Mariana Gavriloaie Kindergarten no. 15 Focsani

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Transcript Mariana Gavriloaie Kindergarten no. 15 Focsani

Mariana Gavriloaie
Kindergarten no. 15
Focsani - Romania
Motor skills practiced: detachment jump on both legs.
Materials: bunny hat.
Formation of thing circle.
Playing the game:
Movements to be performed by children is suggested by the following lines: eared bunny
Salt, salt scared - jump on the spot, with knees slightly bent.
There he quickly hid it! - Crouch
Him under the bush,
If nobody lurks.
When you catch him, hop, he jumps - jump forward motion.
And the valley again.
Practiced motor skills: throwing with both hands down.
Materials: balls for all children, toys suspended.
Formation of thing: line.
Playing the game:
Movements to be made are suggested by the lyrics:
Up, up, up, up flying ball.
Bear it aims, all of us nveseleşti us. UP!
Custom UP!, The ball is thrown by all children under hanging objects in a line right
Trast in advance by the teacher. After recovering balls, the game continues. After
each successful shot, children are fall toy suspended appreciate, praise, reward.
Catch the ball
The game is played with more children. One
of them turns his back to the others, close your
eyes and throw the ball over your head.
Children push to catch the ball. Who caught it
going to give back to the one who threw it
saying "ball". At the same time, other children
may try to take away the ball from the hand of
the one who got it first. Similarly, one who has
the ball going to give him back the person who
threw it.
Fly ball
Game of attention
Children are seated in a circle.
Teacher or one of the children will start the game, releasing the ball at random to one of the children (just
throwing that in order not to create the effect of "surprise" and awaken the attention of children, not
knowing when it will be their turn to catch the ball).
Child who caught the ball you have to throw back to the or one who threw it (teacher in our case)
While the ball 'flies' from education to child and from child to kindergarten, will be playing the next song.
Fly ball to you (to give a child)
Fly ball to me (baby a teacher launches)
From you to me (the teacher is giving another child)
From me to you
Fly ball well.
The ball starts again
The fly does not stop
From me to you
To you from me
Fly ball well
Ball and place it change
Ball walk again
From me to you
To you from me
Fly ball well.