鶴谷 米国の教育産業

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SFC Episode 2 米国における教育システムの現状 April 19, 2001 T. Tsurutani [email protected]

Schedule • April 19, 2001 13:00-14:30

米国における教育システム • •

変貌する公教育 教育産業

• April 26, 2001 13:00-14:30

教育産業企業事例研究 •



カリキュラムに見る教育メソッド (インストラクションデザイン)

Agenda • 変貌する公教育システム

– 学校評価の動き • 99/4 フロリダ州議会・教育バウチャー制度 • 格付け機関スタンダート&プーア(S&P)社 – 週休2日への反省:NYで大規模補習実施へ – 学校「施設」を地域に開放するプロジェクト – 具体事例:カリフォルニア州

• 米国教育産業

– 公教育運営企業 – チャータースクールのもう一つの側面 – インターネット活用による教育産業の勃興

変貌する公教育システム 1/4

• 学校評価の動き

– 99/4 フロリダ州議会・教育バウチャー制度 • • 全公立校をランク付け、落第評価校の生徒に対し1人あたり年間 2.5~3万ドル支給、私立学校等への転校を支援 – 1999年:バウチャー対象校として2校が認定 – 2000年:新規認定なし » 学校側が「F」判定を免れようと努力している? http://www.edreform.com/press/2001/apluseval.htm

– スタンダート&プーア(S&P)社,、公教育部門に進出 • • ミシガン州が契約一号。 http://www.standardpoor.com/ProductsAndServices/CreditMarke tServices/SchoolEvaluationServices/School.html

変貌する公教育システム 2/4

• 週休2日への反省:NYで大規模補習実施へ

– January 10, 2001, Wednesday – CALLS FOR CHANGE IN THE SCHEDULING OF THE SCHOOL DAY – By JODI WILGOREN – Source: The New York Times – Abstract: Calls for major changes in traditional American public school calendar are heard from politicians across country; Mayor Rudolph Giuliani wants Saturday classes in New York City, Gov George Pataki proposes to keep students in school until after dark in New York and Gov Gray Davis plans to add 30 days onto academic year for lagging middle school students in California; mounting sense is that schedule which grew out of agrarian economy, not educational needs, should be ripped up altogether; Ruy Teixeira of Century Foundation says ideological limit on what schools can do is remnant of past; federal funding for after-school programs has skyrocketed from $1 million to $846 million in last four years, millions of children go to summer school, about two million attend year-round schools and charter schools lure parents with longer hours; AFT president Sandra Feldman calls for fifth year of high school, while Sec Richard W Riley suggests making teaching 12-month job (M)

変貌する公教育システム 3/4

• 学校「施設」を地域に開放するプロジェクト

– The 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CLC) program • "Serving Children Where They Are" • "Keeping Schools Open as Community Learning Centers “ – http://www.ed.gov/21stcclc/ – http://www.afterschool.gov/ – According to the report Working for Children and Families: Safe and Smart Afterschool Programs, published in April 2000 by the Departments of Education and Justice, 69 percent of all married couple families with children ages 6-17 have both parents working outside the home. In 71 percent of single-mother families and 85 percent of single-father families with children ages 6-17, the custodial parent is working. The gap between parents' work schedules and their children's school schedules can amount to 20 to 25 hours per week. – 保護者不在の現状を公的サービスが補完

• • • • • • • • •




The behavior of students who regularly participate in Montgomery, Alabama's three Star Search afterschool programs is improving, even though discipline problems have increased among other students. Overall, there has been a 25 percent reduction in violence. At Huock Middle School in the Salem-Keizer School District in Oregon, the 21st Century Community Learning Centers grant has allowed for a great expansion of programs that has led to a substantial drop in the use of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco among students in the past year. Highland Park, Michigan reported a 40 percent drop in juvenile crime in the neighborhood surrounding the 21st Century Community Learning Centers afterschool program. In Plainview, Arkansas, the 21st Century Community Learning Centers program implemented an abstinence program that resulted in no pregnancies in their high school graduating class for the first time in years. In 1998, there were six teen pregnancies, in 1999 there were only three, and in 2000, there were no pregnancies at the high school. H In rural McCormick, South Carolina, 120 students would have been retained in grade without the afterschool program. Brooklyn, New York's Cypress Hills center reported that 72 percent of program participants improved their grades by 5 points on a 100-point scale in one or more of their classes. Participants in Chattanooga, Tennessee, showed improved school attendance. At one school, absentee days dropped from 568 days to 135; at another the drop was from 148 to 23. Preliminary findings from the 21st Century Community Learning Center program in Palm Beach County, Florida, indicate that students participating in the program have increased reading and math scores, as well as interpersonal self-management. In Bayfield, Wisconsin, 7th through 10th graders no longer hang out near the grocery and liquor store in the Viking Mini-Mall - instead they hang out at school after school. They finish their homework, have a snack, work on a special project or play organized games with an adult learning assistant.


4/4 • 具体事例:カリフォルニア州 – “完全民間方式“

• 統一評価制度の導入(


-9) – http://www.cde.ca.gov/psaa/api/ • 情報公開制度の導入(


) – School Accountability Report Card • 信賞必罰の導入(Awards) – http://www.cde.ca.gov/ope/ae/ ※2001/3/26にはカフェテリアの職員にまで! – http://www.cde.ca.gov/ope/ae/pages/govperawards.html

米国教育産業 1/3

• 公教育運営企業

– トップランナー「

Edison Schools

」 • • 113校を運営(経営) http://www.edisonschools.com/index.html

• 予算規模全米第3位の公教育シカゴに進出 • • チャータースクールの“切り替え“も発生 Edison Schools in California More than Double Statewide Academic Growth Edison Schools announced that each of its California schools performed extremely well on statewide standardized tests, making significant gains that were double the state average, according to the state's Academic Performance Index (API). As a group, Edison Schools averaged 74 points of growth against the state average of 33 points.

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• チャータースクールのもう一つの側面

– 地域における大学の役割:ニューヨークの例 – The Charter Schools Institute (CSI), was established by the Board of Trustees of the State University of New York (SUNY) in February 1999 to help them administer their responsibilities under the New York Charter Schools Act of 1998 (Article 56 of the New York Education Law).

– http://www.newyorkcharters.org/ – ※日本の流れ • 三鷹市の保育園(ベネッセ) • 調布市の公立学校(三井物産)

米国教育産業 3/3

• インターネット活用による教育産業の勃興 – ナレッジユニバース社によるネット上の



• http://www.k12.com/home.html

– 教育ポータル

• 総合情報源 – http://www.lightspan.com/ • 教育表現支援 – http://www.lhs.berkeley.edu/shockwave/jar.html

• 教材作成支援 – http://www.superkids.com/aweb/tools/math/index.shtml


作成支援 – http://www.webct.com/

土地 金 資本 知的資産(人材・技術)(資本)