into
the Bay of Fundy. Here the world’s highest tides are very
apparent, especially at the Reversing Falls where the tide
change is so dramatic it causes rapids in the river mouth
which change direction with the tide.
• Monkton is the gateway to both Prince Edward Island
and Nova Scotia making it a popular transport stop over.
• Most of the north of the province is mountainous while
the south and along the Saint John River, farming and
pastoral lands occupy much of the dramatic views

Newfoundland and
• Canada’s most easterly province Newfoundland
(pronounced "new-fun-land") and Labrador consists of
two main entities. The Island of Newfoundland, which is
the home to the provincial capital St John’s. The other
entity is Labrador, north of Newfoundland.
• Most of the population of the province lis in the far more
accessible Newfoundland. The inland areas are heavily
forested with peat bogs and lakes, where as the
shorelines are spotted with towns.
• St John’s is the oldest city in North America yet the
province was the last to join the to Canadian
Confederation as late as 1949. A reminder to how ‘new’
Canada is as a country.

Northwest Territories
• The Northwest Territories is covered by artic tundra,
mountains and forests. The population is spread across
the huge, vast areas but most is concentrated in the
• Yellowknife is essentially a government town but
contains the territory's commercial and service centre as
well as being one of the few places north of the Arctic
Circle that attract tourists regularly


Nova Scotia
• When you are in Nova Scotia everything is a reminder
about how the sea influences the province and it’s
people. Although not an Island, Nova Scotia is
surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean with only 45km wide
connection to the rest of Canada. Where ever you are in
Nova Scotia, you are never further than 56km from the
• Most of the province is covered in dense forest and
gentle rolling hills. The Bay of Fundy on the west coast
has the world’s highest tides.
• Cape Breton in the north is a large island that accounts
for about one fifth of the landmass in Nova Scotia. The
mountains here are more rugged and reminiscent of the
Scottish Highlands.
• Halifax is the Capital of Nova Scotia.

• On the 1st of April 1999, the dream of many Inuit people
was finally realized with the creation of the newest
province, Nunavut. One of the most sparsely populated
areas in the world, Nunavut reaches from northern
Manitoba and Quebec to the North Pole. Most of the
population speak the native language Inuktitut.
• Iqualuit is the governing town of the province.
Temperatures rarely rise above freezing and in summer 8
degrees is the highest average temperature. With a
population of just 4000 Iqaluit is the smallest city in
Canada and also one of the hardest to access any time of
the year. Located on Baffin Island, air is the only realistic
way to gain entry to this expensive and extraordinary


The centrally located province of Ontario is home to the Great
Lakes, Hudson Bay, Niagara Falls, Algonquin Provincial Park and
many architectural masterpieces such as the CN Tower, Sky
Dome, and many of the national parliament buildings in the
capital city of Ottawa.
Toronto, the most popular city to visit in Canada and the largest
city in the country is also the provincial capital. Located on Lake
Ontario, one of the Great Lakes, Toronto is the technology
capital and home of the CN Tower, the world’s tallest man-made
In the east of Ontario, Ottawa sits on the south bank of the
Ottawa River, with the twin city of Hull on the north bank in the
province of Quebec. Around the gothic parliament buildings you
can often find traditionally dressed Royal Canadian Mounted
Police officers.

• Canada’s smallest province known simply as PEI is linked
to the mainland by the Confederation Bridge and at 13km
in length it is the world’s longest. Prince Edward Island is
an area in which the residents have fought hard to keep
the way it was when it was first inhabited by westerners.
• There is not a lot to do but the beautiful scenery makes
up for it all. Every area of the island is easily accessible
by the many roads that crisscross the pastoral


The heart of French Canada, where English is considered
a distant second language, Quebec (pronounced
‘KebEck’) is unlike anywhere else in North America. The
culture, architecture, music, religion and way of life is
truly unique.
The capital of the province, Quebec City, has a very
noticeable European feel to it. Modern buildings are few
and far between, but the impressive design of the walled
city is quite overwhelming in it’s location on a hill on the
side of the Saint Lawrence River.
In Montreal (pronounced ‘Mor’E’Al) English and French
are spoken side by side. Being served at a shop or
restaurant, you never know which language the person
will speak. Over 40% of Quebec’s population live here
making it the second largest French speaking city in the
world. The Bi-Lingual status of Montreal makes for a
decidedly different air to other Canadian cities. Most of
the downtown of this Olympic city can be accessed by
underground malls that consist of over 40km of passages
lined with shops and restaurants, linked by malls and the
popular Paris style Metro.

• The home of the roaming North American Prairie Bison,
Saskatchewan is located in the heart of the plains. With
rolling farm fields and grasslands, the scenery feels
endless. Despite this, there are more than 100,000 lakes
spread across the province.
• Regina is the southerly located capital and like many
provincial capitals in Canada, Regina is a small, quiet
city of under 185,000 residents that pretty much closes
after the sun sets. Despite this, Regina is the
commercial, financial and industrial hub of the province.
• The clean, wide streets and low skyline surrounded by
wheat fields give Saskatoon a different feels to it.
Saskatoon is smack in the middle of the Prairies and
traveling to and from the city, this fact is very apparent.
The city spans the South Saskatchewan River, with the
downtown area located on the north shores linked to the
south by seven bridges.

Yukon territory
• Wedged between Alaska and the Northwest Territories
on each side, Yukon Territory is bounded by British
Columbia, to the south and the Arctic Ocean to the north.
The Yukon is one of the easiest places north of the arctic
circle to access, however, it is not all that does not mean
it is simple.
• The only city in the territory, Whitehorse is in the south
of the territory and can be accessed by roads but these
roads deteriorate rapidly the further north they go. With
only 20,000 residents, nearly everyone in the territory
lives in Whitehorse. Despite the population size, the city
limits cover 421 sq km making it the largest urban
designated areas in Canada. The central downtown area
of the city is very small but the residents are spread
across this large area giving them plenty of space to live.

• Websites

www. canadatravelguide.info/provinces/manitoba.asp
www. canadianstudies.ab.ca

Slide 13

5/6 Walker
Due Monday Dec.15/03

• In the early 1500s, Jacques Cartier used a First Nations
word for village, “kanata”, to refer to the country he had
encountered. European map makers later used “Canada”
as a name for all the land north of the St. Lawrence River.
Canada was home to aboriginal peoples for thousands of
years before the arrival of the Europeans, and so it's
appropriate that our name should come from their

• The origin and meaning of the name Canada has been a
matter of surmise since the arrival of the first explorer.
Jacques Cartier, reporting on his 1535-36 voyage, noted
that "kanata" was an Iroquois word meaning town, or
cluster of dwellings. Other reports have it that early
Spanish or Portuguese explorers, disappointed in not
finding gold or other riches, derided the country as
Canada. Yet others have ascribed the word to Latin or
Sanskrit. The weight of opinion to date, however, favors
the Aboriginal origin noted in Cartier's report. Whatever
the source, the Constitution Act, 1867, Canada's original
constitution, announced that the name of the new
dominion would be . . . Canada.

• In 28,000 B.C the first residents of what now is Canada
arrived over the Bering Strait.
• In 8000 B.C. Most parts of Southern Canada has been
occupied by "Indians.
• in 5000 B.C. Petroglyphs made in what is now
northwestern Ontario.
• In 3000 B.C. A human face is carved into the surface of a
rock in what is now southwestern Québec. It is a called
• In 2000 B.C. Pre-Dorset Inuit people migrate through the
Bering Strait into what is now the Northwest Territories.
They bring carefully crafted artifacts such as harpoon
heads and lances.

• In April, 1/1999 the internal borders of Canada following
the creation of Nunavut, which was established in 1993
and officially came into being in April 1999. The new
territory is the biggest change in Canada’s boundaries
since Newfoundland joined Confederation in 1949.
• The federal government of Winnipeg needed general
maps of regions newly opened up to settlement and
decided to produce maps at a scale of one inch to three
miles (1:190 080). The maps were easy to produce using
existing information. In all, 134 such maps were

Canada Facts

9,976,140 sq km (3,851,788 sq miles)
31,413,990 (July 2002)
Capital (population):
Ottawa (1,128,900)
Federal multiparty constitutional monarchy

county's Groups:

British 34%, French 26%, German 4%, Italian 3%, Ukrainian 2%,
Native American (Amerindian/Inuit) 1.5%, Chinese 1%
English and French (both official)

• Religions:
Christianity (Roman Catholic 47%, Protestant 41%),
Judaism, Islam, Hinduism
• Currency:
Canadian dollar = 100 cents


Only in the past hundred years has Alberta seen people settle,
before that the province was primarily uninhabited wilderness.
Today, Alberta is home to two of Canada’s largest cities (Calgary
and Edmonton) and is covered by huge wheat fields, cattle
Edmonton is spread out along the winding North Saskatchewan
River and ranches and mineral and fossil fuel mines. Alberta sits
on the western side of the Prairies, and the Rocky Mountains
rise from the flat lands on the west of the province .
Calgary is home to many of Canada’s national corporations,
second only to Toronto. The office lined streets are ranked as
the cleanest in the world. The provincial capital’s rising
population of over 800,000 people draws in the tourists from
across the world. Banff and the Rocky Mountains are visible to
the west of the city.
Edmonton attracts tourists due to its proximity to Jasper and the
Rockies. Despite many of the city’s attractions and points of
interest, the most famous part to Edmonton is the West
Edmonton Mall, the world’s largest mall, and it is massive! The
mall covers over 48 hectares and contains nearly 1000 stores
and many other attractions such as a huge water park,
amusement parks, Deep Sea environments, themed streets and
so much more.

British Columbia
• Simply known as BC, British Columbia contains some of
the most varied and spectacular scenery in the world. To
the east are the Rocky Mountains, to the north are many
lakes, forests, there is a small desert in the south and
the west of the province lies along the Pacific Ocean
coast. Heavily influenced from California, which is easier
to access than the rest of Canada, British Columbians
live a different lifestyle to the rest of Canada.
• One of the most spectacularly scenic cities in Canada,
Vancouver is nestled between the sea and the mountains
in the very south west of the province. As one of the
most cosmopolitan cities in North America, Vancouver is
home to many new immigrants is easily the third largest
city in Canada (behind Toronto and Montreal.)

• Heading west towards the Prairies, Manitoba is the
gateway province filled with lakes and National Parkland.
• Winnipeg, like many Canadian cities, is located in the
south of the province and lies halfway between the
coasts. Despite being so far inland, Winnipeg is still
easily recognizable as a western city with its skyline and
architecturally diverse streets.
• In the north of Manitoba, Churchill, on the shore of
Hudson Bay, draws interest from around the world with
its unique wildlife including Polar Bears that often
wander down the streets of the town. With no roads this
far north, most people arrive by plane or the more
adventurous take the train from Winnipeg which takes
about 35 hours.

New Brunswick
• The heavily forested maritime province of New
Brunswick lies between Nova Scotia and Quebec.
• The Saint John River valley runs south along the west of
the province through the industrial city of Saint John into
the Bay of Fundy. Here the world’s highest tides are very
apparent, especially at the Reversing Falls where the tide
change is so dramatic it causes rapids in the river mouth
which change direction with the tide.
• Monkton is the gateway to both Prince Edward Island
and Nova Scotia making it a popular transport stop over.
• Most of the north of the province is mountainous while
the south and along the Saint John River, farming and
pastoral lands occupy much of the dramatic views

Newfoundland and
• Canada’s most easterly province Newfoundland
(pronounced "new-fun-land") and Labrador consists of
two main entities. The Island of Newfoundland, which is
the home to the provincial capital St John’s. The other
entity is Labrador, north of Newfoundland.
• Most of the population of the province lis in the far more
accessible Newfoundland. The inland areas are heavily
forested with peat bogs and lakes, where as the
shorelines are spotted with towns.
• St John’s is the oldest city in North America yet the
province was the last to join the to Canadian
Confederation as late as 1949. A reminder to how ‘new’
Canada is as a country.

Northwest Territories
• The Northwest Territories is covered by artic tundra,
mountains and forests. The population is spread across
the huge, vast areas but most is concentrated in the
• Yellowknife is essentially a government town but
contains the territory's commercial and service centre as
well as being one of the few places north of the Arctic
Circle that attract tourists regularly


Nova Scotia
• When you are in Nova Scotia everything is a reminder
about how the sea influences the province and it’s
people. Although not an Island, Nova Scotia is
surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean with only 45km wide
connection to the rest of Canada. Where ever you are in
Nova Scotia, you are never further than 56km from the
• Most of the province is covered in dense forest and
gentle rolling hills. The Bay of Fundy on the west coast
has the world’s highest tides.
• Cape Breton in the north is a large island that accounts
for about one fifth of the landmass in Nova Scotia. The
mountains here are more rugged and reminiscent of the
Scottish Highlands.
• Halifax is the Capital of Nova Scotia.

• On the 1st of April 1999, the dream of many Inuit people
was finally realized with the creation of the newest
province, Nunavut. One of the most sparsely populated
areas in the world, Nunavut reaches from northern
Manitoba and Quebec to the North Pole. Most of the
population speak the native language Inuktitut.
• Iqualuit is the governing town of the province.
Temperatures rarely rise above freezing and in summer 8
degrees is the highest average temperature. With a
population of just 4000 Iqaluit is the smallest city in
Canada and also one of the hardest to access any time of
the year. Located on Baffin Island, air is the only realistic
way to gain entry to this expensive and extraordinary


The centrally located province of Ontario is home to the Great
Lakes, Hudson Bay, Niagara Falls, Algonquin Provincial Park and
many architectural masterpieces such as the CN Tower, Sky
Dome, and many of the national parliament buildings in the
capital city of Ottawa.
Toronto, the most popular city to visit in Canada and the largest
city in the country is also the provincial capital. Located on Lake
Ontario, one of the Great Lakes, Toronto is the technology
capital and home of the CN Tower, the world’s tallest man-made
In the east of Ontario, Ottawa sits on the south bank of the
Ottawa River, with the twin city of Hull on the north bank in the
province of Quebec. Around the gothic parliament buildings you
can often find traditionally dressed Royal Canadian Mounted
Police officers.

• Canada’s smallest province known simply as PEI is linked
to the mainland by the Confederation Bridge and at 13km
in length it is the world’s longest. Prince Edward Island is
an area in which the residents have fought hard to keep
the way it was when it was first inhabited by westerners.
• There is not a lot to do but the beautiful scenery makes
up for it all. Every area of the island is easily accessible
by the many roads that crisscross the pastoral


The heart of French Canada, where English is considered
a distant second language, Quebec (pronounced
‘KebEck’) is unlike anywhere else in North America. The
culture, architecture, music, religion and way of life is
truly unique.
The capital of the province, Quebec City, has a very
noticeable European feel to it. Modern buildings are few
and far between, but the impressive design of the walled
city is quite overwhelming in it’s location on a hill on the
side of the Saint Lawrence River.
In Montreal (pronounced ‘Mor’E’Al) English and French
are spoken side by side. Being served at a shop or
restaurant, you never know which language the person
will speak. Over 40% of Quebec’s population live here
making it the second largest French speaking city in the
world. The Bi-Lingual status of Montreal makes for a
decidedly different air to other Canadian cities. Most of
the downtown of this Olympic city can be accessed by
underground malls that consist of over 40km of passages
lined with shops and restaurants, linked by malls and the
popular Paris style Metro.

• The home of the roaming North American Prairie Bison,
Saskatchewan is located in the heart of the plains. With
rolling farm fields and grasslands, the scenery feels
endless. Despite this, there are more than 100,000 lakes
spread across the province.
• Regina is the southerly located capital and like many
provincial capitals in Canada, Regina is a small, quiet
city of under 185,000 residents that pretty much closes
after the sun sets. Despite this, Regina is the
commercial, financial and industrial hub of the province.
• The clean, wide streets and low skyline surrounded by
wheat fields give Saskatoon a different feels to it.
Saskatoon is smack in the middle of the Prairies and
traveling to and from the city, this fact is very apparent.
The city spans the South Saskatchewan River, with the
downtown area located on the north shores linked to the
south by seven bridges.

Yukon territory
• Wedged between Alaska and the Northwest Territories
on each side, Yukon Territory is bounded by British
Columbia, to the south and the Arctic Ocean to the north.
The Yukon is one of the easiest places north of the arctic
circle to access, however, it is not all that does not mean
it is simple.
• The only city in the territory, Whitehorse is in the south
of the territory and can be accessed by roads but these
roads deteriorate rapidly the further north they go. With
only 20,000 residents, nearly everyone in the territory
lives in Whitehorse. Despite the population size, the city
limits cover 421 sq km making it the largest urban
designated areas in Canada. The central downtown area
of the city is very small but the residents are spread
across this large area giving them plenty of space to live.

• Websites

www. canadatravelguide.info/provinces/manitoba.asp
www. canadianstudies.ab.ca

Slide 14

5/6 Walker
Due Monday Dec.15/03

• In the early 1500s, Jacques Cartier used a First Nations
word for village, “kanata”, to refer to the country he had
encountered. European map makers later used “Canada”
as a name for all the land north of the St. Lawrence River.
Canada was home to aboriginal peoples for thousands of
years before the arrival of the Europeans, and so it's
appropriate that our name should come from their

• The origin and meaning of the name Canada has been a
matter of surmise since the arrival of the first explorer.
Jacques Cartier, reporting on his 1535-36 voyage, noted
that "kanata" was an Iroquois word meaning town, or
cluster of dwellings. Other reports have it that early
Spanish or Portuguese explorers, disappointed in not
finding gold or other riches, derided the country as
Canada. Yet others have ascribed the word to Latin or
Sanskrit. The weight of opinion to date, however, favors
the Aboriginal origin noted in Cartier's report. Whatever
the source, the Constitution Act, 1867, Canada's original
constitution, announced that the name of the new
dominion would be . . . Canada.

• In 28,000 B.C the first residents of what now is Canada
arrived over the Bering Strait.
• In 8000 B.C. Most parts of Southern Canada has been
occupied by "Indians.
• in 5000 B.C. Petroglyphs made in what is now
northwestern Ontario.
• In 3000 B.C. A human face is carved into the surface of a
rock in what is now southwestern Québec. It is a called
• In 2000 B.C. Pre-Dorset Inuit people migrate through the
Bering Strait into what is now the Northwest Territories.
They bring carefully crafted artifacts such as harpoon
heads and lances.

• In April, 1/1999 the internal borders of Canada following
the creation of Nunavut, which was established in 1993
and officially came into being in April 1999. The new
territory is the biggest change in Canada’s boundaries
since Newfoundland joined Confederation in 1949.
• The federal government of Winnipeg needed general
maps of regions newly opened up to settlement and
decided to produce maps at a scale of one inch to three
miles (1:190 080). The maps were easy to produce using
existing information. In all, 134 such maps were

Canada Facts

9,976,140 sq km (3,851,788 sq miles)
31,413,990 (July 2002)
Capital (population):
Ottawa (1,128,900)
Federal multiparty constitutional monarchy

county's Groups:

British 34%, French 26%, German 4%, Italian 3%, Ukrainian 2%,
Native American (Amerindian/Inuit) 1.5%, Chinese 1%
English and French (both official)

• Religions:
Christianity (Roman Catholic 47%, Protestant 41%),
Judaism, Islam, Hinduism
• Currency:
Canadian dollar = 100 cents


Only in the past hundred years has Alberta seen people settle,
before that the province was primarily uninhabited wilderness.
Today, Alberta is home to two of Canada’s largest cities (Calgary
and Edmonton) and is covered by huge wheat fields, cattle
Edmonton is spread out along the winding North Saskatchewan
River and ranches and mineral and fossil fuel mines. Alberta sits
on the western side of the Prairies, and the Rocky Mountains
rise from the flat lands on the west of the province .
Calgary is home to many of Canada’s national corporations,
second only to Toronto. The office lined streets are ranked as
the cleanest in the world. The provincial capital’s rising
population of over 800,000 people draws in the tourists from
across the world. Banff and the Rocky Mountains are visible to
the west of the city.
Edmonton attracts tourists due to its proximity to Jasper and the
Rockies. Despite many of the city’s attractions and points of
interest, the most famous part to Edmonton is the West
Edmonton Mall, the world’s largest mall, and it is massive! The
mall covers over 48 hectares and contains nearly 1000 stores
and many other attractions such as a huge water park,
amusement parks, Deep Sea environments, themed streets and
so much more.

British Columbia
• Simply known as BC, British Columbia contains some of
the most varied and spectacular scenery in the world. To
the east are the Rocky Mountains, to the north are many
lakes, forests, there is a small desert in the south and
the west of the province lies along the Pacific Ocean
coast. Heavily influenced from California, which is easier
to access than the rest of Canada, British Columbians
live a different lifestyle to the rest of Canada.
• One of the most spectacularly scenic cities in Canada,
Vancouver is nestled between the sea and the mountains
in the very south west of the province. As one of the
most cosmopolitan cities in North America, Vancouver is
home to many new immigrants is easily the third largest
city in Canada (behind Toronto and Montreal.)

• Heading west towards the Prairies, Manitoba is the
gateway province filled with lakes and National Parkland.
• Winnipeg, like many Canadian cities, is located in the
south of the province and lies halfway between the
coasts. Despite being so far inland, Winnipeg is still
easily recognizable as a western city with its skyline and
architecturally diverse streets.
• In the north of Manitoba, Churchill, on the shore of
Hudson Bay, draws interest from around the world with
its unique wildlife including Polar Bears that often
wander down the streets of the town. With no roads this
far north, most people arrive by plane or the more
adventurous take the train from Winnipeg which takes
about 35 hours.

New Brunswick
• The heavily forested maritime province of New
Brunswick lies between Nova Scotia and Quebec.
• The Saint John River valley runs south along the west of
the province through the industrial city of Saint John into
the Bay of Fundy. Here the world’s highest tides are very
apparent, especially at the Reversing Falls where the tide
change is so dramatic it causes rapids in the river mouth
which change direction with the tide.
• Monkton is the gateway to both Prince Edward Island
and Nova Scotia making it a popular transport stop over.
• Most of the north of the province is mountainous while
the south and along the Saint John River, farming and
pastoral lands occupy much of the dramatic views

Newfoundland and
• Canada’s most easterly province Newfoundland
(pronounced "new-fun-land") and Labrador consists of
two main entities. The Island of Newfoundland, which is
the home to the provincial capital St John’s. The other
entity is Labrador, north of Newfoundland.
• Most of the population of the province lis in the far more
accessible Newfoundland. The inland areas are heavily
forested with peat bogs and lakes, where as the
shorelines are spotted with towns.
• St John’s is the oldest city in North America yet the
province was the last to join the to Canadian
Confederation as late as 1949. A reminder to how ‘new’
Canada is as a country.

Northwest Territories
• The Northwest Territories is covered by artic tundra,
mountains and forests. The population is spread across
the huge, vast areas but most is concentrated in the
• Yellowknife is essentially a government town but
contains the territory's commercial and service centre as
well as being one of the few places north of the Arctic
Circle that attract tourists regularly


Nova Scotia
• When you are in Nova Scotia everything is a reminder
about how the sea influences the province and it’s
people. Although not an Island, Nova Scotia is
surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean with only 45km wide
connection to the rest of Canada. Where ever you are in
Nova Scotia, you are never further than 56km from the
• Most of the province is covered in dense forest and
gentle rolling hills. The Bay of Fundy on the west coast
has the world’s highest tides.
• Cape Breton in the north is a large island that accounts
for about one fifth of the landmass in Nova Scotia. The
mountains here are more rugged and reminiscent of the
Scottish Highlands.
• Halifax is the Capital of Nova Scotia.

• On the 1st of April 1999, the dream of many Inuit people
was finally realized with the creation of the newest
province, Nunavut. One of the most sparsely populated
areas in the world, Nunavut reaches from northern
Manitoba and Quebec to the North Pole. Most of the
population speak the native language Inuktitut.
• Iqualuit is the governing town of the province.
Temperatures rarely rise above freezing and in summer 8
degrees is the highest average temperature. With a
population of just 4000 Iqaluit is the smallest city in
Canada and also one of the hardest to access any time of
the year. Located on Baffin Island, air is the only realistic
way to gain entry to this expensive and extraordinary


The centrally located province of Ontario is home to the Great
Lakes, Hudson Bay, Niagara Falls, Algonquin Provincial Park and
many architectural masterpieces such as the CN Tower, Sky
Dome, and many of the national parliament buildings in the
capital city of Ottawa.
Toronto, the most popular city to visit in Canada and the largest
city in the country is also the provincial capital. Located on Lake
Ontario, one of the Great Lakes, Toronto is the technology
capital and home of the CN Tower, the world’s tallest man-made
In the east of Ontario, Ottawa sits on the south bank of the
Ottawa River, with the twin city of Hull on the north bank in the
province of Quebec. Around the gothic parliament buildings you
can often find traditionally dressed Royal Canadian Mounted
Police officers.

• Canada’s smallest province known simply as PEI is linked
to the mainland by the Confederation Bridge and at 13km
in length it is the world’s longest. Prince Edward Island is
an area in which the residents have fought hard to keep
the way it was when it was first inhabited by westerners.
• There is not a lot to do but the beautiful scenery makes
up for it all. Every area of the island is easily accessible
by the many roads that crisscross the pastoral


The heart of French Canada, where English is considered
a distant second language, Quebec (pronounced
‘KebEck’) is unlike anywhere else in North America. The
culture, architecture, music, religion and way of life is
truly unique.
The capital of the province, Quebec City, has a very
noticeable European feel to it. Modern buildings are few
and far between, but the impressive design of the walled
city is quite overwhelming in it’s location on a hill on the
side of the Saint Lawrence River.
In Montreal (pronounced ‘Mor’E’Al) English and French
are spoken side by side. Being served at a shop or
restaurant, you never know which language the person
will speak. Over 40% of Quebec’s population live here
making it the second largest French speaking city in the
world. The Bi-Lingual status of Montreal makes for a
decidedly different air to other Canadian cities. Most of
the downtown of this Olympic city can be accessed by
underground malls that consist of over 40km of passages
lined with shops and restaurants, linked by malls and the
popular Paris style Metro.

• The home of the roaming North American Prairie Bison,
Saskatchewan is located in the heart of the plains. With
rolling farm fields and grasslands, the scenery feels
endless. Despite this, there are more than 100,000 lakes
spread across the province.
• Regina is the southerly located capital and like many
provincial capitals in Canada, Regina is a small, quiet
city of under 185,000 residents that pretty much closes
after the sun sets. Despite this, Regina is the
commercial, financial and industrial hub of the province.
• The clean, wide streets and low skyline surrounded by
wheat fields give Saskatoon a different feels to it.
Saskatoon is smack in the middle of the Prairies and
traveling to and from the city, this fact is very apparent.
The city spans the South Saskatchewan River, with the
downtown area located on the north shores linked to the
south by seven bridges.

Yukon territory
• Wedged between Alaska and the Northwest Territories
on each side, Yukon Territory is bounded by British
Columbia, to the south and the Arctic Ocean to the north.
The Yukon is one of the easiest places north of the arctic
circle to access, however, it is not all that does not mean
it is simple.
• The only city in the territory, Whitehorse is in the south
of the territory and can be accessed by roads but these
roads deteriorate rapidly the further north they go. With
only 20,000 residents, nearly everyone in the territory
lives in Whitehorse. Despite the population size, the city
limits cover 421 sq km making it the largest urban
designated areas in Canada. The central downtown area
of the city is very small but the residents are spread
across this large area giving them plenty of space to live.

• Websites

www. canadatravelguide.info/provinces/manitoba.asp
www. canadianstudies.ab.ca

Slide 15

5/6 Walker
Due Monday Dec.15/03

• In the early 1500s, Jacques Cartier used a First Nations
word for village, “kanata”, to refer to the country he had
encountered. European map makers later used “Canada”
as a name for all the land north of the St. Lawrence River.
Canada was home to aboriginal peoples for thousands of
years before the arrival of the Europeans, and so it's
appropriate that our name should come from their

• The origin and meaning of the name Canada has been a
matter of surmise since the arrival of the first explorer.
Jacques Cartier, reporting on his 1535-36 voyage, noted
that "kanata" was an Iroquois word meaning town, or
cluster of dwellings. Other reports have it that early
Spanish or Portuguese explorers, disappointed in not
finding gold or other riches, derided the country as
Canada. Yet others have ascribed the word to Latin or
Sanskrit. The weight of opinion to date, however, favors
the Aboriginal origin noted in Cartier's report. Whatever
the source, the Constitution Act, 1867, Canada's original
constitution, announced that the name of the new
dominion would be . . . Canada.

• In 28,000 B.C the first residents of what now is Canada
arrived over the Bering Strait.
• In 8000 B.C. Most parts of Southern Canada has been
occupied by "Indians.
• in 5000 B.C. Petroglyphs made in what is now
northwestern Ontario.
• In 3000 B.C. A human face is carved into the surface of a
rock in what is now southwestern Québec. It is a called
• In 2000 B.C. Pre-Dorset Inuit people migrate through the
Bering Strait into what is now the Northwest Territories.
They bring carefully crafted artifacts such as harpoon
heads and lances.

• In April, 1/1999 the internal borders of Canada following
the creation of Nunavut, which was established in 1993
and officially came into being in April 1999. The new
territory is the biggest change in Canada’s boundaries
since Newfoundland joined Confederation in 1949.
• The federal government of Winnipeg needed general
maps of regions newly opened up to settlement and
decided to produce maps at a scale of one inch to three
miles (1:190 080). The maps were easy to produce using
existing information. In all, 134 such maps were

Canada Facts

9,976,140 sq km (3,851,788 sq miles)
31,413,990 (July 2002)
Capital (population):
Ottawa (1,128,900)
Federal multiparty constitutional monarchy

county's Groups:

British 34%, French 26%, German 4%, Italian 3%, Ukrainian 2%,
Native American (Amerindian/Inuit) 1.5%, Chinese 1%
English and French (both official)

• Religions:
Christianity (Roman Catholic 47%, Protestant 41%),
Judaism, Islam, Hinduism
• Currency:
Canadian dollar = 100 cents


Only in the past hundred years has Alberta seen people settle,
before that the province was primarily uninhabited wilderness.
Today, Alberta is home to two of Canada’s largest cities (Calgary
and Edmonton) and is covered by huge wheat fields, cattle
Edmonton is spread out along the winding North Saskatchewan
River and ranches and mineral and fossil fuel mines. Alberta sits
on the western side of the Prairies, and the Rocky Mountains
rise from the flat lands on the west of the province .
Calgary is home to many of Canada’s national corporations,
second only to Toronto. The office lined streets are ranked as
the cleanest in the world. The provincial capital’s rising
population of over 800,000 people draws in the tourists from
across the world. Banff and the Rocky Mountains are visible to
the west of the city.
Edmonton attracts tourists due to its proximity to Jasper and the
Rockies. Despite many of the city’s attractions and points of
interest, the most famous part to Edmonton is the West
Edmonton Mall, the world’s largest mall, and it is massive! The
mall covers over 48 hectares and contains nearly 1000 stores
and many other attractions such as a huge water park,
amusement parks, Deep Sea environments, themed streets and
so much more.

British Columbia
• Simply known as BC, British Columbia contains some of
the most varied and spectacular scenery in the world. To
the east are the Rocky Mountains, to the north are many
lakes, forests, there is a small desert in the south and
the west of the province lies along the Pacific Ocean
coast. Heavily influenced from California, which is easier
to access than the rest of Canada, British Columbians
live a different lifestyle to the rest of Canada.
• One of the most spectacularly scenic cities in Canada,
Vancouver is nestled between the sea and the mountains
in the very south west of the province. As one of the
most cosmopolitan cities in North America, Vancouver is
home to many new immigrants is easily the third largest
city in Canada (behind Toronto and Montreal.)

• Heading west towards the Prairies, Manitoba is the
gateway province filled with lakes and National Parkland.
• Winnipeg, like many Canadian cities, is located in the
south of the province and lies halfway between the
coasts. Despite being so far inland, Winnipeg is still
easily recognizable as a western city with its skyline and
architecturally diverse streets.
• In the north of Manitoba, Churchill, on the shore of
Hudson Bay, draws interest from around the world with
its unique wildlife including Polar Bears that often
wander down the streets of the town. With no roads this
far north, most people arrive by plane or the more
adventurous take the train from Winnipeg which takes
about 35 hours.

New Brunswick
• The heavily forested maritime province of New
Brunswick lies between Nova Scotia and Quebec.
• The Saint John River valley runs south along the west of
the province through the industrial city of Saint John into
the Bay of Fundy. Here the world’s highest tides are very
apparent, especially at the Reversing Falls where the tide
change is so dramatic it causes rapids in the river mouth
which change direction with the tide.
• Monkton is the gateway to both Prince Edward Island
and Nova Scotia making it a popular transport stop over.
• Most of the north of the province is mountainous while
the south and along the Saint John River, farming and
pastoral lands occupy much of the dramatic views

Newfoundland and
• Canada’s most easterly province Newfoundland
(pronounced "new-fun-land") and Labrador consists of
two main entities. The Island of Newfoundland, which is
the home to the provincial capital St John’s. The other
entity is Labrador, north of Newfoundland.
• Most of the population of the province lis in the far more
accessible Newfoundland. The inland areas are heavily
forested with peat bogs and lakes, where as the
shorelines are spotted with towns.
• St John’s is the oldest city in North America yet the
province was the last to join the to Canadian
Confederation as late as 1949. A reminder to how ‘new’
Canada is as a country.

Northwest Territories
• The Northwest Territories is covered by artic tundra,
mountains and forests. The population is spread across
the huge, vast areas but most is concentrated in the
• Yellowknife is essentially a government town but
contains the territory's commercial and service centre as
well as being one of the few places north of the Arctic
Circle that attract tourists regularly


Nova Scotia
• When you are in Nova Scotia everything is a reminder
about how the sea influences the province and it’s
people. Although not an Island, Nova Scotia is
surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean with only 45km wide
connection to the rest of Canada. Where ever you are in
Nova Scotia, you are never further than 56km from the
• Most of the province is covered in dense forest and
gentle rolling hills. The Bay of Fundy on the west coast
has the world’s highest tides.
• Cape Breton in the north is a large island that accounts
for about one fifth of the landmass in Nova Scotia. The
mountains here are more rugged and reminiscent of the
Scottish Highlands.
• Halifax is the Capital of Nova Scotia.

• On the 1st of April 1999, the dream of many Inuit people
was finally realized with the creation of the newest
province, Nunavut. One of the most sparsely populated
areas in the world, Nunavut reaches from northern
Manitoba and Quebec to the North Pole. Most of the
population speak the native language Inuktitut.
• Iqualuit is the governing town of the province.
Temperatures rarely rise above freezing and in summer 8
degrees is the highest average temperature. With a
population of just 4000 Iqaluit is the smallest city in
Canada and also one of the hardest to access any time of
the year. Located on Baffin Island, air is the only realistic
way to gain entry to this expensive and extraordinary


The centrally located province of Ontario is home to the Great
Lakes, Hudson Bay, Niagara Falls, Algonquin Provincial Park and
many architectural masterpieces such as the CN Tower, Sky
Dome, and many of the national parliament buildings in the
capital city of Ottawa.
Toronto, the most popular city to visit in Canada and the largest
city in the country is also the provincial capital. Located on Lake
Ontario, one of the Great Lakes, Toronto is the technology
capital and home of the CN Tower, the world’s tallest man-made
In the east of Ontario, Ottawa sits on the south bank of the
Ottawa River, with the twin city of Hull on the north bank in the
province of Quebec. Around the gothic parliament buildings you
can often find traditionally dressed Royal Canadian Mounted
Police officers.

• Canada’s smallest province known simply as PEI is linked
to the mainland by the Confederation Bridge and at 13km
in length it is the world’s longest. Prince Edward Island is
an area in which the residents have fought hard to keep
the way it was when it was first inhabited by westerners.
• There is not a lot to do but the beautiful scenery makes
up for it all. Every area of the island is easily accessible
by the many roads that crisscross the pastoral


The heart of French Canada, where English is considered
a distant second language, Quebec (pronounced
‘KebEck’) is unlike anywhere else in North America. The
culture, architecture, music, religion and way of life is
truly unique.
The capital of the province, Quebec City, has a very
noticeable European feel to it. Modern buildings are few
and far between, but the impressive design of the walled
city is quite overwhelming in it’s location on a hill on the
side of the Saint Lawrence River.
In Montreal (pronounced ‘Mor’E’Al) English and French
are spoken side by side. Being served at a shop or
restaurant, you never know which language the person
will speak. Over 40% of Quebec’s population live here
making it the second largest French speaking city in the
world. The Bi-Lingual status of Montreal makes for a
decidedly different air to other Canadian cities. Most of
the downtown of this Olympic city can be accessed by
underground malls that consist of over 40km of passages
lined with shops and restaurants, linked by malls and the
popular Paris style Metro.

• The home of the roaming North American Prairie Bison,
Saskatchewan is located in the heart of the plains. With
rolling farm fields and grasslands, the scenery feels
endless. Despite this, there are more than 100,000 lakes
spread across the province.
• Regina is the southerly located capital and like many
provincial capitals in Canada, Regina is a small, quiet
city of under 185,000 residents that pretty much closes
after the sun sets. Despite this, Regina is the
commercial, financial and industrial hub of the province.
• The clean, wide streets and low skyline surrounded by
wheat fields give Saskatoon a different feels to it.
Saskatoon is smack in the middle of the Prairies and
traveling to and from the city, this fact is very apparent.
The city spans the South Saskatchewan River, with the
downtown area located on the north shores linked to the
south by seven bridges.

Yukon territory
• Wedged between Alaska and the Northwest Territories
on each side, Yukon Territory is bounded by British
Columbia, to the south and the Arctic Ocean to the north.
The Yukon is one of the easiest places north of the arctic
circle to access, however, it is not all that does not mean
it is simple.
• The only city in the territory, Whitehorse is in the south
of the territory and can be accessed by roads but these
roads deteriorate rapidly the further north they go. With
only 20,000 residents, nearly everyone in the territory
lives in Whitehorse. Despite the population size, the city
limits cover 421 sq km making it the largest urban
designated areas in Canada. The central downtown area
of the city is very small but the residents are spread
across this large area giving them plenty of space to live.

• Websites

www. canadatravelguide.info/provinces/manitoba.asp
www. canadianstudies.ab.ca

Slide 16

5/6 Walker
Due Monday Dec.15/03

• In the early 1500s, Jacques Cartier used a First Nations
word for village, “kanata”, to refer to the country he had
encountered. European map makers later used “Canada”
as a name for all the land north of the St. Lawrence River.
Canada was home to aboriginal peoples for thousands of
years before the arrival of the Europeans, and so it's
appropriate that our name should come from their

• The origin and meaning of the name Canada has been a
matter of surmise since the arrival of the first explorer.
Jacques Cartier, reporting on his 1535-36 voyage, noted
that "kanata" was an Iroquois word meaning town, or
cluster of dwellings. Other reports have it that early
Spanish or Portuguese explorers, disappointed in not
finding gold or other riches, derided the country as
Canada. Yet others have ascribed the word to Latin or
Sanskrit. The weight of opinion to date, however, favors
the Aboriginal origin noted in Cartier's report. Whatever
the source, the Constitution Act, 1867, Canada's original
constitution, announced that the name of the new
dominion would be . . . Canada.

• In 28,000 B.C the first residents of what now is Canada
arrived over the Bering Strait.
• In 8000 B.C. Most parts of Southern Canada has been
occupied by "Indians.
• in 5000 B.C. Petroglyphs made in what is now
northwestern Ontario.
• In 3000 B.C. A human face is carved into the surface of a
rock in what is now southwestern Québec. It is a called
• In 2000 B.C. Pre-Dorset Inuit people migrate through the
Bering Strait into what is now the Northwest Territories.
They bring carefully crafted artifacts such as harpoon
heads and lances.

• In April, 1/1999 the internal borders of Canada following
the creation of Nunavut, which was established in 1993
and officially came into being in April 1999. The new
territory is the biggest change in Canada’s boundaries
since Newfoundland joined Confederation in 1949.
• The federal government of Winnipeg needed general
maps of regions newly opened up to settlement and
decided to produce maps at a scale of one inch to three
miles (1:190 080). The maps were easy to produce using
existing information. In all, 134 such maps were

Canada Facts

9,976,140 sq km (3,851,788 sq miles)
31,413,990 (July 2002)
Capital (population):
Ottawa (1,128,900)
Federal multiparty constitutional monarchy

county's Groups:

British 34%, French 26%, German 4%, Italian 3%, Ukrainian 2%,
Native American (Amerindian/Inuit) 1.5%, Chinese 1%
English and French (both official)

• Religions:
Christianity (Roman Catholic 47%, Protestant 41%),
Judaism, Islam, Hinduism
• Currency:
Canadian dollar = 100 cents


Only in the past hundred years has Alberta seen people settle,
before that the province was primarily uninhabited wilderness.
Today, Alberta is home to two of Canada’s largest cities (Calgary
and Edmonton) and is covered by huge wheat fields, cattle
Edmonton is spread out along the winding North Saskatchewan
River and ranches and mineral and fossil fuel mines. Alberta sits
on the western side of the Prairies, and the Rocky Mountains
rise from the flat lands on the west of the province .
Calgary is home to many of Canada’s national corporations,
second only to Toronto. The office lined streets are ranked as
the cleanest in the world. The provincial capital’s rising
population of over 800,000 people draws in the tourists from
across the world. Banff and the Rocky Mountains are visible to
the west of the city.
Edmonton attracts tourists due to its proximity to Jasper and the
Rockies. Despite many of the city’s attractions and points of
interest, the most famous part to Edmonton is the West
Edmonton Mall, the world’s largest mall, and it is massive! The
mall covers over 48 hectares and contains nearly 1000 stores
and many other attractions such as a huge water park,
amusement parks, Deep Sea environments, themed streets and
so much more.

British Columbia
• Simply known as BC, British Columbia contains some of
the most varied and spectacular scenery in the world. To
the east are the Rocky Mountains, to the north are many
lakes, forests, there is a small desert in the south and
the west of the province lies along the Pacific Ocean
coast. Heavily influenced from California, which is easier
to access than the rest of Canada, British Columbians
live a different lifestyle to the rest of Canada.
• One of the most spectacularly scenic cities in Canada,
Vancouver is nestled between the sea and the mountains
in the very south west of the province. As one of the
most cosmopolitan cities in North America, Vancouver is
home to many new immigrants is easily the third largest
city in Canada (behind Toronto and Montreal.)

• Heading west towards the Prairies, Manitoba is the
gateway province filled with lakes and National Parkland.
• Winnipeg, like many Canadian cities, is located in the
south of the province and lies halfway between the
coasts. Despite being so far inland, Winnipeg is still
easily recognizable as a western city with its skyline and
architecturally diverse streets.
• In the north of Manitoba, Churchill, on the shore of
Hudson Bay, draws interest from around the world with
its unique wildlife including Polar Bears that often
wander down the streets of the town. With no roads this
far north, most people arrive by plane or the more
adventurous take the train from Winnipeg which takes
about 35 hours.

New Brunswick
• The heavily forested maritime province of New
Brunswick lies between Nova Scotia and Quebec.
• The Saint John River valley runs south along the west of
the province through the industrial city of Saint John into
the Bay of Fundy. Here the world’s highest tides are very
apparent, especially at the Reversing Falls where the tide
change is so dramatic it causes rapids in the river mouth
which change direction with the tide.
• Monkton is the gateway to both Prince Edward Island
and Nova Scotia making it a popular transport stop over.
• Most of the north of the province is mountainous while
the south and along the Saint John River, farming and
pastoral lands occupy much of the dramatic views

Newfoundland and
• Canada’s most easterly province Newfoundland
(pronounced "new-fun-land") and Labrador consists of
two main entities. The Island of Newfoundland, which is
the home to the provincial capital St John’s. The other
entity is Labrador, north of Newfoundland.
• Most of the population of the province lis in the far more
accessible Newfoundland. The inland areas are heavily
forested with peat bogs and lakes, where as the
shorelines are spotted with towns.
• St John’s is the oldest city in North America yet the
province was the last to join the to Canadian
Confederation as late as 1949. A reminder to how ‘new’
Canada is as a country.

Northwest Territories
• The Northwest Territories is covered by artic tundra,
mountains and forests. The population is spread across
the huge, vast areas but most is concentrated in the
• Yellowknife is essentially a government town but
contains the territory's commercial and service centre as
well as being one of the few places north of the Arctic
Circle that attract tourists regularly


Nova Scotia
• When you are in Nova Scotia everything is a reminder
about how the sea influences the province and it’s
people. Although not an Island, Nova Scotia is
surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean with only 45km wide
connection to the rest of Canada. Where ever you are in
Nova Scotia, you are never further than 56km from the
• Most of the province is covered in dense forest and
gentle rolling hills. The Bay of Fundy on the west coast
has the world’s highest tides.
• Cape Breton in the north is a large island that accounts
for about one fifth of the landmass in Nova Scotia. The
mountains here are more rugged and reminiscent of the
Scottish Highlands.
• Halifax is the Capital of Nova Scotia.

• On the 1st of April 1999, the dream of many Inuit people
was finally realized with the creation of the newest
province, Nunavut. One of the most sparsely populated
areas in the world, Nunavut reaches from northern
Manitoba and Quebec to the North Pole. Most of the
population speak the native language Inuktitut.
• Iqualuit is the governing town of the province.
Temperatures rarely rise above freezing and in summer 8
degrees is the highest average temperature. With a
population of just 4000 Iqaluit is the smallest city in
Canada and also one of the hardest to access any time of
the year. Located on Baffin Island, air is the only realistic
way to gain entry to this expensive and extraordinary


The centrally located province of Ontario is home to the Great
Lakes, Hudson Bay, Niagara Falls, Algonquin Provincial Park and
many architectural masterpieces such as the CN Tower, Sky
Dome, and many of the national parliament buildings in the
capital city of Ottawa.
Toronto, the most popular city to visit in Canada and the largest
city in the country is also the provincial capital. Located on Lake
Ontario, one of the Great Lakes, Toronto is the technology
capital and home of the CN Tower, the world’s tallest man-made
In the east of Ontario, Ottawa sits on the south bank of the
Ottawa River, with the twin city of Hull on the north bank in the
province of Quebec. Around the gothic parliament buildings you
can often find traditionally dressed Royal Canadian Mounted
Police officers.

• Canada’s smallest province known simply as PEI is linked
to the mainland by the Confederation Bridge and at 13km
in length it is the world’s longest. Prince Edward Island is
an area in which the residents have fought hard to keep
the way it was when it was first inhabited by westerners.
• There is not a lot to do but the beautiful scenery makes
up for it all. Every area of the island is easily accessible
by the many roads that crisscross the pastoral


The heart of French Canada, where English is considered
a distant second language, Quebec (pronounced
‘KebEck’) is unlike anywhere else in North America. The
culture, architecture, music, religion and way of life is
truly unique.
The capital of the province, Quebec City, has a very
noticeable European feel to it. Modern buildings are few
and far between, but the impressive design of the walled
city is quite overwhelming in it’s location on a hill on the
side of the Saint Lawrence River.
In Montreal (pronounced ‘Mor’E’Al) English and French
are spoken side by side. Being served at a shop or
restaurant, you never know which language the person
will speak. Over 40% of Quebec’s population live here
making it the second largest French speaking city in the
world. The Bi-Lingual status of Montreal makes for a
decidedly different air to other Canadian cities. Most of
the downtown of this Olympic city can be accessed by
underground malls that consist of over 40km of passages
lined with shops and restaurants, linked by malls and the
popular Paris style Metro.

• The home of the roaming North American Prairie Bison,
Saskatchewan is located in the heart of the plains. With
rolling farm fields and grasslands, the scenery feels
endless. Despite this, there are more than 100,000 lakes
spread across the province.
• Regina is the southerly located capital and like many
provincial capitals in Canada, Regina is a small, quiet
city of under 185,000 residents that pretty much closes
after the sun sets. Despite this, Regina is the
commercial, financial and industrial hub of the province.
• The clean, wide streets and low skyline surrounded by
wheat fields give Saskatoon a different feels to it.
Saskatoon is smack in the middle of the Prairies and
traveling to and from the city, this fact is very apparent.
The city spans the South Saskatchewan River, with the
downtown area located on the north shores linked to the
south by seven bridges.

Yukon territory
• Wedged between Alaska and the Northwest Territories
on each side, Yukon Territory is bounded by British
Columbia, to the south and the Arctic Ocean to the north.
The Yukon is one of the easiest places north of the arctic
circle to access, however, it is not all that does not mean
it is simple.
• The only city in the territory, Whitehorse is in the south
of the territory and can be accessed by roads but these
roads deteriorate rapidly the further north they go. With
only 20,000 residents, nearly everyone in the territory
lives in Whitehorse. Despite the population size, the city
limits cover 421 sq km making it the largest urban
designated areas in Canada. The central downtown area
of the city is very small but the residents are spread
across this large area giving them plenty of space to live.

• Websites

www. canadatravelguide.info/provinces/manitoba.asp
www. canadianstudies.ab.ca

Slide 17

5/6 Walker
Due Monday Dec.15/03

• In the early 1500s, Jacques Cartier used a First Nations
word for village, “kanata”, to refer to the country he had
encountered. European map makers later used “Canada”
as a name for all the land north of the St. Lawrence River.
Canada was home to aboriginal peoples for thousands of
years before the arrival of the Europeans, and so it's
appropriate that our name should come from their

• The origin and meaning of the name Canada has been a
matter of surmise since the arrival of the first explorer.
Jacques Cartier, reporting on his 1535-36 voyage, noted
that "kanata" was an Iroquois word meaning town, or
cluster of dwellings. Other reports have it that early
Spanish or Portuguese explorers, disappointed in not
finding gold or other riches, derided the country as
Canada. Yet others have ascribed the word to Latin or
Sanskrit. The weight of opinion to date, however, favors
the Aboriginal origin noted in Cartier's report. Whatever
the source, the Constitution Act, 1867, Canada's original
constitution, announced that the name of the new
dominion would be . . . Canada.

• In 28,000 B.C the first residents of what now is Canada
arrived over the Bering Strait.
• In 8000 B.C. Most parts of Southern Canada has been
occupied by "Indians.
• in 5000 B.C. Petroglyphs made in what is now
northwestern Ontario.
• In 3000 B.C. A human face is carved into the surface of a
rock in what is now southwestern Québec. It is a called
• In 2000 B.C. Pre-Dorset Inuit people migrate through the
Bering Strait into what is now the Northwest Territories.
They bring carefully crafted artifacts such as harpoon
heads and lances.

• In April, 1/1999 the internal borders of Canada following
the creation of Nunavut, which was established in 1993
and officially came into being in April 1999. The new
territory is the biggest change in Canada’s boundaries
since Newfoundland joined Confederation in 1949.
• The federal government of Winnipeg needed general
maps of regions newly opened up to settlement and
decided to produce maps at a scale of one inch to three
miles (1:190 080). The maps were easy to produce using
existing information. In all, 134 such maps were

Canada Facts

9,976,140 sq km (3,851,788 sq miles)
31,413,990 (July 2002)
Capital (population):
Ottawa (1,128,900)
Federal multiparty constitutional monarchy

county's Groups:

British 34%, French 26%, German 4%, Italian 3%, Ukrainian 2%,
Native American (Amerindian/Inuit) 1.5%, Chinese 1%
English and French (both official)

• Religions:
Christianity (Roman Catholic 47%, Protestant 41%),
Judaism, Islam, Hinduism
• Currency:
Canadian dollar = 100 cents


Only in the past hundred years has Alberta seen people settle,
before that the province was primarily uninhabited wilderness.
Today, Alberta is home to two of Canada’s largest cities (Calgary
and Edmonton) and is covered by huge wheat fields, cattle
Edmonton is spread out along the winding North Saskatchewan
River and ranches and mineral and fossil fuel mines. Alberta sits
on the western side of the Prairies, and the Rocky Mountains
rise from the flat lands on the west of the province .
Calgary is home to many of Canada’s national corporations,
second only to Toronto. The office lined streets are ranked as
the cleanest in the world. The provincial capital’s rising
population of over 800,000 people draws in the tourists from
across the world. Banff and the Rocky Mountains are visible to
the west of the city.
Edmonton attracts tourists due to its proximity to Jasper and the
Rockies. Despite many of the city’s attractions and points of
interest, the most famous part to Edmonton is the West
Edmonton Mall, the world’s largest mall, and it is massive! The
mall covers over 48 hectares and contains nearly 1000 stores
and many other attractions such as a huge water park,
amusement parks, Deep Sea environments, themed streets and
so much more.

British Columbia
• Simply known as BC, British Columbia contains some of
the most varied and spectacular scenery in the world. To
the east are the Rocky Mountains, to the north are many
lakes, forests, there is a small desert in the south and
the west of the province lies along the Pacific Ocean
coast. Heavily influenced from California, which is easier
to access than the rest of Canada, British Columbians
live a different lifestyle to the rest of Canada.
• One of the most spectacularly scenic cities in Canada,
Vancouver is nestled between the sea and the mountains
in the very south west of the province. As one of the
most cosmopolitan cities in North America, Vancouver is
home to many new immigrants is easily the third largest
city in Canada (behind Toronto and Montreal.)

• Heading west towards the Prairies, Manitoba is the
gateway province filled with lakes and National Parkland.
• Winnipeg, like many Canadian cities, is located in the
south of the province and lies halfway between the
coasts. Despite being so far inland, Winnipeg is still
easily recognizable as a western city with its skyline and
architecturally diverse streets.
• In the north of Manitoba, Churchill, on the shore of
Hudson Bay, draws interest from around the world with
its unique wildlife including Polar Bears that often
wander down the streets of the town. With no roads this
far north, most people arrive by plane or the more
adventurous take the train from Winnipeg which takes
about 35 hours.

New Brunswick
• The heavily forested maritime province of New
Brunswick lies between Nova Scotia and Quebec.
• The Saint John River valley runs south along the west of
the province through the industrial city of Saint John into
the Bay of Fundy. Here the world’s highest tides are very
apparent, especially at the Reversing Falls where the tide
change is so dramatic it causes rapids in the river mouth
which change direction with the tide.
• Monkton is the gateway to both Prince Edward Island
and Nova Scotia making it a popular transport stop over.
• Most of the north of the province is mountainous while
the south and along the Saint John River, farming and
pastoral lands occupy much of the dramatic views

Newfoundland and
• Canada’s most easterly province Newfoundland
(pronounced "new-fun-land") and Labrador consists of
two main entities. The Island of Newfoundland, which is
the home to the provincial capital St John’s. The other
entity is Labrador, north of Newfoundland.
• Most of the population of the province lis in the far more
accessible Newfoundland. The inland areas are heavily
forested with peat bogs and lakes, where as the
shorelines are spotted with towns.
• St John’s is the oldest city in North America yet the
province was the last to join the to Canadian
Confederation as late as 1949. A reminder to how ‘new’
Canada is as a country.

Northwest Territories
• The Northwest Territories is covered by artic tundra,
mountains and forests. The population is spread across
the huge, vast areas but most is concentrated in the
• Yellowknife is essentially a government town but
contains the territory's commercial and service centre as
well as being one of the few places north of the Arctic
Circle that attract tourists regularly


Nova Scotia
• When you are in Nova Scotia everything is a reminder
about how the sea influences the province and it’s
people. Although not an Island, Nova Scotia is
surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean with only 45km wide
connection to the rest of Canada. Where ever you are in
Nova Scotia, you are never further than 56km from the
• Most of the province is covered in dense forest and
gentle rolling hills. The Bay of Fundy on the west coast
has the world’s highest tides.
• Cape Breton in the north is a large island that accounts
for about one fifth of the landmass in Nova Scotia. The
mountains here are more rugged and reminiscent of the
Scottish Highlands.
• Halifax is the Capital of Nova Scotia.

• On the 1st of April 1999, the dream of many Inuit people
was finally realized with the creation of the newest
province, Nunavut. One of the most sparsely populated
areas in the world, Nunavut reaches from northern
Manitoba and Quebec to the North Pole. Most of the
population speak the native language Inuktitut.
• Iqualuit is the governing town of the province.
Temperatures rarely rise above freezing and in summer 8
degrees is the highest average temperature. With a
population of just 4000 Iqaluit is the smallest city in
Canada and also one of the hardest to access any time of
the year. Located on Baffin Island, air is the only realistic
way to gain entry to this expensive and extraordinary


The centrally located province of Ontario is home to the Great
Lakes, Hudson Bay, Niagara Falls, Algonquin Provincial Park and
many architectural masterpieces such as the CN Tower, Sky
Dome, and many of the national parliament buildings in the
capital city of Ottawa.
Toronto, the most popular city to visit in Canada and the largest
city in the country is also the provincial capital. Located on Lake
Ontario, one of the Great Lakes, Toronto is the technology
capital and home of the CN Tower, the world’s tallest man-made
In the east of Ontario, Ottawa sits on the south bank of the
Ottawa River, with the twin city of Hull on the north bank in the
province of Quebec. Around the gothic parliament buildings you
can often find traditionally dressed Royal Canadian Mounted
Police officers.

• Canada’s smallest province known simply as PEI is linked
to the mainland by the Confederation Bridge and at 13km
in length it is the world’s longest. Prince Edward Island is
an area in which the residents have fought hard to keep
the way it was when it was first inhabited by westerners.
• There is not a lot to do but the beautiful scenery makes
up for it all. Every area of the island is easily accessible
by the many roads that crisscross the pastoral


The heart of French Canada, where English is considered
a distant second language, Quebec (pronounced
‘KebEck’) is unlike anywhere else in North America. The
culture, architecture, music, religion and way of life is
truly unique.
The capital of the province, Quebec City, has a very
noticeable European feel to it. Modern buildings are few
and far between, but the impressive design of the walled
city is quite overwhelming in it’s location on a hill on the
side of the Saint Lawrence River.
In Montreal (pronounced ‘Mor’E’Al) English and French
are spoken side by side. Being served at a shop or
restaurant, you never know which language the person
will speak. Over 40% of Quebec’s population live here
making it the second largest French speaking city in the
world. The Bi-Lingual status of Montreal makes for a
decidedly different air to other Canadian cities. Most of
the downtown of this Olympic city can be accessed by
underground malls that consist of over 40km of passages
lined with shops and restaurants, linked by malls and the
popular Paris style Metro.

• The home of the roaming North American Prairie Bison,
Saskatchewan is located in the heart of the plains. With
rolling farm fields and grasslands, the scenery feels
endless. Despite this, there are more than 100,000 lakes
spread across the province.
• Regina is the southerly located capital and like many
provincial capitals in Canada, Regina is a small, quiet
city of under 185,000 residents that pretty much closes
after the sun sets. Despite this, Regina is the
commercial, financial and industrial hub of the province.
• The clean, wide streets and low skyline surrounded by
wheat fields give Saskatoon a different feels to it.
Saskatoon is smack in the middle of the Prairies and
traveling to and from the city, this fact is very apparent.
The city spans the South Saskatchewan River, with the
downtown area located on the north shores linked to the
south by seven bridges.

Yukon territory
• Wedged between Alaska and the Northwest Territories
on each side, Yukon Territory is bounded by British
Columbia, to the south and the Arctic Ocean to the north.
The Yukon is one of the easiest places north of the arctic
circle to access, however, it is not all that does not mean
it is simple.
• The only city in the territory, Whitehorse is in the south
of the territory and can be accessed by roads but these
roads deteriorate rapidly the further north they go. With
only 20,000 residents, nearly everyone in the territory
lives in Whitehorse. Despite the population size, the city
limits cover 421 sq km making it the largest urban
designated areas in Canada. The central downtown area
of the city is very small but the residents are spread
across this large area giving them plenty of space to live.

• Websites

www. canadatravelguide.info/provinces/manitoba.asp
www. canadianstudies.ab.ca

Slide 18

5/6 Walker
Due Monday Dec.15/03

• In the early 1500s, Jacques Cartier used a First Nations
word for village, “kanata”, to refer to the country he had
encountered. European map makers later used “Canada”
as a name for all the land north of the St. Lawrence River.
Canada was home to aboriginal peoples for thousands of
years before the arrival of the Europeans, and so it's
appropriate that our name should come from their

• The origin and meaning of the name Canada has been a
matter of surmise since the arrival of the first explorer.
Jacques Cartier, reporting on his 1535-36 voyage, noted
that "kanata" was an Iroquois word meaning town, or
cluster of dwellings. Other reports have it that early
Spanish or Portuguese explorers, disappointed in not
finding gold or other riches, derided the country as
Canada. Yet others have ascribed the word to Latin or
Sanskrit. The weight of opinion to date, however, favors
the Aboriginal origin noted in Cartier's report. Whatever
the source, the Constitution Act, 1867, Canada's original
constitution, announced that the name of the new
dominion would be . . . Canada.

• In 28,000 B.C the first residents of what now is Canada
arrived over the Bering Strait.
• In 8000 B.C. Most parts of Southern Canada has been
occupied by "Indians.
• in 5000 B.C. Petroglyphs made in what is now
northwestern Ontario.
• In 3000 B.C. A human face is carved into the surface of a
rock in what is now southwestern Québec. It is a called
• In 2000 B.C. Pre-Dorset Inuit people migrate through the
Bering Strait into what is now the Northwest Territories.
They bring carefully crafted artifacts such as harpoon
heads and lances.

• In April, 1/1999 the internal borders of Canada following
the creation of Nunavut, which was established in 1993
and officially came into being in April 1999. The new
territory is the biggest change in Canada’s boundaries
since Newfoundland joined Confederation in 1949.
• The federal government of Winnipeg needed general
maps of regions newly opened up to settlement and
decided to produce maps at a scale of one inch to three
miles (1:190 080). The maps were easy to produce using
existing information. In all, 134 such maps were

Canada Facts

9,976,140 sq km (3,851,788 sq miles)
31,413,990 (July 2002)
Capital (population):
Ottawa (1,128,900)
Federal multiparty constitutional monarchy

county's Groups:

British 34%, French 26%, German 4%, Italian 3%, Ukrainian 2%,
Native American (Amerindian/Inuit) 1.5%, Chinese 1%
English and French (both official)

• Religions:
Christianity (Roman Catholic 47%, Protestant 41%),
Judaism, Islam, Hinduism
• Currency:
Canadian dollar = 100 cents


Only in the past hundred years has Alberta seen people settle,
before that the province was primarily uninhabited wilderness.
Today, Alberta is home to two of Canada’s largest cities (Calgary
and Edmonton) and is covered by huge wheat fields, cattle
Edmonton is spread out along the winding North Saskatchewan
River and ranches and mineral and fossil fuel mines. Alberta sits
on the western side of the Prairies, and the Rocky Mountains
rise from the flat lands on the west of the province .
Calgary is home to many of Canada’s national corporations,
second only to Toronto. The office lined streets are ranked as
the cleanest in the world. The provincial capital’s rising
population of over 800,000 people draws in the tourists from
across the world. Banff and the Rocky Mountains are visible to
the west of the city.
Edmonton attracts tourists due to its proximity to Jasper and the
Rockies. Despite many of the city’s attractions and points of
interest, the most famous part to Edmonton is the West
Edmonton Mall, the world’s largest mall, and it is massive! The
mall covers over 48 hectares and contains nearly 1000 stores
and many other attractions such as a huge water park,
amusement parks, Deep Sea environments, themed streets and
so much more.

British Columbia
• Simply known as BC, British Columbia contains some of
the most varied and spectacular scenery in the world. To
the east are the Rocky Mountains, to the north are many
lakes, forests, there is a small desert in the south and
the west of the province lies along the Pacific Ocean
coast. Heavily influenced from California, which is easier
to access than the rest of Canada, British Columbians
live a different lifestyle to the rest of Canada.
• One of the most spectacularly scenic cities in Canada,
Vancouver is nestled between the sea and the mountains
in the very south west of the province. As one of the
most cosmopolitan cities in North America, Vancouver is
home to many new immigrants is easily the third largest
city in Canada (behind Toronto and Montreal.)

• Heading west towards the Prairies, Manitoba is the
gateway province filled with lakes and National Parkland.
• Winnipeg, like many Canadian cities, is located in the
south of the province and lies halfway between the
coasts. Despite being so far inland, Winnipeg is still
easily recognizable as a western city with its skyline and
architecturally diverse streets.
• In the north of Manitoba, Churchill, on the shore of
Hudson Bay, draws interest from around the world with
its unique wildlife including Polar Bears that often
wander down the streets of the town. With no roads this
far north, most people arrive by plane or the more
adventurous take the train from Winnipeg which takes
about 35 hours.

New Brunswick
• The heavily forested maritime province of New
Brunswick lies between Nova Scotia and Quebec.
• The Saint John River valley runs south along the west of
the province through the industrial city of Saint John into
the Bay of Fundy. Here the world’s highest tides are very
apparent, especially at the Reversing Falls where the tide
change is so dramatic it causes rapids in the river mouth
which change direction with the tide.
• Monkton is the gateway to both Prince Edward Island
and Nova Scotia making it a popular transport stop over.
• Most of the north of the province is mountainous while
the south and along the Saint John River, farming and
pastoral lands occupy much of the dramatic views

Newfoundland and
• Canada’s most easterly province Newfoundland
(pronounced "new-fun-land") and Labrador consists of
two main entities. The Island of Newfoundland, which is
the home to the provincial capital St John’s. The other
entity is Labrador, north of Newfoundland.
• Most of the population of the province lis in the far more
accessible Newfoundland. The inland areas are heavily
forested with peat bogs and lakes, where as the
shorelines are spotted with towns.
• St John’s is the oldest city in North America yet the
province was the last to join the to Canadian
Confederation as late as 1949. A reminder to how ‘new’
Canada is as a country.

Northwest Territories
• The Northwest Territories is covered by artic tundra,
mountains and forests. The population is spread across
the huge, vast areas but most is concentrated in the
• Yellowknife is essentially a government town but
contains the territory's commercial and service centre as
well as being one of the few places north of the Arctic
Circle that attract tourists regularly


Nova Scotia
• When you are in Nova Scotia everything is a reminder
about how the sea influences the province and it’s
people. Although not an Island, Nova Scotia is
surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean with only 45km wide
connection to the rest of Canada. Where ever you are in
Nova Scotia, you are never further than 56km from the
• Most of the province is covered in dense forest and
gentle rolling hills. The Bay of Fundy on the west coast
has the world’s highest tides.
• Cape Breton in the north is a large island that accounts
for about one fifth of the landmass in Nova Scotia. The
mountains here are more rugged and reminiscent of the
Scottish Highlands.
• Halifax is the Capital of Nova Scotia.

• On the 1st of April 1999, the dream of many Inuit people
was finally realized with the creation of the newest
province, Nunavut. One of the most sparsely populated
areas in the world, Nunavut reaches from northern
Manitoba and Quebec to the North Pole. Most of the
population speak the native language Inuktitut.
• Iqualuit is the governing town of the province.
Temperatures rarely rise above freezing and in summer 8
degrees is the highest average temperature. With a
population of just 4000 Iqaluit is the smallest city in
Canada and also one of the hardest to access any time of
the year. Located on Baffin Island, air is the only realistic
way to gain entry to this expensive and extraordinary


The centrally located province of Ontario is home to the Great
Lakes, Hudson Bay, Niagara Falls, Algonquin Provincial Park and
many architectural masterpieces such as the CN Tower, Sky
Dome, and many of the national parliament buildings in the
capital city of Ottawa.
Toronto, the most popular city to visit in Canada and the largest
city in the country is also the provincial capital. Located on Lake
Ontario, one of the Great Lakes, Toronto is the technology
capital and home of the CN Tower, the world’s tallest man-made
In the east of Ontario, Ottawa sits on the south bank of the
Ottawa River, with the twin city of Hull on the north bank in the
province of Quebec. Around the gothic parliament buildings you
can often find traditionally dressed Royal Canadian Mounted
Police officers.

• Canada’s smallest province known simply as PEI is linked
to the mainland by the Confederation Bridge and at 13km
in length it is the world’s longest. Prince Edward Island is
an area in which the residents have fought hard to keep
the way it was when it was first inhabited by westerners.
• There is not a lot to do but the beautiful scenery makes
up for it all. Every area of the island is easily accessible
by the many roads that crisscross the pastoral


The heart of French Canada, where English is considered
a distant second language, Quebec (pronounced
‘KebEck’) is unlike anywhere else in North America. The
culture, architecture, music, religion and way of life is
truly unique.
The capital of the province, Quebec City, has a very
noticeable European feel to it. Modern buildings are few
and far between, but the impressive design of the walled
city is quite overwhelming in it’s location on a hill on the
side of the Saint Lawrence River.
In Montreal (pronounced ‘Mor’E’Al) English and French
are spoken side by side. Being served at a shop or
restaurant, you never know which language the person
will speak. Over 40% of Quebec’s population live here
making it the second largest French speaking city in the
world. The Bi-Lingual status of Montreal makes for a
decidedly different air to other Canadian cities. Most of
the downtown of this Olympic city can be accessed by
underground malls that consist of over 40km of passages
lined with shops and restaurants, linked by malls and the
popular Paris style Metro.

• The home of the roaming North American Prairie Bison,
Saskatchewan is located in the heart of the plains. With
rolling farm fields and grasslands, the scenery feels
endless. Despite this, there are more than 100,000 lakes
spread across the province.
• Regina is the southerly located capital and like many
provincial capitals in Canada, Regina is a small, quiet
city of under 185,000 residents that pretty much closes
after the sun sets. Despite this, Regina is the
commercial, financial and industrial hub of the province.
• The clean, wide streets and low skyline surrounded by
wheat fields give Saskatoon a different feels to it.
Saskatoon is smack in the middle of the Prairies and
traveling to and from the city, this fact is very apparent.
The city spans the South Saskatchewan River, with the
downtown area located on the north shores linked to the
south by seven bridges.

Yukon territory
• Wedged between Alaska and the Northwest Territories
on each side, Yukon Territory is bounded by British
Columbia, to the south and the Arctic Ocean to the north.
The Yukon is one of the easiest places north of the arctic
circle to access, however, it is not all that does not mean
it is simple.
• The only city in the territory, Whitehorse is in the south
of the territory and can be accessed by roads but these
roads deteriorate rapidly the further north they go. With
only 20,000 residents, nearly everyone in the territory
lives in Whitehorse. Despite the population size, the city
limits cover 421 sq km making it the largest urban
designated areas in Canada. The central downtown area
of the city is very small but the residents are spread
across this large area giving them plenty of space to live.

• Websites

www. canadatravelguide.info/provinces/manitoba.asp
www. canadianstudies.ab.ca

Slide 19

5/6 Walker
Due Monday Dec.15/03

• In the early 1500s, Jacques Cartier used a First Nations
word for village, “kanata”, to refer to the country he had
encountered. European map makers later used “Canada”
as a name for all the land north of the St. Lawrence River.
Canada was home to aboriginal peoples for thousands of
years before the arrival of the Europeans, and so it's
appropriate that our name should come from their

• The origin and meaning of the name Canada has been a
matter of surmise since the arrival of the first explorer.
Jacques Cartier, reporting on his 1535-36 voyage, noted
that "kanata" was an Iroquois word meaning town, or
cluster of dwellings. Other reports have it that early
Spanish or Portuguese explorers, disappointed in not
finding gold or other riches, derided the country as
Canada. Yet others have ascribed the word to Latin or
Sanskrit. The weight of opinion to date, however, favors
the Aboriginal origin noted in Cartier's report. Whatever
the source, the Constitution Act, 1867, Canada's original
constitution, announced that the name of the new
dominion would be . . . Canada.

• In 28,000 B.C the first residents of what now is Canada
arrived over the Bering Strait.
• In 8000 B.C. Most parts of Southern Canada has been
occupied by "Indians.
• in 5000 B.C. Petroglyphs made in what is now
northwestern Ontario.
• In 3000 B.C. A human face is carved into the surface of a
rock in what is now southwestern Québec. It is a called
• In 2000 B.C. Pre-Dorset Inuit people migrate through the
Bering Strait into what is now the Northwest Territories.
They bring carefully crafted artifacts such as harpoon
heads and lances.

• In April, 1/1999 the internal borders of Canada following
the creation of Nunavut, which was established in 1993
and officially came into being in April 1999. The new
territory is the biggest change in Canada’s boundaries
since Newfoundland joined Confederation in 1949.
• The federal government of Winnipeg needed general
maps of regions newly opened up to settlement and
decided to produce maps at a scale of one inch to three
miles (1:190 080). The maps were easy to produce using
existing information. In all, 134 such maps were

Canada Facts

9,976,140 sq km (3,851,788 sq miles)
31,413,990 (July 2002)
Capital (population):
Ottawa (1,128,900)
Federal multiparty constitutional monarchy

county's Groups:

British 34%, French 26%, German 4%, Italian 3%, Ukrainian 2%,
Native American (Amerindian/Inuit) 1.5%, Chinese 1%
English and French (both official)

• Religions:
Christianity (Roman Catholic 47%, Protestant 41%),
Judaism, Islam, Hinduism
• Currency:
Canadian dollar = 100 cents


Only in the past hundred years has Alberta seen people settle,
before that the province was primarily uninhabited wilderness.
Today, Alberta is home to two of Canada’s largest cities (Calgary
and Edmonton) and is covered by huge wheat fields, cattle
Edmonton is spread out along the winding North Saskatchewan
River and ranches and mineral and fossil fuel mines. Alberta sits
on the western side of the Prairies, and the Rocky Mountains
rise from the flat lands on the west of the province .
Calgary is home to many of Canada’s national corporations,
second only to Toronto. The office lined streets are ranked as
the cleanest in the world. The provincial capital’s rising
population of over 800,000 people draws in the tourists from
across the world. Banff and the Rocky Mountains are visible to
the west of the city.
Edmonton attracts tourists due to its proximity to Jasper and the
Rockies. Despite many of the city’s attractions and points of
interest, the most famous part to Edmonton is the West
Edmonton Mall, the world’s largest mall, and it is massive! The
mall covers over 48 hectares and contains nearly 1000 stores
and many other attractions such as a huge water park,
amusement parks, Deep Sea environments, themed streets and
so much more.

British Columbia
• Simply known as BC, British Columbia contains some of
the most varied and spectacular scenery in the world. To
the east are the Rocky Mountains, to the north are many
lakes, forests, there is a small desert in the south and
the west of the province lies along the Pacific Ocean
coast. Heavily influenced from California, which is easier
to access than the rest of Canada, British Columbians
live a different lifestyle to the rest of Canada.
• One of the most spectacularly scenic cities in Canada,
Vancouver is nestled between the sea and the mountains
in the very south west of the province. As one of the
most cosmopolitan cities in North America, Vancouver is
home to many new immigrants is easily the third largest
city in Canada (behind Toronto and Montreal.)

• Heading west towards the Prairies, Manitoba is the
gateway province filled with lakes and National Parkland.
• Winnipeg, like many Canadian cities, is located in the
south of the province and lies halfway between the
coasts. Despite being so far inland, Winnipeg is still
easily recognizable as a western city with its skyline and
architecturally diverse streets.
• In the north of Manitoba, Churchill, on the shore of
Hudson Bay, draws interest from around the world with
its unique wildlife including Polar Bears that often
wander down the streets of the town. With no roads this
far north, most people arrive by plane or the more
adventurous take the train from Winnipeg which takes
about 35 hours.

New Brunswick
• The heavily forested maritime province of New
Brunswick lies between Nova Scotia and Quebec.
• The Saint John River valley runs south along the west of
the province through the industrial city of Saint John into
the Bay of Fundy. Here the world’s highest tides are very
apparent, especially at the Reversing Falls where the tide
change is so dramatic it causes rapids in the river mouth
which change direction with the tide.
• Monkton is the gateway to both Prince Edward Island
and Nova Scotia making it a popular transport stop over.
• Most of the north of the province is mountainous while
the south and along the Saint John River, farming and
pastoral lands occupy much of the dramatic views

Newfoundland and
• Canada’s most easterly province Newfoundland
(pronounced "new-fun-land") and Labrador consists of
two main entities. The Island of Newfoundland, which is
the home to the provincial capital St John’s. The other
entity is Labrador, north of Newfoundland.
• Most of the population of the province lis in the far more
accessible Newfoundland. The inland areas are heavily
forested with peat bogs and lakes, where as the
shorelines are spotted with towns.
• St John’s is the oldest city in North America yet the
province was the last to join the to Canadian
Confederation as late as 1949. A reminder to how ‘new’
Canada is as a country.

Northwest Territories
• The Northwest Territories is covered by artic tundra,
mountains and forests. The population is spread across
the huge, vast areas but most is concentrated in the
• Yellowknife is essentially a government town but
contains the territory's commercial and service centre as
well as being one of the few places north of the Arctic
Circle that attract tourists regularly


Nova Scotia
• When you are in Nova Scotia everything is a reminder
about how the sea influences the province and it’s
people. Although not an Island, Nova Scotia is
surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean with only 45km wide
connection to the rest of Canada. Where ever you are in
Nova Scotia, you are never further than 56km from the
• Most of the province is covered in dense forest and
gentle rolling hills. The Bay of Fundy on the west coast
has the world’s highest tides.
• Cape Breton in the north is a large island that accounts
for about one fifth of the landmass in Nova Scotia. The
mountains here are more rugged and reminiscent of the
Scottish Highlands.
• Halifax is the Capital of Nova Scotia.

• On the 1st of April 1999, the dream of many Inuit people
was finally realized with the creation of the newest
province, Nunavut. One of the most sparsely populated
areas in the world, Nunavut reaches from northern
Manitoba and Quebec to the North Pole. Most of the
population speak the native language Inuktitut.
• Iqualuit is the governing town of the province.
Temperatures rarely rise above freezing and in summer 8
degrees is the highest average temperature. With a
population of just 4000 Iqaluit is the smallest city in
Canada and also one of the hardest to access any time of
the year. Located on Baffin Island, air is the only realistic
way to gain entry to this expensive and extraordinary


The centrally located province of Ontario is home to the Great
Lakes, Hudson Bay, Niagara Falls, Algonquin Provincial Park and
many architectural masterpieces such as the CN Tower, Sky
Dome, and many of the national parliament buildings in the
capital city of Ottawa.
Toronto, the most popular city to visit in Canada and the largest
city in the country is also the provincial capital. Located on Lake
Ontario, one of the Great Lakes, Toronto is the technology
capital and home of the CN Tower, the world’s tallest man-made
In the east of Ontario, Ottawa sits on the south bank of the
Ottawa River, with the twin city of Hull on the north bank in the
province of Quebec. Around the gothic parliament buildings you
can often find traditionally dressed Royal Canadian Mounted
Police officers.

• Canada’s smallest province known simply as PEI is linked
to the mainland by the Confederation Bridge and at 13km
in length it is the world’s longest. Prince Edward Island is
an area in which the residents have fought hard to keep
the way it was when it was first inhabited by westerners.
• There is not a lot to do but the beautiful scenery makes
up for it all. Every area of the island is easily accessible
by the many roads that crisscross the pastoral


The heart of French Canada, where English is considered
a distant second language, Quebec (pronounced
‘KebEck’) is unlike anywhere else in North America. The
culture, architecture, music, religion and way of life is
truly unique.
The capital of the province, Quebec City, has a very
noticeable European feel to it. Modern buildings are few
and far between, but the impressive design of the walled
city is quite overwhelming in it’s location on a hill on the
side of the Saint Lawrence River.
In Montreal (pronounced ‘Mor’E’Al) English and French
are spoken side by side. Being served at a shop or
restaurant, you never know which language the person
will speak. Over 40% of Quebec’s population live here
making it the second largest French speaking city in the
world. The Bi-Lingual status of Montreal makes for a
decidedly different air to other Canadian cities. Most of
the downtown of this Olympic city can be accessed by
underground malls that consist of over 40km of passages
lined with shops and restaurants, linked by malls and the
popular Paris style Metro.

• The home of the roaming North American Prairie Bison,
Saskatchewan is located in the heart of the plains. With
rolling farm fields and grasslands, the scenery feels
endless. Despite this, there are more than 100,000 lakes
spread across the province.
• Regina is the southerly located capital and like many
provincial capitals in Canada, Regina is a small, quiet
city of under 185,000 residents that pretty much closes
after the sun sets. Despite this, Regina is the
commercial, financial and industrial hub of the province.
• The clean, wide streets and low skyline surrounded by
wheat fields give Saskatoon a different feels to it.
Saskatoon is smack in the middle of the Prairies and
traveling to and from the city, this fact is very apparent.
The city spans the South Saskatchewan River, with the
downtown area located on the north shores linked to the
south by seven bridges.

Yukon territory
• Wedged between Alaska and the Northwest Territories
on each side, Yukon Territory is bounded by British
Columbia, to the south and the Arctic Ocean to the north.
The Yukon is one of the easiest places north of the arctic
circle to access, however, it is not all that does not mean
it is simple.
• The only city in the territory, Whitehorse is in the south
of the territory and can be accessed by roads but these
roads deteriorate rapidly the further north they go. With
only 20,000 residents, nearly everyone in the territory
lives in Whitehorse. Despite the population size, the city
limits cover 421 sq km making it the largest urban
designated areas in Canada. The central downtown area
of the city is very small but the residents are spread
across this large area giving them plenty of space to live.

• Websites

www. canadatravelguide.info/provinces/manitoba.asp
www. canadianstudies.ab.ca

Slide 20

5/6 Walker
Due Monday Dec.15/03

• In the early 1500s, Jacques Cartier used a First Nations
word for village, “kanata”, to refer to the country he had
encountered. European map makers later used “Canada”
as a name for all the land north of the St. Lawrence River.
Canada was home to aboriginal peoples for thousands of
years before the arrival of the Europeans, and so it's
appropriate that our name should come from their

• The origin and meaning of the name Canada has been a
matter of surmise since the arrival of the first explorer.
Jacques Cartier, reporting on his 1535-36 voyage, noted
that "kanata" was an Iroquois word meaning town, or
cluster of dwellings. Other reports have it that early
Spanish or Portuguese explorers, disappointed in not
finding gold or other riches, derided the country as
Canada. Yet others have ascribed the word to Latin or
Sanskrit. The weight of opinion to date, however, favors
the Aboriginal origin noted in Cartier's report. Whatever
the source, the Constitution Act, 1867, Canada's original
constitution, announced that the name of the new
dominion would be . . . Canada.

• In 28,000 B.C the first residents of what now is Canada
arrived over the Bering Strait.
• In 8000 B.C. Most parts of Southern Canada has been
occupied by "Indians.
• in 5000 B.C. Petroglyphs made in what is now
northwestern Ontario.
• In 3000 B.C. A human face is carved into the surface of a
rock in what is now southwestern Québec. It is a called
• In 2000 B.C. Pre-Dorset Inuit people migrate through the
Bering Strait into what is now the Northwest Territories.
They bring carefully crafted artifacts such as harpoon
heads and lances.

• In April, 1/1999 the internal borders of Canada following
the creation of Nunavut, which was established in 1993
and officially came into being in April 1999. The new
territory is the biggest change in Canada’s boundaries
since Newfoundland joined Confederation in 1949.
• The federal government of Winnipeg needed general
maps of regions newly opened up to settlement and
decided to produce maps at a scale of one inch to three
miles (1:190 080). The maps were easy to produce using
existing information. In all, 134 such maps were

Canada Facts

9,976,140 sq km (3,851,788 sq miles)
31,413,990 (July 2002)
Capital (population):
Ottawa (1,128,900)
Federal multiparty constitutional monarchy

county's Groups:

British 34%, French 26%, German 4%, Italian 3%, Ukrainian 2%,
Native American (Amerindian/Inuit) 1.5%, Chinese 1%
English and French (both official)

• Religions:
Christianity (Roman Catholic 47%, Protestant 41%),
Judaism, Islam, Hinduism
• Currency:
Canadian dollar = 100 cents


Only in the past hundred years has Alberta seen people settle,
before that the province was primarily uninhabited wilderness.
Today, Alberta is home to two of Canada’s largest cities (Calgary
and Edmonton) and is covered by huge wheat fields, cattle
Edmonton is spread out along the winding North Saskatchewan
River and ranches and mineral and fossil fuel mines. Alberta sits
on the western side of the Prairies, and the Rocky Mountains
rise from the flat lands on the west of the province .
Calgary is home to many of Canada’s national corporations,
second only to Toronto. The office lined streets are ranked as
the cleanest in the world. The provincial capital’s rising
population of over 800,000 people draws in the tourists from
across the world. Banff and the Rocky Mountains are visible to
the west of the city.
Edmonton attracts tourists due to its proximity to Jasper and the
Rockies. Despite many of the city’s attractions and points of
interest, the most famous part to Edmonton is the West
Edmonton Mall, the world’s largest mall, and it is massive! The
mall covers over 48 hectares and contains nearly 1000 stores
and many other attractions such as a huge water park,
amusement parks, Deep Sea environments, themed streets and
so much more.

British Columbia
• Simply known as BC, British Columbia contains some of
the most varied and spectacular scenery in the world. To
the east are the Rocky Mountains, to the north are many
lakes, forests, there is a small desert in the south and
the west of the province lies along the Pacific Ocean
coast. Heavily influenced from California, which is easier
to access than the rest of Canada, British Columbians
live a different lifestyle to the rest of Canada.
• One of the most spectacularly scenic cities in Canada,
Vancouver is nestled between the sea and the mountains
in the very south west of the province. As one of the
most cosmopolitan cities in North America, Vancouver is
home to many new immigrants is easily the third largest
city in Canada (behind Toronto and Montreal.)

• Heading west towards the Prairies, Manitoba is the
gateway province filled with lakes and National Parkland.
• Winnipeg, like many Canadian cities, is located in the
south of the province and lies halfway between the
coasts. Despite being so far inland, Winnipeg is still
easily recognizable as a western city with its skyline and
architecturally diverse streets.
• In the north of Manitoba, Churchill, on the shore of
Hudson Bay, draws interest from around the world with
its unique wildlife including Polar Bears that often
wander down the streets of the town. With no roads this
far north, most people arrive by plane or the more
adventurous take the train from Winnipeg which takes
about 35 hours.

New Brunswick
• The heavily forested maritime province of New
Brunswick lies between Nova Scotia and Quebec.
• The Saint John River valley runs south along the west of
the province through the industrial city of Saint John into
the Bay of Fundy. Here the world’s highest tides are very
apparent, especially at the Reversing Falls where the tide
change is so dramatic it causes rapids in the river mouth
which change direction with the tide.
• Monkton is the gateway to both Prince Edward Island
and Nova Scotia making it a popular transport stop over.
• Most of the north of the province is mountainous while
the south and along the Saint John River, farming and
pastoral lands occupy much of the dramatic views

Newfoundland and
• Canada’s most easterly province Newfoundland
(pronounced "new-fun-land") and Labrador consists of
two main entities. The Island of Newfoundland, which is
the home to the provincial capital St John’s. The other
entity is Labrador, north of Newfoundland.
• Most of the population of the province lis in the far more
accessible Newfoundland. The inland areas are heavily
forested with peat bogs and lakes, where as the
shorelines are spotted with towns.
• St John’s is the oldest city in North America yet the
province was the last to join the to Canadian
Confederation as late as 1949. A reminder to how ‘new’
Canada is as a country.

Northwest Territories
• The Northwest Territories is covered by artic tundra,
mountains and forests. The population is spread across
the huge, vast areas but most is concentrated in the
• Yellowknife is essentially a government town but
contains the territory's commercial and service centre as
well as being one of the few places north of the Arctic
Circle that attract tourists regularly


Nova Scotia
• When you are in Nova Scotia everything is a reminder
about how the sea influences the province and it’s
people. Although not an Island, Nova Scotia is
surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean with only 45km wide
connection to the rest of Canada. Where ever you are in
Nova Scotia, you are never further than 56km from the
• Most of the province is covered in dense forest and
gentle rolling hills. The Bay of Fundy on the west coast
has the world’s highest tides.
• Cape Breton in the north is a large island that accounts
for about one fifth of the landmass in Nova Scotia. The
mountains here are more rugged and reminiscent of the
Scottish Highlands.
• Halifax is the Capital of Nova Scotia.

• On the 1st of April 1999, the dream of many Inuit people
was finally realized with the creation of the newest
province, Nunavut. One of the most sparsely populated
areas in the world, Nunavut reaches from northern
Manitoba and Quebec to the North Pole. Most of the
population speak the native language Inuktitut.
• Iqualuit is the governing town of the province.
Temperatures rarely rise above freezing and in summer 8
degrees is the highest average temperature. With a
population of just 4000 Iqaluit is the smallest city in
Canada and also one of the hardest to access any time of
the year. Located on Baffin Island, air is the only realistic
way to gain entry to this expensive and extraordinary


The centrally located province of Ontario is home to the Great
Lakes, Hudson Bay, Niagara Falls, Algonquin Provincial Park and
many architectural masterpieces such as the CN Tower, Sky
Dome, and many of the national parliament buildings in the
capital city of Ottawa.
Toronto, the most popular city to visit in Canada and the largest
city in the country is also the provincial capital. Located on Lake
Ontario, one of the Great Lakes, Toronto is the technology
capital and home of the CN Tower, the world’s tallest man-made
In the east of Ontario, Ottawa sits on the south bank of the
Ottawa River, with the twin city of Hull on the north bank in the
province of Quebec. Around the gothic parliament buildings you
can often find traditionally dressed Royal Canadian Mounted
Police officers.

• Canada’s smallest province known simply as PEI is linked
to the mainland by the Confederation Bridge and at 13km
in length it is the world’s longest. Prince Edward Island is
an area in which the residents have fought hard to keep
the way it was when it was first inhabited by westerners.
• There is not a lot to do but the beautiful scenery makes
up for it all. Every area of the island is easily accessible
by the many roads that crisscross the pastoral


The heart of French Canada, where English is considered
a distant second language, Quebec (pronounced
‘KebEck’) is unlike anywhere else in North America. The
culture, architecture, music, religion and way of life is
truly unique.
The capital of the province, Quebec City, has a very
noticeable European feel to it. Modern buildings are few
and far between, but the impressive design of the walled
city is quite overwhelming in it’s location on a hill on the
side of the Saint Lawrence River.
In Montreal (pronounced ‘Mor’E’Al) English and French
are spoken side by side. Being served at a shop or
restaurant, you never know which language the person
will speak. Over 40% of Quebec’s population live here
making it the second largest French speaking city in the
world. The Bi-Lingual status of Montreal makes for a
decidedly different air to other Canadian cities. Most of
the downtown of this Olympic city can be accessed by
underground malls that consist of over 40km of passages
lined with shops and restaurants, linked by malls and the
popular Paris style Metro.

• The home of the roaming North American Prairie Bison,
Saskatchewan is located in the heart of the plains. With
rolling farm fields and grasslands, the scenery feels
endless. Despite this, there are more than 100,000 lakes
spread across the province.
• Regina is the southerly located capital and like many
provincial capitals in Canada, Regina is a small, quiet
city of under 185,000 residents that pretty much closes
after the sun sets. Despite this, Regina is the
commercial, financial and industrial hub of the province.
• The clean, wide streets and low skyline surrounded by
wheat fields give Saskatoon a different feels to it.
Saskatoon is smack in the middle of the Prairies and
traveling to and from the city, this fact is very apparent.
The city spans the South Saskatchewan River, with the
downtown area located on the north shores linked to the
south by seven bridges.

Yukon territory
• Wedged between Alaska and the Northwest Territories
on each side, Yukon Territory is bounded by British
Columbia, to the south and the Arctic Ocean to the north.
The Yukon is one of the easiest places north of the arctic
circle to access, however, it is not all that does not mean
it is simple.
• The only city in the territory, Whitehorse is in the south
of the territory and can be accessed by roads but these
roads deteriorate rapidly the further north they go. With
only 20,000 residents, nearly everyone in the territory
lives in Whitehorse. Despite the population size, the city
limits cover 421 sq km making it the largest urban
designated areas in Canada. The central downtown area
of the city is very small but the residents are spread
across this large area giving them plenty of space to live.

• Websites

www. canadatravelguide.info/provinces/manitoba.asp
www. canadianstudies.ab.ca