ECS ECS Orientation Meeting John Archambault and Kathy Prem M1002 ECB 608.262.3471, Engineering Career Services.

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Transcript ECS ECS Orientation Meeting John Archambault and Kathy Prem M1002 ECB 608.262.3471, Engineering Career Services.

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ECS Orientation Meeting
John Archambault and Kathy Prem
M1002 ECB
Engineering Career Services

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Engineering Career Services
• Serve freshmen through PhD’s; current students and
• Main focus is engineering
– Also serve computer sciences, physics, pharm sci and MBA OTM

• PostDoc/Exchange Students – limited service

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Engineering Career Services
• Main offices located on the mezzanine level of the
Engineering Centers Building (ECB) – room M1002 – Eng.
Student Development Suite
• On-Campus Interview Suite – room 1002
• ECS Locker rooms
– Monday through Friday, 8 AM – 4:30 PM

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Engineering Career Services
• Connect students and employers for
– Summer internships, co-ops and professional (after graduation)

• Advise students and provide resources on all aspects of
the job or grad/prof school search
– Resumes, interviewing, considering job offers and grad/prof
school applications
• John Archambault, Director
– Advises CEE, CMPE, EE, GLE, IE and MSE

• Kathy Prem, Associate Director
– Advises BME, CBE, EMA, EP, MS&E, ME and NE

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Engineering Career Services
• Provide campus recruiting software, myECS, to
– Post resume profiles (AVAILABLE TO EMPLOYERS SEPT 13)
• Complete by this date for max opportunities

– Search all job listings
– View campus visits, such as career fairs, campus interviews and
information sessions
– Ease student sign-up for campus interviews
– House database of employer who hire by major
– Host other job search databases and resources

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Employer Database

Campus Recruiting Employers
Job Posting Employers
Profile Access Employers
Outside Databases
– Hoover’s
– Vault
– GoinGlobal

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Engineering Career Services
• Membership required for access to myECS for campus
interviews, advance career fair list, job postings,
resume referral, other on-line resources
• You do not need to be a member for career fairs, staff
appointments, ECS workshops, office resource library

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To Take Advantage of
• Attend an ECS Orientation Meeting
• Provide a printed copy of Member Contract & Resume
Profile to ECS
– If you brought these documents, give them to a staff member at
the end of the meeting
– If you did not, complete an attendance card anyway and give
it to a staff member at the end of the meeting

• Pay the one-time fee of $20

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Calendar & Events Tips
• Today
– Begin process of activating myECS account
• Continually update Profile throughout semester

– Begin your resume
• Know difference between resume and myECS profile
• Have resume polished by career fair
• Resume reviews:
– Drop off by 9/9 pick up on 9/12
– Drop off by 9/14 pick up on 9/19
– Individual appointments or 48 hour review service after 9/26

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Why do you need a resume?
• To obtain an interview
– It’s an advertisement for
• Be honest and factual
• Shows you in your best
• Emphasizes strengths,
qualifications, interests

– Post on myECS, submit
directly to employers

• To hand out at career
– It’s your introduction
• Professional presentation
– easily scanned
• Format and content are
equally important

– Bring multiple copies to
the fair
• 1 or 2 versions?

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Why do you need a resume?
• To prepare for and guide
the interview
– It’s an outline for your
• Tailored to each position –
projects, experience
• Be prepared to talk about
anything on your resume
for 5 minutes

– Give a copy to everyone
you interview with

• To follow-up after an
– It’s a reminder
• Refreshes your recruiter
on your interview

– Send with your thank you
for every interview

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What should you include?

Name & contact Information
Skills / Awards / Interests / Activities / Publications
Anything else you think is important…
– High school information ok to use as a freshman or sophomore

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Contact examples

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• Write 2 – 3 phrases outlining the type of position you
are seeking and your special interest areas
– Co-op, intern or professional
– Engineering major
– Interests in particular industries or functional areas

•Do not:
•Use words like “challenging”
•Focus on what the employer
can do for you

•Be straightforward
•Customize to the opportunity
•Indicate your interest areas

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Objective examples
• Bad example:
– A fulfilling position in mechanical engineering where I can expand my
communication and leadership skills.

• Straightforward, useful information:
– A geological engineering co-op position in water resources
management or remediation for a maximum of three work terms.

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BS Mechanical Engineering, expected Dec 2012
University of Wisconsin - Madison
– Major GPA 3.5/4.0
– Other Possibilities

Cumulative GPA 3.1/4.0

Coursework – limited list only!
Academic projects – can also be a separate section
Areas of emphasis
Honors, scholarships

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Education example
University of Wisconsin-Madison
B.S. Engineering Mechanics, expected May 2012
– Engineering GPA 3.2/4.0, Cumulative GPA 2.8/4.0

– Academic Design Projects
• Mars Wind Machine: Completed stress and displacement analysis of Giromill
airfoils. Determined most effective internal airfoil construction and material.
• High Voltage Power Line Hybrid Crossarm: Developed an efficient design
process. Completed stress/strain analysis for worst case scenario; appropriate
materials selection/dimension analysis.

– Selected Course Work
• Advanced Strength of Materials, Finite Elements, Material Fatigue, Aerodynamics

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• Highlight any engineering or relevant experience
– Potential section titles (might change for each position):
• Experience

– Engineering Experience
– Other Experience

– Industrial Experience
– Academic Experience

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• Format the same as the education
• Use action verbs and phrases
– See pages 18-19 of ECS Job Search Guide

• Quantify descriptions whenever possible, using #, $ and
– Managed the operation of a municipal pool service over 1000 customers
each day. Supervised a staff of 7 lifeguards. Required strong
organizational skills. Saved $3000 for college expenses.

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Experience example
Developed low-stress, clear and textured optical quality
polycarbonate film products used in display and data storage
applications on state-of-the-art extrusion lines using Six Sigma
• Team leader in commercialization of product with projected
revenue of $4.8 million in 2002.
• Key team member in commercialization of product with
projected revenue of $8 million in 2002.
• Trained all incoming staff (14) over course of semester.

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No experience?
• Everyone has experience!
– Academic projects
• Also appropriate in education or own section

– Volunteer experience
• Also appropriate in additional information

– Any work experience

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Not just engr. co-op/internship
• All jobs are important
– Indicate strong work ethic
– Shows skills like leadership, communication, time
management, working with others, meeting deadlines, etc.
– May also balance a GPA below 3.0
• Worked 20 hours/week while full-time student
• Paid 80% of college expenses through part-time work
Silverspring Golf Course, Middlebury, IL
Caddie, Summers 2005-2007

Developed strong interpersonal skills in working with variety of customers and management.
Enhanced already strong work ethic by working 12 hours/day for 3 months each summer.
Saved $3,300 over 4 summers.
Promoted to caddy master in 2007.
Trained and supervised eight new hires.

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What skills do you have?
• Computer skills
– Be inclusive: languages,
platforms, programs

• Language skills
• Convey the level of
– Proficient
– Fluent
– Familiar with

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What else should you include?

• Activities

– Engineering or community

• Volunteer experience
• Awards, scholarships,
• What else are you
interested in/spend time
– UW Marching Band,
intramural sports teams,
restoring old cars, and Eagle

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Is the format important?
• Resumes are looked at VERY quickly
– ½ content, ½ appearance
– In general, one page for BS students, often 2 pages for MS
– White space is necessary between sections
– Quality printing on white or light paper so it’s easy to read
– Use bullets, bolding, etc.
• But not too much…

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Is your resume ready?
• Proofread
• Have a friend/roommate proofread
– Drop-off review
– Appointment after Career Connection

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Career fair resume
• For the Career Connection only, include at the bottom
of each resume:
– Student ID
– Work Authorization
• (See your profile for wording)

– Candidate Type
• (co-op/intern/professional)


Will now or in the near future require sponsorship


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Interviewing Preparation
• Prepare to Interview
– Practice with friends/family

• Handbook review
– 75 questions
– Questions to ask

• Interview workshops/Mock Interviews
– See ECS Calendar

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Interviews & myECS
• Campus Interviews associated with career fair
• No electronic sign-up, not in myECS
• Talk to employers at fair
• Interviews on 9/22 & 9/23

• Campus Interviews AFTER career fair
• myECS sign-up for interviews
• You MUST sign-up for each interview you have
• Interviews start 10/4 – sign up starts 9/27 (7 am)

– Posted on myECS in two places:
• Datebook AND Job Postings

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Sign-up Possibilities
• You can sign-up for a campus interview if you are either

Qualified to sign the interview schedule
Granted priority (invited) to sign the interview schedule
Interview sign-up opportunities are different each day
Sign-ups begin each weekday at 7 a.m.

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Day of Interview Sign-up

• Reserved for priority students
– You will have only 1 day (24 hours) to sign-up
– If you miss 24 hour sign-up window, no guarantee

• Employers grant students Priority
– Priority supersedes qualification match

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2nd Day of Interview Sign-up
• Qualified Sign-up
– Based on Employer’s Job
Description Qualifiers
• Major, degree level, work
authorization and type of
job sought (intern, co-op
or professional)

• Compete against all other
qualified students for
remaining interview slots

• Alternate Priority
– Employer chooses at same
time they make their
priority selections

• Compete against other
alternate candidates for
remaining interview slots
– Signing-up after other
Priority students sign-up

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Request Priority Sign-up
• How do I improve my odds of being granted priority by
an employer?
– Develop an excellent profile, with deliberate key words
– Request priority for the employer on myECS
• You are allowed 50 requests each semester

– Talk to employers at the career fair
– Contact employers directly – network!!