Secure internet Secure generations. The Italian Team

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Transcript Secure internet Secure generations. The Italian Team

Secure internet Secure
The Italian Team. Fera
Guglielmo, Landolfi Rosaria,
Marconcini Luciana.
• Report about the Final questionnaire after the
pilot time .
• In Italy team we have had back 54 questionnaires
• I Personal Information
• 1 Gender 38 people female, 16 male
• 2 Age
• The 40% were 41/45
• The 30% were 46/50
• The 20 % were 51/ 55
• The 10 % were 35/40
3 Level of studies
The 40% have done High School
The 20% have done Senior school
The 10% have done Primary school
The 30% have done University and Master.
4 The professions
7 housewives
12 clerks
8 technicians
4 drivers
6 teachers
2 shop assistant
4 cooks
5 bank assistant
2 hairdresser
3 tailors
1 headmaster
1 chemist
5 Residence Verona , Italy
6 Number of children ( 1,2,3,more than 3)
2 40%,
3 are 20%
1 are 30%
more than 3 are 10 %.
7 How many computers do you have in your house?
Anyone = 10%
One = 30%
Two = 30%
Three = 10%
More than 3 10%
8 Know how to use a computer ( 1 is not-5 is a lot)
3 40%
2 30%
4 20%
1 or 5 10%
9 Do you have an internet Connection?
85% yes
15% no
II Parents’ level of knowledge of the Internet
10 What is your level of knowledge of the
internet ( 1is not-5 is a lot)
40% is 4
30 % is 3
10% is 1 (not)
20% is 5 ( a lot)
• 11 Where does your knowledge of internet
derive from?
• From my own use of internet 50%
• From special seminars 30%
• From my children 10%
• From my friends 10%
• 12 How often do you use the internet?
• Everyday 1-2 hours 50%
• Everyday 2-3 hours 30%
• 2-3 times a week 10%
• Never 10%
• 13 Have you ever used the internet options below?
• (internet search for information, e-mail use, chat,
audiovisual communications, social networking, eshopping, blog, software download, e banking, other
• 50% used all
• 30% only e- mail, social network and chat
• 20% only software download and e- banking.
• 14 Do you believe that internet can be dangerous?(
1is not – 5 is a lot)
• 50% 5
• 30 % 4
• 20% 3
• 15 To what extend do you believe you are aware
of internet dangers?( 1 is not- 5 is a lot)
• 3 is 50%
• 4 is 30%
• 5 is 10%
• 1 is 10%
• 16 to what extent do you believe that the
possibility of full Internet protection can be
realized?( 1 is not- 5 is a lot)
• 1 is 60%
• 2 is 30%
• 3 is 10%
• III Extent to which parents are familiar with
the dangers their children face when using
the internet.
• 17 What is the age , the school class and the
type of school of your children that use
internet the most?
• 12-13-14 Secondary School 50%
• 16-17-18 Lyceum 50%
• ATTENTION……the following questions are
about your child using internet the most.
• 18 How often does this child use the
• Everyday 1-2 hours 50%
• Everyday 2-3 hours 30%
• Everyday more than 3 hours a day 10%
• 2-3 times a week , at school 10%
• 19 Does your child have her- his own
• Yes 50% No 50 %
• 20 How often does your child access the
internet from the computer?
• They have at home 50% 5
• Of friends 50% 3
• Of relatives 50 % 2
• They use at school 50% 5
• 21 During which part of the day does your child
use the internet the most?
• Afternoon 60%
• Evening 25%
• After midnight 15%
• 22 For which purpose do you think your child
uses the internet?( the most)
• For entertainment 20%
• For playing games 20%
• For writing in blogs 30%
• To send e mail 10%
• To find information about school projects 20 %
• 23 Did you discuss with your children his –
her internet activities?( 1is not-5 is a lot)
• 50% 4
• 30% 3
• 20% 2
• 24 In which room is the computer?
• 50% in a common room
• 30% in her- his room
• 20% in your room
• 25 Are you or any other member adult
nearby when your child uses the internet?
• Yes 50% No 50%
• 26 Ten internet dangers…The following are
ten dangers that may threaten your child
when using the internet. After reading then
carefully , choose the three most
• important to you. Put number 1 to the most important
danger, number two to the second and three to the third.
• 1 To show weaknesses at school, to get alienated from
family and friends, ther health to be threatened because of
internet overuse.
• 2 Publishing personal data ( e.g. Id number, credit card
number) share personal data with strangers
• 3 Communicate with strangers.
• IV Measures taken by the parents for children’s
• 27 Have you ever discussed internet dangers with your
• 60% yes I have already discuss them
• 20 %No. Because I completely trust my children.
• 20% I would like to but I don’t know how to do.
• 28 has your children informed you whether
she- he has ever been in any kind of danger
during internet use?
• Yes 30%
• No 70%
• 29 If your answer to previous question is yes,
please specify the danger.
• Hackers, virus, lost of information, waste of
time on the internet. Pornography.
• 30 Do you believe that you as a parent can
protect your child from internet dangers?( 1
is not 5 is a lot)
• 1 50 %
• 2 10%
• 3 10%
• 4 10%
• 5 10%
31 Please specify your answer to question 30
I can use programs to control them
I can have a look when there are on the internet.
I can use Parental control
My child is 18 I can’t control!
There are too much dangers!
32 Which measures have you taken for your
child’s protection?
• Parental control. Antivirus. Firewalls. Forbidding
the children to use internet without supervision.
Specific programs .
• 33 The following are 6 measures that may you take as
a parent for your child safety when using the internet.
After reading them carefully, choose 1 to 3 measures ,
the most important in your opinion. Put number 1 to
the most important measure, number 2 in the second
and 3 in the third.
• 1 keep the pc in a common room of the house and be
as much is possible with them when using the internet.
• 2 To install computer programs that prevent access to
illegal website.
• 3 Ask the school and general bodies of your local
society to organize information session for students
and parents about the danger of internet.
The end