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Transcript 2006-07 NCC-MVS PROGRAM


Naomi Kotake March 23, 2007

2006-07 NCC-MVS

 New Guidelines  Summary of 2006-07 Grants  2006-07 Funded Titles  Generous Parties  2006-07 MVS Committee Members

New Guidelines

  Second-hand titles may be proposed for MVS funding.

Vendor promises to hold those titles pending the MVS grant decision, made by March 1 st each year.

 Vendor assures that the condition of the proposed volumes is at a level that will permit the materials to circulate through ILL.

 MVS application must accompany a copy of the vendor ’ s written assurance to the above two conditions.

New Guidelines -- Continues

 NCC permits the charging of ILL fees. Institutions must continue to freely circulate all the volumes supported by MVS through ILL.

Summary of 2006-07 Grants

  9 institutional applications received 19 titles requested, including 5 second-hand titles   11 titles funded to 7 institutions 2006-07 Grants Total: ¥ 9,976,328

2006-07 Funded Titles University of Chicago  75% grant  Igakushi kenky ū  医学史研究 Mitsui Bussan Shitench (¥130,500) ō Kaigi gijiroku (¥300,000) 三井物産支店長会議議事録 Columbia University  75% grant  Shinpen Nihon zenkoku kajin s ōsho (¥95,850) 新編日本全国歌人叢書 University of Hawaii  50% grant  Fujin gah ō 婦人画報 (¥840,000)

2006-07 Funded Titles -- Continues University of Illinois  75% grant  Nō kyōgen bunken shiryō shūsei. Densho no bu.

能 狂言文献資料集成。伝書の部 (¥198,450)  Nō kyōgen bunken shiryō shūsei. kyōgen no bu.

 能 狂言文献資料集成。狂言の部 (¥283,500) Nō kyōgen bunken shiryō shūsei. Shiryō no bu.

能 狂言文献資料集成。史料の部 (¥85,050) Ohio State University  75% grant  Meijiki kank ōbutsu shūsei (JMSTC) Dai 1-ki.

Bungaku gengo hen (¥2,693,228) 明治期刊行物集成 . 第 1 期。文学言語編

2006-07 Funded Titles -- Continues Princeton University  75% grant  Shimazu-ke monjo 島津家文書 (¥3,846,750) UCLA  75% grant  Zenkoku h ōgen shūran 全国方言集覧  50% grant (¥304,500)  Ōsaka nippō / Ōsaka Mainichi shinbun, 1876-1912 大阪日報 / 大阪毎日新聞 (¥1,198,500)

Generous Parties

2006-07 NCC-MVS was made possible by  Principal funding from The Japan –US Friendship Commission  Additional funding from Japan Publications Trading Company, Ltd.

2006-07 MVS Committee Members

   Co-Chairs   Susan Matisoff, University of California, Berkeley Naomi Kotake, Stanford University Members  Philip Brown, Ohio State University   Eiichi Ito, Library of Congress Kuniko Yamada McVey, Harvard University NCC Executive Director (ex-officio)  Victoria Bestor

Thank you!