GRAMMAR: FUTURE FORMS Forms Use Exercises A. Future forms Positive and Negative I He They I’m (not) She’s (not) We’re (not) I’m (not) He’s (not) You’re (not) ‘ll won’t help you. watch TV tonight. going to catching the 10 o’clock train. Question What time will.

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Transcript GRAMMAR: FUTURE FORMS Forms Use Exercises A. Future forms Positive and Negative I He They I’m (not) She’s (not) We’re (not) I’m (not) He’s (not) You’re (not) ‘ll won’t help you. watch TV tonight. going to catching the 10 o’clock train. Question What time will.

A. Future forms
Positive and Negative
I’m (not)
She’s (not)
We’re (not)
I’m (not)
He’s (not)
You’re (not)
help you.
watch TV tonight.
going to
catching the 10 o’clock train.
will you
are you going to
are you meeting the manager?
Will you
Will he
Are you
Is she
come tonight?
help me
going there?
going to watch TV?
Avoid saying going to go or going to come
I am going to go to London next week.
When are you going home?
We’re coming tomorrow.
Positive and negative
will (‘ll) (not)
am / is /are (not) going to
V (bare inf.)
am / is / are (not)
WH + will
S + V (bare inf.)?
Am / is /are
S + going to + V (bare inf.)?
B. Uses of future forms
I. Plans, decisions, and intentions
will vs. going to
II. Facts and predictions
will vs. going to
III. Arrangements
Present Continuous
I. Plans, decisions, intentions
 Will is used when …
we decide to do something
at the time of speaking.
Oh, I’ve left the door open.
I will go and shut it now.
we offer to do something.
The bag looks heavy. I will help
you with it.
we intent to do something.
I’ll se you tomorrow.
we ask somebody to do
Will you please be quiet?
Will …
I’ll have an
orange juice,
Ok, I’ll go
and shut it.
Oh, I’ve left
the door open
 Going to is used when …
we express a future plan made
before the time of speaking.
When I grow up, I’m going to
be a doctor.
we decide to do something.
Jane and Peter are going to get
married after they graduate.
we intent to do something.
We’re going to paint this room
II. Facts and predictions
We’ll be away for two weeks.
Future time.
Thoes flowers won’t grow under the tree.
A future fact.
Our love will last forever.
A prediction.
You will be sick if you eat all those
A future fact.
 We use will to show future time , a future fact
or a prediction (Simple Future).
– I don’t think Laura will do very well in
her exam. She doesn’t do any work.
– I don’t think I will go out tonight. I’m
too tired.
– I expect they will come a little bit late.
 We also use will to express a prediction
based on an opinion rather than a fact.
 We use Going to to express a prediction
based on a present fact (when we have
evidence to support for it.)
– She’s going to have a baby. (We can see she’s
– Our team is going to win the match. (it’s four – nil,
and there are only 5 mins left to play.)
– It isn’t going to rain today. (The sky is cloudless.)
III. Arrangements
We use Present Continuous : express a
future arrangement, or things that you
are going to do over the next few days or
“So we have agreed that
we are preparing the
party together.”
C. Exercises
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 1
Which one is correct ? Circle the correct answers.
1. A: We’ve run out of writing paper.
B: Don’t worry. I’ll / I’m going to get some now.
2. A: Isn’t your train at 5.15?
B: Oh, no! I’ll / I’m going to miss it.
A: Don’t worry! I’ll / I’m going to give you a lift.
3. A: Why are you putting on your boots?
B: Because I’ll / I’m going to take the children to the park.
Exercise 2
 Look at Anna’s notes about her trip to Prague and write
questions for the answers. Use the Present Continuous.
 Trip to Prague – Monday 21 March
Depart London Heathrow – 10.35 a.m.
Arrive Prague – 13.35
Hotels Maximilian – 3 nights
Tuesday a.m. – meeting with Daniel
Wednesday p.m – dinner with Rosa
Example: Where
is Anna going?
To Prague.
1. __________________________________________________________?
To Prague
2. __________________________________________________________?
At 10.35 am.
3. __________________________________________________________?
From Heathrow Airport.
4. __________________________________________________________?
At the Hotel Maximilan.
5. __________________________________________________________?
For three nights.
6. __________________________________________________________?
On Thursday 24 March.
7. __________________________________________________________?
On Tuesday morning.
8. __________________________________________________________?
Having dinner with Rosa.