2 Chapter 4 The Growing Colonies • • Section 1 Did You Know. Tobacco was the first major export from America.

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Transcript 2 Chapter 4 The Growing Colonies • • Section 1 Did You Know. Tobacco was the first major export from America.

Chapter 4 The Growing Colonies
Section 1
Did You Know. Tobacco was the first major export from America. By 1617 fifty
thousand pounds of Virginia's tobacco crop had been exported to England.
New England Colonies (Pages 100-103)
A. Immigration mapof European immigration was an
important factor to the growth of the colonies.
Between 1607 and 1775, almost a million people
came to live in the colonies..
B. Most New Englanders lived in towns
C. The soil in New England made farming
difficult. "subsistence farming."
• D. Small businesses thrived. Skilled craftspeople,
Johnny Tremain such as blacksmiths, furniture
makers, and printers, started businesses. Women
often produced extra candles, garments, and
soup to sell or trade.
• E. Shipbuilding and fishing were important
industries. Trade with Northern and Southern
Colonies and with the West Indies centered in
northern coastal cities.
• F. The triangular trade interactive map route, developed.
• G. One of the worst parts of the triangular trade
was called the Middle Passage. Amistad 1839
Enslaved Africans Olaudah Equiano
Gustavius Vassa
Life In Colonial Communities
• Thousands of people would abandon their
European homes and brave a long, risky sea
voyage to North America. They hoped to
carve out new lives but would also face
unfamiliar challenges in an alien land. The
colonists’ leap into the unknown raises a
number of questions: How did settlers adapt
to their new environments? How did colonial
life grow and change? What kinds of political
systems were created to provide order and
justice? How did settlers provide themselves
with goods and services? How did they
satisfy religious and cultural needs? We will
explore the answers to these questions.
• Colonial communities were the centers of social,
economic and political life. They usually developed
along European patterns, although there were
variations. Some communities, such as Puritan-led
Plymouth and Quaker-founded Philadelphia, were
religious-based. Africans, who came to America as
slaves or indentured servants, formed their own
communities, sometimes within or alongside
European ones. Runaway
• slaves often formed maroon societies. These were
remote settlements where they were relatively safe
from capture. Some of the maroon communities
were secure enough to plant crops and trade with
outsiders. Others remained isolated. They based
their architecture, customs and language on the
settlers’ places of origin.
• * European countries had several reasons for
colonizing North America, including religion,
the desire for land and economic
• * Colonial powers introduced slavery into
North America at an early point in history.
• * Colonists, especially in British areas of
North America, used democratic forms of
• * Physical characteristics of the North
American environment influenced settlement
patterns and economic activities.
OAT LESSON (Read, Learn, and Write!)
• Before the Revolution
• Beginning in the 1700s, the colonists
began thinking of themselves as
different from people in Britain. These
differences involved social, economic
and political factors. In this lesson, you
will review some of these factors. You
will also read about the colonies’ first
steps toward constitutional
democracy, a government whose
powers are divided and whose laws
represent the will of the people.
• Economic Factors
• During the 1600s and 1700s, several European
nations became involved in a fierce competition.
The goal was to expand their empires and control
far-off lands. The force behind this rivalry was
mercantilism. This was an economic policy by
which a nation tried to sell more than it bought in
order to achieve economic independence. One of
the best ways to do this was to establish overseas
colonies and trading posts. That way, a nation
would have a source for raw materials such as
lumber, agricultural products, cotton, wool and so
on. This was better than having to buy these
goads from competitor nations. Colonies provided
markets for goods produced at home.
• Before 1651, the New England colonies
traded extensively with Europe, the West
Indies and the other colonies. By this time,
an influential business community was
flourishing in the colonies. Much of their
commerce was in the form of triangular
trade. In this system, three-cornered trade
routes linked colonial ports with southern
Europe, the West Indies and Africa. The
maps show three important triangular
trade routes
Using the triangular trade route shown on Map C ,
Explain how the following three fundamental economic questions were addressed by
the colonists:
Rum was produced for trade
What goods should be produced _________________________________ How should
these goods be produced
Rum was created from molasses from the West Indies
Who should receive the
African slave traders received the rum for slaves that
would be traded for molasses in the West Indies
To protect British trade, Parliament passed a
series of laws called the Navigation Acts, the
first of which was passed in 1651. Some of
these laws required the colonists to trade
mostly with Britain or with other British
colonies. Others required the colonies to
produce certain goods that Britain needed,
such as iron and tobacco. Furthermore,
colonial merchants could not import goods
from European nations unless they were
sent to Britain first. Goods were also
required to be transported in British ships.
One law even required goods to be shipped
to Britain before being sent from one colony
to another.
Colonial trade operated smoothly for
more than a hundred years, mainly
because the Navigation Acts were not
strictly enforced. Britain did not work
very hard to prevent smuggling
because it was getting all of the raw
materials it needed from the colonies.
In addition, Britain was busy with wars
in Europe and governing British
citizens at home. As a result, Britain
allowed the colonies the freedom to
develop without much interference.
Royal governors appointed by the king
regulated trade, but the colonists
controlled local affairs. Each colony
had its own elected assembly except
for a few years in the l680s. It was not
until the 1760s that Britain began
enforcing its trade laws. This followed
four colonial wars with the French over
territory and the fur-trading industry.
The wars left Britain heavily in debt.
The British felt that the colonies should
help pay for the cost of the wars.
Economics: is the study of how humans use scarce resources to produce goods
and services and then distribute those goods and services to people in society.
Following is a list of important economic concepts. Keep them in mind as you read
about the economic factors that led to the Revolutionary War.
Goods and Services: products such as food, clothing and housing, as well as services
provided by teachers, lawyers, doctors and so on: anything that is bought and sold
Resources: land, labor and capital (accumulated goods and wealth)
Market: the interaction among buyers and sellers of any good or service
Supply and Demand: economic factors that determine how much of a product is
produced and what the price of the product will be; if the demand for a product
increases, prices will rise and more of the product will be produced; as the supply of
the product increases, demand decreases and prices fall
Scarcity: the idea that resources are limited but wants and needs are not
Interdependence: the condition that exists when countries depend on each other to
their wants and needs; different countries have different resources so they trade with
other to obtain goods they wouldn’t otherwise have
Scarcity is an economic concept that states two things,
one: the more limited a resource the greater its value,
Quick Review 1: Using the economic
and two; the more essential a resource the greater its
concept of scarcity, explain why Britain,
value. In short, the abundance, or scarcity, of an item,
through the Navigation Acts, prohibited
coupled with the essential nature of that item
the colonies from shipping certain
determines its value. Britain’s Navigation Acts
resources (such as sugar, cotton and
attempted to maintain control over her colonies’
tobacco) anywhere except to Britain
resources. In effect, the Navigation Acts created for
Britain a monopoly over vital colonial natural
Write—Now! (10 minutes)
resources guaranteeing a favorable balance of trade
for the English motherland and a supply of hard
currency (gold and silver).
II. The Middle Colonies map
(Pages 103-104)
Letters From An American Farmer
by J. Hector St. John De Crevecoeur
• Farms in these colonies were larger than in New
What then is the American, this new man?...He is an American, who, leaving
him all his ancient prejudices and manners, receives new ones from the
new mode of life he has embraced, the new government he obeys, and the new
• The port cities
of New York and Philadelphia
rank he holds.. (from "Letter III," 1782)
became busy with the wheat (their Cash Crop)
Alexis-Charles-Henri Clérel de Tocqueville Democracy in America
and livestock that was shipped from them.
• Lumbering, mining, small-scale manufacturing,
and home-based crafts were
• major industries of the region.
• Religious and cultural differences existed here.
Cash crops could easily be sold in both
the colonies and in Europe. They
brought in revenue to the seller. The
larger the land and the harvest from
that land, the more the revenue
What was the importance of cash crops?
III. The Southern Colonies
(Pages 104-105)
• The economies of the Southern Colonies were dependent
upon tobacco in Maryland and Virginia and on rice (most
profitable crop) in South Carolina and Georgia.
• B. Growing tobacco photo and rice was dependent upon slave
• C. Tobacco and rice were grown on plantations. A plantation,
Mt Vernon or large farm, was often on a river so crops could
be shipped easily by boat
• D. Most of the large Southern plantations were located in the
Tidewater, a region of flat. Low-lying plains along the
seacoast. Some people in the South settled in the
backcountry region, toward the Appalachian Mountains.
Small farms grew corn and tobacco. The independent small
farmers outnumbered the large plantation owners.
Answers will vary. Should include
discussion of the needs of running a small
farm versus a large plantation, the desire to
have a life of wealth versus a more middleclass existence, the desire to control
versus being independent…and so on.
Would you have wanted to be a backcountry
farmer or a plantation owner? Give your
IV. Slavery (Page 106)
• Slavery was a main reason for the economic
success of the South. It was criticized as being
inhumane. Some colonists did not believe in
slavery, nor would they own enslaved people.
• Most of the enslaved Africans
lived on
plantations. Many suffered cruel treatment. All of
the Southern Colonies had slave labor and
slave codes, or strict rules that governed the
enslaved Africans.
• Although many enslaved Africans saw their
families torn apart and suffered from harsh
treatment, they also developed their own culture
as enslaved people. This was based on their
West African homelands.
slave market photo
"I believe a time will come when an opportunity will be offered to
abolish this lamentable evil."
-- Patrick Henry, letter to Robert Pleasants, January 18, 1773
IV. Cont.
"[The Convention] thought it wrong to admit in the Constitution
If they were lucky
the idea
there could
be property
in men."
to buy
-- James
of the freedom,
Convention, August
communities with other free African Americans.
"There is not a man living who wishes more sincerely than I do, to
• aThe
later ended in a
plan debate
adopted for
the slavery
abolition of
-- George
letter against
to Robert Morris,
April 12, 1786
war with
the North
the South.
• "Nothing is more certainly written in the book of
"Every measure of prudence, therefore, ought to be assumed for
fate than
these people
free."States ... I
the eventual
of slaveryare
Thomas my
1821in ...
whole life, held
the practice of slavery
-- John Adams, letter to Robert Evans, June 8, 1819
Social Order
• The colonial social order was hierarchical (based
on classes). Its highest class, made up of
landowners, wealthy merchants, doctors, lawyers
and ministers, was called the “gentry.”
Typically, only male members of this class could
vote. Other classes included the “middling
sort”—these were farmers and shopkeepers
who owned property but were not rich—and the
“lower sort,” unskilled laborers and tenant
farmers. Below these classes were indentured
servants as you learned in earlier lessons, these
were people who agreed to work without pay for
a certain number of years in exchange for
passage to America. Along with them, at the
bottom, were slaves.
• Social classes in the colonies were much
less rigid than those in Europe. A former
indentured servant could become a
craftsman or merchant. He might also buy
land; His sons could become doctors and
lawyers. Nevertheless, the class structure
created social unfairness. Wealthy
colonists were able to make decisions that
affected everyone else. Unfair economic
conditions and unequal treatment of
blacks also arose from the social order.
• On the other hand, the colonists’ situation
promoted interdependence. No single group
could survive in the New World without
cooperating with others. The colonists’ goals
also required people to think of the welfare of
the community as a whole rather than only
individual rights or concerns. For example, the
Puritan laws of New England required everyone
to work hard or face fines. Hard work by every
member of the community was needed to
ensure the colony’s survival. The good of the
whole community was more important than the
wants of a single person.
Influence of Religion
• Religion played an important role in colonial
communities. In addition to a strict work ethic,
Puritans had a deep respect for their religious beliefs.
They required everyone in their colonies to follow
them. Unlike the Puritans, the Quakers encouraged
tolerance of many religions in the Pennsylvania
colony, even Judaism and Catholicism.
Disagreements among the Puritans caused Roger
Williams to leave Massachusetts and found Rhode
Island for greater tolerance.
• Catholics fled the Protestant countries of Europe to
avoid persecution. In the French and Spanish
colonies, the Catholic church was the official religion.
Other groups, such as the French Huguenots, were
more welcome in the English colonies than in their
own countries.
• In all of the colonies, the laws of the one
church or another governed behavior.
These laws were enforced by the courts.
Church buildings were often centers for
social gatherings. Churches also
provided social services such as
education and care for the poor. In
addition, churches kept records related to
births, marriages and deaths. These
records are an important source for
Quick Review 2. What was the greatest
weakness of the colonial social structure?
• it promoted interdependence.
• Its class system created social
• It demanded cooperation and a
strong work ethic.
• It promoted community
consciousness over individual
Colonial Families
• In colonial America, the basic social and
economic unit was the nuclear family
(husband, wife and children). Households
often included three generations of a
family, and sometimes servants and
slaves. Everyone worked together to
support the household under the
leadership of the father. In turn, he was
responsible for their well-being. Authority
and obligation played a large part in the
colonial family: Every person had to obey
his or her father and grandfathers.
Everyone was also expected to assist any
family member in need.
• Each member of the family had a role in
supporting the household. The father managed
the finances and did much of the work. (This
was true whether he was a farmer, a merchant
or another kind of worker.) The mother might
work alongside her husband, but she was also
responsible for the household.
• Her tasks included making such things as soap
and candles, weaving cloth, sewing clothes and
preparing food. Children went to school but were
also expected to help at home and on farms.
Servants and slaves (especially in the Southern
colonies) not only worked on the farm or
plantation but also helped care for children and
the household.
Quick Review 2: How did family roles help the
colonists survive?
The ______________________________________________________________
family unit was the basic structure of colonial society.
family member performed certain vital functions that
essential in guaranteeing that family’s survival.
food, hunting, cooking, making implements and
other tasks were divided among the members and expected to
be performed.
Geographic Influences
• The physical environment of colonial America
was harsh. It had an effect on the way colonists
were able to travel, communicate, settle and use
resources. Travel was difficult because roads
were usually narrow trails. (some early roads
followed animal paths called traces) There were
bridges and many thick forests. Because land
travel was slow and difficult, long journeys were
made by boat on rivers, lakes and coastal
Atlantic waters. Most colonists did not travel very
far from home. Only traders and wealthy
people made long trips.
• Communication also was difficult. Most
colonists got news by word of mouth. They also
wrote letters, although regular mail service was
not common. Newspapers did not become
widely available until the mid 1700s. In most
towns, a town crier read news to groups of
• The environment also affected how settlers
could build their new homes and businesses.
When the colonists first began to build houses,
they tried to use European designs. These
included roofs made of thatch (a combination of
reeds and straw). But wood was so plentiful that
the colonists soon turned to it as their chief
building material
• Waterways were of great importance to colonists in
determining where to settle. The soil surrounding lakes
and rivers was often good for farming. Rivers were also
a means of transportation, and they became more
important for shipping goods as the colonies developed.
A riverside settlement was easier to defend against an
attack; at least one side of the colony would be protected
by the river.
• The resources available to colonists were in many ways
better than those inEurope. North America’s rivers and
coastal waters were teeming with fish. The woodlands
were full of game. In the Middle Atlantic and Southern
colonies, the soil was rich and produced good harvests.
After the first few years of struggle, the colonists’ farms
supplied them with more food than anywhere in the
Quick Review 4:
How did the physical environment affect the
development of colonial life?
• A. Native American trails made it easy for
the settlers to travel and send letters.
• B. Long journeys were made only by
traders and wealthy settlers using boats. .
• C. Settlers were unable to find suitable
building materials for their houses.
• E. Food supplies were too poor to support
the colonists without imports from Europe.
Political Systems
• In England’s colonies, the governments operated in
similar ways. Each colony was managed by a governor
appointed by the king or proprietor (the person granted
ownership of a colony). A legislature elected by the adult
male landowners also had a role in government. In every
colony but Pennsylvania and Delaware, the legislature
had two houses. (bicameral ) (These were modeled after
England’s Parliament.) The lower house was elected by
the colonists and was known as a colonial assembly.
The upper house was generally elected by the lower
house or appointed by the king or
proprietor. Only in Connecticut and Rhode Island were
the upper house members elected by the citizens.
All colonial laws had to be approved by the English
government, and all colonial governments were
required to enforce English laws.
• The New England colonies (Massachusetts,
Connecticut, Rhode Island and New Hampshire)
also established a form officially known as a
town meeting. Adult male landowners would
meet once or twice a year to handle the public
business of a city or town. This allowed New
Englanders a high level of participation in their
government. Many New England towns still hold
yearly town meetings today. In some places,
these meetings have been held regularly for
more than 300 years.
Quick Review 5: Which of the following is not an
issue that would have been voted on in a town
A. fixing the street in front of the town hall
B. hiring a constable to patrol the streets after dark
C. digging a new well to provide water for homes
D. raising a tax to pay the colony’s militia expenses
Landholding System
• A landholding system is a way of defining
land ownership Geography and the way
communities were organized socially
affected the landholding system used in a
place. In New England, land was given to
groups of settlers who wanted to form a
new town. Some of the land would be set
aside for public buildings. The rest was
divided evenly among the settlers so that
each would have land for a house, garden
and cow shed, as well as a plot of
farmland. Many New England towns have
town commons.
• New Netherland used a patroonship
system. Wealthy settlers known as
patroons were granted huge tracts of
land. In exchange, they were responsible
for building colonies at their own expense.
Tenants paid patroons in goods, services
or money, and after 10 years, a patroon
had the right to tax his tenants. In the
Southern colonies, the large-scale tobacco
economy encouraged the development of
the plantation system.
Would you have enforced the slave codes as a white
colonist living in the South during this period in
history? Why or why not?
2007 OAT Question
• 4. Which right found in the Magna Carta
(1215) is also included in the United
States Constitution?
– A. right to vote
– B. right to a trial by jury
– C. freedom of the press
– D. freedom of assembly
Chapter 4, Section 2
English Colonial Rule (Pages 108-109)
In the mid-1600s, the English monarchy
saw Charles II image and then James
II rule. James II image try to tighten royal
control over the colonies, but in 1688 he
was forced out by the English Parliament.
Mary, his daughter, and her husband,
William, ruled. This power of elected
representatives over the monarch was
known as the Glorious Revolution.
I. cont.
The English Bill of Rights, of signed by William and
Mary in 1689, guaranteed certain basic rights to all
citizens. This document inspired the creation of the
American Bill of Rights.
England passed a series of laws called the Navigation
Acts. Summary They kept the colonies from sending
certain products outside of England and forced the
colonists to use English ships when shipping. This is
an example of mercantilism in effect
Some colonists began smuggling, or illegally trading
with other nations. They did not want to trade only with
England. This illegal trade was the beginning of the
economic conflict between England and the colonies.
PoIitical Factors
• The English. Civil War (1642-1648) was fought over
whether royal power should be limited It eventually
led to a revolution in English government It also had
a great impact on how the colonists would come to
view English control of the colonies. Another
revolution had an important impact on the colonists
as well The Glorious Revolution (1688-1689)
resulted in the overthrow of King James II of Britain
He had been strengthening English control in the
colonies. Under James II, elected legislatures were
abolished. Town meetings were also restricted. The
English overthrew James and crowned William III
arid Mary II as their new rulers. William and Mary
accepted a Bill of Rights that granted civil and
political rights to the people It also limited the power
of the king and queen by strengthening Parliament.
• When news reached America that King James
had been dethroned, the colonists overthrew the
royal governor of New England and sent him
back to England They demanded the right to
have elected legislatures again.
• As English citizens, why shouldn’t they have the
same rights that the people In Engldnd had won
during the Glorious Revolution? In fact, the
new king did restore elected legislatures to the
colonies, and this gave colonists more freedom
to govern themselves.
Quick Review 6:
• Why was the Glorious Revolution
important for the colonies?
• __________________________________
Colonial Government
text (Pages 70-7 7)
• A. There were three types of colonies by the 1760s:
British Empire map
• 1. The Charter Colonies of Connecticut and Rhode
Island. They were established by a group of settlers who
had been given a charter, or a grant of rights and privileges.
• 2. The Proprietary Colonies of Delaware, Maryland,
image and Pennsylvania.only known portrait of Wm.
Penn Britain granted land to proprietors to start these
• 3. The Royal Colonies of Georgia, Massachusetts, New
Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina,
and Virginia. They were ruled directly by Britain.
• Voting rights were granted only to white men who owned
property. Women, indentured servants, men without
land, and African Americans could not vote.
III. An Emerging Culture
(Pages 72-73)
• A. The return of strong religious values in the 1720s
through the 1740s led to the GreatAwakening. “Sinners
in the Hands…” J. Edwards image/quote"All who are
truly religious are not of this world, they are
strangers here, and belong to heaven; they are born
from above, heaven is their native country, and the
nature which they receive by this heavenly birth, is a
heavenly nature, they receive an anointing from
above; that principle of true religion which is in
them, is a communication of the religion of heaven;
their grace is the dawn of glory; and God fits them
for that world by conforming them to it."s
• B. The family was the foundation of colonial society. Men
were the formal heads of the
households. They managed the farms and
represented the family in community matters.
III. continued
• C. Women also participated in decision making and
worked in the fields or on farms. In the cities and towns,
they worked outside the home for wealthy families, as
teachers, nurses, or as shopkeepers. However, they
could not vote.
• D. Education was valued in the colonies. Many
communities established schools. By 1750 the literacy
rate in New England was approximately 85 percent for
men and 50 percent for women.
• E. Many schools were run by widows or unmarried
women who taught in their homes. Some schools in the
Middle Colonies were run by Quakers or by other
religious groups.
• F. Harvard was the first college, established in 1636 by
Puritans. The early colleges were founded to train
III. more
• G. The Enlightenment, a movement that began
in Europe in the 1750s, influenced the colonists.
It spread the idea that knowledge, reason, and
science could improve society. Ideas spread
though newspapers, lectures, and organizations.
• H. The foundation for freedom of the press came
when New York Weekly Journal publisher John
Peter Zenger was sued, accused of libel for
printing articles criticizing the royal governor of
New York. Zenger argued free speech was a
basic right of the people. The jury based its
decision on whether the articles were true, not
offensive. Zenger was found not guilty.
Did You Know ?
• George Washington
lost most of his teeth
over the years by
cracking Brazil nuts
between his jaws. His
first set of dentures was
made from COW'S teeth
and his second set from
hippopotamus tusk.
Washington's dentures
were held in place by
being attached to his
one remaining natural
Light from a red laser scans a resin
reproduction of the 1789 lower denture
originally carved from Hippopatamus ivory
for George Washington.
I. British-French Rivalry (Pages 116-118)
• A. The French and British rivalry grew as both countries
expanded into each other's territories.
• B. In the 1740s, the British fur traders built a fort at
Pickawillany Old Britain view of fort in the Ohio River
country. In 1752, the French attacked this fort and drove
the British out. The French built several more forts along
the Ohio River valley to protect what they claimed to be
their fur trading territory.
• C. Also in the 1740s, French troops raided towns in
Maine and New York. The British captured the French
fortress at Louisbourg, map image north of Nova Scotia, in
retaliation. Later they returned Louisbourg to France.
• D. Many Native Americans helped France since the
French and Native Americans had a better relationship.
The Native Americans often raided British settlements.
I. cont.
• E. The Iroquois Confederacy reading on govt.
was the most powerful Native American group in
the East. It consisted of five nations:
• 1. the Mohawks
• 2. the Seneca
• 3. the Cayuga
• 4. the Onondaga
• 5. the Oneida
• They remained independent until the mid-1700s
when the British gained certain trading rights in
the Ohio Valley.
Notes Chapter 4, Section 3
• II. American Colonists Take Action (Pages
• A. In 1753 the Virginia governor Robert
Dinwiddie sent George Washington into the Ohio
Valley to push the French out. He was not
successful against the French.
• B. In the spring of 1754, Washington returned as
a lieutenant with a militia of 160 men to build a
fort near present-day Pittsburgh.
• C. Even though he was defeated, Washington's
fame spread throughout the colonies and
Europe because he stood up to the French.
• A group of representatives met in Albany, New
York, to discuss the possible war threat and to
defend themselves against the French. The
representatives adopted the Albany Plan of
suggested by Benjamin Franklin.
• E. The series of clashes that occurred was
called the French and Indian War by the
colonists because they were fighting two warsone with the French and the other with the
Native Americans who were allies of the French.
Did You Know?
• After Pontiac, chief
of the Ottawa
village, experienced
several key defeats
in his rebellion
against the English,
he signed a peace
treaty and was
eventually pardoned
for his crimes.
The British Take Action
(Pages 727-724)
• A. Early in the war, the French appeared to be
winning control of the American land.
• 1. They had built forts throughout the Great
Lakes region and the Ohio River valley.
• 2. They had strong alliances with the Native
Americans. This allowed them to control land
from the St. Lawrence River in Canada south to
New Orleans.
• 3. The British colonists had little help from Britain
in fighting the French.
• B. In 1754 Great Britain sent General Edward Braddock to
be commander in chief of British forces in America and drive
the French out. Braddock killed.
• C. This defeat spurred Britain to declare war on France. The
Seven Years War began in 1756. French, British, and
Spanish forces clashed in North America, Europe, Cuba, the
West Indies, India, and the Philippines.
• D. During the early years, the British were not successful. After
William Pitt, prime minister of Britain, came to power--things
– 1. Britain paid for war supplies, which ultimately put them
into debt.
– 2. Pitt sent British troops to conquer French Canada. In
1758 the British under Jeffrey Amherst Amherst smallpoxinfected blankets recaptured the fort at Louisbourg.
– 3. New Englanders, led by British officers, captured Fort
Frontenac. History/images
– 4. British troops forced the French to abandon Fort
Duquesne, map which was renamed Fort Pitt.
II. The Fall of New France (Page 124)
• A. The continued British victories led to the
downfall of the French as a power in North
America. In 1759
• 1. British captured several French islands in the
West Indies
• 2. British defeated the French in India
• 3. British destroyed a French fleet in Canada
• 4. British under James Wolfe surprised and
defeated the French army at the Battle of
Quebec. Reading/maps Quebec was the capital
of New France and a place that was thought to
be impossible to attack.
• B. The Treaty of Paris of 1763 ended the
war. In the treaty,
– 1. France kept some of its islands in the West
Indies but gave Canada and most of its lands
east of the Mississippi River to Great Britain
– 2. Great Britain gained Florida from Spain
– 3. Spain received lands west of the
Mississippi River (the Louisiana Territory) and
the port of New Orleans
• C. North America was now divided
between Britain and Spain with the
Mississippi River as the boundary.
Impact of the French and Indian War
• In the spring of 1754, the French and British
went to war in the colonies for the fourth time
over land rights. (Americans this the French
and Indian War. Many historians prefer the
name used by the British and Canadians the
Seven Years War.) In June, the colonists
organized a meeting in Albany, New York. It was
known as the Albany Congress. The purpose of
the meeting was to try to win the loyalty of the
Iroquois tribes against the French. At that
meeting, Benjamin Franklin proposed the
Albany Plan of Union.
• Under this plan, the colonies would raise
money and create an army to meet French
threats. Franklin’s plan was not a plan for
independence. It was only meant to unify the
colonies as ports of the British empire, and it
was never put into practice. Still, for the first
time, the colonists began to think of
themselves as a unified whole. France lost
the war and gave up almost all of its territory
in the Americas.
• Britain received French lands east of the
Mississippi River. Spain, which had not been
involved in the war, added French lands west
of the Mississippi River to its empire. It also
gave Florida to Britain.
• The Treaty of Paris officially ended the war in
1763. As a result of it, Britain became the
main power in North America. The war had
also transformed the colonists into
experienced soldiers. It had taught them the
• of unity and cooperation. No longer
threatened by the French, the colonists
became less dependent on Britain for
protection. They didn’t see each colony as
having its own isolated identity anymore.
New relationships with European powers led
to the development of a unified colonial
Quick Review 8: What was one result of the French and
Indian War?
A. The Spanish became the dominant power in North
B. The French became the dominant power in North
C. The colonists became more dependent on Britain
for manufactured goods
D. The colonists became more confident in their ability
to defend the colonies.
III. Trouble on the Frontier (Page 125)
• A. The British victory left the Native Americans
without their ally and main trading partner. The
British raised prices of goods, did not pay the
Native Americans for their land, and began new
settlements in western Pennsylvania.
• Pontiac was a chief of an Ottawa
A forewarned Maj.
Gladwin greets
Pontiac and
his warriors with his troops on alert. Seeing
Detroit. He put together an alliance
of prepared,
that the English were
Pontiac did not
American peoples in 1763. give the attack signal.
• C. The war ended in August 1765 when Pontiac
heard that the French signed the Treaty of Paris
• D. To prevent more fighting and westward
expansion, Britain established the Proclamation
of 1763.
What could Britain have done differently so as not to
anger the colonists with the Proclamation of 1763?
…amend the proclamation when they
saw how angry some of the colonists
were or working out contracts with the
speculators to appease them. The fact
remained that Britain wanted to control
its colonies and was not looking to
appease them because of the
Pick one of the following essay
questions to prepare and answer.
• How did the navigation Acts affect the
• Why were the native Americans so
important in the clash between the
French and British? Who had the
advantage with the Native Americans
and why?