Resources and Opportunities to get members Rotarized! First - any Questions or Thoughts ?

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Transcript Resources and Opportunities to get members Rotarized! First - any Questions or Thoughts ?

Resources and Opportunities
to get members Rotarized!
First - any Questions
or Thoughts ?
District Resources
 Club Leadership Training Team
 District and Area Governors
 District Committees
 RF-WCS Coordinators
 Membership Coordinators
Rotary International D7080 Club Leader Training
Publications & Internet
 Communications team & website(s)
 website & sub-sites
 – member data & access
 eCatalogue of publications & supplies
 can download most written material
Rotary International D7080 Club Leader Training
Meetings & Events
 52 Club Programs – use District
Committees & Speaker’s Bureau
 DG & AG Visits - what we can do?
 R.I. Convention – Chicago
 TRF & Membership seminars
 Discon
 WCS Projects Fair, Oct 22-23/05
 Other District events during the year
Rotary International D7080 Club Leader Training
If we build it . .
. . Will they come?
At PETS we shared a commitment - Yes!
You tell us by your participation!
 Please share information with members
 Event information & dates on website
 Register early (for planning & budgeting)
Rotary International D7080 Club Leader Training
We’ll Celebrate our Success
Star Achiever Awards!
Club Presidents, District Chairs
& AGs each nominate up to three
Rotarians when they help achieve
one of their star goals
Recipient receives a certificate and
special Gold “Rotary Star” lapel pin
Rotary International D7080 Club Leader Training
60 day countdown to Blast Off!
Are you ready
Been given tools to polish your stars
Don’t let them tarnish or sit idle
Will you be on the space shuttle,
when we head for the stars?
Will you be ready for take off,
your tool box organzied and seat
belt fastened?
Rotary International D7080 Club Leader Training
60 day countdown to Blast Off!
Are you ready
Remember . . .
Your Goals are your coordinates
. . .Our coordinates, for this
wonderful journey together.
Rotary International D7080 Club Leader Training
Polish your star & make it shine!
S uccessful
A chieves
R esults
Doug Vincent
District Governor 7080
You can be that
Star Achiever!
Thank You
Doug Vincent
District Governor 7080