OSGi Configuration Settings

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OSGi Configuration Settings
OSGi Configuration Settings
Overview / CQ / Adobe Experience Manager 5.6.1 / Deploying /
OSGi is a fundamental element in the technology stack of AEM. It is used to control the composite bundles
of AEM and their configuration.
OSGi "provides the standardized primitives that allow applications to be constructed from small, reusable
and collaborative components. These components can be composed into an application and deployed".
This allows easy management of bundles as they can be stopped, installed, started individually. The
interdependencies are handled automatically. Each OSGi Component (see the OSGi Specification) is
contained in one of the various bundles. When working with AEM there are several methods of managing
the configuration settings for such bundles; see Configuring OSGi for more details and the recommended
The following OSGi configuration settings (listed according to bundle) are relevant to project implementation.
Not all the listed settings need adjusting, some are mentioned to help you understand how AEM operates.
The list is intended to act as a guideline and is not exhaustive. Not all bundles are listed, nor all
parameters for some of the bundles that are.
The configuration necessary will vary from project to project.
Please see the Web console for values used and detailed information about parameters.
Further bundles may be required for specific areas of functionality within AEM. In these cases,
configuration details can be found on the page related to the appropriate functionality.
Apache Felix OSGi Management Console
• Plugins, the main navigation items (console plugins) to be available in the Apache Felix Web
Management Console as top level menu items. Disable any you do not need as each requires space
and resources.
Be sure to configure the following:
User Name and Password, the credentials for accessing the Apache Felix Web Management
Console itself.
The password must be changed after the initial installation to ensure the security of your
This configuration should be made using the Felix Console as it is needed at startup - before the
repository is available.
Apache Sling Customizable Request Data Logger
• Logger Name and Log Format to configure the location and format of request and access logging
(default: request.log). This log file is essential when analyzing performance or debugging functionality
related to the web chain.
This is paired with the Apache Sling Request Logger.
For further information see AEM Logging and Sling Logging.
Apache Sling Eventing Thread Pool
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OSGi Configuration Settings
• Min Pool Size and Max Pool Size, the size of the pool used to hold event threads.
• Queue Size, the maximum size of the thread queue if the pool is exhausted.
The recommended value is -1 as this sets the queue to unlimited; if a limit is set then losses might occur
when it is exceeded.
• Changing these settings can help performance in scenarios with a high number of events; for
example, heavy AEM DAM or Workflow usage.
• Values specific to your scenario should be established using tests.
• These settings can affect the performance of your instance, so do not change them without reason
and due consideration.
Apache Sling GET Servlet
Configure some aspects of rendering:
• Auto Index to enable/disable directory rendering for browsing.
• Enable (or disable) default renditions, such as HMTL, Plain Text, JSON or XML.
You should not disable JSON.
Apache Sling Java Script Handler
Configure settings for the compilation of .java files as scripts (servlets).
Certain settings can affect performance, these should be disabled where possible, in particular for a
production instance.
• Source VM and Target VM, define the JDK version as that used as the runtime JVM
• for production instances:
• disable Generate Debug Info
Apache Sling JCR Installer
Installation folders name regexp and Max hierarchy depth of install folders - specify where, and
to which depth, repository folders are searched for resources to be installed. When a wildcard is used
(as in .*/install) all appropriate matches will be searched, for example, /libs/sling/install and /libs/cq/core/
• Search Path, list of paths that jcrinstall searches for resources to be installed, together with a number
indicating the weighting factor for that path.
These parameters probably do not need configuration, but can be useful to know when developing or
debugging. For example the installation folder(s) can be useful for checking in/out or creating a package.
Apache Sling JSP Script Handler
Configure performance relevant settings for the JSP script handler. To improve performance you should
disable as much as possible.
In particular for production instances:
• disable Generate Debug Info
• disable Keep Generated Java
• disable Mapped Content
• disable Display Source Fragments
Apache Sling Logging Configuration
• Log Level and Log File, to define the location and log level of the central logging configuration
(error.log). The level can be set to one of DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR and FATAL.
• Number of Log Files and Log File Threshold to define the size and version rotation of the log file.
• Message Pattern defines the format of the log messages.
For further information see AEM Logging and Sling Logging.
Apache Sling Logging Logger Configuration (Factory Configuration)
• Log Level, Log File and Message Format to define details of the log file and messages.
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OSGi Configuration Settings
Logger to define the category; for example, only log for com.day.cq.
By using Factory Configurations, any number of additional configurations can be added to cater with
the various log levels and categories needed.
• Such configurations are helpful during development; for example, to log TRACE messages for a
specific service in a specific log file.
• Such configurations are helpful in a production environment; for example, to have messages about a
specific service logged to an individual log file for easier monitoring.
For further information see AEM Logging and Sling Logging.
Apache Sling Logging Writer Configuration (Factory Configuration)
• Log File to define the existence of a log file.
• Number of Log Files to define the version rotation.
• The writer can be used by a Apache Sling Logging Logger Configuration configuration.
• Such configurations are helpful during development; for example, to log TRACE messages for a
specific service in a specific log file.
• Such configurations are helpful in a production environment; for example, to have messages about a
specific service logged to an individual log file for easier monitoring.
For further information see AEM Logging and Sling Logging.
Apache Sling Main Servlet
• Number of Calls per Request and Recursion Depth to protect your system against infinite recursion
and excessive script calls.
Apache Sling MIME Type Service
• MIME Types to add those required by your project to the system. This allows a GET request on a file
to set the correct content-type header for linking the file type and application.
Apache Sling Referrer Filter
To address known security issues with Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) in CRX WebDAV and Apache
Sling you need to configure the Referrer filter.
The referrer filter service is an OSGi service that allows you to configure:
• which http methods should be filtered
• whether an empty referrer header is allowed
• and a white list of servers to be allowed in addition to the server host.
See the Security Checklist - Issues with Cross-Site Request Forgery for further details.
The Apache Sling Referrer Filter is dependent on the installation of a quick fix package.
Apache Sling Request Logger
• various parameters to define how requests are logged.
• Enable Request Log, to enable or disable.
• Enable Access Log, to enable or disable.
This is paired with the Apache Sling Customizable Request Data Logger.
For further information see AEM Logging and Sling Logging.
Apache Sling Resource Resolver Factory
Configure central aspects of Sling resource resolution:
Resource Search Path(s), add any project specific paths (but do not remove /libs or /apps).
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OSGi Configuration Settings
Virtual URLs to define your vanity URL mappings.
URL Mappings to define any aliases; for example from /content to /.
Mapping Location, the mapper configuration externalized in /etc/map.
Use your local installation (for example, use http://localhost:4502/system/console/jcrresolver) to
determine which Resource Resolver is active.
For further information see: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/SLING/Flexible+Resource
In particular these options must be configured in the repository.
Otherwise changes made to URL Mappings using the Felix console might be overwritten by AEM
upon the next startup.
Apache Sling Servlet/Script Resolver and Error Handler
The Sling Servlet and Script Resolver has multiple tasks:
1. It is used as the ServletResolver to select the Servlet or Script to call to handle the request.
2. It acts as the SlingScriptResolver.
3. It manages error handling by implementing the ErrorHandler interface using the same algorithm to
select error handling servlets and scripts as is used to resolve request processing servlets and scripts.
Various parameters can be set, including:
• Execution Paths lists the paths to search for executable scripts; by configuring specific paths you can
limit which scripts can be executed. If no path is configured then the default is used (/ = root), this allows
the execution of all scripts.
If a configured path value ends with a slash, the whole sub tree is searched. Without such a trailing slash
the script will only be executed if it is an exact match.
• Script User - this optional property can specify the repository user account used for reading the
scripts. If no account is specified the admin user is used by default.
• Default Extensions The list of extensions for which the default behavior will be used. This means that
the last path segment of the resource type can be used as the script name.
Day Commons GFX Font Helper
When rendering graphics you can use DrawText to embed text. For this you can also install your own
• Define the Font Path to be searched for project specific fonts.
For example, /apps/myapp/fonts.
Day Commons HTTP Client 3.1
Proxy configuration for all code using the day commons HTTP client, used when a HTTP is made; for
example upon replication.
The HTTP client in Day Commons is based on the Apache HTTP client.
Therefore it is recommended that developers use the HTTP client in Day Commons as opposed to writing
their own or directly using the Apache HTTP commons.
Day CQ Antispam
Configure the anti-spam service (Akismet) used. This requires you to register the:
• Provider
• API key
• Registered URL
Day CQ HTML Library Manager
Configure this to control the handling of client libraries (css or js); including, for example, how the
underlying structure is seen.
For production instances:
• enable Minify (to remove CRLF and whitespace characters).
• enable Gzip (to allow files to be gzipped and accessed with one request).
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OSGi Configuration Settings
• disable Debug
• disable Timing
For JS development (especially when firebugging/debugging):
• disable Minify
• enable Debug to separate the files for debugging and use with firebug.
• enable Timing in the case of interest in timing.
• enable Debug console to see JS console log messages.
When changing the setting for either Minify or Gzip you will also need to delete the contents of /
var/clientlibs. This is a cached version of the clientlibs and will be rebuilt when next requested.
Day CQ Link Checker Service
Check and if necessary configure:
• Scheduler Period to define the interval at which external links are to be automatically checked.
• Check Bad Link Tolerance Interval for the period after which an unsuccessful external link is
considered bad.
• Link Check Override Patterns, to define any paths to be excluded from link checking.
Day CQ Link Checker Task
Configure settings for a single link checker task (a task which checks an external link):
• Check the intervals defined in Good Link Test Interval and Bad Link Test Interval
• The various parameters related to proxies for internet access and NTLM that are needed for external
access when checking a link.
Day CQ Mail Service
Configure hostname and access details for the mail server. Please refer to the Configuring the Mail
Service section.
Day CQ MCM Newsletter
Configure the various settings used with the newsletter.
Day CQ Root Mapping
• Target Path to define where a request to "/" will be redirected to.
There are two UIs available in AEM:
• the touch-optimized UI has been introduced
• and the classic UI is still fully operational
Using AEM Root Mapping you can configure the UI that you want to have as the default for your instance:
To have the touch-optimized UI as the default UI the Target Path should point to:
To have the classic UI as the default UI the Target Path should point to:
Upon a standard installation the touch-optimized UI is the default UI.
Adobe Granite SSO Authentication Handler
Configure Single Sign On (SSO) details; these are often needed in enterprise author setups, often in
conjunction with LDAP.
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OSGi Configuration Settings
Various configuration properties are available:
Path for which this authentication handler is active. If this parameter is left empty the authentication
handler is disabled. For example, the path \ causes the authentication handler to be used for the entire
Service Ranking
OSGi Framework Service Ranking value is used to indicate the order used for calling this service. This is
an int value where higher values designate higher precedence.
Default value is 0.
Header Names
The name(s) of headers that might contain a user ID.
Cookie Names
The name(s) of cookies that might contain a user ID.
Parameter Names
The name(s) of request parameters that might provide the user ID.
User Map
For selected users, the user name extracted from the HTTP request can be replaced with a different one
in the credentials object. The mapping is defined here. If the user name admin appears on either side of
the map, the mapping will be ignored. Please be aware that the character "=" has to be escaped with a
leading "\".
Indicates the format in which the user ID is provided. Use:
• Basic if the user ID is encoded in the HTTP Basic Authentication format
• AsIs if the user ID is provided in plain text or any regular expression applied value should be used
as is or any regular expression
Day CQ WCM Filter
• WCM Mode to define the default mode.
• On an author instance this might be edit, disable,preview or analytics.
The other modes can be accessed from the sidekick, or the suffix ?wcmmode=disabled can be used to
emulate a production environment.
• On a publish instance this must be set to disabled to ensure that no other mode is accessible.
Day CQ WCM Page Statistics
• URL to send data to configure the URL used to track page statistics (is vital if a tracker request goes
through the dispatcher); for example, the default is http://localhost:4502/libs/wcm/stats/tracker.
Day CQ WCM Version Manager
Control if, and how, versions are managed in your system:
• Create Version on Activation, enabled in a standard installation
• Enable Purging
• Purge Paths, the paths that a search action will search
• Implicit Versioning Paths, the paths where implicit versioning is active.
• Max Version Age, the maximum age (in days) of a version
• Max Number Versions, the maximum number of versions to keep
See Version Purging for more information.
Day CQ Workflow Email Notification Service
Configure the email settings for notifications sent by a workflow.
Day CQSE HTTP Service
Control the CQ Servlet Engine:
• NIO for HTTP, Whether or not to use NIO for HTTP. Defaults to true. Only used if HTTP is enabled.
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OSGi Configuration Settings
Connection Timeout, Connection timeout in milliseconds. This property applies to both HTTP and
HTTPS connections. Defaults to 60 seconds.
• Enable HTTPS, Whether or not HTTPS is enabled. Defaults to false.
• Session Timeout, Default lifetime of an HTTP session specified in minutes. If the timeout is 0 or less,
sessions will never timeout. Defaults to 10 minutes.
• Debug Logging, Whether to write DEBUG level messages or not. Defaults to false.
• Request Buffer Size, Size of the buffer for requests in bytes. Default is 8KB.
• Maximum number of threads, Maximum number of threads to use to handle requests. Default is
The following properties only apply if HTTPS is enabled.
• HTTPS Port, Port to listen on for HTTPS request. Defaults to 433.
• NIO for HTTPS, Whether or not to use NIO for HTTP. Defaults to the value of the NIO for HTTP
• Keystore, Absolute path to the Keystore to use for HTTPS. Required if HTTPS is enabled.
• Keystore Password, Password to access the Keystore.
• Key Alias, Alias of the secret key in the Keystore.
• Key Password, Password to unlock the secret key in the Keystore.
• Client Certificate, Requirement for the Client to provide a valid certifcate. Defaults to none.
See also Enabling HTTP Over SSL for details on the SSL-related options and a complete description on how
to enable HTTPS for CQSE.
JDBC Connections Pool
Configure access to an external database being used as a source for content.
This is a Factory Configuration, so multiple instances can be configured.
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