116. 如果你連你自己都贏不過

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Transcript 116. 如果你連你自己都贏不過

唐冠軍教室 珠璣集
116 If you can’t triumph over your own demons, how can you triumph
over others?
導向成功的金玉良言 --- 成功秘碼 51 條
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Raising your bid on a house is a competition between you and your own IQ. If
you can’t even defeat your own negative mindset, how can you defeat others?
In a competitive society, the most important characteristics one can have are
courage and sound judgment.
在競爭的社會中,勇氣 與 判斷力最重要。」
Don’t assume that you can haggle on the price of every property. A wise man
conducts his negotiation based on the current real estate market trend.
The market rate is a product of competition. You may be caught off guard
when yesterday you could get a house for less, but today you have to offer
more than asking. If your mindset is still in the bargaining mode, you may
very well end up empty handed.
If you find a house priced below fair market value, buy it now. Don’t haggle
any further; otherwise you may very well lose a rare chance to get a great
In bidding for the same house, some will offer more, some will offer less. It’s
fairly easy to see who will end up with that property.
Don’t assume that you can haggle on the price of every property. A wise man
conducts his negotiation based on the current real estate market trend.
In a bidding war, whoever is quick to raise the bid will be the winner.
In a bidding war, you don’t raise your bid just to beat out competition; you
also have to beat out your own mental blocks.
If you don’t first defeat your own demons, how can you defeat others?
Increasing your bid on a house is not a match against other competitors; it’s a
match against your own greed. If you can’t defeat your own greed, how can
you defeat others?
You’ll triumph over others if you can defeat your own greed and overcome your
mental blocks.
A great house at a great price will always attract plenty of buyers regardless of
the economy.
A house that has an ideal location, commute, price, and condition will always
be easy to sell. If the house is exceptionally well-maintained and priced to sell,
it will for sure have lots of offers.
「位置適中、交通方便、 價錢適宜、保養還不錯的房子,永遠賣的掉。如果再碰到屋
In a competitive society, courage and judgment are indispensible elements of
「在競爭的社會中,勇氣 與 判斷力是成功不可缺少的元素之一。」
A good deal means the value exceeds the price. However, the way to determine
whether something is a good deal is not based off of a small price cut but by
evaluating its long-term benefit.
「Good Deal就是物超所值、買到好的價錢。但是衡量物超所值的計算基礎不是看它目
前短暫的小利小惠 ,而是看它的長期利益 (前瞻收益)。
Short-sighted opportunists will never be able to see long-term benefits. A good
deal to them only means small price cuts.
Long-term proceeds are more important than short-term profits. The decision
to buy a house should be based off of long-term return on investment, not
short-term benefits.
When you buy something valuable at a great price, you have a good deal. But
if you get greedy and want to haggle even more resulting in your losing the
house, then you’re more of an idiot than a deal hunter.
「買到物超所值,就是Good Deal。但是因為自己的貪婪,想再多殺一點價,因而買
不到房子的話,那就不是Good Deal,那就變成是傻瓜一個。」
Someone who likes to take advantage of things may be witty, but he can never
become a great man of courage and wisdom.
An indecisive man who spends his life waiting for something better to come by
will never find what’s waiting for.
The same news will prompt some to be more optimistic and others to be more
pessimistic. Optimistic people always get the upper hand in finding
opportunities while pessimists will only pass up opportunities and sulk about
Those who believe the US economy has already begun to rebound have been
secretly acquiring foreclosed properties on a large scale. Those who believe
the US economy will continue to tank for another two to three years are, of
course, not buying any real estate. Which group do you belong to?
The rich would never go around telling everyone how they make their fortune,
but rather stay low-key about it.
The smart ones make their money in silence and stay low-key even after they’ve
hit it big.
The US has abundant resources and well-established political and economic
systems. Compared to other countries, it’s aptitude for a full economic
recovery is still impressive.
If construction costs of new houses will continue to rise, then investing in real
estate is the right decision.
People with low income who resort to zero-down mortgages to buy a house
are going down the wrong path for they are wide off the mark in solving their
Work hard to earn more, and be frugal to save more. Plan out your finances
and invest wisely but never greedy. These are pointers on how to get rich
with the highest possible efficiency.
「 打工多賺錢,勤儉多儲蓄,會理財、會投資,且不貪心,這是一條有效率的致富
You need to buy into real estate now especially because of inflation. The US
dollar may be low now, but that means a greater rebound for the real estate
market later on, which brings about deep profits in the long run.
Bidding for foreclosed homes has become a real estate investment trend in
which multiple buyers vying for the same house has become a common
occurrence. Under steep competition, a buyer raising his offer is no longer
unheard of.
When the real estate market becomes hot again, the increasing competition
between buyers will invariably lead to a trend of raising offers.
When demand exceeds supply, you’ll experience first-hand the meaning of
“Cash is King”, “Power is King”, and “Raising Offer is King”.
「當「物以稀為貴」的時候,你就能體驗到「 Cash is the King」、「Power is the
King」、「加價 is the King」。
When home prices shoot through the roof, negotiating for a lower price is
normal. By the same token, when home prices fall through the floor, raising
offers is also normal behavior.
There will always be some people making money while others lose money.
Whether you win or lose will be determined by your wisdom and courage.
When home prices are falling, some people get to buy a house while others end
up with nothing. Whether you get the house you want depends on your
bankroll and your courage.
Not everyone can get a piece of the pie. Those who can are indeed highly
capable people.
Set your sight on a goal and never give up fighting for it until you succeed in
obtaining it. This is what it means to have both brawn and brains.
Buying a house requires good timing, location, Feng shui, layout, price,
school district, transportation, etc. in conjunction with courage and action. It
takes someone with brawn and brain to make it happen.
Only someone with money, brains, and courage can find himself a good
Reevaluate what your ideals and your future should be comprised of. People
often think too much yet do too little, and they want too much yet give too little.
Don’t live your life with regrets. Seize the opportunity to buy a house and
become a successful investor.
Poverty stems from greed. Those who are impoverished must have first been
tainted with greed.
Greed is the stumbling block on your path to wealth. The greater the greed,
the farther from wealth you’ll be.
Greed determines your degree of success, failure, and happiness in life.
In the process of buying a house, when everyone else offers high and yet you
offer low and end up with nothing, the one losing out is you. That’s called
being too smart for your own good.
No greed, no gain; yet too much greed can set you back even further. Greed
and restraint must be in balance just as lust and restraint must also be in
Without greed there’s no motivation. But if you’re overtaken by greed, you’re
unlikely to ever make anything good of yourself. Therefore, greed must be
restrained and kept under control. The only things you need to really watch
out for after you’ve become successful are greed and lust.
Having greed for life, money, love, or knowledge is no different from having
greed for smoking, drinking, and drugs. They all must be mitigated and
Greed knows no bounds, but there’s no means to eliminate it. So when it
comes to money, sex, alcohol, anger, drugs, and gambling, proceed with
In order to find success in your career, family, love, and health, you must
exercise self-control. It is imperative that you avoid greed, lust, smoking,
drinking, wastefulness, gloating, extravagance, drugs, and gabling.
When you cherish everything you have—life, love, possessions, and
opportunities—your gratefulness will bring your endless surprises and
Don’t blame the world for your losses; learn to be thankful of them for they
make you a stronger person and help you understand how precious life is.
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