Transcript Lesson 6.02

Lesson 6.02
Assignment 602
Module 6.02 Caste System Picture Assignment Name:
BRAHMA is the main
Brahmin are the
priests and
scholars, they are
at the top.
___________ are the
warriors, soldiers,
and kings.
Vaishya are the
landowners, and
Shudras are the
servants, slaves,
and poor people
The Untouchables
are at the bottom,
they are the
outcasts of
There is a social structure in my ___________________. I can see proof of the social structure because there are
different groups of people who (what does this group do). There is a different group for each task. There is
someone who is in charge and that person is called the _________________________.
The benefits of the social structure in my ____________________ are (give 2 benefits). There are some drawbacks
too! One of the problems that can exist in this social structure is (give 1 drawback).
Now, open your 602 template that I sent you and save to your flash drive.
Let’s complete it together.
• In ancient times, Indians of India traveled
trade routes throughout Asia . This is how
Hinduism spread throughout southeast Asia.
• Hinduism is now the 3rd largest religion in the
Caste system
• The caste system in Hinduism started with the Aryan people and their
religion. There were four categories. There was one more category not
even part of the system—the untouchables. The untouchables did jobs
that no one else wanted to do—like cleaning toilets, handling the dead.
They ate and drank the food and water thrown out by the other castes.
• The caste system was very oppressive. In many cases, Hindus could not
eat with or even speak to members of other castes. Marrying someone
of another caste was forbidden.
• For a long time, Hindus believed that people deserved to be in whatever
caste they belonged, and that a person’s caste placement was the result
of actions during previous lives.
• In the 20th century, India's government outlawed the caste system
because it was unfair. However, even today, castes still exist in some
parts of India.
Parvati, and
Take some time now to complete the names of the different
categories of the caste system.
More beliefs of Hinduism!
• Reincarnation is the belief that a person is reborn as
someone else after his or her death.
• Karma is the idea that a person who performs good
deeds will be rewarded in the next life. A person who
does bad deeds will be punished. If a person is kind and
generous, they can come back in a higher caste in their
next life.
• Moksha is the ultimate goal of the Hindu. The soul is
• Moksha is reached when a person stops wanting and
becomes content with what has been given. After
reaching moksha, a person’s soul becomes one with
Brahman. That is the ultimate goal!
Social structures in your life
• There is a social structure in my
___________________. I can see proof of the social
structure because there are different groups of people
who (what does this group do). There is a different
group for each task. There is someone who is in charge
and that person is called the
• The benefits of the social structure in my
____________________ are (give 2 benefits). There
are some drawbacks too! One of the problems that
can exist in this social structure is (give 1 drawback).