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Personal Information
Born : February 13, 1984 in Luxembourg-ville, Luxembourg
Citizenship : Luxembourgish
Working address : ULB, D´epartement de Math´ematique, CP210, boulevard du triomphe, 1050 Brussels
Working phone : +32 2 650.58.78
E-mail : [email protected]
Homepage : http ://∼chrisley/
Languages : Luxembourgish (mother tongue), German, French, English and Spanish
October 2007 - November 2010 : PhD in Sciences (Universit´e libre de Bruxelles)
Dissertation : “Univariate and Multivariate Symmetry : Statistical Inference and Distributional Aspects”, defended November 26, 2010 (Supervisor : Prof. Davy Paindaveine)
October 2003 - June 2007 : Licence en sciences math´ematiques at the Universit´e libre de Bruxelles (1st year at the
Universit´e du Luxembourg).
- 1`ere Candidature Maths-Physics (2003-2004) : tr`es bien with f´elicitations du Jury.
- 2`eme Candidature (2004-2005) : grande distinction.
- 1`ere Licence (2005-2006) : la plus grande distinction.
- 2`eme Licence (2006-2007) : la plus grande distinction.
September 1996 - July 2003 : High school diploma at the Lyc´ee Classique de Diekirch, Diekirch,
Luxembourg. Grade : tr`es bien (mark : 55/60).
Professional experience
September 2012 - present : Maˆıtre d’Enseignement at the Faculty of Sciences of the Universit´e libre de Bruxelles
October 2011 - present : Research fellow as “Charg´e de Recherche” of the Belgian National Fund for Scientific
Research (FNRS)
October 2009 - September 2011 : Research fellow of the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS)
January 2008 - present : Member of ECARES (European Center for Advanced Research in Economics and Statistics)
October 2007 - September 2009 : Research fellow of the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS)
Teaching :
- 2012-2015 : Professor for the course “Probabilit´es” (BA2 Mathematics and MA1 Actuarial Sciences)
- 2013-2014 : Professor for the courses “Advanced regression analysis” (MA1 Statistics and Actuarial Sciences)
and “Travaux de Recherche Math´ematique” (BA3 Mathematics)
- From 2009-2012 : TA for the course “Probabilit´es” (BA2 Mathematics and MA1 Actuarial Sciences)
- From 2008-2013 : TA for the course “Analyse Multivari´ee” (BA3 Mathematics, MA1 Statistics and MA1
Actuarial Sciences)
- In 2008 : TA for the course “Probabilit´es et Statistique” (BA1 Mathematics)
- In 2007 : Student TA for the courses “Alg`ebre lin´eaire et g´eom´etrie 1” (BA1 Mathematics) and “El´ements de
Statistique” (in Social Sciences)
Editorial service
2013 - present : Associate Editor for the journal QdS-Journal of Methodological and Applied Statistics.
Awards and research grants
2014 : Marie-Jeanne Laurent-Duhamel Prize of the Soci´et´e Fran¸caise de Statistique : international prize rewarding
the best PhD thesis in statistics over the past 3 years in all French-speaking universities
2014 : Elected Member of the International Statistical Institute
2013 : Grant Hubert Curien 2013 for the project “Nouvelles caract´erisations de lois probabilistes et applications”
(collaboration with the Institut Elie Cartan of the Universit´e de Lorraine)
2012 : Wernaers Prize for the dissemination of knowledge (6500 Euro) for the creation and organization of the Brussels
Summer School of Mathematics
2011 : Charg´e de Recherche du FNRS : Postdoctoral grant from the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research
2009 : Aspirant FNRS : PhD grant from the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS)
2007 : Aspirant FNRS : PhD grant from the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS)
2006 : Sterpenich Prize for the best undergraduate student in Mathematics at the Universit´e libre de Bruxelles (this
prize is not annual)
2006 : Ruth and Joe Gani Prize for the best undergraduate student in Probability and Statistics at the Universit´e
libre de Bruxelles
2004 : Physics prize (Luxembourg)
2003 : 3rd prize at the OMB (Belgian Mathematical Olympiad), and nominated for the Luxembourgish team at the
International Mathematical Olympiad
2003 : Laureate at the American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME) in Luxembourg
2001 : 4th prize at the OMB
Supervision of/Jury of doctoral theses, master theses, research
Member of the Jury of the doctoral thesis of Eduardo Garcia-Portugues (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela,
Spain), December 12 2014, thesis title : Nonparametric inference with directional and linear data.
Member of the Jury of the doctoral thesis of Juan Francisco Rosco Nieves (Universidad de Extremadura, Spain), November 26 2012, thesis title : Aplicaciones de la transformaci´
on sinh-arcsinh y problemas relacionados (Applications
of the sinh-arcsinh transform and related problems).
Supervision of master theses :
1. 2014-2015 : Corinne Sinner (Universit´e libre de Bruxelles) : Statistical size distributions (provisional title)
2. 2014-2015 : Laetitia Gelbgras (Universit´e libre de Bruxelles) : Inf´erence optimale pour donn´ees multivari´ees a
sym´etrie elliptique (provisional title)
3. 2011-2012 : Isabelle Charlier (Universit´e libre de Bruxelles, co-supervision with Davy Paindaveine) : Sur la
notion de moyenne tronqu´ee fond´ee sur la profondeur statistique
4. 2011-2012 : Rachel Syfer (Universit´e libre de Bruxelles, co-supervision with Yvik Swan) : La m´ethode de Stein :
Applications, caract´erisations et exemples
Supervision of research works :
1. 2014-2015 : Philippe Tranchida (Universit´e libre de Bruxelles) : Preuve entropique du Th´eor`eme Central Limite
2. 2014-2015 : Xavier Mauquoy (Universit´e libre de Bruxelles) : La m´ethode de Stein
3. 2013-2014 : M´elanie Bulnes Cuetara (Universit´e libre de Bruxelles) : Analyse du comportement des fourmis via
la statistique directionnelle
4. 2013-2014 : Jo Neven (Universit´e libre de Bruxelles) : Un nouveau syst`eme de ranking au football via le mod`ele
de Bradley-Terry
5. 2013-2014 : Amandine Levecq (Universit´e libre de Bruxelles) : Bornes de variance
6. 2012-2013 : Laetitia Gelbgras (Universit´e libre de Bruxelles) : Th´eor`eme de Chernoff-Savage
7. 2012-2013 : Hoang Son Nguyen (Universit´e libre de Bruxelles) : Les math´ematiques sportives
8. 2012-2013 : Florian Pechon (Universit´e libre de Bruxelles) : Caract´erisations de lois probabilistes via le Maximum de Vraisemblance
9. 2012-2013 : Corinne Sinner (Universit´e libre de Bruxelles) : Archim`ede, Gauss et Stein : un trio l´egendaire
10. 2011-2012 : Adeline Gillet (Universit´e libre de Bruxelles) : L’invariance de la variance
1. Le Cam optimal tests for symmetry against Ferreira and Steel’s general skewed distributions (coauthor : D.
Paindaveine), Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 21, 943–967 (2009).
2. On the Singularity of Multivariate Skew-Symmetric Models (coauthor : D. Paindaveine), Journal of Multivariate
Analysis 101, 1434–1444 (2010).
3. Multivariate skewing mechanisms : a unified perspective based on the transformation approach (coauthor : D.
Paindaveine), Statistics and Probability Letters 80, 1685–1694 (2010).
4. On Fisher Information Matrices and Profile Log-Likelihood Functions in Generalized Skew-Elliptical Models (coauthor : D. Paindaveine), METRON International Journal of Statistics 68, Special Issue on “Skewsymmetric and flexible distributions”, 235–250 (2010).
5. Skew-symmetric distributions and Fisher information - a tale of two densities (coauthor : M. Hallin), Bernoulli 18, 747–763 (2012).
6. Permutation tests (coauthor : M. Hallin), in Encyclopedia of Environmetrics Second Edition, A.-H. El-Shaarawi
and W. Piegorsch (eds). John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, UK, 209–210 (2012).
7. Skew distributions, in Encyclopedia of Environmetrics Second Edition, A.-H. El-Shaarawi and W. Piegorsch
(eds). John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, UK, 1944–1949 (2012).
8. Runs tests (coauthor : D. Paindaveine), in Encyclopedia of Environmetrics Second Edition, A.-H. El-Shaarawi
and W. Piegorsch (eds). John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, UK, 2474–2481 (2012).
9. Maximum likelihood characterization of rotationally symmetric distributions on the sphere (coauthor : M.
Duerinckx), Sankhya Series A 74, 249–262 (2012).
10. Optimal R-estimation of a spherical location (coauthors : Y. Swan, B. Thiam and T. Verdebout), Statistica
Sinica 23, 305–332 (2013).
11. Stein’s density approach and information inequalities (coauthor : Y. Swan), Electronic Communications in
Probability 18, 1–14 (2013).
12. Detecting outliers : Do not use standard deviation around the mean, use absolute deviation around the median
(coauthors : C. Leys, O. Klein, P. Bernard and L. Licata), Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 49,
764–766 (2013).
13. A Stochastic Analysis of Table Tennis (coauthors : Y. Dominicy and Y. Swan), Brazilian Journal of Probability
and Statistics 27, 467–486 (2013).
14. Local Pinsker inequalities via Stein’s discrete density approach (coauthor : Y. Swan), IEEE Transactions on
Information Theory 59, 5584–5591 (2013).
15. Maximum likelihood characterization of distributions (coauthors : M. Duerinckx and Y. Swan), Bernoulli 20,
775-802 (2014).
16. Simple optimal tests for circular reflective symmetry about a specified median direction (coauthor : T. Verdebout), Statistica Sinica 14, 1319–1340 (2014).
17. A new concept of quantiles for directional data and the angular Mahalanobis depth (coauthors : C. Sabbah
and T. Verdebout), Electronic Journal of Statistics 8, 795–816 (2014).
18. Skew-Symmetric Distributions and Fisher Information : the double sin of the skew-normal (coauthor : M.
Hallin), Bernoulli 20, 1432–1453 (2014).
19. Characterizations of GIG laws : a survey (coauthor : A.E. Koudou), Probability Surveys 11, 161–176 (2014).
20. Local powers of optimal one- and multi-sample tests for the concentration of Fisher-von Mises-Langevin distributions (coauthor : T. Verdebout), International Statistical Review 82, 440–456 (2014).
21. Efficiency combined with simplicity : new testing procedures for Generalized Inverse Gaussian models (coauthor : A.E. Koudou), TEST 23, 708–724 (2014).
22. Invited discussion of “On families of distributions with shape parameters” by M.C. Jones (coauthor : D.
Paindaveine), International Statistical Review, in press.
23. Parametric Stein operators and variance bounds (coauthor : Y. Swan), Brazilian Journal of Probability and
Statistics, in press.
24. Depth-based runs tests for bivariate central symmetry (coauthors : R. Dyckerhoff and D. Paindaveine), Annals
of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, in press.
25. Efficient ANOVA for directional data (coauthors : Y. Swan and T. Verdebout), under revision.
26. High-dimensional tests for spherical location and spiked covariance (coauthors : D. Paindaveine and T. Verdebout), under revision.
27. The value at the mode in multivariate t distributions : a curiosity or not ? (coauthor : A. Neven), arXiv :1211.1174.
28. A unified approach to Stein characterizations (coauthor : Y. Swan), arXiv :1105.4925.
29. Efficient inference about the tail weight in multivariate Student t distributions (coauthor : A. Neven), submitted.
30. Approximate computation of expectations : the canonical Stein operator (coauthors : G. Reinert and Y. Swan),
31. Flexible modelling in statistics : past, present and future, submitted.
32. Skew-rotsymmetric distributions on unit spheres and related efficient inferential procedures (coauthor : T. Verdebout), submitted.
Books and manuscripts :
1. Brussels Summer of Probability and Optimization (coauthor : Y. Swan), lecture notes, 36 pages (2008).
2. Brussels Summer of Mathematics (coauthor : Y. Swan), lecture notes, 37 pages (2009).
Co-editor of the following books :
1. Notes de la troisi`eme BSSM, ISSN 2034-466X, Edition 2010 (with N. Richard and Y. Swan).
2. Notes de la quatri`eme BSSM, ISSN 2034-466X, Edition 2011 (with C. Bartholm´e, Y. Dominicy, N. Richard, Y.
Swan and G. Van Bever).
Invited research stays
Invited research stays :
1. University of Oxford, Oxford, UK (Host : Prof. Gesine Reinert), September 2012.
2. Universit´e de Lorraine, Nancy, France (Host : Prof. Ivan Nourdin), January 2013.
3. Ruhr-Universit¨
at Bochum, Bochum, Germany (Host : Prof. Holger Dette), October 2013.
4. University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK (Host : Profs. Richard Samworth and Marc Hallin), February 2014.
5. University of Oxford, Oxford, UK (Host : Prof. Gesine Reinert), April 2014.
6. University of Warwick, Warwick, UK (Hosts : Prof. Mark Steel and Dr. Javier Rubio), October 2014.
Pending invitations, dates to be fixed :
1. Universit´e de Li`ege, Li`ege, Belgium (Host : Prof. Yvik Swan)
2. Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo, Japan (Host : Prof. Toshihiro Abe)
Talks at seminars, conferences and workshops
1. Second Brussels-Waseda Seminar on Time Series and Financial Statistics, Brussels, June 2008 : General multivariate skewing mechanisms.
2. S´eminaire des doctorants, Universit´e libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, October 2008 : L’asym´etrie dans le monde
statistique - une approche multivari´ee g´en´erale.
3. 16th Annual Meeting of the Belgian Statistical Society, W´epion, October 2008 : General multivariate skewing
4. Workshop on Skew Symmetric Distributions, Return to ab-normality, Benevento, March 2009 : On optimal
tests for symmetry and general multivariate skewing mechanisms (Invited speaker).
5. Fourth Brussels-Waseda Seminar on Time Series and Financial Statistics, Brussels, June 2009 : On the Singularity of Fisher Information in Multivariate Skew-Symmetric Density Families.
6. S. Co. 2009, Sixth Conference, Milano, September 2009 : On the Singularity of Multivariate Skew-Symmetric
Models (Invited speaker).
7. 17th Annual Meeting of the Belgian Statistical Society, Lommel, October 2009 : On the Singularities in SkewSymmetric Models. (Poster)
8. S´eminaire des doctorants, Universit´e libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, October 2009 : Sur deux conjectures li´ees a
la loi skew-normale.
9. S´eminaire des doctorants, Universit´e libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, November 2009 : Statistique ∪ Probabilit´e =
Biomath´ematique (with M. Gathy, ULB).
10. 4th Annual PhD-Day, Universit´e de Gembloux, Gembloux, May 2010 : Bivariate runs tests for symmetry.
11. CFE 2010 & ERCIM 2010, University of London, London, December 2010 : Depth-based runs tests for multivariate central symmetry (Invited speaker).
12. Statistics and Econometrics Seminar, Universit´e Lille 3, Lille, January 13 2011 : Depth-based runs tests for
multivariate central symmetry.
13. Probability Seminar, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg-ville, May 12 2011 : On Stein characterizations.
14. 19th Annual Meeting of the Belgian Statistical Society, Hasselt, October 2011 : A unified (statistical) approach
to continuous and discrete Stein characterizations
15. Probability Seminar, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg-ville, December 5 2011 : On a connection between
Stein characterizations and Fisher information (with Y. Swan, ULB).
16. S´eminaire g´en´eraliste de Probabilit´es et Statistiques, Institut Elie Cartan, Universit´e de Lorraine, Nancy,
France, January 26 2012 : Lien entre la m´ethode de Stein et la th´eorie de l’information.
17. Joint ULB-UCL Seminar, Universit´e libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium, March 2 2012 : Maximum likelihood
characterizations of distributions : a generalization of Gauss’ result.
18. 10th German Probability and Statistics Days, Johannes Gutenberg-Universit¨
at Mainz, Mainz, March 2012 :
Optimal R-estimation of a spherical location.
19. Statistics and Econometrics Seminar, Universit´e Lille 3, Lille, March 29 2012 : Caract´erisations via le Maximum
de Vraisemblance : une g´en´eralisation du principe de Gauss.
20. General Mathematics Seminar, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg-ville, May 8 2012 : Maximum Likelihood characterization theorems : a generalization of Gauss’ principle.
21. 44e Journ´ees de Statistiques, Universit´e libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium, May 2012 : Depth-based runs
tests for bivariate central symmetry.
22. 1st Joint Conference of the Belgian, Royal Spanish and Luxembourg Mathematical Societies, Universit´e de
Li`ege, Li`ege, Belgium, June 2012 : Maximum Likelihood characterizations of distributions : a generalization of
Gauss’ principle (Invited speaker).
23. 6th PhD Day of the Graduate School in Statistics, Biostatistics and Actuarial Sciences, Universit´e catholique de
Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, September 14 2012 : Univariate and Multivariate Skewed Distributions –
a Return to Abnormality (Invited Plenary speaker).
24. Seminar at the Mathematics Department of the Universidad de Extremadura, Badajoz, Spain, November 27
2012 : A unified perspective on univariate and multivariate skewing methods.
25. S´eminaire de Probabilit´es et Statistiques, Universit´e de Lorraine, Nancy, January 31 2013 : Caract´erisations
de lois probabilistes via le maximum de vraisemblance.
26. S´eminaire de Probabilit´es, Universit´e Lille 1, Lille, February 8 2013 : Caract´erisations de lois probabilistes via
le maximum de vraisemblance.
27. 45e Journ´ees de Statistiques, Universit´e de Toulouse, Toulouse, May 27-31 2013 : Caract´erisations de lois
probabilistes via le maximum de vraisemblance.
28. 4th International Conference on Mathematics in Sport, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, June 5-7 2013 :
A stochastic analysis of table tennis.
29. Conference “Caract´erisations de lois probabilistes et applications” (which I organized), Universit´e libre de
Bruxelles, Brussels, June 10-11 2013 : Caract´erisations de type Stein et leur utilit´e (inattendue) dans divers
30. Leeds Annual Statistical Research workshops, University of Leeds, Leeds, July 2-4 2013 : Simple optimal tests
for circular reflective symmetry about a known median direction.
31. European Conference on Data Analysis, Universit´e du Luxembourg, Luxembourg, July 10-12 2013 : A new
concept of quantiles for directional data
32. Seminar at the Ruhr-Universit¨
at Bochum, Bochum, October 7 2013 : Symmetry VS Asymmetry in statistics :
recent advances and new challenges (in German)
33. International Workshop “Stein’s Method and related topics”, Universit´e de Lorraine, Nancy, October 21-22
2013 : Stein’s method and the influence of the prior in Bayesian statistics (Invited Speaker)
34. Statistics and Probability Seminar, University of Bristol, Bristol, December 13 2013 : Stein’s method and the
influence of the prior in Bayesian statistics
35. 6th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics (ERCIM
2013), University of London, London, December 14-16 2013 : A new concept of quantiles for directional data
(Invited Speaker)
36. Statistics Seminar, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, February 7 2014 : Stein’s method, information theory
and Bayesian statistics
37. Econometrics and Statistics Seminar, University of Tilburg, Tilburg, April 23 2014 : Stein’s method, information
theory and Bayesian statistics
38. International Workshop “Advances in Directional Statistics” (which I co-organize), Universit´e libre de Bruxelles,
Brussels, May 20-22 2014 : Optimal tests for reflective/rotational symmetry
39. Plenary Invited Marie-Jeanne Laurent-Duhamel Award Talk at the 46th Journ´ees de Statistique, Rennes, June
2014 : Th´eorie de Le Cam et tests de sym´etrie : du cadre lin´eaire classique aux donn´ees directionnelles
40. Seminar at the University of Warwick, Warwick, October 8 2014 : Stein’s method, information theory and
Bayesian statistics
Forthcoming :
1. Seminar at the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, December 2014
2. Seminar at the Universit´e de Li`ege, Li`ege, 2015
3. Invited Speaker at the Brussels Summer School of Mathematics, August 2015
Service for the University
Organization of summer schools :
In 2007, I have created, with Yvik Swan, the Brussels Summer School of Mathematics (BSSM) at the Universit´e
libre de Bruxelles, whose aim is to present secondary school students and teachers as well as university students the
joys, beauty, usefulness and different aspects of mathematical sciences and research in a friendly atmosphere. After 3
students in the first year (2007), we now have each year about 100 participants (the 6th edition took place in 2013).
In 2012, I received the Wernaers Prize for the idea and organization of the BSSM.
Organization of conferences :
1. “Advances in Directional Statistics”, International Workshop co-organized with A. Pewsey (Universidad de
Extremadura) and Thomas Verdebout (Universit´e Lille 3) and bringing together the worldwide experts in
Directional Statistics, May 20-22 2014, Brussels, Belgium. (Main organizer)
2. Session organizer at ERCIM 2013, London, United Kingdom.
3. “International Year of Statistics 2013”, Conference jointly organized by the CRP Sant´e, CEPS/Instead, the
University of Luxembourg (for which Yvik Swan and I have been the representatives in the organizing committee), STATEC, Artemis and Sogeti in order to honor the year of statistics in Luxembourg, November 26-27
2013, Luxembourg-ville, Luxembourg.
4. “Caract´erisations de lois probabilistes et applications”, Conference supported by the Hubert Curien Grant,
June 10-11 2013, Brussels, Belgium. (Main organizer)
5. 44e Journ´ees de Statistique, May 21-25 2012, Brussels, Belgium.
6. “Time series analysis and computational statistics”, Conference in honor of Guy M´elard, June 10 2011, Brussels,
7. One-Day Conference on Latest Developments in Financial Econometrics, March 4 2011, Brussels, Belgium.
8. Conference on Quantifying and Understanding Dysfunctionality of Financial Markets, October 15-16 2010,
Leuven and Brussels, Belgium.
9. 18th Annual Meeting of the Belgian Statistical Society, October 13-15 2010, Spa, Belgium.
10. Conference on recent developments in the theory and practice of heavy-tailed distributions, March 26-27 2010,
Brussels, Belgium.
11. “Non-parametric statistics and time series”, Conference in honor of Marc Hallin, November 27-28 2009, Brussels,
1. Track and session organizer at ERCIM 2014, Pisa, Italy.
Organization of scientific contests
2011 : Member of the organizing team and coordinator at the Benelux Mathematical Olympiad in Luxembourg
2013 : Chief Coordinator at the European Girls Mathematical Olympiad in Luxembourg
Regular review service to professional journals and research
Journal of the American Statistical Association, Bernoulli, Annals of Econometrics, Journal of Multivariate Analysis,
International Statistical Review, Test, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Computational Statistics and
Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability Letters, Physics Letters A, Information and Computation, Advances in
Decision Sciences, Statistical Modelling, Statistical Methods and Applications, Statistics, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Communications in Statistics : Theory and Methods, Statistics and Operations Research
Expert reviewer for the Horizon 2020 EU framework programme.
Member of scientific societies :
ISI - International Statistical Institute
EMS - European Mathematical Society
SMF - Soci´et´e Math´ematique de France
SFdS - Soci´et´e Fran¸caise de Statistique
BSS - Belgian Statistical Society
Special activities :
Coaching groups of second-year students in Mathematics at the Printemps des Sciences, 2009-2011.
Invited popularization conference at the Institut p´edagogique Defr´e-Haute Ecole de Bruxelles (March 2011).
Invited lecturer at the ECARES Math Camp 2011, topic : Linear Algebra.
Invited lecturer at the ECARES Math Camp 2012, topic : Linear Algebra.
Informatics :
Knowledge of bureaucratic software : Word, Excel, Latex.
Knowledge (more or less deep) of scientific software : Matlab, R, Mathematica, TurboPascal, C++, Scheme, Derive.