Conversion of a VFX application into a Silverswitch solution Venelina Jordanova Uwe Habermann [email protected] [email protected] Migration from VFPizza for VFP to Silverswitch * Create Silverswitch project with Visual Studio *

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Transcript Conversion of a VFX application into a Silverswitch solution Venelina Jordanova Uwe Habermann [email protected] [email protected] Migration from VFPizza for VFP to Silverswitch * Create Silverswitch project with Visual Studio *

Conversion of a VFX application
into a Silverswitch solution
Venelina Jordanova
Uwe Habermann
[email protected]
[email protected]
Migration from VFPizza for VFP
to Silverswitch
* Create Silverswitch project with
Visual Studio
* Migration with the VFX – Silverlight Wizard
What gets migrated?
* Data access
* VFP database
* SQL Server database
* Data access from VFP and Silverlight
What gets migrated?
* Forms
* Without pageframe
* With pageframe
* 1:n
* Treeview
* Properties of forms
* Parameter controls
What gets migrated?
* Pick fields
* Pick combos
What gets migrated?
* Parent/Child relations
* Start via toolbar
* Start via onmore dialog
* Synchronization of child forms
What gets migrated?
* Reports
What gets migrated?
* Properties of the application object
* VfxApplication
* Controls\VfxAppObject.cs
What gets migrated?
* Runtime localization
* Set-up available languages
More examples
* Document container
* DataGrid mover
More examples
* Internet
* E-Mail
* Skype
* Calculator
* Date picker
* Date time picker
More examples
* Theme selector
* Many themes integrated in Silverswitch
* Easy to modify
OLE automation
* Word
* Excel
* Outlook
* PowerPoint
* MapPoint
* Excel
* More formats in preparation
What else is in Silverswitch?
* Start page
* Wizards
* Update Project
* Update of Silverswitch projects to the current
version of Silverswitch
* Builders
* DataGrid builder
* Form builder
* PickField builder
Silverswitch architecture
Default.html (11 KB)
VfxLoader.xap (676 KB)
VfxMainScreen.xap (378 KB)
VfxForm.xap (1220 KB)
VfxThemes.xap (678 KB)
Any questions?
Thank you very much and have
fun with Silverswitch!
Venelina & Uwe