St. Nicholas Newsletter
Transcript St. Nicholas Newsletter
September 2014
IB Diploma Results • University Destinations
Last year’s graduating students received their IB Diploma
results in July and we were delighted with their achievements.
The International Baccalaureate Diploma is a demanding
pre-university qualification and we are pleased to announce
that 28 of last year’s graduating students were successful in
obtaining a full IB Diploma.
Fifteen of our graduating students have already successfully
gained places at university:
• Leonardo Di Fiore - Administration - PUC , São Paulo,
• Vitória Lichand - Design - Istituto Europeo di Design, São
Paulo, Brazil
• Su Ji Lee - Illustration - Parsons The New School for Design,
New York, USA
• Akira Hayakawa - Bachelor of Fine Arts (Filmmaking) - New
York Film Academy (Los Angeles Campus), USA
• Gurminder Singh - Electrical Engineering - Motilal Nehru
Institute of Technology, Allahabad, India
• Ana Cristina Brunner - Bachelor of Science- University of
British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
• Nicholas Bittencourt - Bachelor of Science - University of
British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
• Catarina Toth - Bachelor of Arts - University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
• Cyrille van der Spuy - Art Foundation - University of Arts
London, UK
• Nao Ishii - International Relations - Birmingham University, UK
• Calu Malta - English and Film Studies - Bristol University, UK
• Kyle Sogl - Business Administration - University of Kent, UK
• Pedro Henrique Heinlein - Advertising and Marketing
Communications - University of Greenwich, UK
• Thais Guimarães Pereira - International Relations - King’s
College London, UK
• Stephanie Geller - Psychology - Loughborough
University, UK
The remaining graduating students are currently working
on their university applications or preparing for university
entrance examinations.
Pink October 2014
It’s back! And this year it’s pinker than ever!
Last October the community of St. ECA team have organised an array of October 29th for all members of the
Nicholas celebrated Breast Cancer activities for the school community school community to participate in
Awareness Month; various activities spanning across October from selling lectures or one-to-one discussions with
were held and the school community beautiful PINK shirts, ribbons, and experienced doctors, seeking guidance
was incredibly successful in raising bracelets to hosting a football shoot and advice on women’s health.
awareness and funds in support of -out for students and staff. On Friday We are always looking for more Pink
those affected by Breast Cancer. Breast October 31st, we will be having a PINK Month volunteers.
Cancer Awareness Month is an annual Make A Difference Day (MADD); on
international health campaign held this day we invite all members of the If you would like to help
every October to increase awareness of St. Nicholas community to come to please contact Miss
the disease and raise funds for research. school wearing PINK, and participate Spedding (hspedding@
October 2014 promises to see Pink in a collection of activities. As with last
Month on an even larger and pinker year, female staff members and Year Let’s stand together
scale than last year. This year we 10-12 girls will all be wearing PINK against Breast Cancer.
hope to raise awareness and funds for nail-varnish or lipstick throughout the
research for a range of women’s health month to show their support.
issues, varying from ovarian cancer In addition, this year we aim to host Go Pink!
to breast cancer. The Pink Month a Pink Doctors’ Day on Wednesday
St. Nicholas
IGCSE Results
Our Year 11 students recently received their results for the
IGCSE examinations they took at the end of Year 10. The
International General Certificate of Education examinations
are administered by the University of Cambridge in the United
Kingdom and are internationally recognised qualifications
gained by students in international schools all around the
world. Our students took examinations in a wide range of
subjects: First Language English, First Language Portuguese,
First Language Spanish, First Language French, Foreign
Language Spanish, Foreign Language French, Foreign
Language Portuguese, Co-Ordinated Science, Mathematics,
From the students
Geography and History. We are very pleased with the
results our students achieved and there were particularly
impressive performances from André Dondon De Sampaio
Amaral, Carlos Vicente Esteves, Fatima Abduni, Giovanna
Pedrinola, Julius Kuebel, Luiz Gustavo Borges, Matthew
Lavigne, Nicolas Giron, Pedro Camargo, Sarah Machado and
Pilar Inchausti Balian.
We hope these results will inspire our Year 11 students to
further success in the International Baccalaureate Diploma
Programme which they have just started.
Yoga at St. Nicholas
Ms. Borges
Our Yoga and Mindfulness programme is in full swing. Students from KG2 to Year 6 have been practising different ‘wellness’
activities once a week. Students learn beneficial strategies that help them recognise and address their internal and external
stressors, thus encouraging higher productivity and focused classroom behaviour.
If you would like to follow our YMM Blog please go to this webpage: Or you can
follow us on Instagram @yoga_my_school
As part of our PSHE programme, Year 9 students, were introduced to the topic of drug use.
On Wednesday, September 3rd, three speakers came to our school to talk about their own experience. Their names were
Michael, David and Oscar, and all three of them were, at some point in their lives, addicted to either drugs or alcohol.
The Darkest
Secrets Shared
Year 9 students attended a special
assembly where we were free to be
curious and ask questions to the visitors.
Fortunately enough, the guests were
all extremely kind, forthcoming and
outspoken, as well as candid and sincere
about their addictions. During the
session, intelligent questions were asked.
Naturally, we were all impressed by the
honesty all three guests displayed when
answering such personal questions, and
their willingness to share their darkest
secrets and fears.
They mentioned many interesting facts
about horrendous events in their lives (for
example: how most of their parents were
addicts and how it encouraged them to
choose the wrong path themselves).
All of them highlighted one most shocking
scenario they have been through and
which made them search for help. And
find it, eventually.
Learning from the
Mistakes of Others
Luiza Peres
Maria Garcia
Overall, this has been a unique
opportunity to see “the dark side of the
moon” as, sadly, celebrities involved in
drug and alcohol incidents are, in a way,
highly glamourised by the media. We are
all extremely thankful for everything they
shared with us and, thus, taught us.
If lending an ear was what our guests
needed in order to continue their lifelong fight against addiction, we are happy
to have been there for them. That means
that it was a “win-win” experience.
Dear Michael, David and Oscar...
Junior School House Campaign
On 4th September, the Junior School
finally voted for their House Captain
representatives. This was the end of a
three week campaign run by the Year 6
students to see who could successfully
promote their leadership skills to
the rest of the Junior School.
Well it started with
our unit of inquiry
how people in
real life run
campaigns to
be elected.
I thought it
interesting to
do something
change the rest of my life.
I decided to do this because I wanted
to take a chance, which would let me
lead the London Junior school and be
recognized by them.
We had to prepare
a speech and
create some
posters to be
voted for and
get to the
final. There
lead a House
meeting and
House members
would vote for
their House Captain
and Vice Captain.
The thing I found most
Lucia Zamorano Y6Y
challenging was presenting the first
speech because we had to say it to
the whole Junior school and I was a
little shy. However, during the second
speech, I was more confident and
comfortable saying it to my House. I
enjoyed listening to people saying they
were going to vote for me and that
made me really happy.
The moment I heard I had the chance
to at least be House Vice Captain for
London was the best day of my life
because all I wanted to do was help
London, and at the end I was voted to
be House Vice Captain but I am still
very happy!
I really liked this experience and I
would love to repeat it one day!
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for coming
to our school and sharing with us what was probably one
of the worst experiences of your life. We appreciated you
answering our questions, even though it must have been
extremely hard for you. What you talked to us about has
completed our knowledge on the use of drugs and alcohol.
The stories you shared kept us engaged and, with every
word, made us more curious to know what would happen
next. Both students and teachers were shocked by your
life experiences and the effects of alcohol and drugs you
endured. Although what you had to say was tragic, we
actually enjoyed it and, more than words can say, profited
from listening to your heart-felt testimonies. Thank you
again for your generosity, your open-mindedness and your
kind heart.
Yours gratefully,
Gabriel B. Nóbrega.
On behalf of Ms Jovanovic’s PSHE group, I volunteered to be
one of the two students who would write to you to thank
you for the exclusive and, above all, eye-opening experience
that you three granted us last week. We learned so much
about the topic, while finding everything you shared with
us precious. Everyone was paying attention, which, you
have to admit, is rather difficult to achieve, having in mind
the number of the students present and our “difficult” age.
Needless to say, we appreciated how you shared your
thoughts and feelings in an extremely honest way although,
I am aware, our questions were very probing.
What I personally found incredible is the effects of drinking
and how addictions change people’s lives. I admire the
efforts you have had to make to recover. Now, we all know
how it feels like and we can make informed decisions.
Again, thank you for your visit. We all benefited from it and
hope you also enjoyed spending time with us.
Yours sincerely,
Lucas Rissel.
Secondary School
Celebration Afternoon
Participe do Concurso Literário St. Nicholas 2014 de conto e poesia!
Podem participar alunos dos Years 2 ao 12, Heads, professores,
assistentes e funcionários.
Como na última edição, os melhores textos serão selecionados e
publicados numa antologia!
15 a 30 de setembro de 2014
Confira na intranet, nos cartazes ou com os professores do
Departamento de Português
From the students
Durante as aulas de Português durante o mês de agosto, os alunos do Year 9 leram, analisaram e escreveram autobiografia. A
seguir, você tem a chance de ler o texto cheio de sensibilidade da Claudia.
Claudia Gabriela Nunes Gusmão
Mudança é difícil. É estressante. Mas primos! Aos domingos a família toda fomos para Londres com ele porque já
vale a pena. Eu já mudei de lugar três vinha para nossa casa. Tenho saudades tínhamos um apartamento em Cascais,
vezes. Eu já mudei de personalidade de fazer isso.
Portugal. Só víamos meu pai aos fins de
três vezes. Mudei de gostos. Mudei a No ano antes de mudar para Portugal semana, e não todas as semanas, então
minha opinião. Mudei de amigos. Faz (não sabia que nós iríamos nos mudar) eu fiquei mais próxima de minha mãe.
você mais forte. Vale a pena.
eu celebrei meus nove anos. Era a Meu pai é católico mas nem tanto assim,
Meu nome é Claudia, tenho quatorze época da Hannah Montana. O tema da falo que ele é católico mas ele não vai a
anos e vivo no Brasil. Tenho um pai, festa era “country”. Havia dois cavalos igreja e coisas assim. Minha mãe, meu
mãe e irmão. Nasci no Brasil em 2000, no meu jardim! Foi tão fixe! Os convites irmão e eu somos evangélicos, então
no dia 14 de Julho. Então, se eu nasci foram “wanted posters” com minha eu falo sobre coisas mais sérias ou de
no Brasil eu sou brasileira, né?! Não. imagem. Decoramos coletes com religião com minha mãe.
Meus pais são portugueses de pais e “bling”. Quantas saudades e memórias. Mudamos para o Brasil em 2014. No
nacionalidade. Então sou portuguesa? A Copa do Mundo chegou! Waka Waka início eu estava triste e devastada
Não. Meus pais viveram na África do foi cantada em todo lugar. Vuvuzelas mais do que eu estava quando nos
Sul por muito tempo e eles nasceram irritantes e altas. Bandeiras acenando. mudamos para Portugal. Mas agora
lá. Mudamos para África do Sul e Corações batendo. Almas alegres. Seria amo o Brasil, bem, amo viver com meu
vivemos lá durante nove anos. Então… difícil haver alguma má notícia para pai, amo a escola mais do que minhas
sou africana? Não. Minha mãe diz, e destruir aquele momento. Engano. escolas anteriores, amo meus novos
eu concordo, que sou uma criança do Mudamos para Portugal em junho. amigos. Mas tenho muitas saudades
mundo e de Deus.
Naquela época eu não sabia que em de Portugal, de viver com a família por
Depois de um mês no Brasil, mudamos um período de um ano, eu iria chamar perto e da nossa cidade.
para África do Sul. Na noite do meu aquele país de lar.
Em conclusão, se eu não tivesse mudado
primeiro aniversário, eu quase parei Amo Portugal. O cheiro do mar. O e ainda estivesse no Brasil desde 2000,
de respirar. Eu não me lembro mas sol. O vento tranquilo. Você se sente minha vida iria ser completamente
minha mãe conta que ela acordou seguro nas estradas. Vivi num lugar de diferente. Amo a minha vida. Agradeço
com um som terrível que parecia como férias. Que sorte. Mas tem mais! Minha a Deus.
quando você está na água muito tempo tia, irmã de minha mãe e sua família, Mudança é difícil. É estressante. Mas
e quando sai e respira muito ar pra viveram em Angola durante muito vale a pena. Eu já mudei de lugar três
dentro. Estive no hospital durante uma tempo, então não os víamos muito. vezes. Eu já mudei de personalidade
semana e estive com medo, não largava Ela também se mudou para Portugal três vezes. Mudei de gostos. Mudei a
de minha mamã. Ela teve de dormir uns anos antes de nós. Moramos muito minha opinião. Mudei de amigos. Faz
comigo até uns meses depois. Não me perto deles e meus primos, Alex, o mais você mais forte. Vale a pena.
lembro mas eu sinto.
velho, Titus e Elena. Tenho saudades de
Eu tenho BASTANTE família na África estar perto deles.
Life isn't about finding yourself.
do Sul. Minha avó é uma irmã de nove Quando vivemos em Portugal, meu
It’s about creating yourself.
irmãos! Minha mãe tem vinte e nove pai trabalhava em Londres. Nós não
– George Bernard Shaw
The Secondary School Celebration
Afternoon which took place on
Wednesday June 11th, the last day of
the academic year, was an opportunity
for all students and teachers to
reflect upon the academic year and
celebrate the numerous successes and
achievements of students academically
and also in a range of activities and
events throughout the year. There
were student presentations about the
Student Council, the house system
and the TETO project and various
musical performances from students.
Mrs. Borges produced a fantastic
presentation of visual memories of
the school year accompanied by music
while videos of art work were projected
as students entered the Hall.
Various awards were presented during
the ceremony and the following
students received awards:
Tutor Awards:
Years 7 to 10
(JB) Cynthia Turbides Coiscou, (BB)
Leticia Di Fiore, (DB) Felipe Lyrio, (EB)
Isabella McAlonan, (JF) Luiz Gustavo
Borges, (TG) Nicolas Nascimento, (JJ)
Carlos Vicente Esteves, (EK) Bruna
Sapiro, (GM) Ignacio Montagne García
Belaúnde, (CN) Anna Falsztyn, (RN)
Lucas Lichand, (MO) Alejandro Esteves,
(TO) Gabriella Borges, (GR) Rafaela
Zamataro, (RT) Maria Gomes da Silva,
(KT) Carolina Gattaz
Year 11
(AB) Raunak Daswani, (AC) Renata
Barboza, (IF) Sakiko Yazawa, (EM) Soek
Ju (Peter) Ham, (HS) Seunghee Kang,
(MW) Mai Koyama, (JW) Yoon Shu
Awards for School Spirit:
Year 7 - Franco Kraiselburd
Year 8 - Beatrice McMahon
Year 9 - Giulia Sgro
Year 10 - André Amaral
Year 11 - Eduarda Teixeira Graziano
LAHC Award for Originality and
Initiative - Pedro Camargo
Awards for Creativity - Natalia
Camargo and Maria Garcia Lazaro
Awards for Action - Job Markink and
Sofia Soares
Awards for Service - Anna Falsztyn
and Damasia Correch
Exceptional Performance in PE and
Sports - Victoria Costa Ferreira
Team Award - U18 Mixed Volleyball
Awards for Academic Excellence:
Year 7 - Ana Paula Traslosheros and
Bernardo Verças
Year 8 - Beatrice McMahon
Year 9 - Christopher Hudson and Juan
Ochoa Romero
Year 10 - Julius Kuebel
Year 11 - Damasia Correch
Ensino Fundamental Graduation
The Ensino Fundamental Graduation, attended by students,
teachers, parents and other guests, took place at school
on Saturday August 30th. It was an important opportunity
for the Year 10 students to reflect on their achievement in
successfully completing the Ensino Fundamental stage of
their education and also consider some of the challenges
that lie ahead in the final three years of their school
education. Mr. Anderson Costa, the Head of the Portuguese
Department, made the opening address. Alejandro Esteves
and Giulia Sgro spoke confidently on behalf of the students
who had also selected Mr. Highdale to speak in his role as
Pastoral Co-Ordinator. The students were also presented
with their Ensino Fundamental diplomas by Ms. Raquel
Muinz, the school's Brazilian Director.
Aleksander Lucca Santos
As we approached the final stages of
an exhausting challenge which lasted
over two months, the whole of the
TETO Group 2014 became even prouder
of their stunning achievements.
Unfortunately, the entire group could
not attend the satisfying building,
however, those who were privileged to
see the delight and happiness stamped
on each one of their faces, will never
forget this experience. This unique
experience began on Friday afternoon,
at Colégio Santa Cruz, where other
Brazilian and international schools
met for the same purpose of donating
our time to aid others.
Luckily, we arrived at the Monte Belo community before 2am, where we could at
least rest our bodies for 5 hours, before being woken up by the TETO representatives.
Definitely, every St.Nicholas student felt exhausted in the morning, nevertheless,
extremely motivated and alert to begin the first day of building. The activities
provided by TETO were a second-hand matter, and the first actual contact we had
with the local’s challenging reality was in the early morning. Many of us, by the
end of the first day, did not achieve the requirements for the houses, meaning
that the whole build was delayed. In the back of our minds, the major concern
was not the house, but the locals who were about to receive it.
Waking up the following dawn was demanding. Even more challenging when a
TETO member believes she’s able to sing at a marvelous tone and wake everyone
up. Jokes aside, our tiredness and dirt were our major competitors which limited
our enthusiasms. However, we were so close to ending this everlasting experience,
that this tiredness and the families who long-awaited their houses, became our
only reasons to march on. Thankfully, all groups managed to complete the
wooden-houses in time, in fabulous conditions.
The painting was the cherry at the top of the cake. This was the time to really
enrich and tie up our connections to the family members and new friends which
we made. The painting was an experience to really unite the family to the TETO
supporters and create this unbreakable bond of gratitude between us. Through
it all, the TETO building and painting experiences are unexplainable, which
you have to take part in it to understand all the emotion and vibe inside it.
Fortunately, our group was the first one to engage to this direct contact with
the reality of some of these unprivileged people and, at the same time, the first
group in the school to take the initial step to modify this ever-changing world to
an improved one.