Thoughts Louisiana State University HHMI Professors Program An Innovative Hierarchy Model Integrating Research, Education, and Peer Mentoring Improving student comprehension of science and mathematics at all.

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Transcript Thoughts Louisiana State University HHMI Professors Program An Innovative Hierarchy Model Integrating Research, Education, and Peer Mentoring Improving student comprehension of science and mathematics at all.

Louisiana State University
HHMI Professors Program
An Innovative Hierarchy Model
Integrating Research, Education, and Peer Mentoring
Improving student comprehension of science and
mathematics at all levels of education
An LSU HHMI Mentor is…
A wise and trusted person who assumes responsibility for
another person, to impart knowledge or skill by example
and experience through an exchange of opinions and ideas
in order to reach a decision for a plan of action that
facilitates increased learning ability.
-Lisa Batiste-Evans
LSU HHMI Undergraduate Mentors are students in the STEM (Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) disciplines who are ready to change
their academic careers. Though they enter the program with GPAs between 2.5
and 3.0, they are committed to raising the bar—and helping others to do the
In the HHMI Professors Program, Undergraduate Mentors receive the support
they need to achieve academic excellence. They attend regular mentoring
meetings with program staff, enroll in a course in which they acquire new
learning strategies and organizational skills, and develop a solid academic
support network among program participants. They benefit from increased
opportunities for research and assistance in obtaining summer research positions,
as well as mentoring local high school students. For their efforts and dedication
to the program, they receive a stipend of $3,000 per year.
LSU HHMI Graduate Mentors are graduate students in the STEM areas who
are committed to helping undergraduates reach their full potential. They take on
Undergraduate Mentors in their research projects and help the students to
become effective researchers. For their commitment to the program, Graduate
Mentors receive a yearly stipend.
LSU HHMI High School Teacher Mentors are high school teachers who are
implementing innovative mentoring and metacognitive techniques in the
classroom. Their students work with LSU HHMI Undergraduate Mentors.
LSU HHMI Faculty Mentors are LSU faculty who devote their time to the
HHMI Professors Program, enriching the experiences of all other participants.
They have the opportunity to interact with an extraordinary group of students
and to participate in changing the face of math and science education at LSU and
“Watch your THOUGHTS, because your thoughts become your words,…
Supporting Achievement
The chart below follows the average GPA of
nine LSU HHMI Undergraduate Mentors who
began the program in its first semester, Spring
2003. The average of these students’ GPAs is
displayed for the semester before they began the
program, their first semester in the program, and
their second semester in the program. These
students’ marked improvement has made them
far more competitive for summer research and
internship opportunities, scholarships, and
graduate school.
Average Semester GPA
GPA Progression of First Nine
HHMI Professors Program
Undergraduate Mentors
Fall 2002
Fall 2003
“Watch your WORDS, because your words become your actions,…
Becoming an LSU HHMI
LSU HHMI Undergraduate Mentors:
Are you an LSU freshman or sophomore with a GPA
between 2.5 and 3.0?
Are you committed to promoting diversity in the STEM
Are you considering pursuing a terminal degree (PhD or
MD/PhD) in a STEM discipline?
LSU HHMI Graduate Mentors:
Are you currently pursuing a terminal degree in a
STEM discipline?
Are you actively engaged in research?
Are you committed to promoting diversity in the STEM
Are you interested in involving undergraduates in
your research and helping them to achieve their
academic goals?
If you answered “yes” to these questions, you could be
an excellent candidate for the HHMI Professors
Program. Please visit to learn
more and download an application.
“Watch your ACTIONS, because your actions become your habits,…
What Current Mentors
Say About the HHMI
Professors Program
“I have not only learned to
study better, but plan better,
learn better, and share what
I’ve learned.”
“This program has totally
changed my way of
thinking, which has helped
change my attitude about
“The resources and skills I’ve
learned help me excel in my
classes and research.”
“I learned how to climb the
metacognitive ladder, but more
importantly, I have learned about
“[HHMI] increased my
determination to study and keep
“…the program has changed my
habits. I never thought anyone or
anything could change my habits.”
“Watch your HABITS, because your habits become your character,…
A Letter from...
Isiah M. Warner, Ph.D.
HHMI Professor
When I joined the LSU faculty in 1992 as the West Chair of Chemistry, I had
some definite ideas about the contributions I wanted to make to the Department
of Chemistry, the university, and the scientific community. I later served as
chairman of the Department of Chemistry, and also had the honor of being
named a Boyd Professor, the highest honor in the LSU system. Now, as Vice
Chancellor for LSU's Office of Strategic Initiatives, one of my charges is to create
an environment in which all students can thrive! The HHMI Professors Program
is an integral part of this effort.
As an HHMI Professor, I along with the HHMI staff, have built a mentoring
program we believe will improve undergraduate performance in early science
and math courses, in addition to providing a support system for students. Our
plan is to empower students to gain knowledge about their own cognitive systems
by developing a new model for education in science and mathematics. This model
incorporates a "mentoring ladder" involving faculty, graduate students,
undergraduates, high school teachers, and high school students, as well as
elementary teachers and students, i.e. LSU HHMI Mentors.
The future of science in America depends on increasing the number of
underrepresented students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
(STEM). Our program’s goal is to promote diversity within the STEM disciplines,
particularly at the graduate level, through an innovative hierarchy model for
integrating undergraduate research, education, and peer mentoring. Our mission
is to improve student comprehension of science and mathematics at all levels of education.
We are changing the way students think! Please join us in our effort.
Isiah M. Warner
“Watch your CHARACTER, because your character becomes your DESTINY!”
Howard Hughes
Medical Institute
Howard Hughes Medical Institute is a nonprofit medical research
organization that employs hundreds of leading biomedical scientists working at
the forefront of their fields. In addition, through its grants program and other
activities, HHMI is helping to enhance science education at all levels and
maintain the vigor of biomedical science worldwide. Since 1988, the Institute has
awarded more than $1 billion in grants. The grants are helping to strengthen
science education and encourage talented young people to pursue research and
teaching careers.
In 2001, Howard Hughes Medical Institute announced a competitive grant
program called the HHMI Professors Program. Universities were invited by HHMI
to nominate faculty members to compete for the HHMI Professor awards.
Invitations were based on the universities' classifications by the Carnegie
Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching as doctoral and research
universities, and on their records of post-baccalaureate student achievement in
the sciences.
Nationwide, only 20 institutions were honored with the distinction of
receiving this $1 million award. Accompanying LSU are institutions such as
Cornell University, New York; Harvard University, Massachusetts; Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Massachusetts; Vanderbilt University, Tennessee; and Yale
University, Connecticut.
The Louisiana State University’s HHMI Professors Program combines
undergraduate research with mentoring and new teaching strategies, with the
goal of developing a new model for undergraduate training that creates a selfperpetuating atmosphere for encouraging students to advance into science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
Office of Strategic Initiatives
Louisiana State University
HHMI Professors Program
240 Thomas Boyd Hall
Lisa Batiste-Evans
Karin E. Hamlin
Program Manager
Assistant Program Manager
Blanche Adams
Executive Services Assistant