Prepared by: Riyadh Bani Younis and Mais Mayyas The three main models of professional education and training that had historically appeared in the following order: a) The.

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Transcript Prepared by: Riyadh Bani Younis and Mais Mayyas The three main models of professional education and training that had historically appeared in the following order: a) The.

Prepared by:
Riyadh Bani Younis
Mais Mayyas
The three main models of professional
education and training that had historically
appeared in the following order:
a) The Craft Model, in which the trainees learn by
imitating the expert's technique and following his
b) The Applied Science Model, which is a research –
based model.
c) The Reflective Model, in which the trainees
acquire both professional knowledge and skills
through reflection.
The core of the reflective
model of professional
development is the
reflective cycle involving
professional action
(practice) and reflection
on the action.
This model highlights both the experience
and the scientific foundation of the
profession. According to this model,
professionals reflect on their performance.
They may find it either strong or weak, so they
will probably ask themselves what goes wrong
or why it goes so well. They will probably want
to think what to repeat in the future.
Reflective practice model
or mental
Stage 1
Stage 2
Professional education/development
The stages of The process of professional
development :
1.The pre-training stage.
2. The stage of professional
3. The goal.
The pre-training stage:
 The reflective model emphasizes the trainees' existing
conceptual schemata or mental construct. This means that
when teachers come to their classes, they have background
knowledge (schemata), which is teachers' teaching. When
they are engaged into training, they change their schemata.
As pointed out by Wallace, this model emphasizes the fact
that people rarely enter into the training situation with
blank minds and/or neutral attitudes. Teachers' beliefs and
attitudes are part of their schemata which has been derived
either from what has been read or taught or from
professional experience. In this regard, our schemata shape
our teaching.
In this stage, the main interest is increasing the trainees' professional
practices and two elements are highlighted:
1. The received knowledge
2. The experiential knowledge
What is the difference between
received knowledge and
experiential knowledge?
Received knowledge means
theory from different sources.
Experiential knowledge means practice
under the supervision of others or teachers
reflecting on their own teaching practice.
Received Knowledge and Experiential Knowledge:
Received Knowledge and Experiential Knowledge:
Received knowledge refers to facts, data, theories, etc.
which are associated with the study of a particular
profession. The received and the experiential knowledge
bear a close, reciprocal relationship. The received
knowledge should both directly inform the experiential
knowledge and be directly informed by it. The
experiential knowledge, which is considered the core of
the reflective model, is also referred to as the knowledge
of professional action (practical practice).
How can the relationship between
received knowledge and
experiential knowledge be
described? Is it reciprocal or oneway?
The relationship between received knowledge
and experiential knowledge
The reflective model argues for making the
relationship reciprocal, not one-way. In this
way, the trainees can reflect on the received
knowledge in the light of classroom experience,
and so that classroom experience can feed back
into the received knowledge sessions.
Practice and Reflection:
When teachers reflect, they recall,
reconsider and evaluate. Practice
and reflection may include briefing,
trial teaching, five minutes lesson
to peers on one specific skill
observed by a supervisor or others,
videotaped, critique, videotaped
and finally re-teach.
Trial teach
A 5-m in lesson to peers on one
specific skill
Observed by supervisor
(the most reliable source of
Peers giving feedback
Does every course have
space for practice sessions?
Some in-service courses may consist of a
series of inputs of different kinds. They may
operate entirely in the area of received
knowledge. The effectiveness of such courses
will obviously depend on how well they
relate to the trainees' own "reflection" and
"practice". That is, the trainees may evaluate
the inputs in terms of their own practice and
either decide to change their teaching in
some way, or not. If they incorporate the new
techniques in their subsequent practice, they
may then reevaluate them in the light of that
Disadvantages of the use of practice for professional education
1- Experience is private, not shared.
2- The potential lack of focus on the
3- The lack of structure in the model of
articulating the mode of reflection.
What are the aspects of the course that have
to be examined carefully?
1- School experience or teaching practice should be organized and timed in a way
that can feed into the received knowledge subject sessions, and also be influenced
by them.
2- There should be a timetabled period when tutors deliver received knowledge
inputs to give the trainees an opportunity to discuss the inputs as related to
their school experience.
3- The assessment of the received knowledge inputs should be organized in a
way that the trainees have an opportunity to display their ability to apply
received Knowledge in a school or classroom context.
4- There should be machinery of course organization which allows the received
knowledge subject tutors to harmonize their inputs, so that they can see, at
least partially, how these inputs relate to one another, as well as to school
It is a shorthand way of referring to the continuing process of
reflection on received knowledge and experiential knowledge
in the context of professional action (practice). This reflection
may take place before the event. As we are reading texts or
listening to lectures, etc. we may well be reflecting on such
inputs and understanding them with reference to our
professional concerns. Reflection may also take place by a
process of recollection: as we struggle with a professional
problem, we recall relevant knowledge or experience that may
help us with our evaluation of the problem. Or, finally, it may
take place during the practice itself:' reflection in action'. The
point that is being highlighted here is that the practice
element which is the central focus of the knowledge base on
the one hand and the reflective process on the other.
The teacher as a researcher
It has been recommended by many writers that the process of
reflection should be formalized, and that the classroom teacher
should also become a researcher because this would help to
undermine the dichotomy between theory and practice.
However, there are real problems regarding doing research such
as special expertise, a lot of time, financial resources, etc.
Goal: professional competence
The term 'professional competence'
can be used in two senses.
In one sense, it is the indication that
someone has met certain minimum
requirements for the exercise of his/her
profession. Thus, one's competence to
teach might be proved by a certificate
gained at the end of a teacher education
course many years ago.
There is another sense of “professional
competence” in which a moving target or a
horizon, towards which professionals travel
all their life, but which is never finally
attained. The variables are many: society's
expectations, the nature of the subject, the
examination system, the teacher's changes in
responsibility, etc. Competence, here, has
come along way from adequacy or even
proficiency: it has the stronger force of
expertise. Viewed from this perspective,
professional certificate is not a terminal, but
a point of departure.
The goal
The third stage refers to the goal,
which is the professional competence.
If the feedback is okay, the teacher
does not need to re-teach. If the
teacher finds that his teaching needs
more, he reflects again and re-teaches.
Either we use received or experiential
knowledge, reflection is necessary in
both. If we combine them together, we
reflect on the practice.