124. 不論順境逆境, 都要存著感恩的心

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Transcript 124. 不論順境逆境, 都要存著感恩的心

唐冠軍教室 珠璣集
124 It doesn’t matter if the times are good or bad; always be grateful of
what you have.
124 不論順境逆境 , 都要存著感恩的心
導向成功的金玉良言 --- 成功秘碼 47條
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With gratitude in your heart and a smile on your face, you’ll always be happy.
Doing something that brings happiness to yourself and other people is more
important than doing something that makes big money.
The incredible thing about gratitude is that it can help you get through any
Living a simplistic life will not only help you get through the tough times, the
extra time and money you have can be used to help others as well.
It takes a drastic change for someone to go from always making demands of
others without an ounce of gratitude to always appreciating others. Learning
to be appreciative is a step up in one’s character.
Your child only has one childhood. Your sacrifices will make a difference to
It’s an irreparable mistake for parents to work and make money at the
expense of being there for their children.
Money is immaterial. Don’t let circumstances—good or bad, or the amount of
profit you’ve made, influence your mood. And certainly don’t forget to
grateful for what you have.
「錢財都是身外之物。不論順境逆境 、 或賺或賠,千萬都不要影響你的情緒,也不
A narrow-minded and selfish person will only find the flaws in others and
never their merits, only see the losses and never the gains, only take
advantage of others and never treat others well.
It’s not a bad thing for your house to lose value. What’s bad is when you
forget to be thankful for the contributions of this house—giving you and your
family shelter and protection.
「房價漲跌對你來說並不可怕 ,可怕的是你忘記這幢房子每天替你遮風擋雨 ,保護
你家人的貢獻 。可怕的是你為了一點點的「賺賠」忘掉了要心存感激。」
Happiness is more important than money. Gratitude is more important than
complaint. Contentment is more important than greed.
If you already have a loving and happy home, why worry about the value of
your house? Happiness is certainly more important than making money off of
your house.
「如果你己經擁有一個「溫馨 、快樂」的家,你就不要去擔心「房價的起伏」的事 ,
因為快樂幸福比房子的賺賠更重要 。」
The value of your house should not impact your lifestyle. If it does, then
you’ve become a slave to your house.
You should be happy that you have a job, an income, and a house. Even if you
don’t have any of that, rejoice for the fact that you can see, hear, and smell
because at least you’re still alive.
As long as you’re still alive, there’s hope. Tomorrow will be a better day. If
you don’t give up hope, you won’t have despair.
Tackle problems from a different angle and you’ll find a broader horizon and
unique solutions.
When you tackle problems from a broad point of view, you’ll realize that the
world is very big, and every road leads to Rome.
Tackling a problem from a different perspective is called alternative thinking.
When you think with conditions such as space, time, position, cost, efficiency,
and purpose, you will get a different solution each time.
When the housing market drops, investors / buyers should not try to make a
killing, rubbing salt in someone else’s wound. Your greed may very well keep
you from getting the house you want.
「房價下跌時,投資人/ 買方要「哀矜勿喜」,不要雪上加霜,連連追殺,連骨頭都不
A reasonable amount of negotiating shows wisdom; an unreasonable amount
of bargaining demonstrates greed.
It’s prudent to save and live a simplistic life when your income is reduced and
money is tight.
Learning to live with simplicity is the same as giving yourself a good
opportunity in life because the simpler you life is, the more you’ll appreciate it.
The simpler your life is, the easier it is to be thankful and content. The more
complicated your life gets, the easier it is to be filled with complaints and
All the stress in life comes from a person’s desires and the inability to adjust to
a simpler life.
The first step in learning to be thankful is to reduce your desires and live a
simplistic life.
True epiphany comes when you finally learn to let go of your complaints and
forgive others.
Most people seem to be unhappy these days. The pressures in life took away
their smiles and confidence. How sad it is when laughter is replaced by
pessimism, and defiance is replaced by disappointment.
Learning to live a simplistic life, be accepting of others, and thankful for what
you have will help you live a normal, stress-free life.
「 學習簡單生活,學習包容別人,學習凡事謝恩,相信你一定可以走出壓力,步入正
No matter how much stress you have in life, never forget to be grateful.
Nagging and complaining won’t make you happy. Only gratitude can bring you
inner peace.
Gratitude brings you happiness. Happiness brings you health.
Gratitude is a miracle drug; whoever takes it will be happy.
「感恩的心 是一劑良藥 , 誰吃了它 , 誰就快樂了。」
Happiness is a miracle drug; whoever takes it will be healthy.
「喜樂的心 是一劑良藥 , 誰吃了它 , 誰就健康了。」
Those who have a house should be grateful three times over.
「有屋一族」應該感恩 、 感恩 再感恩。」。
People often want to pursue something they don’t have, even when it doesn’t
suit them, and end up neglecting what they already possess.
「人們常常會去追求「自己沒有的東西」或去追求「不適合自己的東西」 , 而卻忽
略自己已經擁有的東西 。」
People lose their gratitude because they are unsatisfied and not content with
their lives.
「人們常常因為「不知足」「不滿意」 因此而少了一份「 感恩」的心 。」
In comparison to those who are homeless, we are very fortunate to have a
house and should treasure this precious gift.
「如果我們拿去跟流浪漢相比 , 能擁有一幢房子的人好幸福喔!為了這個得來不易的
It takes a lot to own a home. You should be thankful for the support and
contributions from your family and from the unsung heroes that make this
「擁有一個房子是非常不容易的事 , 首先你要感謝全體家人 ( 甚至整個家族 ) , 對你
的支持與付出 ,也要感謝那些幕後英雄為你所付出的貢獻。」
It would be terrifying if humans were to live without gratitude.
Understand that anger and resentment won’t bring your home value back up.
Only living a simplistic life can bring you inner peace.
Some people regard the real estate downfall as the end of the world. The
truth is, it’s your thinking that determines your fortune.
Fallen home prices will one day rebound, so don’t worry about it. Instead, be
happy that you have this opportunity to readjust your lifestyle.
「不要怕,房價下跌之後它還會再漲回來。 所以我們不該為房價下跌而煩惱,反而
In the unfortunate event that your house is taken back by the bank, you must
face it, accept it, handle it, be thankful for it, and then let it go. This is
Not having to worry about and be a slave to your house or the stocks you
own is another form of happiness.
「不再做房奴/股奴,不再為房市/ 股市煩惱,這也是另一種的幸福。」
Only when you’ve experienced introspection, repentance, and counted your
blessings, can you understand what gratitude is. Only when you understand
gratitude, can you experience a new life.
Happiness is in your heart. You’re a happy man when you can liberate your
mind, look forward to the future, and be grateful for everything.
What is a life of happiness? It’s replacing despair with hope; it’s having
gratitude for everything; it’s filling the palette of your life with a rainbow of
colors; it’s helping others around you find happiness.
你周遭的人因為你的幫助 ( 感恩 )得到幸福,這才是快樂人生。」
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