Journalism 2300: News Photography Week Twelve April 18, 2011 Announcements – Grades as of April 18:  295+  265-294:  235-264:  205-234:  A B C D F.

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Transcript Journalism 2300: News Photography Week Twelve April 18, 2011 Announcements – Grades as of April 18:  295+  265-294:  235-264:  205-234:  A B C D F.

Journalism 2300:
News Photography
Week Twelve
April 18, 2011
– Grades as of April 18:
 295+
 265-294:
 235-264:
 205-234:
 <205:
– Extra Credit: Don Shelby Presentation
 Tuesday, April 19
 6:30 pm, Chemistry 200
 Award-winning journalist and former WCCO news
anchor talks about the failure of American
journalism to tell the most important story since
journalism began - global climate change
 10 extra credit points
– Email 5 paragraph summary by April 26 to: lkragnes
– MetroMix in Minneapolis is looking for a
summer intern who's hip to Twitter and other
social media.
 If you're interested in the internship, UMD
journalism grad Sarah Auna is doing the hire.
To be a better photographer…
…you need to take a lot of photos!
The week in pictures
Spot News Photographs
Overall good variety of photographs
 Tough to plan news photographs; often
 Lighting still a challenge, especially at
 Let’s decide which photographs are ready
to be published
The new Griggs G Dormitory at UMD is in the last few months of
the project. The project will add 140 new rooms and is
projected to be done in July 2011.
Young Bulldog fans wait in anticipation for UMD hockey players to enter
the AMSOIL Arena Celebration on April 13. The arena was filled with
fans who welcomed the UMD Men's Hockey team home after winning
their first NCAA National Championship on April 9.
Paul R. Tregurtha entered the Duluth piers on March 31, 2011. With the
overall length of 1,013 feet and 6 inches, the Paul R. Tregurtha is the
largest boat on the Great Lakes. According to the website, she comes to Duluth about once a week.
The Stillwater Lift Bridge in Stillwater, Minn. was closed due to flooding
at 9 a.m. on April 9, when the water level reached 86.2 feet. The water
level is the eighth highest of all time. The bridge will remain closed until
the water goes down to a safe level.
Mayor Don Ness spoke to the crowd at Amsoil Arena during the UMD
National Championship rally on April 13. The crowd of about 3,000 was
treated to a highlight video and an autograph session following the hour
long celebration.
Thousands of Bulldog Hockey fans were drawn to the new Amsoil Arena
to welcome home the new NCAA Champions back to Duluth. The
Bulldogs beat Michigan in over time 3 to 2 last Saturday. Among the
chosen speakers were Mayor Don Ness and new UMD Chancellor
Lendley Black.
Dennis Chilcote, an instructor at the North House Folk School in Grand
Marais, Minn., teaches "Black Ash Basketry: An Introduction" on April
10. He has been an instructor for over 10 years, and his interests reside
in historical crafts and a fascination with the way ancestors expressed
art through craft, according to the North House Folk School's instructor
University of Minnesota Duluth goalie, Kenny Reiter throws off his gloves
and joins his teammates in celebration moments after Kyle Schmidt
scored the overtime goal to win the Duluth Bulldog's first National
Championship on April 9 . The Bulldogs defeated Michigan 3 to 2.
As the snow melts into the streams in Chester Park, a hint of spring
emerges in the sunlight on Wednesday afternoon.
Duluth construction workers use three cherry pickers to fix the power
lines along Tenth Avenue East on April 14.
A fire destroyed this single floor home located at 2006 Hutchinson Rd. on March
11. According to the incident report filed by Fire Chief Richard Mattson, the fire
was started by a cardboard box of ashes placed on a wooden deck at the rear of
the house. The home owner did not have insurance and The Red Cross is
currently providing housing for the single occupant and his dog.
A fire Residents of Heany Hall realize this was not an ordinary fire drill when
firefighters arrived at 2 a.m. One of the residents burnt a pizza and firefighters
were successful at getting the smoke out of the buidling.
A fire Senior Mike Montgomery spoke on behalf of the UMD Men's Hockey team
at the Amsoil Arena on April 13. Montgomery has played with the team since
2007 and has wrapped up his last year with the Bulldogs with the NCAA National
Championship title. Montgomery will graduate in May.
Cheryl and Jim Mulder watch from the pier in Canal Park as the Algoma
Spirit passes under the aerial lift bridge on to Lake Superior April 13 in
Duluth, Minn.
The door to room forty five is all that still stands of the Chalet Motel located
on 1801 E London Rd. on April 11. The Motel is undergoing demolition to
make way for new Walgreen's pharmacy offices.
On Friday, April 8, the Chalet Motel located off of London Road in Duluth,
Minn., was torn down to make way for a new office building. However, the
tear-down was halted on April 11 when the city of Duluth issued a "Stop
Work Order" at the construction site leaving the pile of rubble to sit at the
site until construction resumes . It has been projected that when
construction begins again the new office building will be used as the offices
for the new Wallgreens to be built on Superior Street.
The falls of Jay Cooke State Park churn violently as the snow and ice melt
into the St. Louis River on April 5. On Tuesday the flow was over 5,000
cubic feet per second (cfs). A normal summer flow is 350 cfs. The river
opened April 3 and continues to rise.
Jack and Mike Connolly (no relation) of the University of Minnesota Duluth
Bulldogs await their names to be called for starting lineups on April 7 for
their Frozen Four game against Notre Dame at the Xcel Energy Center. This
was the Bulldogs fourth apperance in the Frozen Four, where they won their
first National Championship in their 50 years as a program.
Toby Gerhart signs a fan's jersey at the grand re-opening of the Superior
Menards on April 6.
How a camera works
Understanding exposure
ISO: Film speed
– Higher the number, can use faster shutter speed
 Sacrifice quality for reproduction
Aperture: Lens opening
– Amount of light that the camera allows in
– How fast the lens captures action
Page 156 in textbook
Understanding Depth of Field
Depth of Field:
Using a histogram
What do you do if the camera
won’t let you take a photo??
How to control exposure
Put camera in manual mode
 Take an aperture/shutter speed reading
off of something grey in the main area
where your subject will be
– If want to stop action, use largest f-stop and
find corresponding fastest shutter speed
Set your camera to that setting
 Can use auto focus, or manual focus
How to shoot light trails
Words matter!
The real secret to great
Chapter 16: Law
Where photojournalists can take pictures
– Most public places, variety of publicly owned property
Chart on p. 393
 College campuses:
Need permission while class in session
Dorm restrictions: privacy issues
Dining center unclear: Is it a public eating venue?
Need to announce that you are a photojournalist
Government Buildings
Public, but under special rules
– Limited access
– Admissions public, but need permission to
photograph patients
– Are cameras allowed in Minnesota?
News photos in private places
May photograph yard, porch, inside of
house from the street
 Need permission to go onto private
property, even if asked by authorities
Ron Galella: Paparazzo
Specialized in photographing
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
 Began tracking her in 1967
 Onassis sued, won
– Eventually 25 feet
– News photographs OK; not for
No hidden cameras
 Using someone’s image to sell a product
or a service
 Unfairly causing someone to look bad
– Be careful when using a file photo
Truthful but embarrassing photos
 Public but embarrassing
Copyright: Who owns the picture?
Employer owns images
 Freelancer loses rights if agree to “workfor-hire”
 Own copyright to your images
 Can register images with U.S. Copyright
 Respect the copyrights of others
 Let’s look in book
Major Assignment VI: Photo Story
Developing a photo story on a specific
– Editorial essay portraying a particular point of
– OR
– A documentary that neutrally captures a
lifestyle, place or issue
Five photographs due NOON on Friday,
April 30
Picture story has a theme
Not a collection of pictures on a topic
 Test theme with a headline:
– No theme if these headlines work:
“All you ever want to know about…”
“A day in the life...”
“Aspects of …”
“Scenes from…”
– Examples from book:
 “Every Day is Father’s Day:” page 132
 “Generations under the influence:” pages 208-11
 “Final Salute:” pages 58-59
– Find a newspeg
Out of Class Assignment:
Time to show off!
Due NOON on Friday, April 22
 Submit one photograph taken this
semester that you would like to receive
feedback on
 Needs to fit into one of the categories:
general news, portrait, features, sports or
spot news
 Need to write a caption, describe what
category the photograph fulfills
Final Portfolio/Web site
Due May 6
 Build a Web site through Google Sites
 Share your best work!
 Time to dazzle me/family/friends/yourself
by sharing your best work on the Internet
I’m here to help!
Go to:
Sign in to your Google account
Click on Create New Site
This is where the fun begins! Fill out the form,
and try different looks for your new Web site.
Follow instructions at the bottom of the page,
and click on Create site.
Build your Home page. Be creative!