Job Seeking Skills I n t h i s u n i t , we w i l l cove r.

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Job Seeking Skills
I n t h i s u n i t , we w i l l cove r …
• T h e re a l i t y o f t h e j o b s i t u at i o n i n t h e U n i te d S tate s .
• T h e ro l e o f yo u r e d u cat i o n a n d h ow i t f i t s i n t h e j o b
m a r ke t .
• T h e n e e d fo r wo r ke rs w i t h s p e c i a l i ze d s k i l l s / t ra i n in g .
• W h at i t ta ke s to b e co m e e m p l oya b l e .
• H ow to d e ve l o p a go o d re s u m e ’ p a c ke t .
• H ow to p re p a re fo r a n i nte r v i e w.
• Pe r fo r m a m o c k i nte r v i ew fo r a C A D D raf t i n g j o b .
Current Reality
Fresno County (July 2011 Fresno Bee)
 Unemployment Rate
 16.7%
 Unemployment Rate among college grads
 3.4%
 Unemployment Rate among those with a high school
diploma or less
 16.1%
 Living in Poverty (September 2011 LA Times)
US 15%
California 16%
Fresno 21% -192,638
Children under 18 living in poverty jumped to 22%,
from 20.7% the previous year
 Fresno County 30% - 82,440
Current Reality
Current Reality
Worker Gap: Lack of Qualified Workers
Estimated Annual College Graduation Rates
Graduation Rates in Millions
United States
Graduation Rate
Skills Gap: Lack of Qualified Workers
Science/ Engineering Graduates
Percent of College Graduates Earning
Science/Engineering Degrees
Skills Gap: Lack of Qualified Workers
Science and Engineering
 Two million baby boomers will retire from these
fields by 2008.
 The US population will produce 198,000 workers to
replace them.
 The US ranked 3rd in the world three decades ago in
graduating science and engineering students.
 The US now ranks 17th in this category.
Objectives (BTEOTLYWBAT)
 Identify the elements of a complete resume packet.
 Search online for find a job opening for an entry-
level CAD Drafting/Engineer related job.
 Identify the sections that make up an impressive
cover letter.
 Write an individualized cover letter for a CAD
Drafting job.
A Resume Packet Contains:
 Cover Letter (We will create one today
after finding a job opening)
 Application
 Resume
 3 Letters of Recommendation
 Additional requested documents
The Purpose of a Cover Letter
 To introduce yourself. Describe your educational
background and experience as it relates to the
 Using information you know about the hiring
company, describe why you have chosen to apply for
the job.
 State your case for why this organization should hire
you. What skills, past experience, or educational
background qualifies you for the job.
Locate a Job Opening
 If applications are not on-line, call or email the
Human Resources Office and pick one up in person.
 Job search websites:
 Once you locate a job opening, prepare your cover
Elements of a Cover Letter
Current date
Your address
Your name
The company’s address
Greeting (Dear Sir)
Opening paragraph
Body: specific information regarding the
 Closing paragraph/thank you
 Salutation (Sincerely, …)
Cover Letter Layout
Greeting… Dear (Name of recipient):
Opening paragraph here… State that you are writing in response to the job
advertisement for a (name of position). State your intentions, how you are qualified
for the job, and how you can benefit the company.
Body here… (Statement of what you can offer the company and the skills you possess)
(Bulleted list here)
 Skill 1
 Skill 2
Closing paragraph here… State that you interested in the chance for an interview or to
further discuss this position. Provide contact information (phone or by e-mail. Also
state that your resume’ is enclosed for review, and that you look forward to hearing
from the employer (recipient).
Salutation… (Sincerely,)
(3-4 spaces for a signature)
Your name (typed)
Job Seeking Skills
Vocabulary terms you need to know…
1. Employer
2. Work Ethic
3. Resume Packet
4. Cover Letter
5. Job Application
6. References
7. Letter of Recommendation
8. Succinct
The Purpose of a Resume’
 To show a summary of your work history, skills, and
education (your qualifications for the job).
 To create interest and make the reader (employer)
want to read your resume and learn more about
your position.
 To be called for an interview.
A Resume Should…
 Be brief and to the point
 Target important information
 Use effective communication
 Be organized and flow smoothly
 Be factual and 100 percent honest
This is your Advertisement!
Resume Tips
 Use short statements, not full sentences. Do not use I, me or my.
 Start every sentence with an action verb.
 Avoid unnecessary words such as a, an and the.
 Avoid underlining because it makes a resume look cluttered.
 Ways to highlight include: bold, italics and all capital letters.
 Be sure that your name stands out. It should be in all capital
letters, bold type and in a larger font size than everything else
Use a font size not less than ten.
 Avoid bold colors for your resume. Off white, light blue, gray and
buff are fine. Always use black ink.
 Put the most attractive elements to a potential employer at the
top of your resume.
 Use rich vocabulary. A thesaurus will help