Number the Stars By Lois Lowry WebQuest by Sunny Thornton Click to Enter Overview Congratulations! You have been selected as a very smart fourth grader to work on.

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Transcript Number the Stars By Lois Lowry WebQuest by Sunny Thornton Click to Enter Overview Congratulations! You have been selected as a very smart fourth grader to work on.

Number the Stars
By Lois Lowry
by Sunny Thornton
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Congratulations! You have been selected as a very smart fourth
grader to work on a mission so important that when you
complete it, you will be an EXPERT on Lois Lowry’s novel,
Number the Stars.
In this mission, you will be asked to follow a series of web links
and complete a series of projects. You are going to explore
vocabulary used in the novel, the various places in Europe
where the book takes place, information on the Holocaust and
World War II, and even the Star of David and what it means to
Are you prepared to begin?
Yes! Sign me up!
No, thanks.
• Follow all directions and all steps on each page.
• When you have completed a section, go back home and
move on to the next section.
• Some sections will ask you to write in your Number the
Starts (NTS) Notebook. The directions will be written in
green. This notebook will be your assessment and will
be due upon completion of the WebQuest.
Remember: All underlined words can be clicked on and will
take you to another step or page. If a picture asks you to
click, then it will also take you to another step or page.
Table of Contents
Number the Stars Notebook
Information Page
Key Vocabulary
Map Skills
Country Exploration
The Holocaust and World War II
The Star of David
Compare the Rosens to the Johansens
Additional Children’s Books about the Holocaust
Additional Resources for Teachers
You thought
you would be
didn’t you?
I’m ready and excited!!
Information Page
In your NTS Notebook, make your first page an information
page that includes the following information about
Number the Stars:
Published Date:
Number of Pages:
Number of Chapters:
Key Vocabulary
-Click on each link to view the vocabulary from each chapter group.
Chapters 1-4
Chapters 5-8
Chapters 9-12
Chapters 13-16
Write these vocabulary words and definitions in your NTS Notebook.
Nazi – Member of the German Party
Kroner – Money used in Denmark and
Halte – Stop
Occupation – Taking control of an area
Rabbi – Jewish religious leader
Rationed – Controlled amount one can use
To Key
Chapters 5-8 Vocabulary
Write these vocabulary words and definitions in your NTS Notebook.
Star of David – Symbol of Judaism
Exasperation – Frustrated annoyance
Specter – A haunting or disturbing image; a
Tentatively – Not for certain or permanent
To Key
Write these vocabulary words and definitions in your NTS Notebook.
Mourning – A feeling of grief or sadness
Typhus – A severe infectious disease
Surge – Flood or spill over
Staccato – Hesitating
To Key
Write these vocabulary words and definitions in your NTS Notebook.
Stricken – Troubled with sorrow
Donned – To dress oneself
Contempt – The state of despising
Tantalize – To tease or torment by keeping
out of reach
To Key
Map Skills
It is important to know where Number the Stars takes place
so that when you read you will have some background
knowledge on the setting of the story.
Explore the map and search for the following: the Baltic
Sea, Belgium, Copenhagen, Denmark, France, Holland,
the North Sea, Norway, and Sweden.
Once you have finished
exploring the map, continue on
to the next page.
Click to view
the map.
Country Exploration
Click on each link to learn about the
countries in which Number the Stars took
In your NTS
Notebook, make a
page for each
country and include:
-Name of country
-Picture of the flag
-Type of government
-Languages spoken
-At least two things
you found
The Holocaust and WWII
Click on the link below to learn more about the
Holocaust and why Ellen had to pretend to be
Annemarie’s sister.
The Holocaust, Hitler,
and World War II
In your NTS Notebook, write the questions and
answers to the following questions:
1. In what year did Adolf Hitler’s ride to power begin?
2. In what year did Hitler gain complete control of
Germany under the Nazi Party?
3. What were Jews ordered to wear?
4. Where were Jews forced to live?
5. How many Jews were killed by the end of the war?
The Star of David
The Star of David had to be worn by all
Jews. Find out what it means and more
about it by clicking here:
In your NTS Notebook,
draw a picture of the
Star of David and write
about it. What is it?
Why were the Jews
forced to wear it?
Click on the star
Compare the Rosens to the
Copy this Venn Diagram into your NTS
Notebook and complete it.
Click on the books below to explore the
definition of freedom:
1. Freedom
2. Freedom
In your NTS Notebook:
-Write your own definition of freedom. What does it
mean to you?
-Write down 5 freedoms that you now enjoy.
-Write a paragraph about how you would feel if
those freedoms were suddenly taken away from
Number the Stars
-In your notebook, you will be asked to record various information from the WebQuest
and from class discussions.
-At the end of your WebQuest, you will turn in your notebook to be graded.
Unsatisfactory 1
Satisfactory 2
Excellent 3
Information Page
0-4 filled out correctly in notebook
5-6 filled out coreectly in notebook
7 filled out correctly in notebook
Chapters 1-4 Vocabulary
No vocabulary written
Some vocabulary written
All vocabulary written
Chapters 5-8 Vocabulary
No vocabulary written
Some vocabulary written
All vocabulary written
Chapters 9-12 Vocabulary
No vocabulary written
Some vocabulary written
All vocabulary written
Chapters 13-16 Vocabulary
No vocabulary written
Some vocabulary written
All vocabulary written
Not all of the information requested is
Some information requested is
provided or all information requested is
required with mistakes
All information requested is provided
with no mistakes
Not all of the information requested is
Some information requested is
provided or all information requested is
required with mistakes
All information requested is provided
with no mistakes
Not all of the information requested is
Some information requested is
provided or all information requested is
required with mistakes
All information requested is provided
with no mistakes
Holocaust and WWII Questions
0-2 questions answered correctly
3-4 questions answered correctly
5 questions answered correctly
Star of David
No picture or little to no paragraph
A picture is provided along with a 2-3
sentence paragraph of correct
A picture is provided along with a 5 or
more sentence solid paragraph of
correct information
Venn Diagram
Not filled out/ not filled out correclty
Few statements compared and
Well organized and well thought out
statements compared and contrasted
Little to no self-made definition of
freedom, 1-2 freedoms enjoyed, little to
no paragraph about freedoms being
taken away
A self-made definition of freedom, 3-5
freedoms enjoyed, a 2-3 sentence
pararaph about freedoms being taken
A correct, self-made definition of
freedom, 5 freedoms enjoyed, a solid
4-5 or more sentence paragraph about
freedoms being taken away
Craney (2007). Mr. Craney’s Home Page. Retrieved
October 1, 2007. Web site:
Cornish, J.(2003). Elementary Themes. Retrieved October
2, 2007. Web site:
Pearson Education (2007).Fact Monster. Retrieved
October 1, 2007. Web site:
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Retrieved
October 3, 2007. Web site:
Yellow Badge. Retrieved October 2, 2007. Web site:
Additional Children’s
Books about the
Additional Resources for
-Number the Stars Lesson Plans
-Teaching Guide to the Holocaust
-Teaching About the Holocaust
Additional Children’s
Books about the Holocaust
No Pretty Pictures by Anita Lobel
This book is a memoir of the years the author, brother and nanny spent eluding the Nazis
in Poland. It also covers their capture and internment in a concentration camp. The author
tries to come to terms with having to pretend to be Christians to survive and how difficult it
was to get back to normal when they were reunited with their family at the end of the war.
Clara's War by Kathy Kacer
The Jews captured and deported from Denmark were sent to a ghetto in Terezin,
Czechoslovakia. This novel is set in this ghetto and tells the story of how children made the
most of their situation in order to survive.
Hide and Seek by Ida Vos
This novel tells the story of the experiences of an eight year Jewish girl and her sister
during the occupation of Holland by the Nazis. After moving to escape capture, the family is
separated and the children wonder if they will ever see each other or their parents again.
Four Perfect Pebbles by Lila Perl and Marion Lazan
Many Jewish children ended up in ghettos from which they were transported to various
concentration camps and some to their last days on earth in death camps. This is the story
of a girl who experienced, and because of the liberation by the Allies, survived one of these
Jacob's Rescue by Malka Drucker and Michael Halperin
Many Jewish children escaped being arrested by the Nazis by hiding with Christian
families. This novel covers one of these children and the family that saved him.