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Creative Training
© 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved
MediaMind Overview
Common Ad formats
Technical Specifications
Eyeblaster Video Components
Tracking & Custom Interactions
Advanced features
Eyeblaster Workshop
Creative Certification
Creative Inspiration
© 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved
MediaMind Overview
Media Agency
Creative Agency
• Creates Campaign & placements
• Creates Ads
• Assigns Creative agency
• Attach Ads to Placements
• Sent Code Package by the Media
• Signs Insertion Order [IO]
• Publish’s Ads
• Serves live ad campaign
The MediaMind support team are available to provide help to all involved parties at
any time in the above processes, should they require it.
© 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved
Most Commonly used Ad formats
▸ Standard Banner
▸ Polite Banner
▸ Expandable Banner
▸ Pushdown Ad
▸ Floating Ad
▸ For more information on any ad format, please contact
[email protected]
© 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved
Standard Banner
Consists of a SWF and GIF
Tracks Impressions & Clicks
Custom Interactions, Video &
Adv. features not supported
© 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved
Polite Banner
Polite Download
Supports Video & Adv. Features
Up to 10Mb
Non - Expanding
© 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved
Polite Download Process
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Default Flash displays as
Rich Flash loads on top
Rich Flash calls in
page loads
once page is downloaded
Additional Asset if required
Up to 40k in size
Up to 300k in size
Up to 10MB in size
© 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved
Expandable Banner
Expands on Rollover/Click
Supports Video & Adv. Features
Up to 10Mb
Displays over site content
© 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved
Pushdown Banner
Expands on Rollover/Click
Supports Video & Adv. Features
Up to 10Mb
Pushes down site content
© 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved
Floating Ad
Floats over the page for set time
Frequency capped
Usually combined with reminder
© 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved
MediaMind Overview
Two ways to build ads for Eyeblaster
Traditional Method
• Developer creates ad assets in Flash
Individual assets are uploaded online
Ad is created via an ad set-up wizard
Ad is previewed
Ad is attached to placements
Ads are published
Multiple persons involved in ad creation process
Workshop Method
• Developer creates ad assets using
Eyeblaster Workshop
• Previews fully functioning ad
• Uploads the completed ad
• Ad is attached to placements
• Ads are published
One person ad creation process, all within Flash
© 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved
MediaMind Technical Specification
Must have the latest Eyeblaster MXP installed
All SWF files uploaded into MediaMind should have a blank first
frame across all layers on the root of the timeline
Make sure the MediaMind include is on the first frame (AS2/AS3)
All flash files should use the following clickthrough command:
We recommend a frame rate of ~18 fps
Ad format specific spec sheets can be obtained by emailing
[email protected]
© 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved
AS3 Specific Technical Specifications
When using AS3, please also take the additional steps below:
If using AS3, please also include the following command on the first
frame of your Flash file. This should be the only command on the first
If using a document class then the constructer of the document class
must be empty of any code.
Note: In the cases where code is needed in the constructor, the code
that was originally in the constructor can be placed in a separate
function called Init() within the document class. This function can
then be called from frame 2 on the Flash timeline to initiate playback.
© 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved
Eyeblaster Video
2 Components Available
• VideoLoader
• Video Playback
Editable via component inspector
Re-skinnable controls
Video Event Handlers are auto inserted
into the first frame
Full API of Videocontrol Commands
available in Help
All video playback events will record into
the Video Metrics Report
© 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved
Advanced Features
Mouse Tracker
Data Capture
Dynamic Content
Synchronized Ads
Smart Versioning*
* Additional CPM Costs Apply
© 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved
MediaMind Analytics and Reporting
▸ Creative reports downloadble from Analytics
▸ Creative will track by default when built to MM Spec
▸ Updated every 24 hrs with the previous days data
© 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved
Custom Interactions
There are 4 types of Custom Interactions:
User Action Counter
Click through
Automatic Event Counter
▸ Add custom tracking to your ad unit
▸ Simply add the code to the code/timeline and the platform will scan and track
▸ Custom interactions are not supported in Standard Banners
© 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved
Eyeblaster Workshop for Flash
▸ Create
- All MediaMind ad formats supported
Start from templates – tailored or preset
Implement Custom Interactions through the UI
▸ View
- Full functioning ad, monitor interactions and position
Preview sync ads
▸ Share
- Share preview of ad at any time
Share project source files
▸ Upload
Upload ads directly from Flash
© 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved
Eyeblaster Workshop for Flash
Download it directly from the Eyeblaster MediaMind home page:
© 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved
Eyeblaster Overview
Need Help?
Training Zone – Creative Area
• Step by step online video tutorials
• Open source Flash Templates
• PDF Reference guides
Users will need a login to access the Training Zone
Help – Online help index
• Extensive help resource for any and all Eyeblaster related topics
© 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved
MediaMind Support
• Creative Training upon request
• Local Eyeblaster support
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: +61 2 8243 0000
• 24/7 global support available
when Australian office is closed
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: +1 866 438 552
© 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved
Get Certified!
For the User:
Can put certification on
their resume
Recommended by
Access to LinkedIn group
For the Creative Shop
Can request to be listed on
our site as certified
Can display our certified
logo on their site
© 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved
Creative inspiration
Showcase of great MediaMind creative
Links to case-studies and benchmarks
Forum, blog and much more!
© 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved
Thank You!
© 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved