iStart Tutorial Office of International Education (OIE) Fall 2011 What is iStart? • On June 16, 2011, OIE began using a new paperless database system.

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Transcript iStart Tutorial Office of International Education (OIE) Fall 2011 What is iStart? • On June 16, 2011, OIE began using a new paperless database system.

iStart Tutorial
Office of International Education (OIE)
Fall 2011
What is iStart?
• On June 16, 2011, OIE began using a new
paperless database system called iStart.
• iStart will provide the campus with an easier and
more efficient means of case management;
governmental reporting compliance; and online
services and electronic forms (E-forms)
Who will use iStart?
• The following users will have access to iStart:
• International students (F and J visa type)
• The Office of International Education
• Academic Departments (Graduate Coordinators/Academic
• iStart will store information on all F-1 visa
holders in addition to the following visa types
within Georgia Tech:
• J, B, E3, H1b, TN, O, and PR
What does iStart look like?
iStart is an
accessible via an
internet browser.
To launch iStart, click
on the link within
OIE’s website:
How does iStart work?
After Student meets with
Program Department, the
student can submit an EForm using iStart
Student logs into Full
Client Services using
their GT username
and Log in to access
the E-Forms available
How will iStart be used?
• F-1 students can submit an online request via an
E-form for the following updates to their I-20:
Academic Reduced Course Load
Change of Degree level
Graduate Change of Major
Financial Statement Update
Graduate Program Extension
Request Dependent
Undergraduate Change of Major
Undergraduate Program Extension
Undergraduate Change in Major Process
Undergraduate F-1 students will
complete the Registrar’s Change of
Major Paper Form and bring it to OIE.
OIE is now a required signature on that
When the Registrar processes the
change in Banner, the student gets an
automatic email requesting them to
complete the Change of Major E-form
within iStart.
Undergraduate Change of
Major E-form
Student will complete all
required questions and
submit the E-form.
Undergraduate Change in Major Process
Undergraduate Change
of Major E-form
Student will complete all
required questions and
submit the E-form.
If the student needs
additional time to
complete the new major,
they will be asked to
complete the
Undergraduate Program
Extension E-form.
Undergraduate Program Extension E-form
If an F-1 undergraduate
student requires more time to
complete their program of
student, they need to apply
for a Program Extension
The next few slides will
contain an example of the
Undergraduate Program
Extension E-form
Financials quotes and
documentation are
provided and checked by
Example Academic
Advisor: Gwen Fernandes
iStart Example cont…
Student will complete
all required questions
and submit the Eform.
The E-form will
generate an email to
the Academic Advisor
based on the contact
information provided
iStart Example cont…
• Email provides quick view information about student and the type of update that is
being requested
• As the second approver for the request, Graduate Coordinator/ Academic Advisor will
click on link provided within iStart Email to review and provide additional information on
the request.
iStart Example cont…
Clicking on the link
within the email
directs Academic
Advisor to log in via
the internet
Username and
password will
already be
provided by iStart
to approve the Eform request
iStart Example cont…
The Academic
Advisor can
review the
information on
the E-form
submitted by the
student by
clicking on the
link at the top of
Approver Page
Transition to iStart
• The transition from paper forms to E-forms occurred on June 16, 2011.
– OIE will continue to work with students and with program departments during this
transition period and for the next few months as we all function within the new
database system.
– The following updates can be requested via an E-form from June 16 onwards:
Academic Reduced Course Load
Change of Degree level
Graduate Change of Major
Financial Statement Update
Graduate Program Extension
Request Dependent
Undergraduate Change of Major
Undergraduate Program Extension
– It is our hope that in the future we will add more E-forms to this list, when we do
we will update you with those changes.
• OIE appreciates your continued assistance to our office and to the
international students at Georgia Tech.
Questions and Training
• OIE hosted a training session for Program Departments
interested in learning more about iStart
– Training slides are posted to OIE’s website.
• OIE posted a Frequently Asked Questions sheet within
our website on for each of the E-forms and for iStart in
• If any additional questions arise, please email Gwen
Fernandes at [email protected]