Transcript Document

Formalist Criticism
Steve and Dan
• Formalist criticism is an approach
to literature that focuses on the
formal elements of a work, such
as language, structure, tone and
Background Information
• This type of criticism arose in the 1920’s and
1930’s but did not flourish until the 1940’s. It
rose to flourish as a act against romanticism.
• Someone most likely would use this approach
because formalist criticism provides one
“correct” interpretation.
• This approach can be performed without
much research.
• It makes literature timeless.
• All critical approaches must begin here.
The text is seen in isolation.
Formalism ignores the context of the work.
It cannot account for allusions.
It tends to reduce literature to little more than
a collection of rhetorical, stylistic devices.
Analysis of “My Father and the Fig Tree”
• In every stanza, readers can see
dialogues from the characters
within the poem. This greatly
enhances the description of each
• “I’m talking about a fig straight from the earth
– gift of Allah! – on a branch so heavy it
touches the ground. I’m talking about picking
the largest, fattest, sweetest fig in the world
and putting it in my mouth”
• This dialogue is from the narrator’s father.
• This dialogue shows that her father is very
enthusiastic about figs.
Another Example
• “What a dreamer he is. Look how many things
he starts and doesn’t finish.”
• This dialogue is from narrator’s mother.
• This dialogue shows that the mother is a very
criticizing person.
Sherlock, Karl J. “Dramatist’s Glossary.” N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2013
Murfin, Ross, and Supryia M. Ray. "Definition of
Formalism." VirtuaLit: Critical Approaches.
VirtuaLit, n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2013.